What's your favorite place to visit in the fall, and why is it your favorite?

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  1. Happyboomernurse profile image86
    Happyboomernurseposted 12 years ago

    What's your favorite place to visit in the fall, and why is it your favorite?


  2. Denise Handlon profile image88
    Denise Handlonposted 12 years ago

    The first thing I think of for fall visits is the cider mill.  Doesn't matter where, but there is one in Michigan I went to EVERY fall as a kid.  It's an actual working mill and you can buy cider and donuts, fresh from the oven there.  It's the perfect place to go for an autumn walk through the woods, take photos by the water wheel, and of course, having the cider and donut treat. 

    I took my own children there every year, and now my grandkids and I go.  It's a great afternoon trip on a warm, autumn day.

    1. Happyboomernurse profile image86
      Happyboomernurseposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wow! Sounds like a fabulous place. Have you or Cara written a hub about it? If not, it sounds like it would be a great place to write about.

    2. Denise Handlon profile image88
      Denise Handlonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      No, actually...not sure if she plans to do that, and I usually check with her first before doing that.  smile  Great question.  I love the fall weather and foliage!

  3. craiglyn profile image53
    craiglynposted 12 years ago

    My husband and I actually loved just driving around this area of Ontario in the fall - because it is part of the Niagara Escarpment there are many very interesting places to tour and the colours of the fall foliage are beautiful.   There are many different harvest festivals to take in also around the area.  A little further north  through what is called the Hockley Valley is also beautiful.  It's always neat to stop into a local apple farm too.     We once did a trip around Lake Ontario on Canadian Thanksgiving weekend - touring upper part of New York State and then back across the border to Ontario and around back toward Toronto and Home.    A 3 day drive that was really quite beautiful.

    1. Happyboomernurse profile image86
      Happyboomernurseposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That sounds breathtakingly lovely. I've only been to Canada once on a short cruise in May but would definitely like to return someday during the fall season.

  4. lburmaster profile image70
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    My favorite place to visit in the fall is my home. I love it here in the fall. This is my favorite season and I don't want to waste it or see it go. Winter, I will run from. Summer, I will hide in the mountains. But here is where fall consists as the best temperature and the fun begins.

    1. Happyboomernurse profile image86
      Happyboomernurseposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What's better than being happy in your own place, fully appreciating its bounty? Glad you have a feeling of gratitude and awe for your surroundings at this time of year.

  5. Pamela99 profile image88
    Pamela99posted 12 years ago

    I love to head to the Northeast or norther Midwest areas where I can see gorgeous autumn leaves, mountains, or as least rolling hills. I love visiting the Adirondack Mountains, but also the Shenandoah Valley is awesome. I was born in Cleveland, Ohio and the Metropolitan Parik that runs miles through that area is also beautiful. It would seem my list is endless.

    1. Happyboomernurse profile image86
      Happyboomernurseposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ah yes, there are so many lovely places to visit in fall.
      My current home state of DE has pretty fall foliage but it's not as stunning as when I lived in New York State's Hudson River Valley. I return each fall cause it's the one time I miss NYS.

  6. austinhealy profile image80
    austinhealyposted 12 years ago

    Drive  (slowly) the Blue Ridge Parkway from Cherokee, NC all the way to Virginia. I don't think I have experienced the beauty of nature more intensely than by doing that. It is just breathtaking and when the leaves change colors is of course the best time to do it.

    1. Happyboomernurse profile image86
      Happyboomernurseposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the great tip. I've driven on that section of the Blue Ridge Parkway in summer, but it sounds like it would be an even more stunning drive in fall.


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