Atheists pick and choose those verses in the bible that leans in the direction that proves the bible is false
Religionists pick and choose those verses that lean to proving the bible to be true.
WHAT is UP with that?
Proving that religion has ran rampant, or NOT ???
Jesus even said that it had 2000 years ago when there was only one religion.
Who can say that "OH but he was talking about the other religions, he wasn't talking about MINE!!!!!
Can anyone truthfully argue with these two statements??
The fact that Jesus didn't think much of the religion of his day should, be THE FIRST clue that Atheists and theist should, and can find a middle ground.
At least look to see!
But ... there are none so blind than he who REFUSES to SEE!
Just my opinion.
Refuses to see what? That Christianity was NOT a religion? That there was more than one religion? That the Bible describes way more than just one god?
What middle ground is expected to be found? Atheist say, stop telling these lies and calling them the truth...stop lying.
Theist call everyone but themselves liars.
No one can define god let alone agree on it's name.
Middle ground?
Here is some middle ground. Atheist have always existed with the non-atheist.
Since the "birth of Christianity", they have managed to disrupt and "destroy" every culture they "don't like".
They say it is because 'god loves them and has handed over all the nations to them because they worship the 'one' true god'.
Of course the only thing that stands out to everyone else is wherever Christians go, war, death, deceit and plunders follow?
If that god is real then it's name is Satan. If that is insulting to anyone, then describe what Satan is and I will insist that this "all loving" god that people are describing sounds more like the Devil then it does a "real loving god".
If that "all loving god" were so wonderful, how come the Bible doesn't have stories about how god came around and suddenly people were hugging each other for no other reason then to love each other?
Instead, it starts with something tragic, the person is either sick, blind, crippled, or treated badly first (and sometimes with the "consent" of "god"), their things are taken away for no reason, their families are killed for no reason, people are thrown in to lions dens just because they didn't like one of "god's chosen ones" and then only AFTER the person or people have suffered enough ie: forty years in the dessert, whole cities full of woman, men, and children destroyed, death, famine, plagues etc... do the people finally beg for Satan's help... I mean god's help.
How do you suppose anyone could love something that first torments you relentlessly and for no other reason then being born and then expect you to love him?
Well put Sandra. The biblical account of this "god" is the biggest pile of childish insecure psychotic rubbish ever written. It is riddled with contradictions, the "god" punishes for no reason other than jealousy and has an inferiority complex the size of a block of flats.
No person on earth would arrive at such an insane explanation other than through thorough brainwashing!
The story itself is insane and one needs to become insane to believe it.
First Hi Sandra, been awhile. Well stated as usual, but you know what's coming. lol
Jesus said what during a time when there was only one religion. Really? I think that there were many different variations of the Jewish religion. One group the Nazarites, that sound familiar.
And lets not forget about that tiny little empire with how many types of gods floating around. There were still snake and sun cults for Christ sake.
Stop being a troll anyway.
Sandra, from the beginning both pagans, atheists, Jews, Christian, Muslim, etc. etc. have been trying to destroy the other's god. The pope order the execution of the Cathors. "Kill them all and let God sort them out" That came from the pope over the slaughter of women and children that had a different take on religion. They didn't know which were believers or had an agnostic view. So they executed most of South and West France. The crusades, and just about every war to firefight mostly started due to religion.
So instead of arguing pointlessly not changing each others mind and giving the haters what they want. Christian's, are you not just supposed to walk away from this. Not let hatred turn you, hey a Star Wars reference, nice. You are just giving them what they want, and me too. Entertainment at making you upset and uncomfortable.
If your religious or scientific faith can be shaken on a forum, it wasn't really that strong now was it?
The bible doesn't prove anything, all the atheists do is point out the contradictions, religious people tend to use the bible as proof, which doesnt make sense.
In the same way that looking at the formula for motion does not 'prove' motion, only testing the formula can prove that the formula for motion is correct, science tries to apply the same rules to teh bible, and they fail miserably.
The bible is very simply a book, one that has been changed many times over the years by human hands.
Jerami, This is the unnamed one. Do you live near Cortland NY? No big deal. Just wanted to tell you. Doesn't matter where they start fr4om ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. If your dad was named Leon. That would be a big deal.
Middle ground on what? On gods? There is no middle ground.
On how we act in the world, yes, plenty we can agree on.
Yet another thread to bash non believers Jeremi? A bit transparent don't you think?
I was a student of the bible and after reading the WHOLE THING THOROUGHLY I can use bits that show it to be the dumbassed rubbish that it is.
Funny that! What if it made sense and was more than a myth?
No unbeliever could have anything to say about it.
Your assumptions are wrong.
We can pick out verses from the book that show it is a bunch of psychotic controlling rubbish because it is there for all to see in the bible and quoran.
Religious believers never address these gaping holes in the whole religious thing.
If I read a workshop manual it does not give me this choice. I don't have 6 views on how to fit the gearbox, it goes in one way.
The bible gets ripped by non believers because it can be destroyed with it's own text. It contradicts itself all the way through and I may even write a hub that lists all the lies, and contradictions in it that a kid could find if they weren't looking through their indoctrination.
It is simply a pile of excrement mate!
Actually, Isaac Asimov wrote that book: Asimov's Guide to The Bible.
It details every error and contradiction.
Thanks Pcunix! I have never read it. I may grab that if I can find it. It must be the size of war and peace!
It's huge earnestshub, but I'd say if you were to have any version of the bible in a library, it would pay to also have a discerning guide to one. Asimov's Guide to The Bible is a must in anyone's library.
It is big and thick, yes.
But a lot of that is from examining known history to give context to the babbling.
'There are none so blind that chose not to use their Third Eye to see.' It's also indicative of those who chose to not go within to find the answer.
earnestshub Yet another thread to bash non believers Jeremi?
A bit transparent don't you think?
Transparancy was intentionally designed into the OP.
Bashing non believers? No more than Bashing religionists!
Middle ground doesn't exist?
That is what has created wars through out civilization.
When people have an "I am totaly correct and you are totally wrong! Period"; attitude .....
New answers will never be revealed by those people,
The world will remain just as it has always been.
NO !! truth does not lie on the middle ground?
Cause "I" have it in my pocket.
It certainly seems as though Both sides of this issue have certain traits in common.
You say it quite clearly in your profile, all this religious non-sense is not helping you much to see reality in a more rational light.
Humans created religions because they didn't have any science education to know what it takes to conduct objective analysis and use critical observation. Now we know for sure that all religions are based on irrations BS ... so why are you still looking for any middle ground? Do you want to be only 1/2 irrational?
"Jesus even said that it had 2000 years ago when there was only one religion."
Hardly even handed!
How come you never see your own bias?
OK I was working earlier and a news item caught my eye. It related to the religious population in the US, focusing not so much on religion as those that are beginning to fall away. In particular it focused on a few folks that have spent their lives believing, some being community leaders in their chosen (christian) faith.
All remained preachers, leading their flocks (their words) and teaching from the good book. Yet - they didn't believe a word of their teachings. One said 'the more I read and studied the bible over the years, the more the flaws came through. Noah's Ark really stood out, among others' and so on.
What's with that? The devils works? Common sense? They woke up and smelled the coffee?
If any one bothers to reply, I may not be around because I'm typing in my sleep. Stupid o' clock here. Dedicated hubber and all that
Common sense breaks through for some of them. I have seen the same and have church friends who haven't believed their own guff for twenty years or more.
In my city the most affective and productive priest I know is one of them.
This old guy is a walking encyclopedia of where the bible is a mess.
He just gets on with the job at hand which is helping the poor and looking after street kids. (yes we have some too.)
I love him! He can swear better than the kids, in fact he strings long and hilarious tracts of swearing together in the funniest way I have heard since Banjo Paterson's poem "The bastard from the bush."
The street kids all respect him for that!
Personally I am of the opinion that none of them really believe their "god" thing. My old priest mate reckons that too!
I don't buy that religionists believe their own guff, they just pour it out hoping someone else will support their neurosis, knowing subconsciously that it is a pile of rubbish.
Thanks for asking!
Wow! That was on the news? We knew that was going to happen. It also talks about it in the bible.
Another bible prophecy comes true.
That's the thing with the bible, it says whatever you want it to say.
You have read the Bible. You know it says there will be a falling away.
You can't deny that, you know it is true.
You read it in the Bible, ya see it happening.
Have a good day. It's 12:30 am here. I'm gone.
Yes I have seen the passage you speak of. Like I said the bible says whatever you want it to say. I will find the passages that contradict it if you like. Then we could argue about "context"
I disagree with this - the bible does not say anything.
I need a please explain on that one China man.
It is not a theory or a historical document - it is a compilation of ancient stories as the setting for a story about a fictitious person, who may or may not be based on a real person. It is a novel and does not say any more than Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.
Now I gotcha! You are correct of course.
The fact that it is fictitious makes it's contents useless when trying to prove anything, I guess I meant something similar with the statement.
"It says whatever you want it to say"
stilljustwonderin, You are right. The bible clearly states, there will be a fallen away.
Yeah I heard that too a few months back. Mighta been a different study though. It was a study on religious leaders, which found that many religious leaders -preachers, priests, ministers, pastors etc- don't believe as they mature in their understanding.
Of course, having discovered that they've publicly dedictaed their lives to rubbish, most of them haven't got the balls to publicly admit they've been wrong, led people wrongly, and founded their families and very lives upon a lie. That that which they insisted they *knew* was the TRUTH when they knew less they have now come to realize is just another story, another myth, another desperate excuse for people to have something -anything- to eagerly believe in.
These religious leaders just go on living a lie, smiling at you behind their shameless facades, keeping up the lie to everyone in their lives, including their families.
A few however try to find their ways out, but some confess to continuing their charade until they're able to fund a life for themselves elsewhere.
Most just turn themselves into really good showmen.
And the sheep love 'em!
Hello Groggy froggy one! I am well awake here (lunch time) and understand you being a bit groggy. I pulled an all-nighter last night myself.
Hey earnest You guys should get with the program. It's the crack of the crow. Go to bed.
And can you answer what I asked? You get this stuff
By the way Jeremi, how do you "prove" anything when all you have is one book that tells you it is right? There is not a speck of usable proof about the biblical god.
Circular logic is all that is available alongside literally tonnes of scientific information that debunks it.
Self recommendation is the only way anything in the bible is true, no support from outside itself.
A bit like recommending yourself really, not a very independent way of providing proof is it?
earnestshub wrote
By the way Jeremi, how do you "prove" anything when all you have is one book that tells you it is right?
Have I said that all that I have is one book?
You don't know what I have.
You see a book
You see words
You see contradictions.
You do not see the message.
Religion does not see the message.
Just as some people can not see the forest cause all them trees that are standing in the way.
Some people have no Idea as to what a forest is except for their comprehension of the definition that they read in a book.
And some people understand, having never read the book as the multi dimensions of a forest and what lives there and what goes on in them there woods. Even when the sun goes down and it is dark outside.
The forest then becomes something different.
It is one thing to know it cause ya read about it in a book, and another to have spent a night alone there.
Now for me to describe this to ya, You will not get it unless you have seen it, or heard it or sensed it.
( I know that you have spent the night in the out back)
It does not require all three for you to know that the night changes the forest.
And some people can not grasp the definition of the daytime version of the forest. How can they understand the night?
It's a contradiction everywhere ya look.
Jeremy, there is only one book. Nothing outside the bible supports it. You managed to side step every point!
Cant you see how this reads? (by the way I am a loggers son)
This is your usual response to a direct statement.
"Well when the chicken flies too slow it loses altitude so wind whistles" would have made as much sense!
Why can't you just answer directly?
like you have my OP?
You seem to be prooing my statement.
going to bed.
I side stepped the OP? I side stepped Atheists vs religionists?
I think you are from another planet!
Your rambling nonsensical reply addressed nothing at all here and you think I side stepped?
I dunno what your doin there but you should stop it. You make no sense at all!
sandra rinck wrote
What middle ground is expected to be found? Atheist say, stop telling these lies and calling them the truth...stop lying.
- - - - - - -
Middle ground lies in the middle ... Half way between total denial of a higher power than ourselves and the one that many self acclaimed Christians thought they were following during the Crusades.
Atheists call theists liars and Theist call everyone but themselves liars.
No one can define god let alone agree on it's name.
Middle ground?
I think that if everyone would stop thinking that they have all the answers in their pocket and quit bashing those that believe differently there would be middle ground.
Here is some middle ground. Atheist have always existed with the non-atheist.
Since the "birth of Christianity", they have managed to disrupt and "destroy" every culture they "don't like".
They say it is because 'god loves them and has handed over all the nations to them because they worship the 'one' true god'.
Of course the only thing that stands out to everyone else is wherever Christians go, war, death, deceit and plunders follow?
This was written in prophesy.
It talks all about in Rev 13.
Theologians interpret this chapter to be describing a False religion that tweaks the truth just enough to fulfill its purpose, as to fool even the elect if possible, and fools them into killing others thinking they are doing gods work.
If that god is real then it's name is Satan. If that is insulting to anyone, then describe what Satan is and I will insist that this "all loving" god that people are describing sounds more like the Devil then it does a "real loving god".
If that "all loving god" were so wonderful, how come the Bible doesn't have stories about how god came around and suddenly people were hugging each other for no other reason then to love each other?
How do you suppose anyone could love something that first torments you relentlessly and for no other reason then being born and then expect you to love him?
You make a very good point. Who indeed?
And yet there are many good Christians within the Church that do follow the teachings of Christ.
We just don't see them cause they are not acting badly.
You don't see them on the news where they killed people or robed banks, beat up old ladies and children etc.
It is one thing to believe in God and another to believe in
Churchoisity. Many people in both camps seem to forget that!
They can't see the forest for the trees!
"You don't see them on the news where they killed people or robed banks, beat up old ladies and children etc."
No you don't do you? It's all done by those dirty unbelievers!
I give up on this it's madness.
Jerami wrote And yet there are many good Christians within the Church that do follow the teachings of Christ.
We just don't see them cause they are not acting badly.
You don't see them on the news where they killed people or robed banks, beat up old ladies and children etc.
earnestshubwrote No you don't do you? It's all done by those dirty unbelievers!
- - - - --== = = = = =
You need to brush up on your comprehension skills if you believe I said that.
Where did I say that.
People who do truly follow the teachings of Jesus do not do those things.
Are you saying no non believers don't committ any of these crimes?
How religious of you?
Some People who call themselves Christians? SURE and more than these do they committ.
But are these truly following the teachings of Christ?
That is what I said.
For some people there is NO middle ground.
They only acknowledge that wich they can argue with even if they have to twist some of the words.
These are the ones that cause conflict in the world regardless of religious affilliations.
If I do not agree with you 100% you call me a liar.
It seems that you have picked up some of the habits of your advisary.
It is my belief that the religions of today do not understand the message as Jesus taught.
But there is nothing to argue about in this so you over look that part.
Middle ground ?? It isn't a mith. Most people just refuse to see it, so it will never be found
You are as much the problem as anyone else.
Who does not belong to the "Blame it all on someone else club?"
Jeremy would you care to point out where I called you a liar?
It is not I that said it; I was quoting Sandra!
This is what I am talking about is that people do not read what is written without inflicting their bias upon it.
sometimes at first glance it may appear as though someone might have said something that you have heard before.
Wham O... preconceived ideas jump out. We all do this unintentionally but if we actually take the time to see what is being said, we see that preconceived ideas are leading us astray. This happens more often than not!
Better read your post again, the only reference to a hubber I saw was to "earnesthubsaid"
Then my sincere apologies, I slipped up talking to two people and inadvertently didn't make the correct distinctions.
Sometimes these are not obvious to me when writing.
And actually no one has came out and called anyone a liar that I have seen.
This was a figurative discussion that I was having with Sandra. Picking up on what she was saying figuratively.
and at the same time pointing out what apeared to be an error in your prior statement.
I'll try to be more careful !
No worries Jeremy, we all make mistakes, and it appears yours was an honest one.
At least you have confirmed what you said in your reply,
"This is what I am talking about is that people do not read what is written without inflicting their bias upon it."
See, you aren't looking for middle ground.
You only want to be right. You call everyone in disagreement, a basher. It doesn't take much to make a believer feel like they are being bashed for their beliefs when all you have to say is, "the Bible is a lie".
You still don't understand self fulfilling prophecies and your idea of middle ground seems to be, just accept Christianity and the world will be a better place.
Did it ever occur to you that billions of people already have and the world is still NOT a better place?
Can you rely on anything other than the Bible?
How many times have you also told others, "well you have to read it the "right" way and you shouldn't interpret it"? Yet you do it all the time.
You fall into "churchiosity" much more then you might believe you do, if not you wouldn't say the same things as everyone else says.
You have been programed to say those things just like the rest of them but you don't believe you have (just like the rest of them) either.
Sandra said ...
You only want to be right. You call everyone in disagreement, a basher. It doesn't take much to make a believer feel like they are being bashed for their beliefs when all you have to say is, "the Bible is a lie".
= = =
What in my previous post are you commenting on???
Your reply sounds like a one size fits all, generic answer. been posted 10,000 times in answer to any and all comments that any believer has ever posted.
What exactly IN MY POST are you referring to ?.?
Typical random arguement.
You say .. that I (Jerami) am wrong and Sandra is right end of discussion. Without adressing
But you ARE wrong.
Yes, I understand that you believe otherwise with all your heart. You have a god shaped hole in your brain and nothing else can fill it. I understand.
But it's not real. You should be able to see that it is completely irrational, but your need to fill that hole pushes logic aside.
It's not a weakness: you are simply wired that way. In some ways I feel sorry for you, but in others I envy your simple happiness.
You should read Jaynes though..
Do you assume that I have the same definitions and doctrines as the average believer or any other here on these forums?
Believer of what?
I believe in something! YEP ! I do. Everyone does!
I don't believe in things without evidence. There is no evidence for religion.
Which religion would that be? Paganism, Bud ism, Catholicism, etc.
This depends upon what things are deemed as admissible in which court of law. And who presides over that court.
We all have our own opinions as to what is considered as relevant depending upon what issues are being addressed.
You believe in the bible, which is the same book that all these psychotic Christian beliefs sprang.
It would appear that any belief that sprang from abject nonsense is absurd.
Sorry, but that includes yours.
Evidently after a year of our discussions.. ????
I'm wondering?
What odds would ya give me on a bet? As to what % of the bible that I believe in???
Here is a generic answer... "God is real because the Bible says so." "Prophecy is true because it is in the Bible." "How can the Bible be wrong when the Bible says it is right?"
You imply you are against what YOU call "churiosity" but you do the very same things therefore you end up getting the very same answers.
Would you like me to play favorites because you say you don't believe in Religion though you use it like it is the only thing that exist?
You say things like, "The Bible shouldn't be interpreted wrong" as though you know the right way to interpret it. Your fanatical stance doesn't leave room for anyone except people who take the same stance, "The Bible shouldn't be interpreted wrong."
Then you agree... just not with their interpretations. So when IDK... Earnest or me someone else comes along and makes no interpretation, lays out an exact extraction from the Bible and then reads it out loud you say, "you cannot interpret the Bible wrong as if there was any interpreting going on.
You are so caught up in "wanting" to believe that that god is so great and wonderful that your personal affliction with the really, really, really bad things is so bad that you make up excuses for it and try to make it sound good.
It's NOT good and YOU do interpret it so that it suits you. So when someone doesn't you insist that they must have been trying to interpret it.
The book is pretty clear about it's intentions, you are pretty clear about your intentions. Middle ground? There isn't a middle ground when it comes to the Bible.
Should I quote from Revelation, "I wish you would pick either hot or cold but because you are luck warm, I will vomit you out of my mouth."
Does it seem like middle ground to you? NOPE, you either are for it or against and I am against it and I am not sorry about it either.
If you don't like it, too damn bad.
I think there should be a big fight between the two, although the atheists would win as the religionists would still be waiting for God to do something.
Jerami, there is a term I often hear a lot to describe some Christians. The term is "Buffet Christians". This term is used to described a subset of Christians who go through the Bible to pick and choose verses that are applicable to why they believe in the Bible and God. They skip all the non-applicable material in the Bible. This is what all groups or organizations of people do to get others to follow what they believe is right or wrong in what they are doing. In the end some people fall for they are hearing or just turn their head and walk away. Then their are other people who simply decide what they want to do without any of these influences taking control of their thinking.
I'd have to say that you are correct.
there are a vast number of applicable attributes for which believers can be classified.
And Not believers also.
Actually the line that has been drawn is imaginary.
That can be place just about anyplace.
there are varying degrees to everything.
Sandra you summary is irrefutable to any person who can see what is written and read English, and summarizes the situation perfectly and with truth.
I have been called on "interpreting" a dozen times or more, when all I have ever done is quote directly from the source of this crud. The bible.
How in hell could anyone "interpret statements from the bible like this.
"If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through." (Zechariah 13:3 NAB)
What else could be read into this other than what it states.
Clear enough I would have felt.
Then we have the "born again" and only new testament crew.
They still claim the same god, as jesus being his son takes care of that one!
Non believers say there is no God. Is God a jolly old soul that is sitting in a big chair waiting to fulfill our want list? I certainly do not think so.
Could there be something that we can not understand that some people calls mother earth, our higher power, the source of life, etc?
I find it highly likely
And if you don't like it? OH well.
I and everyone else that posts in these forums have every right to do so. Yes everyone. Of all beliefs.
I have never intentionally , knowingly insulted anyone else's beliefs unless stating an opinion is insulting; then we are all guilty of that.
The strongest opinion that I express concerning religious beliefs is that "IF" Believers insist that they are doing all that they can to follow Christ, they should then first study those things that he is said to have spoken.
Let this be their guide as to how to interpret the rest of the scripture of the NT if they must interpret them?
And this angers you personally HOW? Why?
And earnest, You do bring a lot to think about when you post the HATE passages. But you get offended when someone attempts to tell the rest of the story (in that instance)
The background information, a description of other things that were going on at the time, will always shed just a little light upon the verses that you post.
I don't know all the answers. Never claimed to.
I do have my opinions, and I feel free to express them as you do also.
If you want to call me a religionist , I guess you can think what ya want. I disagree but Oh Well!.
God IS a religious concept no matter how you try to slip around it, it is still a religious belief. I don't know anyone who sees this god as a "jolly old soul" who does not believe in it.
I don't believe in a god for a simple reason. The source is the bible, the bible is a mess of threats from this "god" be it an entity (which it claims) or a stick of licorice.
The whole thought process is a psychotic one in my view.
What do you call a person who kills people, (in the myth almost wiping out the human species) through jealousy if not psychotic?
What would you think of a despot who wipes out whole nations if not a lunatic or a psychopath?
This "god" has committed more murders and instigated more atrocities than any living being. What do you do with that?
How can the hate filled OT god be eliminated by the new testament god who is his son? It's a pile of neurotic crap is what it is, and no "interpretation" will change all the words written in it's name.
And I will add how is disagreeing hate? As I have said before, I don't do hate. A useless feeling that can be easily dealt with in therapy or just by a deeper understanding of it.
No, religion does hate, I just do truth as I see it.
of course you missed the annihilation of WW1 and WW2 and not to mention hiroshima and nagasaki... but apparently that is okay with you. The agent orange spraying of vietnam soldiers is okie dokie too huh.
This is what i love about God, he looks at the whole picture. Sin runs through the camp like a plague so lets get rid of it, problem solved.. Hey if you so much as gather wood on a sabbath you will die. So gee, everybody was out gathering wood on the sabbath, of course they were! just because God said not to under penalty of death. There is one occasion of a man gathering wood on sunday, ONE. If the penalty for speeding were death no one would speed.. logical... There are some people who dislike any rules, doesn't matter who dispenses the rules or if the rule makes sense. some people just despise rules and isn't the bible just full of rules. These people are likened unto scorpions in the bible.
So is God the blame or not? I really can't understand what this rant is trying to convey.
And I will add how is disagreeing hate? As I have said before, I don't do hate. A useless feeling that can be easily dealt with in therapy or just by a deeper understanding of it.
No, religion does hate, I just do truth as I see it.
= = = = =
Who are you addressing this to? "And I will add, how is disagreeing hate?"
Who said that it was?
As for the rest of this post; You are entitled to your perception. When I attempt to express my perception of these Hate verses as you have called them. I am not necessarily answering for your benefit but for anyone else that may be see that elephant from a different angle.
So you are saying there are "HATE" passages in the Bible? Are you also saying that because someone repeated those hateful passages that the person is a hater?
Well which one? Are you saying there are NOT at all ANY hateful passages in the Bible or just because you repeat one of the hateful passages from the Bible does NOT at all make you hateful?
Is this anything like asking someone if they still beat their wife?
I was referring to Earnest calling some of his posts as hate verses.
No I wasn't saying that he was hateful for doing so.
And I don't consider myself hateful either.
How about you. Do you still beat your dog?
How did you get "Do you still beat your dog"? It seems like you are avoiding the question. It is nothing like asking someone if they still beat their wife.
I said, "So you're saying there are NO HATE passages in the Bible."
You replied, "Not at all".
So when someone posts scripture that is hateful, you believe they are not hateful. Is that correct?
Cruel is cruel. If you knew the secret about dogs, then you would be close to knowing all secrets. I'm a dog whisperer. You may not understand what you think you understand.
Well, I guess it would be nice to know if my dog really likes Beggin' Strips.
God is doG spelled backward; my little dog told me so.
People have their dog Baptized in church, when it comes to bacon strips, I become Jesus.
All I know from all this is that you called the passages I quoted from the bible hate passages. Is that what I called them or are you referring to something I have said about one of them? Otherwise Sandra has a point I believe.
Sipping on my first cup brain is waking up s l o w l y ???
Yes Earnesr. You have called these "passages of love" and have also called them passages or verses of hate.
That is what I was referring to.
The word hate had nothing to do with what I was saying.
No hidden meaning. Wasn't calling anyone Hateful.
This also shows some validity to my first statement.
Many people on both sides of the Issue (Belief vs Non belief) have POSTURED up for an argument before we begin.
And when we find out self postured up like this, we do not really hear what the other person is saying. Not something that we intentionally do. I find myself doing it sometimes.
I try to get down off of that when I recognize what I am doing; which I don't always see.
We can not see ourself as other people can; unless they are really not listening. In that case no one really sees us for what we are doing.
If we could ? the world would be a different kind of place.
But everyone would have to do it to do any good.
I had a Shiatsu that thought he was god. Less so after neutering.
Poor god. Did you at least give him a chance to mate before chastising him?
No, on a serious note he lost the boys to a medical problem, not because he was chastised. Thought I better clear that up!
No, but he was killed by one!
Male Shiatsu's don't have owners. They prefer to see you as yet another minion in their kingdom.
"The biblical account of this "god" is the biggest pile of childish insecure psychotic rubbish ever written"
I love how you put this! Great Hub as usual and I will be back for plenty more! I enjoy wholly your perspective on religion.
earnestshub wrote:
God IS a religious concept no matter how you try to slip around it, it is still a religious belief. I don't know anyone who sees this god as a "jolly old soul" who does not believe in it.
-- - - - -- - = - ?
Isn't it amazing how we can move a comma, flip a couple of words and suddenly .... You have discovered ... ??????????
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