Why do you feel that many people have deserted a particular religion or simply chosen not to follow
Have the major religions not moved with the times?
As an agostic i'd like to see what others feel and see?
Because religion is empty--it heaps demands upon people that they cannot fulfill and judges those both within and outside of its confines with a lack of compassion and mercy. I believe that Religion is NOT God's idea. Who did Jesus get angry with when He was on the earth? The sinners? No--He had mercy on them. Those who were considered to be "ethically unclean" to His people? No--He included them. The women who were considered to be less important than men? No--He stood up for them and treated them with honor. Who did Jesus get upset with? The Religious People! He knew their hearts. Their outward actions of self-righteousness and hypocrisy may have fooled each other, but Jesus saw straight into their hard hearts. He called them whitewashed tombs--pretty and clean on the outside and dead on the inside. He went so far as to call them "children of the devil." Now, that's a pretty intense statement! Religion pulled people away from Relationship with God. Religion brings guilt, where Relationship brings mercy. Religion brings fear where Relationship brings joy. Religion brings exclusion where Relationship brings inclusion. Religion divides--Relationship unites. Religion condemns--Relationship accepts. Religion conforms--Relationship transforms. "Man" invites people into a religion that they can control and establish the rules. God invites people into relationships where they have freedom and it is more about the heart than one's performance. This is why people abandon religion. It's a counterfeit that promises the "Real" way to God but delivers man-made philosophies and programs that are void of power, love, and freedom. Unfortunately, people often think that Religion is the face of God and so they reject God when they reject Religion. Jesus is the face of God. God is a person, not a place. Jesus invites people into a lifestyle of supernatural freedom, peace, joy, love, mercy, truth, grace, and more. It's time for people to stop following religion and to follow God instead! Great question--thanks for asking. :-)
I definitely understand where you are coming from. I look at life in patterns. And I see how religion has ravaged the world in the name of God. Regardless of what we believe, if there was a god he/she wouldn't support a religion that killed and stole in his name....
Religion is a man-made construct which arose as a means to link agrarian peoples to centers of trade and learning. However, very early on the church (which is an organization and institution) learned to wield its power over the people to its political and financial betterment (i.e. "tithing" 10% of your annual income to the church). In my opinion, the Roman Catholic Church is the oldest, richest and most powerful institution in the world (their art holdings alone are priceless). But remember, any church or organized religion is a business, which uses dogma (a form of persuasion) to control the thoughts and behaviors of its adherents. To me religion and "the church" are synonymous with thought oppression, and they have never really served man well from a spiritual perspective. Because they are man-made artifacts of society, they are therefore riddled with corruption, greed, and hypocrisy. As such, religion is a business, not a state of spirituality.
I've personally belonged to three different churches over my lifetime, and none of them helped me in the least. In fact, what a bunch of hypocritical jerks - they just want your money so the pastor can drive around in a Jaguar or Mercedes. Remember Jim and Tammy Faye Baker? I rest my case.
In short, religion blows! LOL
Because religion seperates people and draws party lines.
The Church is corrupt for conditioning people to be fearful. Let me ask you this...do you trust politicians? How do you know the Bible hasn't been altered by man for personal gain? I say trust your own instincts, god gave man intelligence, we should think for ourselves and use whatever spiritual book suits you best, after all most of the main religions teach compassion which is at its core what we all want...right?
I label myself agnostic also. Religion lacks compassion. It lacks common sense. It's funny, because in order to live in the manner religion claims its adherents aspire to, you slowly develop a distaste for the devoutly religious.
Religion soundly refutes any belief in a deity worthy of being labeled the source of all life. I'm open to knowledge if that source exists, but I won't put myself in a position to conduct myself in a manner I feel is wrong simply to worship the words written down by an ancient race.
Religion is an attempt to reconcile the evils apparent in the world with an all powerful God.
If we believe in God we probably have an idealised view of 'Him'; we hope He is all loving, infinite in mercy and patience, and forgiving to all the sinners like ourselves. We hope these things because we know cannot live up to the perfection that we envisioned God with, and we hope for mercy because we envision Him as all powerful who can can do want He wants with us after death.
However, religion begins to distort our idealism when it's adherents observe injustice. Evil men appear to live long live and get away with it, whilst those that are good are exploited. The rich get richer as their riches give them the ability to accumulate more of the wealth, and thus the poor get poorer. This is the way of the world and human systems.
So in order to maintain hope that all will one day be set right, our idealised view of God begins to distort. Now we see God as meting out punishment after death for all the evil and rich people, and the good and poor are elevated. These ideas are expanded and elaborated, ceremonies and religious performances are invented along with cleansing rituals that enable us to be accepted by the idealised God. Soon we have a them and us scenario; those that follow our religion and those that do not.
Thus religion by way of coming to turns with the hard realities of live distort God; or at least introduce characteristics that we would rather He didn't have. And so the atheist from a point of view of someone outside our religion states that these characteristics are signs of a hateful, evil God.
I think many people are disillusioned with religion because often the religious are hypocritical. When someone behaves badly, often people associate the religion with the person erroneously.
Another major aspect, also, is that people do not want to have their lives governed by a higher being. I don't know about the other religions, but Christianity cannot move with the times because God's values are absolute.
The behavior of the religious defines their religion. If they behave badly, that is simply an extension of their beliefs and teachings. It means the religion they follow is bad. There is no other way to put it.
Saying people don't want to be under the authority of a higher power is religion behaving badly. The only power you seek to enforce is the power of your opinion, which doesn't mean squat to me.
Er, okay. So when Christians judge others with bigotry, they are just following the teachings of Jesus when He said, "Those with you without sin cast the first stone"? Then again, Jesus can be separated by certain elements of the Christian religion, it being mired by the Vatican and Christians who just judge because it doesn't reconcile with their take of the scriptures. So to disregard Jesus because of the behavior of Christians, who clearly don't follow His teachings, doesn't make a whole lot sense to me.
You can't just merge the behavior of people and a higher power into one. Some people, when asked, will say that don't want, or like the idea, of a higher power guiding their lives. They want their lives to be in accordance with their will, which just gets them into a lot of trouble. People will say obeying a higher being is just "restrictive". Ego is man's biggest enemy and most certainly will not make a person open to the idea of being an subordinate to God.
I agree that ego is the primary problem. But, those among the religious that you don't agree with are following Jesus. As they understand their interpretation. They do not disregard, or ignore, the teachings. They see it differently and you would be the one not following the teachings.
I have nothing against the figure I saw arise from the gospels as I read them. But, each person must account for themselves and religion allows you, or anyone, to ignore that certainty and puts the believer in the position of making claims on a spiritual level that would disenfranchise others. The believer thinks they have a right and a mandate to speak unkindly. That is ego at its worst.
I don't know how can you misinterpret "judge not" and "those without sin cast the first stone". Perhaps I am guilty of this, too, but many like to see the scriptures in a way they feel most comfortably believing. If someone is natural homophobic, a Christian is going to pounce on the scriptures about homosexuality in the OT. If one is not, then they just refer to Jesus and say, "Judge not".
Well, I think I should point out that the New Testament contains homophobic statements also. As you can see from another thread running now, Judge not is open to wide interpretations; including, but not limited to, Christians suggesting the rest of us vacate our homes out of courtesy to their delicate and off balance sensibilities.
He who is without sin is confusing between the philosophies because some Christians here argue that they are, indeed, without sin thanks to the big JC; so they can self righteously cast stones at the rest of us.
I think you probably see the point of the gospels similar to the way I do, but that doesn't change the fact that the problem with religion is that interpretation is unique to the individual; and each individual would swear their interpretation was written into their heads by the hand of a god.
Where in the New Testament does it make homophobic statements? Suggest you vacate your homes??
How can Christians argue that they are without sin? So because Jesus died for our sin, it means Christians can do whatever they like and just say, "Sorry, Jesus"? Doesn't work that way. Big mistake to think that way.
I agree religion is the problem. It has always been. That is why I'm Christ-committed. The Holy Spirit prompts you so that you don't need to go poring over the Bible to see if something is "right". It doesn't make one perfect but it does make you less judgmental, if at all, and more compassionate. This hostility and bigotry stems from brain-washing.
That would mean you're admitting to be part of the problem and not the solution.
The way Christianity is today is not what Jesus would have wanted. That is why I'm Christ-committed rather than someone who places the Bible as the final word. Religion is corrupt but I don't have to associate myself with the practices of the Christian Church. It irritates me when I listen in church the reader speak about Adam and Eve and Noah as if they were real people. It makes me cringe. The Christian church needs an overhaul and stop thinking the OT is infallible and all from God because it is not. And no more Popes.
The solution is just to let the Holy Spirit guide our hearts and not slave over every scripture and shove it down everybody's throats.
If it was not for my knowledge of the actual Holy Spirit as a true presence, I'd abandon Christianity because so many Christians make my skin crawl. I'd go back to square one and be an agnostic.
Repenting over and over again Jesus Jesus Jesus or Allah Allah Allah depending on what country I am in. Then have to listen to nonsensical fairty tales. Than have to be preached absurb laws filled with umpteen contradictions.
I began to feel like an insane parrot on the funny farm
What would give the notion that Jesus wanted Christianity in the first place?
And, the differences are... ?
I couldn't agree with you more.
So, why do you know that but so many others do not? Why do you think you're special?
Many great men and other Religious leaders believe Jesus was very spiritual and intelligent man, yes some say a Prophet.
The Roman's in 300AD like the idea of Jesus and then added the concept of fear of hell to control people rather than love. Then found out by putting crosses on their shields it helped them kill their enemies by reason they were demons or sub-human. It's easier to kill a sub human than to kill a deceit human being equal to yourself.
We have been paying hell for it, ever since
Paul said that the Devil was like a roaming lion seeking who he can devour and he existed before 300AD as you should know. And the gospels were written before 300 AD, which clearly mentions Jesus talking about the devil, and the story of Lazarus in Luke 16:23 clearly mentions hell.
I think the difference is that one's intuition is in harmony with what's written about Jesus. The closer I feel to God, the more compassion I feel. It is clear in the Scriptures that Jesus was very compassionate. If one feels the urges to judge all the time, then I think that's an indication that one is out of sync with the Holy Spirit. Didn't Jesus say "Judge not"?
A Christian is none purely by their behaviour and not what Scriptures they read and what they do.
There is a reason why Christians are the world Champion of Judging others They have too many rules , not the mystic feeling I get from Jesus.
I know my healthy behavior is not out of sync because of two simply rules, that are easy enough to follow and don't break them for anyone.
1. Do not harm
2. Be honest
Jesus was vague in this words in which came out many version of the bible with wrong translation, Jesus said only the father can judge, then why would God give his plan to the Christian with their horrible record?
Why do you think that God gave only His plans to the Christians? In Jesus times, His disciples were Jewish. Now everyone knows the gospels so the plan is for everyone. It's not His fault that people reject it. God had to give His plan to someone. It doesn't matter what people He'd reveal His plan, too, they would never be pure as the driven snow. Also, Jesus came for us sinners. If we were pure, then their would be no sin to die for and no plan.
If we were created in God's image, and our soul sprang from him. Then this invisible God made the first man perfect, yet the first man Royally screwed up from a healthy apple and a Babe (like the Clinton deal)So we all must pay feeling hopelessly guilty in sin from birth and forever more.
The only lottery chance each one of us has for heaven (with our great imperfection) is in God's plan to kill us anyway some time around 2012, as one of many threats given in the pass.
Reward and punishment plan give Hitler a chance to repent with all his heart for forgiveness to Yahweh. Then picky Yahweh could give Hitler a better chance to get to heaven than a non christian like me, who has never harmed anyone in my life.
Believe or not the only group i belong to is the optimist club, Man today has raise themselves to a much higher conscious and kinder level living for today rather than the way it was, in biblical times comparing the pro's and con's list.
So, no differences at all. Being "Jesus committed" is the same as what's written in the Bible.
Yes, you provide many good examples of that.
I have chosen not to follow christianity anymore because of the racial intolerance that those who undertake positions in the clergy etc use to abuse others who do not conform or are considered to be an abomination to the elitist good book. I have also found that some christian churches have made religion to be a business and use fear and bigotry to sell seats, by preying on the minds of gullable people,this is because they do not want to change with the times as that would mean they would have to conform to conform to equality and apologize for the many unnecessary killings etc throughout history performed in their name. Also the church is getting more and more right wing and extremism is taking over the churches, even more so here in Britain and slowly you will see the churches entering politics beacuse those who feel they have god on their side believe they are invincible.
Sorry if this offends but this is how I feel toward religion
I saw a very interesting show on the history channel. What it boils down to is the activities in the brain. Some don't have the activities in the front part of the brain and therefore don't find any influence with religion. However, for those who find religion and prayers or chanting useful, the scientists noticed that there were a lot of activities in the front part of their brains. So, a scientific explanation on the History Channel!
Did bible studies growing up, as an adult tried Christianity for three months because I liked the well dress ladies in church. Far too many of my questions had a final answered of -: You got to have faith with trapped doors and windows that still continue today : shut.:
Words mean very little to me if it is not back up with over all healthy behavior. The US has shown me what Sodom and Gomorrah look like with more bloodshed and crime than anywhere in the world. Over all my heart,mind and soul tell me caution, not to put down USA, I have a few beautiful relationship there, yet too many people have been very brainwashed.
I think the majority feel that others are hypocritical, judgemental, and what I've heard from some that they feel they are the only particular way. On the other hand some believe that Christian's actually focus on to much of people's sins, and satan, actually focusing on the negative more than the positive of God is love. There is so many religions, and even Christianity has divided sects among them that believe certain things and never agree with each other. I think people get mixed messages, and follow man's version more than God's version of the bible!
spiritual but not religious ,, sbnr's are said to outgrowing groups that follow traditional religious beliefs. To be spiritual no longer means to be religious , or follow a doctrine , or set of hard and fast rules.
major religions have inbred reasons not to move with the times and never will , sbnr's accept that change is constant I think ,
religion cannot move with the times , that's why we keep getting new ones ,,, i say awareness of consciousness grows ,,
Why do you feel that your religion has lost touch with many?
If I am on the truthful path on sound and brilliant arguments; I don't mind if somebody else has got disillusioned; there is no compulsion in religion.
You don't feel these laws have some Obsessive–compulsive disorder,
How does the death penalty reconcile with Islamic virtues of mercy and forgiveness?
The reasons for capital punishment in Islam
1. The apostate is one who disbelieves after being a Muslim, “Whoever changes his religion, execute him.
2.The married adulterer. The punishment in this case is to be stoned to death
3.The murderer (one who kills deliberately). He is to be killed in retaliation (qisaas) unless the victim’s next of kin let him off or agree to accept the diyah (blood money), because Allaah says
4. Spies. The spy is the one who spies on the Muslims and transmits information to their enemies
Sorry I can not killing other man unless you run out of ideas to save you own life from a murderer
Muhammad did not fight any agressive wars; he was always defensive. His teachings were peaceful; it is for this that Islam has flourished when there were no wars .
I agree with you about defensive war to protect your family and land for most part, as I said for self defense only. As it has been an unpopular topic for me, to keep bringing up with Americans.
Do you think it is wise to kill adultery, spies, Muslim that convert, in some countries gays and the list goes on?
Killing will never stop killing, and is it right to kill someone to prove to everyone killing is wrong?
I think if you research all over the internet you find the reasons why religion has lost touch with many. I think delusional can work many ways, as much as one's reality, it all comes down to what one believes is the truth about religion, and spirituality. I think most arguments stem from having to be the right way, and the truth, but why would God want to be put in a box with one religion and one truth! I believe he is much bigger and more powerful God than any of us could define him!
I don't have a religion. Therefore, there's not a single person who has lost touch with it, because it doesn't exist to begin with.
Unless you want to call "Life" my religion. If that's the case, then there are billions of people who are lost, walking aimlessly looking for guidance from some external source, such as a "G/god" of some sort.
If you like, I'll boil it down to a simple terminology- chosen ignorance. One who is ruled by their own ego, so strongly that they simply choose to be ignorant about understanding their own life than dealing with reality of truth.
I have often heard people describe themselves as spiritual, but not religious.
I have referred to it as religion = ritual, whilst christianity = relationship.
Sadly, many people (esp here on Hubpages) just don't see the difference.
On a personal note, I left the Catholic Religion, in favour of pursuit of my relationship with Christ.
That has led me into (and out of) various churches, but I have never quit on Christ.
I am a little fish who has found the ocean, it surround me and I am in it.
I have had many peeks at the onesided part of the Ocean which is filled with land sharks and one who lives inside of a big fish.
No way
Are you willing to explain what this means? I'm curious. Thanks!
The more an over ego group claims to know God the more evasive and deluded God becomes. Spiritual is the 99% unknown world an Universe, we do know life to be which moving and floating down river which is like a riding down a peaceful flow and sometime we must control the wild rapids.
Then we all arrives at the Ocean where the little fish swims among the big fish until he grows larger.
We won't know what that spiritual world is like, until we are there.
Thank you for the clarification! I agree that there is much we do not know and understand.
I'm in the middle of a series of hubs on just this very topic. Specifically about Christianity, but there are similar tendencies across all religious traditions.
Religion has two major functions: (1) to explain the unexplainable, and (2) to provide a moral compass (right and wrong).
Modern science and the post-Enlightenment emphasis on reason, empiricism and naturalism has rendered religion useless on the first function. Science is far more effective in answering questions than religion.
As far as morality and ethics, people today are realizing you can "be good without God." Humanism and a basic desire for human well being, happiness, peace and material wealth are far more compelling bases for morality and ethics than the bizarre, arbitrary and often contradictory ethical codes of ancient savages.
Religion has lost touch because it has become obsolete.
I do understand the purpose of religion in the dark and med evil times. Yet present times I don't understand religion's purpose
All i know is there is a higher energy that works to keep me out of trouble some times or helps me thrive in life.
Castlepaloma - I think you've hit the nail on the head. Religion was a stabilizing influence in the lives of those people of the dark and medieval times. In present day, christian churches in the US seem more like social clubs, and thus provide very little spiritual relevance to thinking people.
I agree that there is a higher energy in the universe that protects me and helps me to achieve my goals. I have studied/practiced both Christianity and Buddhism - teachings from both have helped me to become a better/happier person.
Secularist10: I'm looking forward to reading your hubs on the subject. I completely agree with you, and your analysis is outstanding!
Thanks, Mott! The first hubs in the series are online, I have just one more in the series to go.
I do wish I could post links without the risk of them being snipped by the moderators, lol.
May this posting find you well and your heart at peace.
What sets us apart from any other creature on the face of the earth, is our
opposable thumb. And, the extra joint in the middle that makes us more adaptable than other primates. I believe it was the changing and developing of our thought process that brought religious beliefs into our thinking. How else does a developing mind comprehend the events that surround his/her existence?
Example: Lightening. Today we know that it is formed by the clashing of warm dry air and cooler moist air in the atmosphere.
It creates friction and thus a spark.
Example: Cloud formation. Today we know that clouds come from moisture trapped in the atmosphere. When enough of that moisture accumulates comes rain, snow, winds, and so on.
The point is, that in the development of the thought process came the need to explain what did not make sense. To explain things that fed fear into early consciousness. To explain things that went beyond our ability duplicate. In other words, to make sense out of the world we were becoming aware of.
Religion was created by man. Relationship was created by God for His children just as we create our children to have a relationship with us. Everything else should be what God Himself teaches us - not man. Concentrate on those things and forget the rest. You'll learn the truth exactly when and how you're supposed to learn it. I have written many hubs about this subject alone. Thank you for posting this!
How can you forget about all the things men have discovered that are not taught by God when you use them every day of your life? It's impossible unless one is completely out of touch with reality.
"Why do you feel that your religion has lost touch with many?"
Many perceive religion as illogical.
Religion is manmade. The correct way to perceive religion is that which most closely resembles one's own philosophy.
And that is which one should choose. Or not.
I would choose more kindness for our world, rather than more philosophy or more Religion.
Love and kindness maybe a philosophy, so you could be right.
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