How painful is it to get a tattoo?

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  1. KeithTax profile image75
    KeithTaxposted 12 years ago

    How painful is it to get a tattoo?

    Is there anything that reduces the pain?

  2. profile image0
    Thundermamaposted 12 years ago

    Speaking as someone who has many tattoos, it depends on where you get it. The outside of my forearm wasn't bad at all, the tops of my feet and my elbow were murder. The bottom line is that getting a tattoo involves someone jabbing you with a fast moving needle over and over, so yes it hurts!

  3. frogpetals profile image59
    frogpetalsposted 12 years ago

    In my opinion, it really isn't that bad.  It kind of feels like a bee sting.  It might be uncomfortable for a little while, but the results were always worth it.  I always listen to music on the ipod.  It kind of takes my mind off of it.  Also, never hesitate to tell your tattoo artist if the pain is too much for you.  Take a break for a few minutes and then go back in.

  4. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 12 years ago

    It is more of a discomfort in most places on the body. However I will agree with Thundermama. The top of my foot was painful. It was the only one that was ever "painful" for me. Also certain spots hit nerves more. I have one on my ankle that made my leg jump half way through it. The rest of mine were just uncomfortable.

  5. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    Depends on where you get it and who you talk to. Each person has a different pain tolerance. Mine is pretty low. In getting my tattoo, I unfortunately picked one of the weakest area's of my body. Really bad choice on my part. Since then I have researched. Your limbs are one of the best choices. Just think of which area on your body is the least sensitive. Getting drunk can sometimes help, but I don't entirely suggest that.
    Also different methods of getting a tattoo can differ the pain amount. There is one way of using a sharpened stick. Honestly, I like this method. But there are others like the tattoo gun commonly used in the USA. I don't like this method. It sounds like a teeth drill that the orthodontists use. I hate those and have a phobia of them from childhood experience, and it doesn't help that orthodontists love me. So that method, though safer, is not one of my favorites. There is the self tattoo, which I have a hub about, and that is a decent method if you are OCD (like me), but it doesn't look as nice and takes a lot of time. But you can control the environment and pace better.
    Etc, etc, etc.

  6. Don Jewell profile image56
    Don Jewellposted 12 years ago

    I have alot and it is all about your pain tolerance.However try to tuff it out and keep going because if you stop you might not want to start again.

  7. CJWood71 profile image70
    CJWood71posted 12 years ago

    I only have one tattoo, but I did not find the experience painful.  It was more of a pins and needles sensation that lasted for awhile.  I have heard that where the tattoo is located, I can not say this from personal experience though.

  8. susiempn profile image73
    susiempnposted 12 years ago

    It depends on your pain tolerance level and where on your body you are getting your tattoo.
    I felt only a vibration when I was tattoo on a part of my body that had more flesh.  However getting a tattoo near a bone can hurt quite a bit.  If you have a good tattoo artist they can warn you with some degree of accuracy about the level of pain you will experience.

  9. Alastar Packer profile image67
    Alastar Packerposted 12 years ago

    If the tattooist is heavy-handed your in for a painful experience. A good clue is if they look to have had a lot of prison or backroom tats removed.


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