People usually cannot define what atheist is or when chatting with an atheist you get the feeling that he/she does believe in some form of god maybe not the true God. So, I have been thinking that maybe Christians could be atheists, too. Am I wrong?
No, actually 99% of "Christians" are atheist in manner.
Which explains why most atheist have a constant, unbridled necessity to mingle/meddle in Christian discussion or the likes thereof.
An Atheist cannot exist without A Theist!!! Hello.
Dear me. I would happily not need to be an atheist, Jim. Keep your god where it belongs and I am out of here.
Even still... you're here... "Bones".
My point proven by you, thanks.
Enjoy your non-theist deist determinism
Yeah - I know you don't understand, Jim - you have made that clear as a bell.
This is why your religion causes so many conflicts.
Hallelujah, Determinism!
Hallelujah, Determin--ISM !
Determinism, no delusion?! Hallelujah!
via : Leonard Cohen :
via : Handel :
May Determinism bless --err-- behest you, Marcus.
No need to repeat yourself Jim - I know you don't get it and it upsets you that I want you to stop with the nonsense. I know. Makes you feel tingly all over. Pity it causes so many conflicts.
Come on man, I am having a laugh.
...Sigh, you're getting boring Marcus.
So conflicted, yet so determined:
Be it to find out or destroy the possibility of finding out, I am not certain which really applies to you.
Alas, the Templar's are battling the Illuminati, in the same place --your mind. That is the worst of wars.
Determinist you are, no doubt, but I never pegged you for a hedonist. Guess we do learn new things every day, eh?
Did he believe that know God wil lstop him from being knowleable. Once you truly understand about God you would understand that infinite knowledge. It is my belief that God wants to share his knowledge with us, but only when me ready. Right now we are stills babies who needs milk,
Nonsense. Anonymous Internet trolls who sign up to fight for Jesus carry little weight and merely serve to reinforce my opinion of their religion.
Iz u gonna sez wot god wants innit?
Most Christians do not read about Christ and how he wants us to follow Him. This is why after two thousands years we have failure all over the place and so many sects.
Ah. But - you are a real Christian I suppose?
Prolly that is why you are hiding behind an anonymous persona and joined this site just to fight about Jesus.
Like all the other Christians.
Well, I am not fighting for Jesus cause He does not need anyone fighting for Him. He is the Word-God made flesh to save us. I am sharing my ideas with all who wants to share theirs with me, so that I can become the ideal person Jesus wants me to be. My name is Ronald Celestin by the way. Tinald isthe nickname my mother gave me. I seek the writings and I seek other people ideas cause I believe that it is through them that I will comprehend the route that God wants me to take. Yes, I believe that I am true Christian; I am not perfect, but I am looking for perfection. I realize long ago that God is everywhere, and so I pay close attention to nature and all of God's creation to the best of my ability.
If you are looking for perfection, why on earth are you seeking Jesus? The bible is a silly book, written by MAN, and has absolutely nothing to do with GOD or perfection.
You are only worshipping the words of some human scribes from long ago.
How sad.
Actually, speaking in Kabbalistic terms, the bible is an amazing work. There is no other work like it that is as old. More there than meets the eye, and when you factor in the very good possibility that it may be proof of alien contact with earthlings, then, the value of this particular record, may be priceless. Think outside the box.
Not interested in speaking in ancient Medievel Jewish nonsense.
I could use other books to indicate the possibility of alien contact, so you have no real point here.
Did you know that it is in that nonesense that we first encounter the big bang theory?
OK, so prove that this came from the mind of GOD. It doesn't matter that someone can infer the Big Bang from an ancient belief, but, please prove that this came from the mind of your God...but first you have to prove He exists.
Very concise, straight to the point, and no nonsense. I like it.
Thank you...Goddunnit just doesn't work for me.
I dont know about anyone else ,but Im not here to prove anything?
Im not even trying to convert anyone.
I know that I am convinced, and I believe in God.
Faith is believing in things unseen.
About as simple as I can put it.
I understand the concept of faith. What I dont understand though, is why christians believe that faith is a good thing. Of course I am aware that the bible says it is a good thing because it gets you into heaven, but it doesnt explain WHY.
Surely god, if he was so omniscient and omnipotent would reward people for finding him through logical and rational means rather then through blind faith?
It sounds more to me like someone made up the religion and knowing that it was easily refuted and debunked, put in the clause that you have to just believe in order to get your reward.
Islam went one step further. You're not allowed to ask questions. My muslim friend got "ejected" from a mosque for questionning the priest/pastor or whatever he was called.
Can you prove that He doesn't? Can you tell me when time started and when it will end? But, I bet you can tell me about your time zone and you believe in it. I can only tell you about My God and say that due to my experience with Him that He exists.
What will you say if you met a Hindu who tells you that due to their experience with Vishnu, they can tell you Vishnu is real.
That would be somewhat of a conundrum no?
The proof is on you. You made the assertion.
With all due respect, I fail to see anything valuable in this question, and it strikes me as irrelevant nonsense...desperately trying to support a foolish and false premise.
In other words any delusional thought should be accepted as evidence of the existence of the delusion in question?
Consult Psych 101.
Well then if God is a delusion, then time will be too. Then, in Math the infinite does not exist. there will be so many things that do not exist that you will call delusion. And worse of what is nothingness for you to believe in it. With all due respect you will have to consult Psych 101 too cause following your logic nothingness could not exist cause we cannot prove it, then you if you are atheist is in delusion as well. As far as Hindu is concern, it is ironic that they represent their god with three heads in one body. In everything there is some truth to it, so I could not dismiss someone telling me about their god. I wil also look at if there is a misconception in what the person is saying. It is not my place to tell him that he's wrong; I can only tell him about my own experience and pray to God that He reveal Himself to us plainly so there be no mirage to confuse us. It is up to God to show the person that he may be wrong, not me.
Illogical and irrelevant. How do you come up with such nonsense?
Just because your illogical beliefs are being attacks, there is no need to go off on an absurd nonsensical tangent. You have nothing to back up this nonsense.
Christ psychosis strikes again. This is sheer desperation.
And the Hindu would pray to his God that He reveals himself to YOU...Which shows that this is all nonsense. Do you see why I choose not to believe this garbage?
The truth is in order for you to be atheist, I must be a theist cause if I don't exist you don't exist. It is the same correlation of good vs evil. Life is not linear no matter what path you take. In order for you to understand the existence of God you must have all knowledge or He must reveal Himself to you. I pray to God that He does reveal Himself to you and maybe this is the beginning.
Why do you pray to god? Isn't he omniscient? Doesn't he already know what you want?
Why doesn't he just appear to the entire world and make everyone believe in one go? Doesn't he want everyone to bow down and worship him? The bible says he does.
Prayer is a way of communication between God and myself, just as meditation is a way of feeling the power of God within me. It is also for me to produce or create whatever outcome that I want with God's power if that is the plan of God, if not I wil get a substitute equal to what I am asking. Every action has a reaction, but it is God who knows what raction is good for me. Worshipping God is selft worship cause God will always share his glory with us. It helps me create a better world for myself and give me more strength. I become God's chez d'ouevre in God's garden once more.
So you get whatever outcome you want as long as it is gods plan?
Forgive me for laughing so hard my sombrero fell off and I dropped my taco.
Does god talk to you when you pray then? Because he is omniscient so you dont need to talk to him for him to know what you want.
I think you'll get the same results from simple meditation.
Is that a FACT?
Sounds like a scam to me. I could get the same results without praying at all. Don't tell me you can't see this glaring fallacy?
If God knows what is best for you, why do you even bother asking for anything in prayer?
Sure...just as I become Harry Potter's chez d'ouevre.
When you were a child didn't your parents knew what is good for you and yet didn't you ask them things sometimes. Prayer is a way of having a relationship with God is not always asking. When Jesus-Christ come back, then you will believe cause you will see Him face to face. And as I told you before I am not here to convince you of anything just here to tell you that He is coming back. What you do with this message is up to you.
Well - I for one am laughing at you. You don't frighten me with this zombie coming back to force me to my knees nonsense.
This is why your religion causes so many conflicts.
It doesn't. cause no conflict at all. You all when it comes to science you give it the benefit of the doubt such as E=Mc^2, butwhen it comes to what is said in the Bible you do not believe. The years of true knowledge are coming. You shall see and be amazed
No - I do not believe nonsense. Sorry.
What does scientific understanding have to do with it? I don't believe your nonsense because it is nonsense. Not because of science.
Yes, just like a gullible child, you still believe in childish psychotic fairytales. It's time to finally grow up.
...and everywhere that Mary went that lamb was sure to go!
And I'm here to tell you just how absurd and delusional your thinking is.
The sky is falling...the sky is falling...the sky is falling!
Quite the contrary. The Bible has to do with us and our mentality. It teaches you to love and not to hate. It also tells you that due to the path that humankind has taken or will take, we will self destruct. It is Jesus who said be perfect as my Father in Heaven is perfect. If your mind is perfect and what comes out in your mouth is perfect, then you will be perfect. We are living in two worlds at the same time. The world of the mind and the physical world that we see. Your mind will determine what your physical self w ill see. For example, Jesus never cure any disease, but it the faith that the people who wanted to be heal had in Him that heal them. Remember what he usually tell them "your faith has save you". You must understand the right teaching from the Bible and apply them to your life. Like everything in this physical world we either have chaos out of order or order out of chaos and the Bible is no different, but it does contains the blueprint that you must follow. The world was created by thought and words and everything that human himself invent also need thought and words.
Good for you Tin -hey why dont you upload a pic or something that takes your fancy.
Welcome to Hubpages
Buckle up,it can get quite bumpy in the Religious forum,especially if you love Jesus!
Can I be the 1%
I see your point.
We both believe in something
Of course, of course Wiki.
As always, with atheists: their anti-belief or anti-doctrine or finding contrasts in the doctrine is solely based on the doctrine they dispute. (Note the endless use of the text pro & con here in Hubivity-land). Without the doctrine or a belief of a doctrine, they would not be atheist.
I know it is a play on words but:
An atheist is still a theist & vis-a-vis; tete-a-tete;
And you are not religious Jim. How funny that you need to bring people who do not believe the moon is made of cheese down to your level. I don't have a belief and keep on telling me I do is where you cause the conflicts.
Is that what Y'achoo wanted?
This is why your religion causes so many fights Jim.
Are you an acarpenter and an aphysicist? No. You are not. This is why your religion causes so many wars.
How am I religious, Marcus. You, of all people, spend more time arguing religion (here on HP) than any one I have ever encountered. That IS religious!
I am not wanting people to believe or disbelieve, that I think you really do not get. I am trying to bring them up to my level, not leave them down in the mud (their paradox of equation-sensation), fella.
If you didn't have a belief, Marcus, you would not be here so vehemently, consistently, repetitively, religiously and certainly would not be on a "Quest" to "Destroy all Theology --especially (as you often are sited) Kristians".
So, please, man, don't make me laugh. I have grilled bigger fish. :l
You are more of a Theist than the Kristians Are!
That is why you are constantly repeating why your "religion" causes so many conflicts --because you are passive-aggressive angry with yourself, a true determinist. That is your religion.
Like I said before, "atheists" are like teenagers...
Hallelujah, Determinism!
Of course I have a belief.
I believe religion and belief in god is detrimental to me, you and our society. I am not angry with myself - I am being aggresive/aggresive. Nothing passive about it Jim.
Your beliefs cause conflict and damage.
LOLOLOL that you think we are all down in the mud and you are on high.
This would be why your religion causes so many conflicts. Invisible nonsense that gives you the delusion that you have some understanding that we do not.
I Stand corrected. As for "on high or down low" it is a figure of speak. I am no greater or less than you or anyone. Am just an fortunate to have let go of the need. Wasn't easy, but it was worth it. PS, could you tell me EXACTLY what you believe my religion to be? This should be interesting. And do try to be non-pseudo about it
Creator sneezed and we are not doing wot it sed.
And u no wot it sed and the other people int reeding the majik book right.
But you are.
not e v e n within the same u n i v e r s i t y my man.
but, it's all good.
I had fun. time to jet.
People to go, places to do...
I have watched you berate the sheeple with this over and over Jim. No wonder your religion causes so many wars.
tsk tsk Marcus,
I don't berate them "sheeple", I am merely pointing out the reality of dismissing the textual necessity. Exchanging it for experience --what they would call a testimony, versus regurgitating the text or relying on someone else testimony. To be independent of the necessity which limits --by either method of humanism's expression (equation || sensation). Quite simple actually. I am inclined deeply that more than 3/4 of people who carry the title of Christian in any form have no real idea what the depth of Work is about, only a surface tension/vibration that has been severely abused by their leaders --and folks like you. Their leaders who did cause many sad and frightful events should be handed over to "the Roman mob" and equally so should you for doing exactly what their leaders do -lie or at least not tell the whole truth or worse your version of a truth, with equally lacking understanding of a surface knowledge of a text.
What I do admire about them is their interest in understanding. What I do not admire is their lack of experience and real courage, to back up the endless quoting and unsustainable "artificial" light.
But, that is soon to end I suppose. And one wonders where you'll be when it's all said and done. When society, economy, science, religion, etc finally fail and a people arise fully connected to the Creator, as humanity once was...
Drivel. Sorry. So many words to say nothing. They have no interest in understanding..... And you do not understand anything.
You simply claim esoteric nonsense.
This is why your religion causes so many conflicts.
I will be dead and gone. As will you. Silly boy - it is here and now. This is wot ur book sez.
Thats it!!,couln't put my finger on it before.
Stroppy darn teenagers
Wiki ut oh Im either very clever ,or about to be arrested
Yep I do get it.
Not that I'm particularly fond of labels.
Doee tacking the 'ism' to words spring from psychology jargon?
Atheism is oppsosing to Theism, they are opposites. Atheism is recognized as a religious belief by the Supreme Court. In fact, jogging can be considered a religion by their guidelines. How can anyone believe absolutely nothing? Atheists harbor their own beliefs, defend their view, etc. Some are as obnoxious as door thumpin' christians. The fact that they seem to nearly exclusively hang out in the Religious forums is a fact that a psychiatrist would have a field day with!
Yes, you're wrong. A true Christian cannot be an atheist.
What would others call you when you deny their gods?
If you look up the word you will discover two things you seem to have missed
The true God is the creator of this world. He has revealed himself to some people not all, and does not really have a religion.
When you look at what some religion, specially Christians, Jews and Islams are teaching to what people who considered themselves atheists or evolution are teaching about the universe it is really a misconception of the truth that they both have. Does some kind of evolution play a role in God design or to be more specific does a baby stay the same? or have you ever seen a baby coming from a monkey ?
Did they change to humans when they got old?
No, they remained as monkeys, obviously.
Of course, your original statement most likely was referring to evolution where the misinformed make ridiculous claims about humans springing forth from monkeys.
That reminds me of a conversation I had with my mum when I was 5. I asked her if her grandparents were monkeys.
Jesus abhored the religious spirit.
This is a helpful site if you want to know the difference between Religion and Christianity.
On the outside they look the same ,talk the same,but are as different as wax fruit to real fruit!
If I was not married,I would ask if you would marry me cause I just love what you just said.
Kiwi, Agreed. Hopefully they will visit the site to learn the difference between religion and Christianity.
I'm afraid saying Christianity is not a religion doesn't make it so. If you are interested in facts you might look at a few different websites on the subject of the Christian religion. The one referenced might be pushing an agenda. Here's a few to start.
just_curious, if your request was in fact directed at me, the response is this:
There cannot be an "entity" titled as "G/god". If so all the elements of the universe and everything therein are deduced to human ideology and (a pitiful) attempt to apply the events of Creator/creation, as a minimalistic stereotype and no doubt a very useless existence of humanity...
Would you agree with me that time is continous. It merely events that are changing only to repeat themselves. For us humans time is a twenty four hours period and it has days, months, and years for us to make sense of it. The fact that the Creator does not take ownership of our ideologies, which is what makes life worth living. Though if only we could all love one another we might began to understand God own ideology for us and He might reveal Himself to us all.
You play upon words and dismiss it while the example of the word is very powerful. I hipe that you do not think linear. Believe me I love math and it loves me back, but math alone cannot explain life. Speaking of ideology is it fact that changing your idea of something will give you a different outcome than the ideology that you had before. All inventions has been thought of by the inventors first and sometimes by others before them. A mere change of ideas can be the result of one being rich like Mr Gates or poor. It is the belief and ideology of Mr. Obama that got him president. It is the belief and ideology of Mr Gates that got him microsoft and billions of dollars. It is the belief and ideology of Mr Constantine that got him the victory to make king. It is the belief and ideology of some Christians who converted Rome into Christians and to stop persecuting them. If China is the number two nations as of now, it is its belief and ideology that has created that.
Nature/The Universe is the lowest level or "starting point" of Creator revealed. Humans were the last object revealed, after which an immediate encompassing of all of it in/by Intangible, where man was directly reflecting that Intangible in a Tangible thing called creation.
"Time": past-present-future are the same thing. It is Saturday morning in NY but nearly Sunday in Australia. Which means today to me is yesterday to them and tomorrow is in Hawaii, literally.
Yet, that is the only way given to us by the creator to understand ourselves and Himself a little. This why we are limited and will always be lacking true
This is not actual/factual.
To understand ourselves using time or attempting to "understand" the limitation (that is: our brain at work) is useless. The mind is a tool, a storage house of all the element parameters of the universe. These "threads" of information were planted in us from the beginning, so we would fully know --without engaging the mind to understand.
To understand Creator, we need only abandon our methods.
Once Creators method is applied, we void time and limitation -as we were once before.
Humanity is only limited because of choice --and by indulging choice or a necessity, divides itself from Creator, not the other way around.
Humanity was create to govern "time/seasons", not to be affected by them. He would need to be thoroughly aware of how time worked and its purpose, to govern creation as he was designed to do.
Something to consider...
What you is true, but at times our thought goes back to our limitation and thus we became unable to comprehend once more losing precious steps. It is as if we are our own ennemy. You spoke about limited by choice, but it is really a mirage of choice, beause only by abiding to the creator way can we go through the right route and even that is not exactly full proof cause for once we expect to have the same exact experince once we start folloming the route. Some of us, forgetting that we individual, have been quite unhappy about result.
No. it was directed at the OP. I never take who, or what, anyone is saying for granted here anymore. But cool answer on your part. As always. (I'm still waiting on the results of the get together you said you were having on the subject of all of that)
Except for a few who know the truth, all the so-called Christians can be classified as adherents of Satan, not atheists. Satan has diverted them from the true Christian teachings and way of life. The pity is they do not even know this.
So tell me how YOU know that YOU are not one of the adherents of Satan?
Three things:
I do not believe in Trinity
I do not believe jesus is God
I do not believe in hell
Those who believe in these false doctrines have been brainwashed by Satan, which means almost everybody in the Christiandom.
An Entity named Lucifer or Satan is also a false doctrine.
Check the text thoroughly and you'll see.
There is no such Entity.
Wow. I guess the safe thing to do would be to follow you, lest I get fooled by Satan!
By your comments it obvious that you are an adherent to Satan. You accuse others of being brainwashed by him and you yourself have obviously been.
Arguing is the action of satan. You have obviously been brainwashed by satan.
You must be open to accept Jesus as your saviour but Yahweh as your God
Go to and read relevant articles PATIENTLY and you will know the world of Christianity is wrong.
Change before it is too late.
Checked out your site. Haven't the Jehovah Witnesses predicted the end of the world three or for times already? What makes you sure there's any rush now? They've been proven wrong before.
But I'm glad to hear you say the world of christianity is wrong. Most witnesses I know won't admit they're not christian. Theological warfare they call it. Basically, they say it's lying for God, so it's acceptable.
Isnt god omnipotent? He lets satan lead people away from him? I thought he was jealous, wouldnt that make him smight satan? I mean he IS all powerful right?
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