Do you think texting is a disrespectful way of communication?

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  1. DDE profile image45
    DDEposted 10 years ago

    Do you think texting is a disrespectful way of communication?

    Texting has become a main focus for individuals in the age group of 17 and 25. How do you feel about texting? Do you think it is better to converse face-to-face?

  2. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
    VictoriaSheffieldposted 10 years ago

    I honestly do not. I think that some thinks should not be communicated with a text however. Some people like me do not have a lot of time to talk on the phone.

    1. DDE profile image45
      DDEposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree face-to-face  but  should  not be overused thank you.

  3. MarleneB profile image92
    MarleneBposted 10 years ago

    At first, I was against texting. I felt like people should just get on the phone and dial up the number to talk to each other. Then, my daughters started texting random messages like, "I luv u" with smiley faces and hearts. I thought it would be appropriate to learn text talk and respond back. Now, my daughters and I text throughout the day and it's fun receiving and sending texts. I have grown to enjoy texting with them. BUT, I only use texting as a fun tool to keep in touch with people in a lighthearted way. I'm not ready to use texting as a form of business communication or serious conversations. Some things are still worthy enough to be said face-to-face or at least voice-to-voice. Texting can be a fun communication tool, but I'd never use it as a serious communication tool. I guess I'm just not there yet.

    1. DDE profile image45
      DDEposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      ''Some things are still worthy enough to be said face-to-face or at least voice-to-voice.'' That is exactly what I mean face-to-face is still better understood. Thank you.

  4. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 10 years ago

    Texting is just a modern way of paging someone. Instead of simply leaving your phone number you send them a quick note. "Meet me at blah blah for drinks at 5PM" or "I love you! Have a great day!"
    There is nothing wrong with those kinds of exchanges if one is busy but wants to let the other person know they're thinking about them even if they don't have time have a full conversation.
    The problem with texting is for some people it's the only way they communicate or prefer to communicate.  If two people aren't on the same page then there is a lot of room for error when it comes to intentions.
    When you communicate in person or even on the phone you can hear the inflection in one's voice to tell you if they're joking or being sarcastic. The same statements in a text may cause hurt feelings and sometimes adding LOL! is not enough.
    In other situations some people text because they don't want to talk to people or hear them respond to what they have to say. It's a great way to control what takes place. They can send you a text and then turn their phone off.
    Others have been known to end relationships via text.
    Texting and emails were meant to compliment phone and in person communication not to replace them. One man's opinion! :-)

    1. DDE profile image45
      DDEposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am not against texting I  have noticed that texting has become the main focus and this has caused poor communication and disconnection between loved ones. Thank you

  5. sassypiehole profile image68
    sassypieholeposted 10 years ago

    I don't know if I'd call it disrespectful... But it certainly isn't the best method of communication. The idea of a boy "texting" a girl to ask them out on a date is infuriating to me. Kids are getting lazy and technology has made it easy for them to do. So maybe I'd call it "LAZY" instead of disrespectful.

    1. DDE profile image45
      DDEposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Well said. ''So maybe I'd call it "LAZY" instead of disrespectful.'' Thank you

  6. profile image0
    jonaiveposted 10 years ago

    I don't really think it's disrespectful. But yes, I agree that talking face to face is better. Nothing beats a good old fashioned talk while strolling.

    1. DDE profile image45
      DDEposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you I think texting  is overused

  7. liesl5858 profile image87
    liesl5858posted 10 years ago

    Texting for me is the quickest method to communicate something you want to say to someone. I agree that face to face communication is being faced out by emails and texting but it also depends when to use it and who to use it. I send text messages to my family abroad like if I send my family some money, it is easier for me and quicker to get the message across. I only use text when necessary, I don't text all the time. But I still like the face to face conversations with another person. It is really sad because people tend to isolate themselves with all these modern technologies like mobile phones, ipads, T.V's, and computers.

    1. DDE profile image45
      DDEposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      ''It is really sad because people tend to isolate themselves with all these modern technologies like mobile phones, ipads, T.V's, and computers.'' Thank you

  8. brakel2 profile image70
    brakel2posted 10 years ago

    I love to text certain people. However, sometimes folks take this opportunity to bring up controversial issues that would not happen in face to face conversations. You can also misinterpret texts. It is not disrespectful to text, but these issues can create bad feelings. I used to text 75% more than I do now. One advantage is that it is a quick way to contact someone.rather than getting involved in a long phone conversation. Texting is here to stay.

    1. DDE profile image45
      DDEposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you  in certain situations you have to deal with texting I feel it has become  too much

  9. profile image0
    SandCastlesposted 10 years ago

    I don't think so if works for the people participating. I think it is a bit strange to text someone if they are sitting right beside you unless the people want to have a private conversation because there are other people around or if someone has laryngitis or something. I think some people are put off by written communication and think it is unprofessional. They feel face to face communication is the only worthwhile form. Some people become incensed if you give them a little note. Sometimes people do this on purpose to prevent someone from communicating, especially if they aren't as comfortable talking things out (ie: they might find it easier to express their feelings in writing before talking to someone). I think all forms of communication are valid, be it art, drawing, singing, writing, speaking, etc.  Good question.

  10. Jarvis Miller profile image59
    Jarvis Millerposted 7 years ago

    Texting is ok but, people today spend more time texting than look where there going. Is that text more important than driving or walk across the without looking both ways? It is better to converse face to face.


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