Most of the gospels are fabrications, tradition outright lies. why a religion supposed to be founded on truth lie so much? why the church amass so much wealth while their Jesus was so much against it?
i donot know how to rephrase it more subtly. most Christians may not know nor agree that all their gospel is a myth. but then why people base their life on something they donot know nor cannot know?
They don't know any other way to live. They dont have the capacity for critical thinking. They have been taught from day one to believe this myth or die a horrific death for all of eternity. The fact that they believe in the horrific death for all of eternity, makes it easier to get them to buy into anything that will save them from it. Some kids out grow thoughts of mythical creatures and super powered humans as they grow up. Some still retain these thoughts and produce block buster movies in the mythology genre. Way too many retain these thoughts and become practicing christians who demand the entire world obey their favorite mythical being. Of course their mythical being always makes it acceptable to kill any who dare to believe in a different mythical being or worse yet, no mythical being. Amen.
I forgot to mention that I thought the title should have read...All Organized Religion is a Big Lie
That is correct. Religion, in any form is the real lie.
True Christianity is not based on lies.
1. A falsehood uttered or acted for the purpose of deception; an intentional violation of truth; an untruth spoken with the intention to deceive. [1913 Webster]
The proper notion of a lie is an endeavoring to deceive another by signifying that to him as true, which we ourselves think not to be so. --S. Clarke. [1913 Webster]
It is willful deceit that makes a lie. A man may act a lie, as by pointing his finger in a wrong direction when a traveler inquires of him his road. --Paley. [1913 Webster]
2. A fiction; a fable; an untruth. --Dryden. [1913 Webster]
3. Anything which misleads or disappoints. [1913 Webster]
1. The act of feigning, inventing, or imagining; as, by a mere fiction of the mind. --Bp. Stillingfleet. [1913 Webster]
2. That which is feigned, invented, or imagined; especially, a feigned or invented story, whether oral or written. Hence: A story told in order to deceive; a fabrication; -- opposed to fact, or reality. [1913 Webster]
3. Fictitious literature; comprehensively, all works of imagination; specifically, novels and romances. [1913 Webster]
4. (Law) An assumption of a possible thing as a fact, irrespective of the question of its truth. --Wharton. [1913 Webster]
1. A Feigned story or tale, intended to instruct or amuse; a fictitious narration intended to enforce some useful truth or precept; an apologue. See the Note under Apologue. [1913 Webster]
A story or relation of fictitious events, intended to convey some moral truth; a moral fable. [1913 Webster]
Note: An apologue differs from a parable in this;: the parable is drawn from events which take place among mankind, and therefore requires probability in the narrative; the apologue is founded on supposed actions of brutes or inanimate things, and therefore is not limited by strict rules of probability. [AE]sop's fables are good examples of apologues. [1913 Webster]
4. Fiction; untruth; falsehood. [1913 Webster]
What is Christianity based on again?
I believe Christianity is based on a collection of pagan religions that existed prior to it becoming the belief system de jour. The virgin birth on or about Dec 25th, the crucifiction, the resurrection and the savior rising to heaven to rule beside the father, are all common story lines in numerous pagan religions in existance long before christianity was dreamed up. I am assuming that since paganismis what christianity is based upon and you stated that christianity wasn't based on lies, you obviously celebrate your pagan beliefs. correct?
"I believe Christianity is ...." thanks for admitting that you are a person of faith! (That's a positive criticism on my part)
" am assuming that since paganismis what christianity is based upon and you stated that christianity wasn't based on lies, you obviously celebrate your pagan beliefs. correct?"
Assumptions can lead you way off track. But nice try.
Since you don't believe the authenticity and integrity of the Bible, nor it's teachings, I would not expect any different an answer from you.
Thanks for the lesson out of the dictionary. I didn't need a definition!
Chrismas is all about the Winter Solstice. By December 25th the days start getting longer again and we know we won't be frozen to death by a sun that just goes away and never comes back.
Instead one may suggest that the disorganized Atheism is not truthful.
Hey Stump! Perhaps disorganize religion will do a better Job?
LOL, a better job at what? Misleading millions of people into believing they are better than the rest of the world? No I bellieve organized religion has done quite well with that one. Besides dis-organized religion wouldn't offer a weekly bingo game.
You obviously don't understand the concept of higher power. We have been given a set of principles to live by. Whether we do so is called a "life choice." Further, God is more concerned with eternal life than with the day-to-day affairs of flawed beings -- to include members of the clergy and various religions. You do have a choice on how to live your life. You might be an island in a sea of liberal guilt. But you do have a choice.
Nice statement but what discussion are you trying to conjure. It's another religious war on the forums. Pick a specific doctrine or practice out and debate that if you want. It's not very productive when someone opens up a thread with sentiments of how their own application of faith has apparently failed them.
I can say that sauerkraut is a big lie because I find it repulsive. Artichokes as well right along with Poi from Hawaii. However, if I were to take the time to learn the benefits of these foods and their histories I might not be so hasty in judging them.
I admit, it would take an act of God to "strong-arm" me into ingesting these revolting items.
goldenpath - your's is a logical statement, one which I hope people take to heart. There isn't much sense in debating an emotional opinion without stating anything concrete to debate for or against.
I think you speak from a position of ignorance. It would be a good idea to do some reading and educating yourself before you talk about something you don't know.
Really? Specifically what is wrong with the statement? Although it is somewhat heartfelt - it is accurate. Nice to see you attacking some one who is obviously in pain though. As usual - defending your beliefs is more important - is it not?
I concur that most of the gospels are complete fabrication. There is absolutely no non-biblical evidence to support them. The church has indeed amassed enormous wealth against Jesus' directive, and the gospels are myths - not reality.
Why do you base your life on something you do not and can not know? I bet you cannot even define this god thing you supposedly worship.
So - what is wrong with the OP's statement? Prove the gospels are anything but fabricated adaptations of earlier myths please.
Can you answer my questions? Do you know where the earlier myths that provided fodder for the Bishops that wrote the bible came from?
Funny how believers wish to impose their beliefs on us, telling us how to live and what to do and what not to do based on their ancient myths and superstitions. Then, when their impositions are questioned or criticized, they dismiss it as if some infant were crying for a Popsicle at the ice cream stand.
Of course, we witness this behavior all the time from believers who are only interested in imposing their beliefs where nothing else matters. Your opinions and ideas are not wanted or welcomed and will not be considered under any circumstances, you will simply bow down to the will of the believer and their beliefs, and be damn happy about doing so.
It's a fairly dangerous thing to threaten someone's belief system, especially when their faith is blind. You will disturb the security of the herd and might cause some members to go off on their own and think for themselves. What do you think the members of the dwindling herd would do if there wasn't a herd to belong to? They'd be lost.
People always search for answers to questions and who knows really what is the answer to everything. People do err and you are lucky if you can find those who are really examples of what they believe in
uuuhhhh...sounds like you got that off your chest...feel better now? How are people suppose to explain something they believe in with passion...against someone who believes so strongly against it. For those who always state that there must be "logic"...placed before order to believe. That not "logical"...a belief can not be perfectly explained in to logic. So, I conclude that a belief system can not be explained...because it is therefore...a belief in the first place!
"That is not..."logical." Familiar Statement made by Spock, of the Star Ship Enterprise
Me,Steve - not sure who you're responding to, but your 'logic' is well placed. When it comes to the mysteries, I can agree with you that they are not always explainable in what appears to be logical terms. Debate is an art form in itself.
Steve, I love your true meaningful post. For anyone who desire to seek God for themselves will come alive to a personal spiritual experience with God, and this all starts with faith, not logic. We don't have to prove to a unbeliever that God exist. I praise him for his mighty works and the wonderful things he has done.
That would be great if believers actually had faith in something that made sense, instead something absurd.
With this line of thinking, having faith in, and praising the Flying Spaghetti Monster is just as valid.
Also we should, just as well, praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster for His mighty works and the wonderful things He has done.
NO! We can't totally disgard logic.
Let me help you rephrase it more subtly.
does that help? Now that you have stopped blaming all the innocent christians and have actually stepped out of the past and into the present, you can now, with some research i suppose, see how this one church, with all its child r*pers, has harmed all of the people who do not have the information presented in caps, above.
You need to separate catholic from God completely. These are ungodly men, filled with ungodly doctrine, doing ungodly things and believing they are right with jesus. Not true, they are not right with jesus.
But how about you?
Really? Is that your call to make? Are you not "assuming the office of God" in making that statement?
They may very well say the same thing about you, and most likely would if they were to read your words here.
Of course, we both know there are many different factions and sects of Christianity, thousands of them, all having different perceptions and ideals about the bible and Christ.
And, I'm sure that if an atheist ever mentioned the fact that so many factions and sects of Christianity exist and they all disagree with each other, Christians would stand up and defend them by stating emphatically that those disagreements are small and irrelevant in light of the fact that all Christians everywhere, despite their differences, are "right with jesus"
As to the OP, you need to just study a little bit of textual criticism, and that will crumble your argument that it's all just made up.
Besides, WHO is the one that made this lie up? And, WHY? If it was more than one, how did they all come up with such a unified story?
There must have been an awesome conspiracy going on 2000+/- yrs ago. They have affected all of humanity till this very day.
that conspiracy was from between 1860 to a few years ago - from the first compilation of bits, through the total reworkings and fabrications of Paul - to the various Popes with vested interests in their own slant on things to King James who you seem content is the authority to TELL you what was written before and how to read it.
After King James of course everyone and his dog had a go at it and the misinterpretaions just flooded out from the original misinterpretations and translations and fabrications.
At base it is a good story with many positive suggestions for a good way of living - shame christians aren't up to it.
While we agree that Religion has had its side effects on humanity,we cannot but agree that our entire spiritual consciousness has brought light to man.
Delving deeply into the nature of consciousness of life is generally shrouded in a mystery;this is the fundamental fact which confronts us.We live in a cave with our backs to the light,and, as Plato said,our knowledge is nothing more than the shadows which play upon its walls.Granted that this so,then it follows that our intellectual lives are purely symbolical existences.All our thoughts are nothing more than symbols of a mystery,whether it embraces God-the ultimate source of all things-or reality-the tangible world in which we live.
With his ordinary understanding man cannot understand the revelation of mysteries.Mysteries are transcendental.Transcendental knowledge is knowledge which transcends the intelligence,yet it need not therefore be knowledge which is beyond the focus of the mind.The differential calculus is common knowledge to the mathematician,and yet it is trascendental to the majority of mankind.So also practically all science;it is in itself the perquisite of the few whom we call the wise.
Wisdom is only revealed to Masters who know how to keep the balance because they have been initiated.There is no foolishness in the core values of Religion.The only error of today is a profession of values and principles that does nothing.
Jesus the Christ understood this when He said:"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs,neither cast ye your pearls before swine,lest they trample them under their feet,and turn again and rend you."
To the common folk Christ spoke in parables not because He was of a common mind,but because He was an initiate of Universal Wisdom,so understood how fine is the division between reason and madness,and how easily can knowledge dissolve the filament which separates these two.Hence the essential wisdom,is largely the application of knowledge to circumstances which has always been realized in ancient times!
sustainable - I have not heard anyone since I've been on hubpages, lay this principle out so succinctly and IMO accurately. Jesus spoke of that which we should call intuition, the knowing of things which only the indweller can know, not because they are learned but because they are remembered. The very existence of the seen is for the sake of the seer and most of us have manifested our ignorance into experiences which do not promote us to a higher consciousness. The afflictions of the mind are what keep us from remembering, keep us from a pure state from which we can understand, see, the core of the mysteries. Few live in austerity, free from impurities and agitations, able to embrace any mystic union.
Your words are proof that you are not a credible, educated "hubber" in ref to the subject you tried to express.
This is why I say that. This is your comment: "Jesus the Christ understood this when He said:..."
Jesus (whoever he might have been) never spoke a word, nor wrote a word that can be "quoted."
The Aramaic language was lost centuries ago and the "heresay" offered in the NT was not promulgated to the public for almost 300 yrs after this alledged jesus fellow was, alledgedly. killed.
No one "knows" anything about this jesus fellow.
Stories about "him" were corrupted by time and imagination as they were passed down thru many, many generations before they were amalgamated into the NT.
By the way, many "stories" were not included.
Please, keep in mind that you do not have spiritual intuition, you are not an indweller, and you do not have a higher consciousness; you are too centered on the self. For these reasons, you are forgiven for your spiritual transgressions.
Foreign Press:
...and you are?
Well hallelujah and praise the lord!
I have met the "indweller" who has forgiven me for my transgressions!
I am truly blessed and heaven bound!
Amen and amen!!!
Qwark :
I feel so lost and out of the know, not being an indweller.
They sound so superior to us regular folk.
Maybe I can be one of them indwellers too!
Consider yourself duly saved. Now, venture into society and live your life accordingly.
Boy is this post fully loaded.
The only spirituality humans need to accept is love. End of story.
hahaha Cags, I didn't know I was "hubbing" with this "god thing!"
That was my first, actual, "chat" with 'god!" ...and "it" forgave me!
"Foreign press!" GOD! I never would have guessed!
I am so damned blessed! Praise the "foreignpress!"
AMEN!! :
Don't know him!
Um I hate to break it to you but the guy who is supposed to have lived 2 thousand years ago, was nailed to a cross for teaching far out there ideas about god, his real name, given by his mother was Yeshua Ben Yosef. Jesus is an English bastardization (excuse me translation) of the name Yeshua. When your gospels gets the guys name right I might consider treating them like, well, gospel.
You are wasting your time. Most of them have no idea who wrote the book they blindly quote, nor do they understand the true message. They just want to tell you wot god sed.
Ah Mark, I doff my cap to thee
Nice to see a little sensibility
Oddly I learned the name Yeshua from a book of fiction written in 1930's Russia, go figure! Seems even that book didn't have it quite right, but it was a hell of a lot closer then the bible, thats for sure. Yeshua Ha-Nozri what how they got it instead of Yeshua Ben Yosef but you can see why I think this fictional book got closer to the supposed proper name
I don't personally take what mark says as being rude, really, just exacerbated really. He seems very exacerbated with religion in general really. A long while back mark and I had a little back and forth as I do believe in a God concept. I felt obliged to tell him that while I do believe in God I don't do whatever generalization it was he had made about those who believe in God. I didn't take it as rude then, just a common mistake that both sides make (generalizations). Generally speaking even tho I am no atheist I find the religious remarks made far more offensive then any remarks I read from mark. He has to try harder if he wants to offend me
That is "WAT GAWD SED"
Get it right! If your going to pretend to speak authentic frontier gibberish do a little research!
re Ben Yosef. Never heard the term before.
Thanks for the info. If that is correct, then it doesn't change my original post which was...
ans. Jesus
BTW, Bastardised? It's simply a Greek version of Yeshuah. It's not uncommon for names to take quite a dramatic when transliterated.
aka, it's either all right or it's all wrong.
How odd. You - who has a "personal relationship," with Yeshua Ben Yosef.
He never mentioned this in all your personal conversations?
Mark has been beating at the same old drum for a long time, and i just wonder wha he gets out of it........ You can stand on your own two feet, just that i have only just really come back to forums and this must be my 3rd year on hubpages, and he is still belting out the same rubbish.... I just wonder why sometimes, but maybe if i just ignore that would be better.... cheers.
Ignoring those who can wind you up is a good idea
I get wound up by a hubber who is like the exact opposite of mark, a 'true believer' (as opposed to a faithful believer). She runs at the first good challenge to how she uses her religion to defend her disrespect of those with other religious beliefs. I have had to learn to ignore her or wind up saying something I would not be proud of and would probably get banned for
For those who like to debate and challenge beliefs without a sense of judgment I am always up for a bit of back n forth
I know what you mean. Do you have set religious beliefs?
I avoid at all costs setting my beliefs in religious stone so to speak. I tend to be of the belief that religion kills true spiritual growth. My church is eloquently summed up with this one sentence.
Where so ever two people gather in my name, that is church. I eschew religion as it looks to me to be a money making machine or a tool for control, with its manipulations and discouragement of free thinking.
That is because you do not read what I write. I think religion is not a good thing. But because you are a "christian" - who has not even read the bible - you think that opinion is rubbish.
I am online anyway and make a living online. I have seven windows open, am chatting on two other sites and doing several work related tasks.
But you see what you want to see don't you. And it is always the same thing. And if it is not pro religion - it is rubbish.
Let me know when you have bothered to read your bible that you follow.
Mark - this is off topic but question: when you have several windows open, does the forum you might be in update others' comments or do you have to go back to main forum menu to update? I have to keep clicking back and forth. Is there a way to avoid this?
No - it does not update and you have to go back. Some do - such as facebook, but not this one.
I usually just hit the refresh button in my browser
Joy, Mark fills the empty void inside of him when he continues to be rude and insult believers. God bless his heart.
Mark why do you say i have not read my bible. Believe it or not i have about eight different translations of the bible in my house, i read and study the bible almost every day.,.... Who do you actually think you are....
Who do you think you are? Have you forgotten that you admitted you had not read it last time we spoke?
I think it's a great frustration for those who do not believe in myths to be surrounded by so many people that do.
It's difficult being a minority.
But one doesn't have to go to war because of it.
People are allowed to believe what they want to believe.
Sophia - and you wonder why we have real war?
I have not got an amazing memory....... I do not sit and read the bible from start to finish with no reason, if that is what you mean. I study the bible constantly all the time..... There may be one or two scriptures in the 66 books of the bible i have never read ..... and there are certainly lots of scriptures i have forgotten about, but i read the bible daily.
i know you are on line all the time, and i wish you well... You are very rude though actually.
If you are trying to make me be rude it wont happen.... I have some herbs for the tomatoes, where are they?????
To tell what you think is not always being rude. Unless you are too sensitive... and insecure.
What about the books that didn't make it into the final cut of the bible? Such as the gospel of Mary Magdalene?
This is the big reason why I hold spiritual texts with suspicion, things have been omitted, translated, miss translated and as such are suspect in my eyes
They don't even get Yeshua Ben Yosefs' name right, a mistranslation in Greek that stuck when then being translated into English.
kirsten - I'd never heard there was a book by MM. I might understand why some of the others were not admitted, but her's would have surely been as first hand in the telling as any. Possibly because she was a woman.
I don't think the name translation is such a big deal but so many of the other names were kept in the original so why not YBY's?
I was actually pointed to the Gospel of Mary Magdalene by a hubber! Found it on amazon and read what I could on other websites, for which there are a few for those willing to search
As a woman I would like to read more of the female perspective of the Yeshua story
I dont have all the answers i really dont....... I was brought up a Jehovah's Witness., I am happy i have been taught to read study and ask questions. Sometimes the more questions you ask the more you have. I believe in Prayer, i dont think any man has the correct answers to everything.
Wait wait wait! You don't have all the answers! Not a very good Jehovah's Witness are you?
This goes a long way to explaining why I am enjoying our conversation!
A person who is willing to say that they don't have all the answers is actually somewhat rare. I was teasing a little there
And attributing your awareness that you don't have all the answers as to why this chat has been so pleasurable for me
I much prefer to chat with those who have questions instead of answers
I have always found my beliefs get more respect from people who have questions to offer instead of answers. I also find that the questions do more to challenge me and inspire spiritual growth then being preached at by those with lots of answers
I think we have struck up a friendship...... I am a J.W. i have been one for 54 years,and i am still working out what is going on. I love the community i belong to. As I love Hubpages. I love that god is always there to listen to me.... I love making new friends.....
I have not, I must admit, ever met a JW before that did not preach to me and tell me what to think and believe. You are a refreshing change from what I have experienced in the past.
A good comment.
May be she is not a JW now.
Wow, I went to another forum for about 2 minutes and came back not able to find who I responded to with that silly comment. Lots of activity here. It was to kirstenblog for saying she enjoyed you not having all the answers. I was just being silly.
This gives me an idea, lets keep the silliness alive!
Anyone feel free to call me silly, be silly or inspire silliness
Then I have a silly hymn for ya
O Lord, please don't burn us,
Don't grill us or toast your flock,
Don't put us on a barbecue,
Or simmer us in stock,
Don't braise us or bake or boil us,
Or stir-fry us in a wok.
Oh please don't lightly poach us,
Or baste us with hot fat,
Don't fricassee or roast us,
Or boil us in a vat,
And please don't stick thy servants, Lord,
In a Rotissomat.
I think it's the precursor to the table top oven/toaster oven not to be confused with the Automat where you could go and put a nickel in a slot and pull out food, sort of like the vending machine of the 40s but it was not an Automaton, a robot like invention, not the Automobile, a mobile auto made for automatic mobility which has no resemblence to the mobility we call Droid or Android, not to be confused with androids or immitation humans, which is not to dis any test tube babies. Though Automaton might be the precursor to the Android. The imitation human, that is.
Guys, I have been doing my best trying to convert Mark..
He is coming along surely but slowly..
May the Joy and peace of Christmas Be with all here... and of course the goodwill to all mankind!!
Lighten up folks please ...
Don't you just love Sofs..... She is on my list of who i would like to meet, how about you?????
Oh she is totally fun to chat with! She knows how to keep things fun
Hey Sweethearts thanks for all the sweet things you say.. would be love to give both of you some tight hugs (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
Hohohoho !! would love to meet you Joy... missed you for quiet a while...
I know i left work as i was so stressed, and i was not up to anything at all,glad to be back, but it is almost 3p.m. I am not dressed, and have so much to do, if only i could control my forum atcivity.
Well, interesting assault so early in the morning. I would make effort to answer the question, but, I'm not sure if the asker is a fabrication, a myth or a lie perpetrated upon me, by some ficticious hubber who is imaginary at best. How can I be sure that he exist. Help me to beleive.
And here it goes again....the endless 'hate Christianity' threads. The ridiculing of the beliefs of others continues.
You have the side who constantly berate's others for choosing to beleive, with a pompous condescending attitude of 'I know it all and I hold the only true definitions'. Then there's the other side who are always on the defensive for their belief being attacked; who dont' start out that way, but become sucked into the vortex of the demeaning words creating another air of negativity.
It's like the ice cold arrogance of the instructor who stands with the yardstick of correction pointed waiting to ridicule one who dares to speak outside the circle. It sets in motion a continual downward spiral that leads nowhere. No new knowledge is gained, only constant splattering of words.
"Each puketh onto each other."
Last year I was invited by the Jehovah Witnesses to their Easter service. It was different but as a clergy I was touched by their invitation. Afterwards, we had long and in-depth discussions of the differing doctrines. However, it was all civil. As we all departed we did so with handshakes and smiles. This is civility.
I've spent months working with the Catholic faith in providing a joint event with them. It was a first in Iowa history. Catholics under a Latter-day Saint roof for an afternoon of singing from both choirs and a potluck dinner. It was fabulous!
We've proven time again that two different faiths can coexist and be civil to one another. Yes, now when I approach a member of a different faith they know automatically who I am yet hands clasp in common friendship. We've learned to tolerate and even work with one another for common good for all inhabitants of the area.
Now, if we can find civility why can't it be found between Christians and atheists? Why must there be such harsh tension on a basic personal belief? Because of your upbringing you may be apt to kiss your children on the lips. I was not but I would never condemn something that has been a tradition of affection and belief for someone else.
If we were truly all ready to accept the challenge to be civil and let the other person believe as they wish then these types of threads would cease and the masses of us (myself included) wouldn't be so willing to feed them.
I actually have a comment on this reply as well, one of my great friends is homosexual AND an Atheist. I on the other hand am married and Christian, yet we get along great, even when talking about religion. It's all a matter of how seriously people take their religion and how easily they get offended. The other day I was actually reading the Bible for like the first time in... ever when I cam across a good scripture. I don't remember what chapter or verse, but it was in Proverbs, about the only book I read. It was talking about how the wise should remain silent, rather than berate someone else. In other words, if it's just going to end in conflict, it's better to not say anything offensive at all. So, although we have different beliefs, we coexist perfectly.
Proverbs 10:19
In the multitude of words (boasting) there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.
Proverbs 17:27
He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.
Also James 1:19
Wherefore, my beloved brethren let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
i can't answer for every atheist but as far as i am concerned i post only for the following reasons
1. i am tired of answering everybody why i don't go to church, or why i don't believe, or why i am not normal and like that
2. when terrorist plagued my country with their idiotic convictions
3. when people are more and more polarized based on their beliefs
4. when science and medicine are obstructed by the so called "beliefs"
i again say i have nothing against their personal beliefs to themselves. they can believe in any fairies as they choose. but when they wear it on their sleeves and try to push it down my throat that is what i don't like
Let me give you an interesting fact, there have been many scientists who have tried to disprove the Bible and failed on many occasions. In fact, one Atheist Scientist did everything he could to disprove every thing he found, but in the end he ended up believing everything and in fact became a Christian himself. But while we're on Atheists, what are they exactly? In my opinion, they're just people who pretend to not believe in something that they believe doesn't exist. Why would there be any point in calling yourself an Atheist if there really is no God, there would be no point. If you claim that you are an Atheist, your basically admitting that there is a God, however you're just choosing to go against the grain.. Christianity isn't a lie, try to disprove it and let everyone know what you find bro.
That still leaves much to be desired, because Islam, Hinduism, Paganism, and Flying Spaghetti Monster cannot be disproven.
But, then, they are all absurd.
I am pretending NOT to believe in something that I believe doesn't exist vs pretending to believe in something that you are pretending does exist.
If I go to a Star Trek convention dressed as a Klingon, am I pretending to believ,e or not believe, that I believe, or don't believe, Klingons exist?
brandonakelly, Very interesting post. God bless you!
Wont help Greek One, proving that there are numerous errors in every translation of the bible, simply proves that the bible is infallible. Just ask any high school drop out in the south. They know more than you could ever hope to learn about a subject you spend your life studying.
i am not ridiculing any beliefs. i am trying to point out that no belief is based on any reality. people say they have read bible but who wrote it in the first place? there is no evidence that Jesus nor his disciples ever lived. still people are trying to push down their beliefs on everybody and obstruct science. now calling oneself atheist- is their any better term? every atheist will be happy to use the term till a better term is available.
DON'T GET ME WRONG. I AM NOT AGAINST ANYBODY. my friends and family are all believers. my mother goes to church every day. but i find it funny when they question me why i don't believe in their "imaginary beings". i am also a little angry for teaching me all this "infallible" stuff as absolute truths not to be questioned , though.
nobody has seen god
there are so many religions with so many different gods
there are so many religious books by so many authors(ancient books the true authors are not the purported ones-yes including bible) each claiming infallibility
but still there is NO RATIONALE explanations for the existence of god, all people are doing is just believing the believes handed over to them by some authority figures and present to others as absolute truths
so all are just ideas or opinions only and i am against that IDEAS only, for it is this type of ideas that made terrorist attacks and all possible.
for people who say i haven't read bible i have read it and always was the first in catechism classes. but i have also read bhagavad gita some quran and also some history. i don't claim to be an absolute authority so i welcome all rationale criticisms but don't care at all about any emotionally charged ones without any meaning in it.
you ask then why this question the real question is the second part in case you didn't notice but if i simply asked that, will anybody bother to answer?
Just stoop by to make a stand. It is not about religion. It is about belief. It is about how you hold on to that belief. It is about faith.
I do not know what you believe in. But I think It could be that we believe in the same Creator only with different names. To say, it is not our religion that can save us. It is our faith to HIM.
And for atheists, I know that they too believe in something--even they think it does not exist for they can't see it. If not then I just would like to live short questions (more of a parable).
Do you believe in God?
If you answer no, because you can't see him, let me ask you a different question: Do you believe that there is air? You can't see the element but you do believe that it exists. Now, who do you think created you?
Much has been said. I don't know if how do you find my attempt in posting a good post here. I hope it helped!
Thanks and God Bless!
Tell you what - try inflating your tyres with God.
lol. I found the word "inflating" in two different context. But anyway, have to believe in what I believe and has been believing and let see when the time comes.
Some people do it every day, Paraglider,wondering," why my car is not moving?"
well we may not see air but we can feel it. right?
about the question who created you? you forgot you have parents?
if you are asking much further things. try to study evolution..
or even further like who created the universe
"matter can neither be created nor destroyed" so the matter that make up the universe is eternal that is it has no beginning nor end. where is the question of creation then?
Then have you ever wondered why EVOLUTION continues to be a THEORY? just a THEORY? No more, no less than a THEORY?
And do you believe that you came from APES or animals of the same kind?
If the Universe is not created by somebody who is more powerful, then who created it? nanoparticles, matters, elements, living cells, planktons etc. Then who created these things? How could they have existed and continue to exist?
I'm not pushing anyone with what I believe. But here's the supposed-to-be logic of what I had posted:
Can you see air? No, but you can feel it!
Same as with God. No one can see HIM. But you can feel his presence. People just don't recognize it.
That's not a logical conclusion. And if we were never indoctrinated the way we were, you could see the many flaws in your logic.
You are essentially saying what many have erroneously concluded: If we can't explain it then Goddunnit.
I could conclude that since I can't explain the beginning, then, turtles must be responsible for creation, and it would make just as much sense.
And no matter how much we want to put ourselves above primates, it appears that we were wrong.
Humans are not descended from apes, they are apes. We need to get over this arrogant delusion.
Well, we must have a misunderstanding here.
I have not concluded anything yet.You are assuming...
I think there is no wrong in believing to something. What is wrong is believing in something and pushing others that you are right and this is what they should believe in. Mere opinions count. But at the end of the day, anybody can decide what to believe.
But the way you attacked evolution, and then pleaded that there must be a creator, it just appeared you were advocating creation and a belief in God being that creator.
So I take it that you are gonna remain open-minded on this, and let the research and evidence decide, right?
So first, let's examine your evidence for your God, then we'll do evolution, then we can draw an open-minded, intelligent, but tentative conclusion.
But please don't use the "Air" analogy. That's been debunked so many times, it's become absurd and laughable.
"If the Universe is not created by somebody who is more powerful, then who created it?"
i said universe is not created by anybody, by universe i mean the matter. it is eternal. there is no need for anybody to create it. as you say if i agree that everything has to be created then who created god?
"Can you see air? No, but you can feel it!
Same as with God. No one can see HIM. But you can feel his presence. People just don't recognize it."
we feel air with our touch sensation. EVERYBODY can feel and RECOGNIZE it. what about your god??
For those who really want to try and answer some questions on religion, then I would suggest to read this thesis by a woman named H.P Blavatsky published in the late 1800's.
It gives a disection of most religions and relates to the exoteric texts that the general population follows and the esoteric fundamnetals taken from all religions.
And this is why I don't take the time to get involved in heated religious debates.
What you think you know is a fraction of what there is to know?
dont take it to literally though, its just a thesis, not law.
The Bible has been edited more than 100 times by church to suit the then ruler.
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