I desperately want this one tattoo, but I have a serious fear of needles..and the pain. I want it on my left rib cage...I'm a skinny girl, they show, and tattooing on bone I imagine can't be pleasant. I was wondering..if I could go in for the actual tattoo appointment maybee after a few drinks..or take somekind of painkiller or meds. ahha seriously. do people do that? and what do they take exactly..
whoa. if you have a fear of needles do NOT get a tattoo on your ribs. sorry. but you either have to really toughen up or change the location of your dream tattoo. that is an incredibly painful place to get tatted.
DON'T drink alcohol.
respectable tattoo artists usually won't even tattoo someone if they know they are drunk.
painkillers are not technically good to take before a tattoo...for one reason, you can bleed more. and for two, well, it sort of defeats the toughness aspect, doesn't it?
i'll admit for my chest piece i did take painkillers for the color, which was the second sitting. the first i sat through all three and a half hours of *i'll be honest--pain* and i'll EVEN allow myself to be vulnerable enough to admit i cried the whole last hour and told the artist to keep going, i just had to cry. (not bawling, but tears streaming down my face)
so HE gave me the pain killers the second sitting because he felt bad. lol
tattoos YAY!
but they are painful.
if you take a painkiller it should be Rx strenghth, not tylenol you buy OTC, thats probably not strong enough, though it may help. i don't know.
Please listen to what everyone is saying about not getting tattooed after drinking alcohol or taking aspirin. Tattoo artists can tell by how you bleed if you are drunk or on certain meds and they'll stop tattooing you because the whole thing just becomes a mess.
No over the counter painkillers are going to dull the pain of a rib tattoo on a skinny person. That's one of the most painful spots on the whole body you can get inked. Also, it doesn't matter how many opinions you get about pain, no two people feel pain the same. Stick yourself in the ribs a few times with a pin. If you just can't stand it, imagine what 200 pinpricks per minutes will feel like.
If you are worried about pain, you need to get the tattoo someplace where you have muscle and body fat to pad over the bones and nerves. That's really the only thing that makes one tattoo hurt less than ones done in boney places.
And if you really, really want to get tattooed, you'll just manage to sit through it.
Did you end up getting the tattoo? I'm getting mine on my ribs soon too and I'm scared of the pain as im skinny like you!
there are numbing creams but from my knowledge the cream raises your blood vessels which make you bleed more. Bleeding more can cause the ink to thin
I used the Lignocaine 'numbing' cream for my last two tattoos, both of which are over 10 years old now and still look really good. I highly recommend them
just get hush type numb for tattoo on google
Many people these days have been using tattoos as a body grooming tool to decorate there self, indeed for many of them tattoo is not just a fancy things; its a part of there mens grooming. Tattoos are a really big deal and you need to know that there are these certain places which are really painful while getting tattooed. The idea of getting a tattoo done is really fancy, but are you sure the place you have opted for is a good one? Even if the place is a good one you need to know and have the information if it will hurt you as much or how much you have expected it to. There are certain places which need to be avoided no matter what.
#1 Finger
#2 Face
#3 Wrists
#4 Feet
#5 Shoulder
#6 Front neck
#7 Ear
Tattoos don't hurt...it's that fricking needle poking in and out of you that hurts....
Actually after a few seconds your brain shuts out the pain for the most part, I generally fall asleep during mine. But if you really want something for the pain, dont use alcohol, it thins the blood and you bleed like crazy and can wash out the ink, making your new art look faded.
See a doctor and get some pain killers if your that scared, it ain't that bad though.
good luck!
Tattoos do hurt more where there is bone, but they are not that bad. Take something along to focus on, music, a picture, a friend. Talk to the artist. Something to distract you from the actual tattoo. For me, it was not so much the pain as the sound of the gun that got annoying. Plus, the tattoo needles only go half as deep as a hair root is. It hurts less than plucking a hair! (and what woman hasn't pulled millions of those buggers?)
Like Mikel said, avoid alcohol. Also, avoid IB Profren and aspirins, because they thin the blood also.
That buzzing sound is what puts me to sleep... I would have figured women like it...'cause' maybe it reminded them of other batterry operated tools...lol
Bite down on a washcloth, hold your breath. Only the outline hurts anyway. After they are done with the outline, the area goes numb on its own.
I find that the tattoo hurts much more a day later than when it's being applied. That ache is the worst!
As for the actual tattooing, it feels like a cat scratch to me...one loooong, drawn out cat scratch.
Everyone else is giving good advice on the drink and pills. If you can't take it, maybe you don't want it bad enough. If you don't want it bad enough, then you'll be paying ten times what the ink cost to get it removed fifteen years from now. Ask yourself why you "desperately" want the tattoo, and if you really do, you'll suck it up when the needle goes to work.
Not everybody's brain shuts down. I knew this about myself long before getting my first 2 tattoos at age 50, one on each forearm. The entire process took 3 hours, and yeah, I felt every needle-hit. When it was all done, the tattoo artist looked at me and asked, "Your endorphins never did kick in?"
"No," I confirmed.
"Damn," he shook his head, "You're one tough sonofabitch."
This from a fullblooded Cherokee man who survived being a sniper in Viet Nam.
No, I'm NOT bragging. I said all that to now say: I no way in Hell would have the nerve to get a tattoo on my rib cage. If you want one there bad enough to Get 'R' Done, you're way tougher than I'll ever be.
Also, I note that for Jeffrey Neal, the pain is worst a day after application. Not true for me; in my case, it fades down slowly but steadily from the moment it's finished. On the flip side of that coin, ANY injury (she does not have any tattoos) my wife has suffered--at least if it was nasty enough to break a bone--hurts more and more after impact until peaking on the third day. Sounds like we're all different in that respect.
I'm with you 100% bro. I'm actually 54 years old but I'm in great shape. I have plenty of tattoos and know what it's like to deal with pain. The Polynesian style tattoo that I got on my leg yesterday was no walk in the park. There was never a moment I wasn't in pain and this was an 8 hour session. The artist and the tatt, however, are amazing and I have no regrets. I'm getting the other leg done next week but am highly considering using a topical painkiller like Lignocaine. The excruciating pain I endured yesterday is something I will not forget anytime soon. Believe me.
Oh you do know this advice came with a price of posting a Pic of your new art....right?
I have three tattoos and they DO hurt to get done, although some people's pain threshold is higher than others. I solved the problem on my last two by using "Lignocaine" cream about 45 minutes before the tattoo. Lignocaine cream is a local anaesthetic cream that they use on children (or adults) who are scared of needles. This makes it far easier to both give injections or take blood samples as you feel nothing. The effects last several hours, usually enough time for most tattoos to be completed.
Apply a thick layer of the cream to the area of the tattoo and cover in clingfilm. Leave on for 45 minutes. Prior to the tattoo starting remove the clingfilm and wipe off the cream.
You should be able to buy Lignocaine cream in your local chemist, or you may be able to get it through your doctor or vets surgery. I don't think it requires any prescription that I am aware of.
Get it done in super small increments. My roommate wanted one badly but deathly afraid of needles. She had to get a small tattoo done in 8 separate visits!!!!
But like they said, midol and an anxiety reducing pill
I had a six and a half hour session on my chest and not once did my brain shut down, nor did any part of the area go numb.
The problem with asking about pain is that it is subjective, meaning how it feels it going to change from person to person. So really nothing any of us say here is going to mean anything when it comes to how you feel getting tattooed.
Here's an idea, don't get a tattoo! If you are looking for something to separate you from your peers that would probably be it. Not a whole lot of originality these days.
I have five tattoos on my neck, back and calves. Initially they hurt a little but within a couple of minutes they settled. I found the tickle/itch and vibration more annoying than anything. At times I nearly dozed off. The worse one I've had was across my back because it vibrated so much I felt like I needed to cough up big spitballs hahahahhah
The easiest place I've had tattoos has been my calf muscles. Not a painful sensation at all.
Perhaps you should think about other areas to get your tattoo. If you have that much of an aversion to needles do you really need to get this tattoo....why not get some awesome artist to do the design up on canvas for you to display in your home instead hahahah you get to look at it without the pain that way
I don't know about other countries.... you can get numbing cream in Australia.... however I have absolutely no idea if this works or not. Don't take aspirin or drink or anything that is going to thin your blood, try and stay cool and eat before you go for your tattoo.
Don't do it!! I have two tattoos and after awhile I was like omg when will it be over but it hurt more after and honestly if ur that scared don't do it, everyone has given wonderful advice and you should really listen to it.. Or well take it in
I work at a tattoo studio, and quite a few of our clients use a specialised numbing cream, applied to the area before the client is tattooed, and then wiped off. It has an anaesthetic affect on the skin and allows the client to sit for longer with a lot less pain and discomfort.
So i am new to the "tatting scene" i just got my second tattoo yesterday 12-14-12 and i got it by my collarbone and that one hurt more than my first one and my first on is bigger than this one the endorphins never kicked in and it hurts worse today than yesterday unlike my first one i got it on my shoulder blade what i did for my first tat was got black and grey where i couldnt see it that is a good thing to do dont watcg the artist do it dont think about it and just relax thats my best advice hope this helped
I am part way through a huge tattoo. I've had 1 x 3 hour, 1 x 4 hour, 3 x 7 hour and 1 8 hour session.
If i am having anything under 4 hours i just drink plenty of coffee and water, liten to music or watch a movie on my ipad. For the longer sessions i need help. Tramadol is what i use. It doesn't really kill the pain but it stops me caring about it. I know i could do more shorted sessions but i work away from home and cannot keep going back at regular intervals. I've found that tramadol can make me a bit cranky the next day but without it i'd have never got as much done in this time.
Nice tatts bro. I know what it's like to do the long tatt sessions. Most guys wimp out and do it in two or three sessions. I like to get it all done one time and, like you, I need to because I'm pressed for time. I just got a Polynesian style one done on my leg yesterday. A grueling 8 hour session of constant pain that was unrelenting. The artist always has a movie going on a huge TV in his studio but that doesn't have any effect on quelling the pain. The artist, however, is amazing and does comparable work so I'm never disappointed. Next week I'm having the other leg done but considering using a topical painkiller like Lignocaine. I will soon not forget yesterday's pain.
Can I just repeat (for those here who have again asked which cream works to numb pain) what I said much earlier in this thread, and that is that 'Lignocaine Cream' works, and is frequently used by doctors and hospitals etc for children or adults who are scared of needles. The numbing effect lasts several hours and you don't feel a thing. I have used this for two tattoos now and it made it totally painless.
The cream does work. Go in with a fully charged iphone and you'll be surprised out how much less pain you feel when getting tattooed. If you can focus on something else, you'll be much better off. Yes, could be hard for a 16 hour tattoo. That's why we have the cream.
Should have took the time to comment on the tattoo, my fault. That is a nice tattoo there Ratatatttatt. That's some good looking line work.
Thanks bro. I pass your comment on to my artist.
tattoo making indeed is a painful experience but the end result is so beautiful that people can even ignore the pain. But then there are some sensitive ones who are not able to endure this pain and look for alternatives to get rid of the pain. Some try alcohol before getting tattooed, some others have aspirin or other over the top painkillers. But does this really help? The answer is NO. Few tattoo artists make it a point to ask their clients if they are under some medication because in case you are then the tattoo could prove fatal to you. There are few tips that I can share with you which ensure that you can get your tattoos in a less painful way. First and foremost is that you need to cool yourself down and you can even talk to your tattoo artist about the process. Secondly you should know where exactly the tattoo making hurts the most. For example if you are getting it on your muscular or fatty parts it won’t hurt much. But if you are planning to get one made on your sensitive areas and other areas closer to bones it will hurt the most. Besides you need to know which kind of tattoo will hurt you the most. If you are planning to get a larger and a more detailed one, it will surely hurt. However if you are getting a simple and smaller sized tattoo it wont hurt much. Also if you are getting solid color tattoo, it will hurt the maximum and also will take lot of time to heal since the artist has to go over it again and again to cover it. Get someone along with you and make yourself as comfortable as you can. You may also chew something if you want to ease out of the pain.
I was also afraid, but I have tattoos on both sides of my ribs, and the pain was minimal. I felt the needle, but it wasn't that painful.
And my tattoo master said that using painkillers are not good for the tattoo. Try to relax and think that soon you'll have a beautiful tattoo.
by Becca Lopez 7 years ago
Is getting a tattoo on you feet or your hip worse...Where is the worse place to get a tattoo?
by Mike 7 years ago
Does getting a tattoo hurt more than getting a shot?
by Keith Schroeder 12 years ago
How painful is it to get a tattoo?Is there anything that reduces the pain?
by Hannah 10 years ago
What are the best places to get a tattoo (from least to most painful)?I really want to get a tattoo, but I have a VERY low tolerance for pain. Are there any good and (somewhat) painless places, or should I just stop thinking about it before I go and regret it?
by Brett Winn 6 years ago
Why do people get tattoos? How do they know what they will like in twenty, thirty, forty years?
by Mmargie1966 12 years ago
Which hurts worse, getting a tattoo or waxing your body?People have different thresholds for several types of pain. I'm hoping this question starts an interesting dialog about pain.
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