I cannot……will not accept 2 religions.
Those religions are the ones who think that if we don't believe as they do, that we do not know God.
I accept any religion, spiritual, philosophical, or way of life, except two.
They have a "Holier Than Thou" attitude, and refuse to research,deepen and further their spirituality. They make themselves "judges"
Isaiah 65:5
Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burns all the day.
Matthew 23:12
And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
They do not fall into a category of 1 and 2
They are both in the number one position,
The only ones I know that do this are Muslims and Christians
What about Jews? The God's Chosen people, holier than the rest!!
They do not claim to be Holier than anyone or the only way.
They said it was given even to the Gentiles (Non-Jewish)
Got a better argument?
Who said it was given even to the Gentiles? I thought that was Jesus' mandate for the Jews.
Yep, I make it 3 too. All of the 'religions of the book'.
Again ..They do not claim to be Holier than anyone or the only way.
They said it was given even to the Gentiles (Non-Jewish)
Got a better argument?
Why would God Choose them?
Choosen = Special = Better/Holier?
You are quoting what the bible and ancient scriptures say, not what the Jews say.
I am speaking of people today in the flesh.
God chose them as you say, because they worshiped him and the others worshiped many Gods. That's why
The Christians worship "Jesus"
The Muslims worship Allah
Please don't mind; the people should say what their Word revealed says. Shouldn't they?
There will be many Jews who will say that Yahweh and Allah are the same; they will never agree that Yahweh and Jesus are the same.
When you go fishing ... You pick one worm from the box and put it on your hook.
Does that mean that you chose favor for that first worm.
Was it better in your eyes than the rest??
It has been my understanding that God picked ONE nation of people from among many that he could show himself to the rest through them.
That is what made them "special" if you want to call it that!
Or something like that anyway. As far as I can understand??
Gotta go to H Depot for Septic system switches.
Back in a little bit.
Human nature is imperfect that is why using human examples to portray God is not a good method since God is perfect. We go fishing because we need food, we live on it. Humans have needs & wants that makes them biased. however God is above needs hence intervention is not necessary. An intervening God will always be biased because he will bestow his favor towards certain group neglecting the rest!
For example, in a football match there is team A who prays for wining but not skillful at playing. Team B skillful but not at all devoted to God. Who should win the match?
- If God favors team A for praying then He is biased because he is choosing the less skilled team.
- If team B wins without any favor from God, then praying is useless!
Thus if God chooses certain nation for praying then He will be biased which is against the nature of a perfect God. A perfect God will not intervene & neither will disturb the harmony of nature. Intervening is a human concept. A perfect God should be above every incentives, even Prayers!!
If God never intervened he would be biased.
Gods judges and is merciful. He is both
A Merciful Divinity does not have the Righteous severity of being just. A Divinity which is limited cannot be the Ultimate Divinity
Just & merciful are the human attributes we often try to apply to God. God cannot be just equally if he chooses to intervene.
We are in the image.
In Justice and Mercy, I am speaking of opposites that work together as one unit. Not as personality attributes
Whether God created man in his image or whether Man imagined God in their image is a debatable topic but the latter has much higher possibility given our present psychological traits.
The wise philosopher Xenophanes realized this 2500 years ago what you are still failing to understand. Let me present a quote from his writings:
"But if (horses) or cows or lions had hands
To draw and produce works of art as men do,
Horses would draw the figures of gods like horses
And cows like cows, and they would make their bodies
Just as the form which they each have themselves.
Ethiopians say that their gods are snub-nosed and black,
And Thracians that theirs have blue eyes and red hair."
Justice & mercy, whether it works together or not, doesnt make any difference when u try to attribute it to God. If this God is perfect than it should be above all biasness. Favoring one race over other is absolutely biased & such action cannot be justified in the name of 'Prayers' or 'Chance'!
It amused me when earlier u said that they were chosen because 'They Prayed'. 'Praying' is similar to Oiling & carries the same metaphorical meaning. I prayed so favor me or I oiled you so promote me!!! It suits human psychology because we are biased but it cannot be attributed to God unless you make him biased too.
Then It should be noted that you can not generalize a whole race with a single term like 'They prayed' or 'They were devoted' given a simple fact that there has to be different personalities within a certain race. Not all Israelites prayed! Not all Israelites were good people! Thus not all of them should have been favored!!!
On the contrary, not all egyptians were rulers, not all of them were evil & not all of them had a choice to help the Israelites. Thus not all of them should have suffered from ten plagues & other punishments. There were innocent children & women who had nothing to do with slavery policy! Thus favoring Israelites as a race over Egyptians would only make God unjust, biased & imperfect.
This is just one example. In each & every occasion, an Intervention from God will result in an imperfect biased action, resulting in a conclusion that a perfect God will not choose to intervene in its imperfect (Humans) subjects.
I was attempting to say something along the same lines.
A school teacher may choose one student to come to the black board to work a math problem. Because she chose that child does not necessarily mean that he/she is "Special"
Just the one that was chosen! That's all!
Human examples...I thought I made myself clear!
Please include one more; Hinduism also.
India Divine? they think others are not
A sweeping generalisation here that takes no cognisance of the huge spwctrum of Christian tradition. Perhaps your problem is the idea of the great unwashed gentiles encroaching on your God. perhaps the holier than thou is what you see in the mirror.
Deborah. I am a Christian and I do not believe the way you state in your OP! I may not agree with stuff others have to say... but I in no way think they don't know God. I wouldn't and couldn't know that! That is between them and God... not me! I believe there are good, Godly people in many religions!
You are taking a whole group of people and being biased to them! Not all christians do as you state! Sure, I give my thoughts and opinions and how I believe, just as you do... and I sometimes may argue my points.. but I am open to all new information! I, in no way, think I know everything or my way is right and all others are wrong... that would be ungodly!
I have always known that other religions have Godly people as well!
So you believe all chrisitans are wrong and believe everyone, but them, are doomed? Is that not judging all for the actions of a few??? I'm not trying to start an argument.. I'm just asking your thoughts.
I never said Muslims or Christians are doomed, because I don't believe that. I am not against anyone, just certain views.
It looks as though your belief system is like the Christians called the Nazarenes. Which follow the old way.
I have only met Pauline Christians
i'll have to agree . muslims and christians have to be the 2 worst examples of good religions ever. i don't think if there was a god he'd let any of them into heaven .
All 3 major monotheisms have been, historically, deadly!
They have been and still remain to be, the bane of human progress.
They have fragmented humanity like no other concept man has created.
There is no possibility that in our lifetime or in the lifetime of our progeny or theirs, that man will rid himself of the scourge of cult thought and activity.
It is more likely that "they" will be the perpetrator of the coming human "culling." At this stage of its evolution, the human species is abjectly ignorant and childlike. It functions in opposition to the demands of nature. it has no natural enemies and its propogation is out of control.
The power and control of primitive,fanatically involved monotheists will increase as poverty and deprivation becomes rampant.
The "end -of-times" is a monotheistic "self-fulfilling-prophecy." It seems, to me, that "they" are hell-bent upon its realization.
Monotheism will be the perpetrator of a reduction of all life on this planet and there's not a damned thing any of us can do about it!
The Jews do not perceive a God that is like the Christian or any other view of God.
And the Jews know there is evolution. They knew many things a long time ago that others didn't.
With all due respect, what you just posted has nothing to do with what I offered.
Pls read that again and try to understand the "content" of it.
Jews, christians, muslims, there's no difference. They are all deadly abrahamic cults, hell bent on realizing armageddon and in the end, praising a metaphysical superentity in a mythical heaven and being blessed with a cornacopia of amazing rewards....or punishment that only the most psychotic of heavenly creators could imagine and construct...lol
I won't guffaw this time because I just came back from being banned for 3 days.
I'll just keep it at lol....:-)
I did read and understand.
The Jews view of God is different and is not in the same class
Reading your English bible gives you the wrong idea about the Jewish way of life.
You, the Christians etc have no idea what the Jews mean in their writings. It is way too deep.
In order words, Jews do not believe the things you say.
Deborah; You say you understand my point, yet you offer the response you did which does not respond to my point.
lol...Jews are 1 of the 3 major monotheisms.
I don't care how they think or what they think, nor do I care what christians and muslims think.
All 3 represent man at his lowest level of contemporary intellectual thought and action. They are primitives and their belief and thought, in my mind, make them the lesser evolved of the human species and responsible for incredible numbers of human death and associated pain and suffering. They continue that today.
A fanatic left or right is a dangerous animal and should be ostracized.
With respect - please enlighten me, Deborah. What exactly is the Jews' view of God?
Too much and too deep to explain in a post or even several hubs.
If interested I can direct you to a source.
I would also like to know that source please if you would explain
But Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are friendly; it is a game of the politicians to fight in the name of religion; the same as the Atheists would play in the name of humanity; doing things against humanity.
Hinduism has theire own version of Krishan coming again; in a time the call it "Kalyug". e.g.
"Hinduism in the Age of Kalyug"
Similarly the Zoroastrians, Buddhist, Sikhs have such concepts with certain variations.
agree with you - totally scary that they bring about the "end-times prophesy" themselves
Are you a man eater? I think that would be also being fanatic. Won't it?
No. I'm not a maneater. I'm a person who is not fanatic but is Christian. And this whole thead is B.S.!!! so Kiss my finger
I did not start this thread.
You are friend ; no harm in kissing finger of a friend?
This is a predudiced thread. And stupid too!
Who the heck cares, ok? Maybe you're fanatic by posting it. Why arent you mellowing out having a beer?
Fresh Off people, for real. Okay. You can't single out an entire belief system and say they're all fanatic.
Now THAT my "dear" is fanatic.
I really agree, I really hate it when people get on forum posts and paint with broad brushes against people they feel like they don't agree with.
First, I used to be in the Christian religion.
Second, the beliefs posted by them, are easy to understand and so my view is not broad.
Yet, referring to me, you use the word hate, use a broad view, and you don't even know me.
There has been many threads where people are attacked.
I was not attacking a person, and not really attacking a religion,
just saying I can accept any religion but those two.
And the reason being because they say if you are not in their religion, you don't know God and need to be saved.
How openly you people challenge me, yet don't allow me my opinion.
Who are really the ones who are intolerant?
Deborah you stated "There has been many threads where people are attacked.
I was not attacking a person, and not really attacking a religion,
just saying I can accept any religion but those two.
And the reason being because they say if you are not in their religion, you don't know God and need to be saved."
And the reason being because they say if you are not in their religion, you don't know God and need to be saved."
I have been a christian for 20 years and I have never heard that idea.
speaking about the Muslim, Jew, Hindu, if they know or know not God, that is not my call, but God's call,
The word say"s Judge not, so you can not lump all Christians according to the people you knew, that called themselves Christian
I said I can't accept these religions
I did not say I can't tolerate the people.
I don't know what the word predudiced means: but if you are trying to say I am prejudice, it's not true. But you seem to be prejudice toward me and my opinion. Yet you feel it is OK to express your opinion.
Mine was about a religion. Yours about me, a person.
Double standards?
Who cares? I do. But I don't care about your opinion of me anymore than you do of mine.
But don't start calling me an idiot
I don't drink beer. My life is full and I don't need it.
Take your own advice and chill yourself
To the best of my knowledge all Abrahamic religions are extremely arrogant and judgmental, including their root judaism of course.
Well, that's your view. Where did you obtain that view>
from observing the intolerance on these forums
What you view as intolerance, others may view as a need to correct a view or to inform.
If you don't see how 'a need to correct' somebody's view (which assumes the person who corrects passes a judgment about a certain view being incorrect, and knows better, and feels the right to impose his/her views on another person) is judgmental and arrogant and condescending, I can't really help it and have to wait until your life experience and pondering about it will enlighten you in the matter - or until mine will change my opinion to match yours
that "need to correct" to attempt to make other people adopt their own view is why these forums are so volatile, I think.
Also, because people make statements of "absolute truth" (that of course differ from other's views of "absolute truth"), rather than presenting it as what they (subjectively) believe.
They do not seek to understand the differences in what people think, just spout their doctrine, without accepting that it is really an opinion.
I am speaking of scripture. View of what the Hebrews meant.
It has been transliterated incorrectly
where or what is the correct translation? I honestly would like to read it
I mean that sincerely, no argument
God's word and/or perfect will, either of which is a constant. "You are the light of the world," is an admonition for God's people to teach others His Torah, which is His light. (Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105.)
There is a correct interpretation. Giving true interpretation is not judging.
Judging is to say someone knows or does not know God, needs saving, going to hell.
By giving correct transliteration, I am doing what I have been admonished to do.
Telling someone the real meaning of a Hebrew word, is actually helping people to understand. If that is wrong in your eyes, so be it
Like yours of me?
We all just share our views here, Deb. Mine comes from my life experience and pondering about it - as well as yours.
If rightly understood; they are peaceful and friendly.
Be love be peace be free. The results are awesome in your life.
May I remind everyone that the biggest fanatics seem to be the Agnostics and Skeptics that are constantly trashing the religion/spiritual threats?
So u agree that religion & spirituality are threat to us?
Do I cause it to rain just because I bring an umbrella to work after seeing the weather report on TV ??
If it rains, Did I cause it?
Paul said
Galatians 1:8
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be ACCURSED.
The Pauline Doctrine accepts Paul
accursed |əˈkərst; əˈkərsid|
1 poetic/literary under a CURSE
But Yahshua said
John 12:47
And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.
The Nazarenes accept Yahshua
My husband came from Israel to America when he was 15 years old.
in order for he and I to get married there were certain things I had to do: study, convert, and take certain vows.
In Israel, if anyone wants to be a judge or part of the court, They have to be versed in the Torah. This is so they can be fair to anyone who is accused. It brings a much fairer outcome for the person. Unlike the United States where people are serving life terms or sitting on death row for things they didn't do.
I prefer the Jewish way of life.
I would never want to be your master, and your condescending attitude means nothing to me. I've never read anything you said that actually helped, uplifted or informed.
paarsuarey Explan how Moses Jesus and Mohammed were friendly, THEY NEVER MET so I think you have got is wrong as usual
I will trust a Jew they are honerable people and do not wish to destroy others just to live in peace, quite different from Muslims
Are they enemies?
Do they have any reason to fight?
I don't think so.
Thank you. Many of the religions who took doctrine from the Hebrews constantly put them down.
And their very own bible tells them to pray for Israel
I never said they were enemies,they never meet.
again I ask you how did the Quran apear if it was not written by Mohammed, who wrote it? did it just suddenly arive in mohammeds hands? I went to your link it did not explain how the Quran first appeared? why can't you answer who wrote the Quran?
Why can't you answer a straight Question, it is not hard, I wait your answer, I do not want any other subject (or another link) just a straight answer Who wrote the Quran, and how did mankind get it? SIMPLE QUESTION WILL YOU ANSWER
skipper, he can't answer that question because he don't know! Muhammad didn't write the Qu'ran cause he couldn't read or write.
He wont answer questions that he doesn't like!
Muhammad wasn't friends with Jesus... Jesus was Jew... and Muhammad's idea of Jews was to kill them and all chrisitans too! To wait on them then kill them!!
he has answered the questions several times and would be answering them again to the serious persons; he does not debate; only discusses
Rishy Rich wrote ;;
Let me present a quote from Xenophanes writings:
But if (horses) or cows or lions had hands
To draw and produce works of art as men do,
Horses would draw the figures of gods like horses
And cows like cows, and they would make their bodies
Just as the form which they each have themselves.
Ethiopians say that their gods are snub-nosed and black,
And Thracians that theirs have blue eyes and red hair."
I think that if God wanted to speak and appear to a horse or a frog ... he would appear in similar fashion as to put the creature more at ease.
Concentrate on the last two lines. If what u r suggesting is correct then A black would see God as a Black & a Chinese would see God as Chinese. Of course God will not create a contradictory image of himself if he really want to create his true image among his followers! If he does so, it will only create confusion & mis-perception among his subjects.
God doesnt & will not appear as black, white or chinese. Its our imagination (which has limitations) that applies human attributes to God. That is why Athens had its Athena & Spartans had its Mars!
According to that logic; sense God is not a physical person it would be dishonest of him to appear in physical form at all.
I would think that God "IS" anything that he would want to present himself as.
When asked who or what he is, he answered , "I AM" -------???
I am be wrong ..but .. I think we can fill any and ALL things in the blank space and be correct??
Yes, logic says his intervention & appearance would create unbalance & unfairness. Thats why even if there is a perfect God it did not & will not intervene in human condition.
'He answered, I AM' - is just another assumption that Bible is the word of God. Is it wise to believe something first (Bible) & then justify it? or Is it wise to justify something first before believing it?
If you believe something first & then justify it, you would be only justifying & defending your faith but wont be able to find out the truth!!
paarsuarey please do not miss quote my words I never said Moses
jesus and Mohammed were enemies, how can they be they NEVER MET
Guess you will never answer my simple question, Who wrote the Quran, how did manking get the Quran ( no more links) just a simple answer, if it is not too hard for you???
guess another day will go by, without knowing who wrote the Quran, will you answer paarsuarey I honestly want to know, simple who wrote the Quran, how did manking get the Quran?????
I hope I will get a clear answer from you, just the facts ( your link explained NOTHING)
There are two versions regarding Quran:
1. Muslim view: Influenced by an angel from Allah, Muhammad told the verses of Quran to his followers who initially memorized it. Legend has it that his followers were given unnatural memorizing capacity which ensured the safety of Quran's authenticity for the time being. After the crisis with Meccans, Muhammad's followers eventually collected & wrote down every bits & pieces of Quran.
2. Skeptics view: It was told by Muhammad who actually copied & pasted concepts from several existing religions i.e. Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism. It was not compiled & written as text until Muhammads death as writing materials were scarce in that region of Arabia. The first oldest complete copy of quran available today was written centuries later after Muhammad's death. That is why Scholars argue that Quran might have taken centuries to develop into current form & may not preserve the actual words of Muhammad.
Deborah I read what you say, some things I do not agree with, but let me say you present verry well. I am Catholic but do not disrepect the Jewish faith as we both belive in the same God. The Jews have suffered enough and they have their homeland and deserve to live in peace. And I support their right to peace.
paarsuarey why do you always dissapear when asked this Question, Who wrote the Quran, how did mankind get the Quran????
asking you a question is like trying to get blood out of a stone
paarsuarey why do you always dissapear when asked this Question, Who wrote the Quran, how did mankind get the Quran????
thank you verry much Rishy your answer gives rise to many Questions. I tend to think that the Skeptics may have a good point, Thank you for your answer. So the Quran is still the relevations of Mohammed, that were committed to memory, it has to me a verry shaky start.How can people remember a text word for word, and later write it down. I must be honest I find this to be verry hard to belive. That is what I think. But at least I have had my question answered thank you.
I give here as to how Quran was revealed:
1.Orally it was learnt by heart by most Muslims, the whole of it or some parts of it; in Muhammad's time, exactly as it is found now. One could check it any time.
2.Muhammad had appointed many scribes to write it down as it was revealed. Since it was revealed as the event unfolded; hence its verses were arranged as per the Revelation received. It could not be bound in a Book form at that time, as nobody knew what event would unfold. All verses were though recorded in writing by dictation of Muhammad himself.
3.The Revelation continued almost upto the demise of Muhammad; It was revealed that it has now been completed.
4.Zaid bin Thabit was one of the scribes; and he knew others who had the wirttem record. He only collected them and compiled them in the Book form.
5. I have already provided the link for those whe want to know in detail.
6.Sir William Muir, KCSI (27 April 1819 – 11 July 1905) was a Scottish Orientalist, he has written that there is no doubt that the text of the Quran is the same as was in Muhammad's time.
so Mohammed dicated the Quran so it was his words written by others that could read and write, Paarsuarey make up your mind I asked did Mohammed write the Quran you sad NO then you state it was Mohammed's words dictated by Mohammed by Mohammed himself. So again you lied Mohammed did compose the Quran, he told his "REVELATIONS' then it was written down according to you.No 5 I read your link and you LIED again there was NOTHING about how the Quran was written. So now I know you are NOT a true Muslim you are just a cult member and even ISLAM will not have you. And even you can only INSULT or change the Subject because you are not a true BELIVER in ISLAM and what you say is pure insults and has no PROOF and I thought you were a honorable person, I was so wrong you are a HERETIC!!!!!
@ Paarsurrey; Why don't you tell people the truth? You are not talking about Islam, you are preaching the ideas of the Ahmadiyya cult. A cult that the world Moslem league has already declared is outside Islam and is heretical. Members of your cult are not even allowed in Mecca.
We would all debate with a Moslem but you are not one and that must be why you always dodge the tough questions.
He/She has posted this name and dates (Ahmad of Qadian (1835–1908))
Many times. He/She has stated that Yahshua returned during that time as Ahmad.
I found where it is called "The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community"
and Ahmad of Qadian was one of the founders.
From Wikipedia
The community is led by the Khalifatul Masih (“successor of the Messiah”), currently Khalifatul Masih V, who is the spiritual leader of the community and the successor to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
You are absolutley correct Deborah. What I'm objecting to is his claim that he is a Moslem whne the islamic community has thrown them out.
I have been off work with a knee injury and this lad has irritated me so much with his deliberate provocations that I spent nearly 3 days in the Library researching his cult. Then I wrote a Hub about it because this is an article based site not a forum based site as paarsurrey is trying to do with it.
lol! So Muhammad gets to you too? LOL!!!
I try to get along with everyone... but he makes it difficult!
I noticed this a while back when he posted the Messiah had returned. It's a cult for sure! If he wants to believe that way... then it's his business not mine!
Yes we live in a harsh environment on the earth. Be love be peace be free and these irritations, provocations, difficulties will just bounce off of you like it does for me. Thank you. Go in peace.
That is but true. Neither anybody else has come; nor Jesus can come. Jesus died a natural and peaceful death in Srinagar, Kashimr, India. Jesus is not a Christian-god ; had he been a god he would have come by now when a challenger was there? Whom is christian-god afraid of now; the Jews are not in majority; they cannot put him on Cross.
I agree with you Libby I just wish he would be truthfull just 1 time in fact looking back Paareuarey has not ever answered any Questions
Skipper I've ask him a bunch of questions... he comes back with questions for me instead of answering any of mine! So.. when he puts down Jesus I just let him know answers to questions I've ask him to answer in the past!!
I get along with everyone... or at least try... but when he puts down Jesus and puts him in the same categorty as Muhammad it angers me. Muhammad openly admitted to killing, robbing, taking other's wives, marrying a child, lying, hating, and so much immorals there's no way I can ignore him putting Jesus the son of God in the same category! I don't care how he believes... that is his business... but when he openly attacks Jesus on an open forum knowing there are christians around he should realize Christians will defend Jesus!
When you quote something from the Bible... such as something from Jesus.. he says it's hearsay... well he has no grounds to say such a thing considering the entire Qu'ran is hearsay! Muhammad's followers memorized his words... and it was many years later before it was written... nobody from that time.. from what I've read was still alive... and even if they were it was all hearsay! One man claims to have been visited by an angel! No witnesses! No miracles to prove he's truly a prophet! Just his words! And from the Qu'ran's own doctrine it could not have been from the God of Abraham! For God never changes and for God to have sent these words down would have meant he changed completely and lied and all sorts of things!
He needs to stop while he's ahead with his slandering and nonsense!
I know what you mean libby now he even blocks me from his hubs because I ask questions he cannot answer he is not even a true Muslim Libby all he can do when asked a question is attack and make a new topic. next he will tell you Jesus did not die on the cross but went to India and died a peacefull death there at 125 years old. Another thing Libby God talked to true prophets himself ie Moses and the burning bush, he never sent a angel have a good day God bless
now I know that paarsuarey is not a true Muslim he/she will not answer questions just heap insults on Jesus, jusus died on the cross no one came down alive, you are just a stupid lier paarsuarey you have no basis in fact your words are worthless your idea's are based on lies go away you lier your words mean nothing anymore your finnished THE END
you must tell us your true faith, not hide anymore you have been found out, your lies have caugh up with you , you have nothing to hide behind anymore..................................
I don't hide my faith. I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim. I have been writing it invariably to the extent people think it is my signature. I mention the link of the Ahmadiyya official sit; you may verify the contents of my posts by accessing the site.
I respect everybody and their true religion; and only expose the myth part of the religions so they may make necessary corrections if they agree with me and are convinced with me heart and soul.
No compulsion
sorry your religion is an offshoot of Judaism , no religion can save
paarsuarey you will not answer questions you only attack other religions you are not a true Muslim and block any comments you do not like from your hubs to say you respect other religions is a pure lie you have been found out
Rishy Rich wrote
Yes, logic says his intervention & appearance would create unbalance & unfairness. That's why even if there is a perfect God it did not & will not intervene in human condition
- - - -
Six of one and half a dozen of another.
Logic can also say that it would be illogical to take the time to build something and not maintain it
Rishy Rich said ... Is it wise to believe something first (Bible) & then justify it? or Is it wise to justify something first before believing it?
; ; ; ; ;
again .. six of one and half a dozen of another.
Everyone starts somewhere. The Wright brothers believed that they could fly and then proceeded to justify their belief.
It became evident that their belief was correct.
"Everyone starts somewhere. The Wright brothers believed that they could fly and then proceeded to justify their belief."
- If you believe something first & then justify it, you would be only justifying & defending your faith but wont be able to find out the truth!!
Sorry for the repetition & thank you for proving me right!
I have observed that many Fanatics walk a very narrow path.
OK so God said "broad is the path and narrow is the gate".
He didn't say every narrow path leads to the right gate.
I bet ya a nickel there is "A" gate at the end of every path.
by janesix 13 years ago
I've come to notice that there are certain traits that religious fanatic share, especially Christians.IrrationallityStubbornnessNot being able to answer a question directlyObnoxious quoting and misquoting the Bible instead of actually answering a questionRegression into namecalling when backed into...
by Felixedet2000 12 years ago
When you take a critical look at the issue of religion and world peace, you will find out that the main reason for violence in the world is based on religious beliefs.Religion instead of uniting the whole world has always been at the forefront of disunity.Sport on the other hand has been a strong...
by Jason Menayan 16 years ago
After reading comments on a number of recent hubs, I think this satirical article would, strangely enough, accurately represent the views of quite a few "Christians":I'm Not One Of Those 'Love Thy Neighbor' Christians (The Onion)(I have no financial interest in the Onion nor am I...
by M. T. Dremer 8 years ago
Are Yahweh and Allah the same god?Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all 'Abrahamic Religions' stemming from the same source material. Though they all went off in different directions, it's not unreasonable to assume they are still referring to that original deity. This one god goes by many names...
by Arthur Bundy 13 years ago
May this post find you well and your heat at peace.Why is that they still don't know how to get along?
by darknight444 13 years ago
i saw e post that the teaching of mohamed are againste the teachting of jesus soo i poste thise to clairifie to you aboute the religion of jesus and islamislam came to clairify the first revalationislam came to assert the first revalations like the torah and the gospel ,it does not contradict with...
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