Have you travelled outside your native country?

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  1. Silver Fish profile image69
    Silver Fishposted 12 years ago

    Have you travelled outside your native country?

  2. amazingkym profile image60
    amazingkymposted 12 years ago

    Yes and even stayed for a while and I learned a lot. All the more I fall in love with my own country as I appreciate the uniqueness of every culture.

  3. ithabise profile image72
    ithabiseposted 12 years ago

    Yes. I'm an American. I have lived in Japan and visited France--and I want to go back!

  4. primarkonlineshop profile image35
    primarkonlineshopposted 12 years ago

    So far about 12 different countries...the last trip I had a month ago was Dubai, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. It was awesome and I got bit by the travel bug for sure smile

  5. JKenny profile image92
    JKennyposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I'm English and I've been to the following countries:
    1. France
    2. Belgium
    3. Spain (inc. islands)
    4. Italy
    5. Greece

  6. lmarsh1203 profile image61
    lmarsh1203posted 12 years ago

    Yes. I'm American, and I've been to Egypt, Mexico, Germany (for a layover).

  7. PhoenixV profile image66
    PhoenixVposted 12 years ago

    Yes I have been to Mexico. It was quite a cultural difference.

  8. Terri Wright profile image62
    Terri Wrightposted 12 years ago

    I'm sorry to regret no I haven't; however, I would love to before I die.

  9. Gemini Fox profile image81
    Gemini Foxposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I did an internship in London, England - didn't want to come home (Phoenix)!

  10. lyssaoost profile image62
    lyssaoostposted 12 years ago

    Yes I'm Australian, and ive lived in New Zealand and Brunei, I travelled to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. and heading to Cambodia and Vietnam soon. Even one of my dogs has been to three different countries smile

  11. ladeda profile image60
    ladedaposted 12 years ago

    Yes. I love learning about and experiencing different cultures and ways of life that are different from what I'm used to everyday. I hope to have plenty more opportunities to travel in the future!

  12. ARTISTEWRITER profile image60
    ARTISTEWRITERposted 12 years ago

    I was born and bred in Scotland but since leaving there with my family at the age of ten, I have lived in five different countries including England, Northern Ireland, Germany, Singapore and now France.

  13. moonfairy profile image71
    moonfairyposted 12 years ago

    yes, I live in America and I've been to Mexico, Canada, the West Indies and France and loved them all for different reasons smile

  14. freemarketingnow profile image59
    freemarketingnowposted 12 years ago

    Yes I've been to countries in Asia and South America. I grew up in the United States.

  15. khalidosama profile image60
    khalidosamaposted 12 years ago

    Yes, i live in Egypt,and i went to India it was really great experience and i loved the landscapes

  16. AfricaResource profile image61
    AfricaResourceposted 12 years ago

    All over the world and it's certainly something i would encourage everyone to do! The country you live in is only a small part of the vast world we live in! It's good to get out there and see this magnificent planet we live on!

  17. gregas profile image81
    gregasposted 12 years ago

    Yes I have. I drove the Alcon highway through Canada to Alaska, which was beautiful. I also went to Europe and drove for 10 days through Tne Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and back to Amsterdam. That's the extent of my travels outside the US. Greg

  18. Ciel Clark profile image72
    Ciel Clarkposted 12 years ago

    For a long time (until the kids arrived!) I would work and save for the next plane ticket.
    I've been to about 50 countries, and have lived/worked in New Zealand, England, France, Turkey, and Taiwan.  My twelve year old has been to about 10, and my one year old has been to 5!
    We still have a lot of catching up with my parents to do-- I'm not sure about my dad, but my mother has been to well over 100 countries.
    My number hasn't been going up much lately-- I seem to be revisiting the same ones..

  19. Rick Harvey profile image61
    Rick Harveyposted 12 years ago

    As a resident of New Zealand's southernmost city - Invercargill - travelling overseas can be a bit of a daunting prospect as travelling time within New Zealand to get from Invercargill, to say Auckland International Airport, can take as long as a flight from London to New York.
    But that aside - yes - we (my partner Lyn and I) have travelled quite a bit. We went to the San Francisco, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego in the USA and across the border into northern Mexico in the early '90s; to the UK and Europe (7 countries) in 1995 for 7 weeks; and more recently we did a motorcycle tour of Europe (14 countries) in August/September last year. In between those trips we also managed to get away to Australia a couple of times, Fiji a couple of times and Rarotonga once.
    If you have never had the chance to travel outside your home or native country, I thoroughly recommend that you do all you can to get away. Travel is totally, totally inspiring. You get the chance to meet new people, visit new places and experience and see things that you may only ever had read about or seen on TV.
    Go for it!
    India is our next destination in a couple of years time - or maybe the eastern seaboard of the USA, then Canada - who knows?


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