What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done ? or want to do ?

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  1. freecampingaussie profile image60
    freecampingaussieposted 13 years ago

    What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done ? or want to do ?

    I have been up in a motorised hang glider, rode on a camel in Broome, sat on a bull in NZ, traveled around Britain & Europe .held a crocodile, snorkled with a turtle ,fed a dolphin , Now traveling Australia.
    However I know some people have done a lot more than me & would love to hear about it.


  2. crazyhorsesghost profile image86
    crazyhorsesghostposted 13 years ago

    One morning in a driving rain I was standing on a beach unlike I have ever seen before on the southern tip of Argentina and I wondered how many people in the world would ever see a sight like this.  I mean it was so wild and yet at the same time one of the most beautiful places on earth.

    Another time I watched the whales play with and spray the Washington State Ferry I was riding in the beautiful majestic waters north of Seattle.

    In the Spring of 2010 I got to finally visit the Outer Banks of North Carolina and to say the least it was breathe taking. It also helped that I was with some of the most important people in my life. And we got to share those oh so magical views as we drove down the North Carolina Outer Banks and later took a Ferry Boat ride from Hatteras over to Ocracoke Island. If you live in North Carolina don't wait until 50 plus years have gone by before you visit the Outer Banks.

    There are so many exciting beautiful places in the world that I have visited and wished so much that I could share with everyone else on earth.

  3. bwhite062007 profile image90
    bwhite062007posted 13 years ago

    I have to say that the most adventurous thing I have done was just simply living in the moment. There is no telling what spontaneous things I may break out with. My friends sometimes think I am crazy but it is all in good fun. One adventurous thing was going in alone in a haunted house. I will never forget that night.

  4. rwelton profile image59
    rweltonposted 13 years ago

    Traveled the world also, with lots of exciting adventures- no crocodile hugs though - however, that said - the most adventurous thing I have ever done was the decision to settle down and have four kids...parenting is weirdest and most adventuresome experience, bar none...

  5. shamani67 profile image60
    shamani67posted 13 years ago

    My life has been one long adventure. I am going to be writing many hubs to reflect on this. Can't wait to hear everyone's adventures.

  6. DeborahNeyens profile image94
    DeborahNeyensposted 13 years ago

    Central America is a great place to go for adventure.  I've zip-lined in Costa Rica, went cave swimming in Belize, and tubed down a jungle river also in Belize.

  7. Prisana profile image83
    Prisanaposted 13 years ago

    Skydiving, ziplining, rock climbing, sea canoeing and driving in Thailand. White water kayaking in the Philippines. Diving with sharks in the Similan Islands. Traveling to Santorini, Greece when I was 17 yrs old, from Geneva, Switzerland on less than a shoe string budget. Visiting a Philippine Special Forces Unit in Mindanao. My visit remains an untold story, but maybe one day I will write a semi-fictional account of that memorable day.

  8. LensMan999 profile image59
    LensMan999posted 12 years ago

    While I was in college, we went for a study tour to a place close to the forest. There we camped one night. When every one fell asleep I slowly walked out of the tent. I roamed about the forest all alone. After some time I realized that I was too away from our tent. It was at that time that I heard a sound and became very frightened. I had to climb up on a tree and stay there for the rest of the night...

  9. samnashy profile image70
    samnashyposted 12 years ago

    Probably a tandem skydive in New Zealand about many years ago.  I wanted to do the bungy jump but couldn't muster up the courage.

    1. Say Yes To Life profile image80
      Say Yes To Lifeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I hope I can work up the nerve to do at least one tandem skydive!  As for bungee jumping - that's like diving over and over again.  Even if I did that, I'd probably puke my guts out.  No thanks to that one!

  10. Say Yes To Life profile image80
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 10 years ago

    I did many adventurous things at my childhood summer camp; horseback riding, rock climbing, backpacking in the Tahoe wilderness and drinking directly out of the lakes and streams there.  As an adult, I toured Europe, going behind the Iron Curtain while it was still up.  I celebrated my 50th birthday by going ziplining (UmaUma Falls in Hawaii).  I have skied / snowboarded in Hawaii (Mauna Kea occasionally gets snow).  I have sandboarded at the Green Sand Beach, and visited Kilauea, the living volcano.   I have been to lots of hot springs along the West Coast, and the one in Hawaii.  I have attended High Cascade and Windell's snowboard camps, and have met a lot of pros.  I have their autographs lining my walls.
    My wildest dream is to fly a wingsuit.  For that, I first have to do 200 parachute jumps.  If only I could get up the nerve to go off the high dive at the local swimming pool...

  11. Lindsay Langstaff profile image58
    Lindsay Langstaffposted 7 years ago

    As a 20 year old, the most adventurous thing I have ever done is go on an archaeology dig as a business major. Imagine that! Some day I would love to get into a shark cage though. I'm not particularly afraid of sharks, but I still think it would be an amazing adrenaline rush.

  12. Hamza-atd 21 profile image60
    Hamza-atd 21posted 7 years ago

    Para gliding, at lake side. Glider attached with boat through rope around 200 meters long, boat pull the glider and also person have to run faster to take a glide then it stop in middle of Lake, experience of high altitude diving.

  13. profile image0
    vaneet2310posted 6 years ago

    Probably Paragliding at Solang valley near Manali @Himachal Pradesh India. One can get a bird's eye view of the beautiful valley while in air. Truly a memorable experience.

    1. GA Anderson profile image83
      GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Really? Responding to a seven year old thread?

      But I will bite. For me it was sky diving. Solo skydiving, not this wussie tandem stuff we hear about now-a-days.


  14. wanderwonder profile image59
    wanderwonderposted 6 years ago

    It was several years ago, but I sold (or gave away) almost everything I owned, packed my bags, and moved half way around the world on a whim to start a new adventure. What was supposed to be an extended trip, I wound up living in SE Asia for years.

  15. profile image57
    NnamAriesposted 5 years ago

    I have always considered registering withTimbu and taking an unplanned trip somewhere while following the next destination blindly, I'd like to surprise myself monumentally. I am curious to know what it feels like to wake up in a strange place I put myself, but didn't look up.

  16. jenniferdaalton profile image38
    jenniferdaaltonposted 5 years ago

    Skydiving and world traveling (alone) is one of the most adventurous thing I wanted to do. I am just crazy about these two things

  17. Castlepaloma profile image75
    Castlepalomaposted 5 years ago

    Adrenaline rush from soft to scariest list.

    #30. Jungle wedding in Indonesia, where nobody seen a white person before.
    29. Did a hit of orange sunshine acid then turned from athelite to sculptor.
    28. Swam with 6 killer sharks.
    27. Swam with kids among crocodiles.
    26. Climbed up a tree from a Komodo dragon.
    24.Dated mostly non white women.
    23. Two guys Attempted to rape me in Afghanistan.
    22. First time in love then heartbroken.
    21. Beat up 2 bully's in school at the same time.
    20. Attacked by many wild or guard dogs around world. 
    19. Experience a catagory 5 huracan.
    18. Level 6 earthquake. 
    17. Fell off a 45 ft. Snow cliff
    16. Conversations with devil worshipers and assassin's.
    15. Arm licked by a 500 pound tamed tiger
    14. Drug raided in Mexico by machine guns.
    13. Mugged by three guys in Colombia.
    12. Visited by a killer whale from my kayak.
    11. Hictch hiked 60 countries.
    10. Kayaked totally around Vancouver Island.
    9. Danced with a black chick in a black bar in Detroit. 
    8. Confronted 2 US Presidents 
    7. Checking for terrorists bombs at the winter Olympics.
    6.Visited 6 war zone countries. 
    5. Confronted a mother bear and club counered in a trash cabin.
    4.  Won 5 sandsculptor world championships and Built a sancastle for Trump..
    3. Shot at twice in Vancouver riot's.
    2. Mugged by 40 monkeys.   

    Number one 1# scariest thing of all Divorced.... Divorce from a magolomanic.


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