How was the idea " God exists" first created. did we find out?
2nd: What was the good news Jesus wanted to spread?
3rd: There's so much injustice going on in this world today, why doesn't God help us?
By "shock and awe" type effect based on awareness of self and of the world around oneself. It began as an idea, to explain the unexplainable.
Spread by the gullible.
Self authority, which is based on understanding oneself and the life one is living, which comes from awareness(consciousness).
What god?
Who cares? It doesn't actually matter.
1. We didn't "find out", He used to reveal himself to us, but now we are too selfish to listen.
2. Love, for Him and for each other and for yourself. That is it.
3. God isn't consulted, revered, worshiped, loved or treated at all like he used to be. It's not injustice he prevents, it's hell. During this life, we just hold on to Him come what may and all will be revealed in the end. Do your best, lean on him, never lose site and enjoy the pearly gates.
4. Mayans were a smart civilization. They didn't predict that date, that's the date when they stopped predicting. That may have been the last date they were able to scribe before they were slaughtered by the Spanish or perhaps another tribe. There is no actual, physical evidence that suggests that anything else was afoot.
1)The knowledge of God is always present.....
There is no beginning to Him.. so there is no origin to God
There is no destination to Him so there is no end...
But it can be also said that he is both beginning and end in himself....
Where ever there is the knowledge of "I" there is God.
2)Jesus came to spread the good news to "All", and only the "ALL" will hear Him, and that news is already with the "All".
Whosoever have not heard do not belong to the "All" so therefore they do not have ears to hear the "good news"
For in their hearing the "good news" will not be good but bad.
3) The purpose of of God is fulfill within the injustice of this world and without this, it cannot be fulfilled...Knowing this will not cause one to fear but to rejoice.
4)Men will take knowledge given by God and create their own perception of Life, and by this perception they Live or die...
but none of it can ever negate the purposes of god but rather fulfills it...
So if the Mayans said such things, then it so so unto their ownselves...Look around at 2012 and see.
Who created God? It is an age-old question that has plagued all those who like to think about the big questions. Having grown up as an agnostic non-Christian, it provided me with a potential reason why there might not be any god. Various religions tend to solve the problem in different ways. The LDS church (Mormonism) says that the God (Elohim) to whom we are accountable had a father god, then grew up on a planet as a man, and progressed to become a god himself. Many other religions have claimed that gods beget other gods. Of course the problem with this idea is how did the first god get here? This problem of infinite regression invalidates such religions. Christianity claims that God has always existed. Is this idea even possible? Does science address such issues?
Christianity's answer
Christianity answers the question of who made God in the very first verse of the very first book, Genesis:
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1)
This verse tells us that God was acting before time when He created the universe. Many other verses from the New Testament tell us that God was acting before time began, and so, He created time, along with the other dimensions of our universe:
* No, we speak of God's secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. (1 Corinthians 2:7)
* This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time (2 Timothy 1:9)
* The hope of eternal life, which God... promised before the beginning of time (Titus 1:2)
* To the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. (Jude 1:25)
1.It is not man who created the concept of the Creator God. It is the Creator God who Conversed with man and told man that He exists.
2.Jesus told to worhsip ONE true God and love His Messenger who was to come.
3.The injustice is being done by man on the fellow human beings; not by the Ceator God.
4. What is the basis of the Mayans to say that?
God exists because:
We don't want to die, therefore there is a supernatural entity that will prevent it.
We don't understand what we see, therefore there is a supernatural entity that makes it happen.
We want a purpose to our life, therefore there is a supernatural entity that gives it to us.
Bottom line: we want what we can't have or are not willing to work for and therefore invent God to explain everything and to ensure that what isn't there is there. It's the easy way out.
"4th: Why DID THE MAYANS SAY THAT 2012 IS THE END?" Official end of the Picean Age.
And there I assumed they either couldn't count to 2013 or ran out of paper.
Ya learn somethin' every day!
"How was the idea " God exists" first created"
Before God existed, gods existed and you could feel them in nature. Then they created the idea
of one God with the advent profit. Only the profiteers had access to one God, and to steal
the resources they needed to make profits, they
assigned to other gods, the attribute of evil.
Uh....could u have been a little LESS confusing? How does nature exist ehwn God doesn't exisi and how do GODS exist when God doesn't?
God is only an imaginary creature and nature will exist with or without man's imagination.
Gods were more imaginary things assigned to be or live in trees, mountains, animals and such. As they, too, were only imaginary they can exist without the imaginary God that Christians believe in.
That single God of Christians was created by the priests in order to fleece the believers of their money and goods. In order to promote fear in believers and gain more money the final (current) imaginary God named Satan was created to convince people they would be punished if they didn't do as the priests told them to.
You certainly ask great questions fundamental
without knowing it - prob.
"How does nature exist ehwn God doesn't exisi and how do GODS exist when God doesn't?"
How does God exist without nature and is God one or all?
Don't believe anybody. Why be here if you don't figure it out for yourself. Would you be you or somebody else?
I dont think I do believe in anything anymore! I have so many problems in my life and i've asked various Gods to help, but WHY WONT HE LISTEN? and whom should i pray to?! There r so many GODS out there! Should I start a topic on this - "How to reassure your believes in God when u don't believe in Him anymore"? Oh! And by the way, I just noticed my mistake on "How does nature exist..",blah..blah..blah!
"and whom should i pray to?" You are the goddess and you should pray to yourself. Most everything you want or need is there but you got to dig it out. Seems like you are on a good
Thanks knolyyourself (gets me very curious - that name)!
Always comes down to God does his part when we do our part, and man likes to blame God for all their problems, but yet we create our problems ourselves in the choices we make daily, and the missed opportunities we never tak when they arrive. We wait around for something to happen, instead of taking action to improve our lives, even the world.
Hmmm....makes me think. So if I dont fall in love FAULT?! and no not always is it the same. Sometimes your parents take an action and well....u get messed up because of them! And this is when God is SUPPOSED to help!
Yeah been there done that Gillme, you don't play your part to help yourself emotionally and spiritually, God can't help you. He'll pave the way, but you have to do the work whether it's relationships, job, finances, etc. He can put the tools, friends, family, life coaches, teachers, etc. Yet some how you have to find the courage, strength, bravery, and stamina to fight for what you want, and get past the negativity, fears, and change your lifestyle. It takes a lot of work with God, but unless your willing to make the effort your life will never be what you want it to be. God can give you anything, but you're the one that takes what he gives and creates the masterpeice of your life. So if it's not to pretty, start over, take a new canvas out, and make it beautiful.
The Mayans say the date 12/21/2012 is not necessarily the end but the last point at which they can predict constellation patterns because the cycle ends and another begins.
Exact length according to ancient Maya
Beginning date Initiation Resulting state of Consciousness End date
13 x 20 kin =
260 days 2/11/2011 Transformation Cosmic 10/28
13 x 360 kin =
4,680 days 1/5/1999 IT revolution Galactic 10/28
13 x 7,200 kin =
93,600 days 1755 Industrialism Planetary 10/28
13 x 144,000 kin =
1,872.000 days 6/16/3115
B.C. Writing National 10/28
13 x 2,880.000 kin =
37,440.000 days 100,500
B.C. Spoken Language Cultural 10/28
13 x 57,600.000 kin =
748,800.000 days 2,048.000
B.C. Human Beings Tribal 10/28
13 x 1,152.000.000 kin =
14,976.000.000 days 40,998.000
B.C. Monkeys Family 10/28
13 x 23,040.000.000 kin =
299,520.000.000 days 819,998.000
B.C. Complex life Individual 10/28
13 x 460,800.000.000 kin =
5,990.400.000.000 days 16,4 Billions
B.C. Matter Cellular 10/28
That didn't transfer well, here's the link. … -and-2012/
All in the mind, and we now have a switch to turn it off.
Hey Gillme,
The "switch" is choice.
You either choose to be gullible or You choose to be rational and intelligent.
So....If i chose to be rational and intelligent...then? What do i give up?
Many years ago now, a psychotic patient who was delusional and violent was fitted with a probe which put a small signal into the part of the brain responsible for his insanity.
The results are well documented as is the history of the patient.
He became passive and lost his illusions to live a normal life while the probe was in place.
The doctors went to the trouble of making it portable so that he could get around. When he tried to kill someone, the discovered the battery had gone flat.
New battery, new man.
This is the same part of the brain that builds fantasies like religion to allay the inherent fear of death.
The probe not only saved lives, (his and those he may have killed) it also exposed more of how we think or don't think, and how religion is fed the fear that creates the crazy mythical belief in invisible impossible entities.
It is understandable why the belief in gods began. The evolution of man into a thinking, questioning creature meant we found ourselves with a need to explain the world around us, and where we came from and how we got here. Early man could not explain natural phenomena, such as thunder, earthquakes, or even why rain fell from the sky. The only way to understand these things was to imagine an intelligence behind them. So gods developed as a response to the need to know about these things. Early gods therefore had to have a direct influence in man's day-to-day experience. The thunder meant the gods were angry. The rain was needed, so rituals developed to ensure it continued, such as the various rain dances of primitive mankind. Other rituals were created to ensure the Sun continued to rise every day. Over thousands of years these beliefs developed, and the gods began to take on less of a direct part in life,and the idea of a spiritual god, one which did not have a physical body evolved. Nearly every culture began its spiritual quest by worshipping the natural environment, which is why there were so many animal gods. The early spiritual gods still had direct contact with mankind, very often by fathering the children of human women, whose offsrping were therefore half god. This pagan idea influenced the spread of Christianity in the pagan Roman Empire, and is why the belief in Jesus as being the son of God was so widely accepted.
Since the enlightenment, and the development of science, the need to invoke gods to explain natural phenomena is no longer necessary. Today, therefore gods are believed to be entirely spiritual. They no longer cause the rain to fall or the earth to shake. They are expected though to answer prayers or to punish the wicked and reward the just in some future life. In some religions, this future life is entirely spiritual, whilst for others it is physical.
Another reason why gods developed was in answer to the question of why we have to die, and where we go anferwards. Why we die has of course been answered by science, but mortality is a fearful prospect, and so people still need there to be gods to provide us with somewhere to go after our physical deaths.
The reason there are so many different gods, is because there are so many different cultures, who have made their gods in their own images. Only as a result of a global civilisation, where we are aware of other peoples and their beliefs has religious relativism developed, with bits and pieces borrowed from different beliefs systems. Whilst science now has the answers to most of our questions, mankind is not ready to throw off its primitive beliefs,because they give comfort and hope. I doubt though, if a cure for death were to be found, that religion would continue for too long, because their primary reason of providing the hope of a future life will no longer be needed.
by Claire Evans 9 years ago
That's the typical Sam Harris argument. How does suffering negate God's existence? Maybe He's just watching. It doesn't mean He doesn't exist and for anyone to bring up suffering as proof of no God is indication of a logical fallacy.
by nightskater 8 years ago
Why do so many people believe that God doesn't love them when he sent his only son to save them?
by LewSethics 13 years ago
We are taught from childhood to behave well and do good things without thought of compensation, but all god does is promise not to burn the hell out of us if we do absolutely everything he says, and do it the way he says it, because it's not enough to just do it, you have to bleed in your heart for...
by Eugene Geminiano 15 years ago
You base your answers as much as possible with Science...
by backporchstories 12 years ago
With economy becoming tighter and tighter, it is harder to pay bills and keep food on the table! The Bible, tells us Christians to give a tenth (tything) of our income to support the Church. How many of you still follow this rule, especially with a shrinking wallet and other needs that...
by Daniel Carter 14 years ago
So then, how is hate justified if only love comes from God?
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