Which is one is for you: MAC or PC ? Why?

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  1. Ludivine profile image60
    Ludivineposted 13 years ago

    Which is one is for you: MAC or PC ? Why?


  2. teacherfidel profile image65
    teacherfidelposted 13 years ago

    I'd say PC. I've only seen Mac twice, and never even got to use it.

  3. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image76
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    I can't afford a new pc, much less a mac.

  4. Harlan Colt profile image82
    Harlan Coltposted 13 years ago

    I am a PC guy. When MAC first came out, I was a huge MAC fan. I owned just about every MAC from the Apple II to the Macintosh 650. However, my fate was sealed. I hated windows in those days. But I am also a graphic artist and in my work it seemed every time I got a job I had to switch computer systems. I got a job at a company that manufactured PC's and was told - we make PC's we must use them for our graphic and publishing needs too.

    I couldn't keep up with the software upgrades for BOTH systems. I finally decided when Windows 98 came out to pick one and stay with it. At the time PC had the most software options and W98 was pretty decent, so I picked PC and stayed with it. Its been so long now, I don't even know what a MAC has to offer anymore, I am sure its awesome but honestly, I don't care, I can do anything I want on my PC.

    - Harlan

  5. CWanamaker profile image94
    CWanamakerposted 13 years ago

    I prefer PCs.  I have to use them at work.  I grew up with them and many of the programs I need are only currently available on a PC. I like the sleek look of the new MACs but you can't beat the flexibility of a PC.

  6. nancyme profile image60
    nancymeposted 13 years ago

    As of now i use a PC. I love Macs but I have never owned a Mac. I'd definitely get one sooner or later. smile

  7. edhan profile image35
    edhanposted 13 years ago

    I would go for PC if I am thinking of gaming and normally working with software.

    I go with Mac if I am thinking of desktop publishing and music. Mac is fantastic with desktop publishing software as well as good music.

  8. greencap profile image60
    greencapposted 13 years ago

    MAC is something that runs on around 5% systems. "Virus free" is what a few guys say about it, but i don't think it would have been free of all virus and malware troubles, had it been running on over 90% systems like PC.

    During my times at university, i used to be quite enthusiastic about using Linux. Installed it a few times, but never got used to it.

    Very difficult for a PC user to switch to any other OS.

  9. lukeuk profile image64
    lukeukposted 13 years ago

    Mac , I have had so much trouble with pcs in the past windows is a nightmare with all the viruses and crashing , macs are a breeze to use I have been using mine for 3 years now and havn't had A SINGLE PROBLEM , although with my three years I have had PC about 40 issues arose and thats not an exaggeration.

    Apple make their there OS work in harmony with each other

  10. Katharella profile image78
    Katharellaposted 13 years ago

    I WISH I could have both. In college all the computers for graphics were MAC's and I loved them!  But just having an Apple iPhone is as close as I'll get to a MAC for now! I don't believe college would use them if they weren't the best, as my college was in a prestigious area filled with the $ to get them!  My + went to lukeuk as I believe he is totally correct!

  11. profile image0
    vinsanityposted 13 years ago

    PC. It is much more usable and I don;t really like how mac's shut you off from too much. I like being able to operate my computer, not just use the features it is letting me use.

  12. TechyTech profile image61
    TechyTechposted 13 years ago

    I like the way Macs look and their OS's are really reliable but Apple should really come down from the skies once in a while and see that there are PC's which offer the same or even better configurations than Macs for much cheaper, same with all their products they put their prices through the roof. Apple this days is just a fashion statement nothing more.
    So yeah I rather play with my pc and my android phone.

  13. truthfornow profile image70
    truthfornowposted 13 years ago

    I have a pc at work and a mac at home.  I love my Mac.  No problems at all which is amazing.  I had so many problems with my laptops that were PCs.   I don't think I will ever go back.


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