Is anyone a Twitter expert?

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  1. profile image0
    Audreveaposted 14 years ago

    What's #ff? And how do the other # categories work?

    I feel like a kindie kid who's only allowed to use the big, fat, clunky 2B pencil b/c their dexterity isn't good enough to hld a pen yet, thrown into a first year uni tute.

    1. Cagsil profile image71
      Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, the people who made it. roll lol lol

      1. profile image0
        khmohsinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        great big_smile I like it. Actually this is the only truth about Twitter, and every other article written in the praise of Twitter is utter nonsense.

  2. articleposter profile image59
    articleposterposted 14 years ago

    Means Follow Friday, where you get to recommned fellow users to follow every friday.

    Good read here

  3. profile image0
    Audreveaposted 14 years ago

    Thanks! I found a few tutorials but they are pitched a level below (i.e. 'what IS Twitter?). I know what it is, just need to learn to drive it now.

  4. Greg Cremia profile image60
    Greg Cremiaposted 14 years ago

    is twitter still around?

    1. Arthur Fontes profile image69
      Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      LOL Twitter makes the news daily and makes history occasionally.

    2. Peter Hoggan profile image69
      Peter Hogganposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Nope it died, rummer is it was crushed under the weight of a whale dropped from a great height by a handful of Sparrows. (African Sparrows obviously.)

    3. e-matter profile image60
      e-matterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      of course its still around. although, this may or may not be a good thing. i actually wrote 2 days ago about the horrible usage of DMs (direct messages) . i prefer to call them direct spams.

  5. tipperary profile image62
    tipperaryposted 14 years ago

    I could never get the hang of the thing,  does anyone read what you write there?

    1. livewithrichard profile image74
      livewithrichardposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I get quite a bit of response from Twitter but I also have a couple thousand followers. It all depends on what your writing, the frequency of your tweets, and the number of followers you have.

      The problem is that conversions are terrible but the benefits of traffic can be great. With Tweets, you can't pre-sell your offer so you need the traffic to your site. You can find me on Twitter through my profile.

  6. lakeerieartists profile image65
    lakeerieartistsposted 14 years ago

    I like Twitter to keep up with my online friends, and announcements of new webpages.

  7. Sagarika Rath profile image60
    Sagarika Rathposted 14 years ago

    gr8, twitter is best for that. can i know your twitter name

  8. profile image51
    rkdperilposted 14 years ago

    me ramkumar join me on twitter id: bytechip

  9. kainth56 profile image38
    kainth56posted 14 years ago

    why not dude I am the making better for each tweet follow me at @kainth56

  10. supermom_in_ny profile image73
    supermom_in_nyposted 14 years ago

    I make money using Twitter.  I tweet my content and I get a nice amount of traffic that way.  I get paid to create and manage others Twitter accounts.  I've used to meet new clients, talked to top bloggers, gotten backlinks and increased my page rank.

    If you're not using Twitter, you are losing out on a lot!

  11. profile image0
    BGBEntertinmentposted 14 years ago



  12. madeline Oscar profile image60
    madeline Oscarposted 14 years ago

    No. I am not.

  13. lilmishap profile image58
    lilmishapposted 14 years ago

    Glad I stumbled on this. I signed up to get sponsored but after a few offers it seems to have dried up. But getting paid to manage a twitter account sounds like a dream. I am a total addict.  Oh you prob'ly found this out but..#hashtag it's just a way of 'grouping' tweets. A good example is tv. In the uk Big Brother 10 fans added the hashtag #bb10. That way all the 'proper' #bb10 fans could chat about the show. It helps searching. Although at certain times of day (night) the hashtags seem to get overwhelming. They will take up 8 or 9 of the TTs (trending topics). Thats the power of a hashtag.

  14. Entourage_007 profile image55
    Entourage_007posted 14 years ago

    It is true that some people know how to succeed on twitter, and it shows by evaluating the conversion rate and the number of people that are following that person.  Some people know how to succeed more than others.  But the truth is, twitter is constantly evolving just like much of the internet, so you could be an expert one month but if you do not stay on top of technology and if you cannot think in an innovative way.  Your chances of success on twitter will be less likely.

    1. lilian_sg profile image64
      lilian_sgposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I tweet but wouldn't call myself an expert. the # helps people to find you. You can follow me at @lilian_sg if you are interested in travel or at @music_drama if you are more entertainment-inclined smile

  15. ns1209 profile image64
    ns1209posted 14 years ago

    I use it and don't claim to be an expert but know roughly how it works! You can follow me under the name ns1209

  16. CrystalStarWoman profile image59
    CrystalStarWomanposted 14 years ago

    I use Twitter mostly to drive traffic to my Blog, my Hubs and my Zazzle store. I don't have many followers, but I use the #hashtag to get my tweets seen by the right groups of people.

    If you like reading your horoscope follow me @DailyDivination smile

    Apart from that I like following some celebs and seeing what they're up to... Also, news updates. Sometimes I have heard 'news' on Twitter before it's actually been on the news on TV!

  17. sportyfunster profile image68
    sportyfunsterposted 14 years ago

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