Jesus on the cross binds the human body together, believe it or not?

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  1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
    Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years ago

    Whoever and whatever we are, irregardless of race, religion or creed, if we learn that a protein molecule called 'laminin,' in the form of a cross binds our cells and tissues together as one human body like an adhesive, are we not happy that all along since the beginning of man, as I firmly believe from within my heart and spirit, having been created in the image and likeness of God, we have Christ crucified keeping us alive in this temporary and earthly life, despite the tremendous worldly pressures and challenges that we face each day in this life?  For me, pressures are all but trials and tests from our Lord Jesus Christ, who, being one with God, has created us all from the beginning as in John 1:3 and Colossians 1:16, that he may reward those who stay faithful in obedience to him and punish those who so chooses to deny him with the same fate that Satan and his evil cohorts may face on the day of reckoning and chastisement. Despite our unique physical attributes, we are one with God when created from the spirit as in Ecclesiastes 12:7.  But it is the cross symbol, representing Jesus in us and that binding power in laminin that makes us one with all other human beings, and this being said, we are designed to love one another, follow and believe in Christ's words.  It is our free will though that gives us the power to choose between two masters, God or the evil one.  Outside of our own body, we have our neighbors who may choose to stay in Christ's flock and serve God, or submit to the rebel Satan and be content living, perhaps, a short and meaningless life?

    1. A Troubled Man profile image58
      A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Then, there are those who live on planet Earth in touch with reality who choose neither masters of evil, but instead choose morals, ethics, honesty and respect. smile

      1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
        Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Indeed ATM, true, but are they following the words of God in Jesus?  The words of our Creator gives us the power against everything evil in this world and in this lifetime.  With these, we know are adversary better and know how to better defeat him, so we can call ourselves truly, disciples of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, and not of evil.  And Jesus is the only way to the Kingdom of God as in Isaiah 45:21 and John 14"16 better explained on this url: If we love ourselves and our family, we have to love God and no other, and in Jesus, we are saved.  If we depend on our own intelligent and wisdom in doing what we think is right, we may, several times be doing the wrong thing because of culture, tradition, on common practices in our community, but our Creator has set the Ten Commandments and the words of God in Jesus, in the 8 Beatitudes, in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and in greatest commandment of all to LOVE GOD and LOVE OTHERS as GOD LOVES US.  How can we love GOD if we do not listen to the words of Jesus?  How can we love our family and our neighbors if we do not humble ourselves to God and obey his commands? How can we love God if we love other gods who are subject to use by the evil one to lure us away from the truth in Jesus and in his words?  Pray hard ATM as I pray for you and for all others who may be lost in their beliefs, as I pray in the love of Christ that all may be saved from the clutches of evil and of sin. Believe in Jesus and his words of truth and you shall be saved, my brother.

    2. profile image0
      zampanoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Jesus on the cross binds the human body together,
      and a woman on a couch can easily disassemble it.

      merry Xmas all.

      1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
        Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You have a good sense of humor Zam, it's true, a woman on a couch can disassemble that human body once one fall apart and submit himself to the evil one, that's when his body surrenders to the flesh which is of the evil one, and gives up his chance to eternal life, as he prefers to choose Satan as his master as in 1 Colossians 2:6-15, … =NASBJesus is Master of all Deities, but once you have chosen a lesser master in Satan, he releases you to Satan while he carries you still on his shoulders waiting for you to go back to his flock.  And he knows what is in everyone's heart, if you are sincere in following him or you do not really love him by following Satan every now and then.  Only in dying to your 'self' and humble yourself to Jesus in total surrender will you be truly saved.

        1. profile image0
          zampanoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          far out man.
          what we may see in a woman on a couch, as what we may see in us also, is only the creation of God Allmighty. Not evil in the least.
          And a man's body was given enough flexibility by his Creator to be able to become reassembled again at His image. As well as his soul.
          We are all fundamentally good.

          1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
            Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I agree with you Zam, that man may basically good because he was created in God's image and likeness. But because of wrong choices that may offend God, his Creator, he messes up and gets what he deserves.  As God allows us to commit mistakes but is never tolerant of what evil we may do because that is against our being, and against God's being.  He wants us to follow this commands every time so we do not offend others. If you were the one offended, you will not like it would you?  Or if it was done to your child, your wife or love one, the more you would feel offended.   Many successful companies even believe in what Christ professes which is 'treat others as you want to be treated.'  as in Matthew 7:12.  Many times we get carried away in our selfishness that we only think of what makes us happy, and that is what the evil one keeps on telling us.  It takes time for us to realize how true it is what the scriptures say about Satan being deceiving, he appears to be your friend but he is actually setting you into a trap, just as he did when several times he tried to tempt Jesus after his 40 days fasting.  An ordinary man may easily fall prey to the evil one especially when his worldly needs are being challenged, isn't it?  But as Jesus said, man cannot live by bread alone but on the words from the mouth of God, as in Matthew 4:4.  I am not here only to share the truth in God's words, never intending to offend you or anybody, but to guide us all towards the truth in God's words that we may all see the light of Christ and see it's importance in living this temporary life we have been blessed with, where we are supposed to live for the love of God first, then for the love of others, before we may have to realize how important for our salvation and true peace and happiness if we believe so much on ourselves as we may become selfish, and this is what the evil one wants us to do, as against what Christ teaches about humility and the virtues of temperance and fortitude, kindness and charity that we may use against the evil one, who is in so many things around us.  Pray that we may learn to use material things for the love others and to glorify God, to make him happy, then we are more blessed spiritually, which is more important in our deliverance from this worldly life onto eternity.  Let's KJOH and everything will be alrght, Zam, as I am glad that you are a believer in Christ.  I pray that you may become a true instrument of his peace and his love.  Godspeed.

          2. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
            Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            King Solomon, the son of King David to the alluring Bathsheeba, and the wisest king in the history of man created a vast empire with around 600 wives and 400 concubines.  His folly was in idolatry and sins of lust, and his descendants had to pay for his shortcomings and disobedience to God, in his wrath.  This is a clear example of generational curses and sins, which remind us the importance of rejecting Satan and evil and embracing God in Jesus in this life, if we truly love ourselves and our love ones.

          3. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
            Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            And do you believe, Zam, that our spirit has an influence to our well being and our health?  With our spirit attuned to God, we may be healed as our immune system which has been created by God in us to help heal us, may be enhanced through anti-oxidants present in nature?

    3. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
      Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Merry Christmas to all!  Rejoice as we all celebrated the birth of the Son of God in Jesus, our Lord and Savior, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Truly he is in all of mankind with his cross that continues to bind us together led by his true believers that more may realize he is in all of us, in our human body, in 'laminin,' that we may see the truth in his power over evil.  With him invited into our hearts and minds, he will the more strengthen our spirit that no evil will ever prevail upon us.  Godspeed ye mighty creation of the one true God. as we keep Jesus in our hearts and show his love and concern for all men with love and forgiveness that abounds.

  2. Cagsil profile image73
    Cagsilposted 12 years ago

    And you put this in the "need help? ask here" category?

    Please do learn how to use HubPages' forums. And don't bother starting another thread on this same topic, and also don't delete your OP.

    I have reported this thread to Staff and it will be moved to the appropriate forum thread.

    As for your OP? Believe what you want...still doesn't make it truth.

    1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
      Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oh thank you Cagsil.  I appreciate the correction, helpful action and suggestion.  I knew it that I must have done it wrong.  You'll never learn unless you commit and accept a mistake, huh.

      1. profile image52
        sahansdalposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
          Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Interesting Sahansdal.  Thanks, will get back to you on this.

          1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
            Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Browsing on Sant Mat and REisenman they touch on various beliefs based on their own researches and but Jesus is beyond all these, human wisdom or intelligence, for he is the Son of God made into man.  Nobody else has so much power as recorded in the Holy Bible of his miracles and his teachings which is of no human feat but of divine feat, and in so short period of time, 3 years, he did all these as he started his ministry at age 30.  Two times, as far as I have read, he raised the dead to life, he made the blind see, he walked on a stormy sea, he resurrected from the dead, he appeared to Saint Paul and to other saints to give man hope and enlightenment in this life, even after his lifetime, and continues to do so.  He made revelations upon me that natural means of healing is better than mainstream medication, with no side effects, rather, help enhance the immune system to help heal ourselves because that is what God has made us with, a dynamic immune system that helps heal us so long as we attune ourselves in the light of Christ, for he is the truth, the way and the life.  And he is the only one who is authentic and true in all his teachings and in so many miracles he has performed.  No one else has claimed in very convincing fashion, and with power, conviction and truth in his words that he is the Son of God, for he truly is, he was and will always be, and his words will never pass away, even if heaven and earth will pass away as in Matthew 25:35. Even demons fear him, as he is above all things, even all the deities combined as in 1 Colossians 2:6-15, be it Buddha, Krishna, Namdev, Zues, Baal, Bathala, he is above all these, for he is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords as in Revelation 17:14.  And he is in all of humanity waiting to be revealed, as he wants man to realize and choose for himself, whether he wants to go follow his creator or the evil one to follow, who is in all other deities, deceiving man that they may believe in other gods, not on Jesus, for Satan knows it is the only way he can deceive others to his way and his bidding, the numbers game, the more confusing, the better, to succeed in trapping more souls into hell.

            1. profile image52
              sahansdalposted 12 years agoin reply to this


              1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
                Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Sah, my friend, God is in spirit as Christ is already in spirit, and the only way one can see the truth is not only through our eyes, but beyond, and through our spirit, as in John 4:24.  And in James 2:24, is states that man can be saved not ONLY by his faith, but by his works, or good deeds.  Whatever is claimed by others, and is contradictory to the bible, if it causes to divide believers, I believe, is of the evil one.  And in Matthew 7:15, Jesus warned us to beware of false prophets.  And division is of the evil one, while Christ is for unity in God.

                1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
                  Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  And God's love endures forever, Sah.  Christ tells us to love and forgive one another as God has been forgiving to us, but we have to be accountable to God of our actions and deeds, for in the end, we will not be the one to avenge, it is God to avenge for he will repay those who have wronged others in his wrath, and those who do not follow and believe in him will have no eternal life in them, as in Romans 12:19-21. In following the light of Christ, in his love and mercy, we will be saved.  And that includes you my friend and I extend my concern and love for you in Christ Jesus.

                  1. A Troubled Man profile image58
                    A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    As long as your god doesn't care about honesty, integrity or respect, you're in good.

                    Ah, how nice of you to toss down a favor from way atop that ivory tower. lol

                2. profile image52
                  fuzzrabbitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  "Confess with your mouth, believe in your heart and you will be saved." -Romans 10:9

                  "Not every one who says 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom, but he that DOETH the will of my Father." --Matt. 7:21, against Romans 10:9

                  "By grace are ye saved through faith, NOT of works, lest any man should boast." -Ephesians 2:9

                  "You see that a person is justified BY works and not by faith alone." -James 2:24, against Ephesians 2:9, which Paul didn't even write

                  Seems Paul has a little trouble understanding Jesus and James...

                  1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
                    Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Hi fuzzr, anybody in the group of Saint Paul may have help write the Ephesians but all out of Divine Guidance as you may see in the trend.  What is important is the thought being on the same importance as those of Saint Paul.  Whether Paul had trouble understanding Jesus or James, please clarify?  Thanks.

              2. Michele Travis profile image67
                Michele Travisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Sahansdal   I know that the catholic church kept many books from getting into the bible.  Why did they do this?  They have a huge room with thousands of writings that no one is ever allowed to see.  It is in the bottom of the cathedral and guarded by men with guns.  Why is this happening.  What is it that is so important, that the pope would let people die, before they see what has been  written?   Sorry,  I know it is a weird question.

                1. profile image52
                  sahansdalposted 12 years agoin reply to this


                  1. Michele Travis profile image67
                    Michele Travisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    I watch BBC.  I don't like most of the American channels.  It was interesting.   It was a commentary.  A man went to the cathedral and some of the people did answer some of his questions, but not all of them.  They let him see the basement, but would not open the door.  He had to write to them to get permission to bring a camera and recorder into the catherdral and interview some of them.  He did not interview the Pope.   I am sorry,  but I do not remember the name of the program or the name of the man.  It was a while ago.

                2. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
                  Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Do not worry my dear Michele for our all knowing God knows all these.  All those who have malice in them will be dealt with as God will let them pay.  Whatever is being guarded must be for the protection of certain valuable manuscripts which may go to the wrong hands, but your guess is as good as mine.  It is good to hear that the Holy Bible is the best selling book of all times but only a few read them, and still a few understand them.  If we only pray in our hearts and spirit for divine guidance through the Holy Spirit, he will show us the way and give us the gift of knowledge and discernment, and may give us other gifts including the gift of healing, of prophecy, of tongues and the interpretation of tongues, of miracles and of wisdom, of fortitude and piety, of understanding and counsel, and of the fear of the Lord as in Isaiah 11:2-3 and in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11.

                  1. profile image52
                    fuzzrabbitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    They are already IN the 'wrong hands'. How could "the wrong hands" do anything worse than keep things away from others anyway, which is just what the Vatican tried to do with the scrolls?

                  2. A Troubled Man profile image58
                    A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Ah yes, the pious, righteous and superiority of the believer eventually shines through to smite those who ARE in touch with reality. lol

    2. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
      Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Cagsil, I have believed in trusting in Jesus and many of my prayers have been answered, in his own way, for it is 'God's will be done,' for me that is important, not my will. In espousing his teachings of loving others by helping those in need of guidance and in visiting those who are sick, I felt more fulfilled in doing good to others, than when I've been doing things only for myself, spending endless time on computer games and reading materials that cause me to sin, being all knowing and arrogant and having once believed in my own talents and skills, being so critical of others, listening only to myself and disregarding other's opinions, frowning on defeat and retaliating, I have been to all these stuff and many more, but it is in learning to live in the light of Christ that I felt more joy in being there for others and my family. Computer games are good just as all other kinds of games are, but in the end, a time for God and family, and if time permits, for others on the web, is what makes me feel great and energized, celebrating God's gift of life in the love of others.

      1. Cagsil profile image73
        Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I do for others out of love for them and I do it because I am of the understanding of it being the right thing to do.

        Like I said before, you believe what you want, still doesn't make it truth.

        I have no religion and I've come to learn that I love more people than any religious person I have ever met in my lifetime. And, I don't ask for anything, such a prayer, because there's simply NO need to do so, since I am in control of my life.

        I don't need a crutch, but it's good to know you do.

        1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
          Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          you're talking about this life, Cagsil?  How about the afterlife?

          1. Cagsil profile image73
            Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this


            You seem to be under the impression that your individual consciousness will continue and YOU will have self awareness? I highly suggest you go learn something new. roll

            1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
              Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              hope you can read further on NDE sites and see how the consciousness of the spirit exists in a dead body as proof of the afterlife which until now baffles many scientists as many scholars and intelligent educators cannot explain the many miracles that are attributed to saints and those who are empowered by the Holy Spirit manifest the same. Here's an actual experience with doctors attesting to this truth on YouTube  And I remember too how a friends of mine relayed their experience of a neighbor's child drowning in a pool and found only after being brought up to safety with no one around.  She quickly pointed at a picture of the Blessed Mother in a wall of their house when asked who saved her, and everybody was happy and believed as another miracle happened because God in Jesus, and this time through Mama Mary, a life has been saved, that more may believe in the power of faith and prayer.

              1. Cagsil profile image73
                Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                You're joking right?

                You're too funny. Scientist are not attempting to figure out supposed miracles of the past and any scientist who claims to be trying to do so is a fool to begin with and shouldn't have scientific credentials.

                Near death experiences are just that. Near death in which the consciousness of the individual and the sub-consciousness, actually interact with the brain on a limited basis, because brain death is close at hand.

                There's NO proof of an afterlife and I've seen a lot of junk posted on YouTube, so you're going to need to do better than that.

                As for your friends experience? It matters not. Someone was around otherwise the child wasn't getting out of the pool and to suggest anything else is conjecture(in  other words BS).

                1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
                  Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  I leave it up to you Cagsil, in what you want to believe.  You're right, anybody who is spiritual may sound funny and ridiculous and the feeling is mutual, as I understand where you're coming from, just as anybody else who put their understanding on their intelligence or mind.  But mind you again, human wisdom is n times below God's wisdom, and you refuse to understand these things with your heart or spirit.  Brain dead or clinically dead individuals who survive after more than the accepted time among doctors and science may put a question to what intellectuals or the greatest human mind can handle.  Even the comet lovejoy was expected to melt by NASA as it passed the sun, just last week, yet it survived the heat of the sun.  This is just one of the many examples of the failure of the human intelligence over God's awesome creation, and that with God all things are possible.  I cannot even force you to believe on proofs of the afterlife with people seeing their spirit travel from their body and see and hear what's happening in adjacent rooms that when they finally got back to their body, the doctors and people present were amazed how they were able to make a vivid account of what happened in the adjacent rooms. 
                  My friends' experience on the saved child talked about the child pointing to  the picture of the Blessed Mother as the one who saved her.
                  How about on generational sins, do you believe in these.

                  1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
                    Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Oh yes, the other youtube videos you may have seen questioning NDE's, the truth about the existence of God, and all the rest, you're right, there are a lot of junk videos out there, just there for the foolishness of it all and may be self serving for material gains.  But I am not worried about that, time will soon catch up on them as nothing bad ever last, they just run in cycles and become meaningless in this material world. Appreciate your views Cagsil.

                  2. A Troubled Man profile image58
                    A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Usually, the reason believers sound funny and ridiculous is because they come up with all kinds of funny and ridiculous beliefs based on their ignorance of the world around them and the fact they refuse to learn anything because they believe knowledge and understanding are "below gods wisdom".

                    Then, they'll take one or two single events, like the comet for example, to use as an example of how our knowledge and understanding fails, despite the fact our knowledge and understanding has given the believer everything he has today of which he takes complete advantage of every single day.

                    Will this believer pray to god to get well when sick or will he visit a qualified physician who does not use "gods wisdom" but instead the knowledge and understanding of humans to help him?

                    The baloney believers swallow only stands to reason considering their ignorance of the world around them and the fact they refuse to learn anything. Medieval thinking based on superstitions is far more reasonable for the believer yet when they go to the doctor for their ailments, they will not be given leeches to cure their ailments nor would they ever accept such a ridiculous cure from a qualified physician.

                  3. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
                    Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Here is a beautiful site I have come across on the web, truly God moves in mysterious ways as he led me to this site, which may hopefully enlighten all on the truth about generational curses and sins:, and that we may learn to pray for the forgiveness of sins of all our ancestors who have fallen from grace, that we may be freed from the clutches of evil with seeds which may have been, in our innocence, implanted in our system which may only be taken out as we chose to become one in Christ Jesus, and live in his words.

              2. A Troubled Man profile image58
                A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                lol No, scientists, scholars and intelligent educators are not baffled by the baloney spouted by believers, they are far too busy trying to do things like cure cancer.

                lol So, the kid pointed to a picture because that's what the kid was brainwashed to believe?

                1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
                  Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Please find related response in your earlier comments ATM, sorry I just hopped in. Tc, Christ want you in his flock. 
                  ADDENDUM:  The evil one is confusing you my friend, don't fall to his trap, like Saint Paul was before, may you see the light and become a disciple of Jesus, our King of Kings and Lord of Lords, more powerful than all gods combined for in him in the promise to eternal life, saving us from the clutches of Satan who buying time as he knows his time is running out, that he can trap more souls to hell who with him, may soon see destruction in Christ's second coming.  Join Christ's flock of disciples ATM as you are called in his name, that you may save your soul and of others especially those whom you love, for I have seen the light of Christ and I speak of the truth in his name through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. See the video and judge for yourself Grandma who saw Jesus and hell in NDE: … re=related

  3. psycheskinner profile image79
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    Jesus did not invent the right angle.

    1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
      Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      oh yes he did, he knew he needed it when he saw the left angle. thanks for hopping psycheskinner

    2. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
      Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      But Jesus invented death, as the late Steve Jobs said of death as one of the greatest invention (may his soul rest in peace), as he was resigned to accepting death which is unavoidable, less we see the light of Christ, with him, we live, even when we die, for we are made immortal in humility and obedience to him.  But we die with our sins, for the wages of sin is death, psy, as in Romans 6:23.

      1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
        Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Without full repentance and acceptance of responsibility and accountability for our sins, and willingness to renew in Christ, we may never see peace and true happiness in life, and we may never have eternal life in us, psy.

        1. Cagsil profile image73
          Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I guess you don't understand either peace or happiness. That's a true shame.

          1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
            Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            True peace and happiness in the spirit, not on material things. For material things are temporary and can never give you true happiness and peace, sooner or later, they just go away or they come to pass.  But being happy in the spirit is an inexplicable feeling that only the spiritual may understand, as in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17, where I rejoice and pray, and thank God in all circumstances for this is God's will for me in Christ Jesus.  And Jesus said, what is the use of worrying as this cannot even add a single hour or day in your life, as in Matthew 6:27, and that the day has enough trouble in itself.  What we should be concerned about is eternal happiness, and this is attained by living in the light of Christ.

            1. Cagsil profile image73
              Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Btw you quoting scripture is completely irrelevant, considering you're using them without knowing the metaphors. Nothing new for a religious person.

              The fact that you have this belief and continue to spout it off as though it's some sort of truth.....goes to show you support mysticism and just in case you didn't know.....mysticism is dishonesty with oneself.

              So, in essence you are being dishonest with yourself, while you're attempting to speak to me. Therefore, the only conclusion is that you are also being dishonest with me, since you apparently cannot be honest with yourself.

              Just thought you should know.

              1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
                Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Only if you try to understand deep within your spirit and beyond this life will you be able to understand the meaning of the scriptures my brother Cagsil. There are those who see yet do not understand, there are those who do not see, yet they believe as in John 20:29, which the resurrected Jesus has said to his apostles in front of the doubting Thomas, who like you and others, still have to see to believe. Here's a youtube video on the boy who saw heaven to better explain mysteries and truth in the afterlife: … dUGoFTfP7w Believe it or not? The choice is yours, but only through opening your heart and spirit will you learn to believe in the truth and the love of Jesus in us.  If you do not believe that we have a spirit, have you heard of your trusted friends seeing spirits or having a similar experience?  If not, just see the beauty of creation around you, it is an awesome creation of God who is spirit, and if you have a child, or someone else's child about to be born, see on this video with your heart, not with your intelligence or mind, how God's hands slowly molds the fetus into an about to be born child. The more you love God in humility and obedience and the more you show your love for others, even while your child is still in the womb, the more you are blessed as God knows what is in your heart and he will reward you for this as he shows you the fruit of his love out of your love for him and for your family, and others as well.  As in Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself with the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." If not, generational sins are true and are passed from one generation to the other, due to our lack of faith and belief in God and we chose to follow what is not of God, but of the evil one, whence, as in the parable of the sower, we reap what we sow, the fruits we bear are products of our past.  It is only through deep prayer for forgiveness of our sins and of the sins of our ancestors with total renewal of our faith will we be removed from this curse or this seed planted by the evil one in our family as in Exodus 34:7.

                1. A Troubled Man profile image58
                  A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  The kids father is a pastor. lol

                  lol So, looking at nature and a child being born is proof spirits exist. lol

                  Reality is just a thing of the past?

                  1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
                    Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    ATM, the growing child in the womb is a human body being formed by God that signifies life from conception, which we have to protect as this is life itself being molded by God in his image and likeness.  God is against anything that destroys life, and may we all fight abortion, because it is a grave sin against God as the 5th commandment, 'thous shall not kill.'  Anyone who does abortion is trying to stop God in his creation process, and in this sin, which glorifies evil, we see God offended and disobeyed. Again, if we love God, we need to humble ourselves to him in obedience of his commandments, and love him with all our hearts, with all our mind and with all strength and soul, and love others as you love yourself, as in Luke 10:27, and no other god, not even material things should be above God as in these is the weakness of man, in which they may become his idols more that how he should love God, and more often, sadly, more than he loves his family and others.

      2. psycheskinner profile image79
        psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Um, no.  People died before Jesus too.

        1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
          Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Right, psy. They will be judged in Christ's second coming or as he wills it, for with man, many things are impossible, but with God, all things are possible, as in Matthew 19:26.

          1. psycheskinner profile image79
            psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            [sigh].  If you want to talk faith, talk faith.  Don't pretend that you are trying to talk science.  Because it leads us to the clearly mistaken impression that you wish to talk about the facts, not just spout of your religious beliefs.

            1. Cagsil profile image73
              Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              lol lol

              1. psycheskinner profile image79
                psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Oops, sorry about the edit after you quoted. I thought I should probably explain my reaction.

                1. Cagsil profile image73
                  Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Either way it's funny. So, no harm- no foul. smile

                2. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
                  Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Hi psy, I pray that you and all the rest of mankind see the light of Christ in your life too.  Jesus in me loves you.

                  1. psycheskinner profile image79
                    psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    And I hope for your sake that you learn to live in and love the world as it really is.

            2. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
              Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Science is a gift from God to man as technology is.  It is in their improper usage that makes man sin, but that is man's choice time will tell if he profits or not from his decision.  But remember, God knows everything that is happening around.  Just like Santa, you better be good, for he knows who's good or bad, and you might get into trouble and miss your Christmas presents, psy and Cagsil, lol.

              1. A Troubled Man profile image58
                A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                lol Then, believers must be "gift re-givers"

                1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
                  Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Oh yes, as Jesus said, 'it is better to give than to receive,' as in Acts 10:35 … ersion=NIV , and in this you will be blessed.  I have seen and heard  many people who have said how blessed they have been, as they have been 'giving' people who care for others and do not mind spending their own money to help the needy and yes, their relatives, more so when they guide them to the light of Christ and renew their ways that, hopefully, they may repay this help, this kindness and generosity by helping others too.  Or if you have seen the movie 'Pay it forward,' of a boy who explains the goodness of doing a good turn for others, that others may do the same to their neighbors and the rippling effect of this good deed that has benefited and blessed many people

  4. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 12 years ago

    I believe they are celebrating Festivus on a San Francisco radio station today.

    1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
      Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      what the ... thank you for hopping knolyourself

    2. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
      Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing Festivus knolyourself.  It's beautiful to celebrate life with others, but there is no substitute to touching the lives of others that they may see the importance of celebrating life as they know they are leading people to what is noble and true, and what leads them to life eternal.  And just like Mickey Robinson on this youtube video, he realized that after his almost fatal airplane accident, God is important in everybody's life ... … r_embedded

    3. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
      Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I like your name knolyourself, very intriguing because I believe that it is in knowing our self that we learn how obedience to God in simplicity and humility means in this life, and these may spell peace and harmony from within as this can be very inviting to the Holy Spirit.  This mindset has helped me better understand the truth in God's words in Christ.

  5. A Troubled Man profile image58
    A Troubled Manposted 12 years ago


    1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
      Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Indeed, the words of God are real, ATM.  You can the truth in almost everything that happens in this life.  All we need to do is pray and humble ourselves to Christ our Savior and you will see wonders and blessings before your very eyes as you may realize that everything happens for a reason.  Let's KJOH and join forces to God good for others that evil will everyday be weakened with God's presence in our lives.  And you know that this is not only for you and me, but for our love ones as well, as we may work together in God's power of love, mercy for peace and true happiness in faith and good deeds for all of mankind.  Just believe and keep of praying through the Holy Spirit, and he lead you through in good times and bad times. Tc.

      1. A Troubled Man profile image58
        A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        Hello from planet earth.

        1. Edwinoel Tanglao profile image61
          Edwinoel Tanglaoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          As mentioned in my earlier responses, as a parallel to my conjecture, man of planet earth is here temporarily living and subjected to a test by our Almighty Father and Creator. A test of one's faith and belief, where we either choose God or the evil one, a choice between good or evil, between the light of Christ or darkness and confusion with Satan, between the greater power of love, humility and forgiveness onto eternal life or the  masked reality of temporal and material truth which is deceivingly blind of  of the consequences of true death from sin which is gradually hardened like diamond that loses its glitter with the destruction of the spirit onto eternal damnation. With God having given us 'free will' and human intelligence enough to test us of our perseverance in our faith to our true Master and Creator and our temperance and fortitude in disciplining our body to remain humble and obedient to him, and to remain stronger against Satan and his evil subjects that we may eternal life in us.  God loves you with all of mankind and his creation my dear brother, ATM, and may praying and invoking the Holy Spirit for guidance guide you to the light of Christ for the love of others, that they too may see the light.

          1. A Troubled Man profile image58
            A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this



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