Can blind people see their dreams?

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  1. gajanis786 profile image83
    gajanis786posted 12 years ago

    Let's try to know the answer to this question in a scientific way.......

    1. profile image58
      advaityk2posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Dreams are seen with the eyes of mind, not with the  physical eyes.

    2. Nixhe profile image56
      Nixheposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I can't say a hundred percent yes but maybe they could. We do all dreams and blind people are no exemption.

  2. profile image0
    Brenda Durhamposted 12 years ago

    That's a question I never thought of. 
    Very interesting!
    I also wonder if people who were once sighted but afterward became blind can "see" some dreams via their memory etc...

  3. melpor profile image91
    melporposted 12 years ago

    Brenda, I agree with your statement. If someone have been blinded since birth it is most likely their dreams are completely different from someone with sight. Their dreams are probably blank since they do not have visual memory because dreams are fragments of your daily visual experiences. Your brain cannot make up images if you never seen them before. The person maybe experiencing some form of light sensation in place of actual images when and if they are dreaming. On the other hand, if someone had visual experience before becoming blind then they are probably experiencing dreams similar to others with sight.

    1. gajanis786 profile image83
      gajanis786posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      melpor I agree with your perception that a blind person by birth will probably not be able to make visual images of the dreams.......still I will invite fellow hubbers to put further light on it's scientific limitations for the benefit of all of us......thanks.

      1. wilderness profile image94
        wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Not so sure of that.  I would have said that that part of the brain would lose function, but I saw a TV special about a little girl deaf from birth that had a cochlear implant put in.  When they turned it on the expression on her face was absolutely wonderful; she could obviously hear, for the first time in her life.

  4. bankruptcyfiling profile image61
    bankruptcyfilingposted 12 years ago

    Interesting discussion...
    I think to see dreams eyes not necessary..Just you have to imagine something. This dreaming thing can't do purposely, it just happen...
    Mostly your mind connects all things which you do in a day, it may be a person you came across, your thinking, imagination or anything. Whatever you think, listen, see, experience in a day reflect in your dream.So according to me blind people also see dreams but as they can't see, they imagine at different level.

  5. Denise Handlon profile image86
    Denise Handlonposted 12 years ago

    cool question.

  6. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 12 years ago

    Dreams come from the subconscious and are not seen via actual eyes. When a person dreams they visual and remember via the right side of the brain.

  7. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 12 years ago
  8. profile image0
    RookerySpoonerposted 12 years ago

    Yes, but sighted people see images in their dreams.  I have never had a dream, in which I only experienced sound.  Yet for those who have never seen anything, I can't imagine how they would know what things looked like.  Blind people may have heard that grass is green or that the sky is blue, but this would make little sense, if they have never seen it for themselves.  I have had similar thoughts concerning animals and how they think.  People think in language.  For instance, I might think 'what shall I have for dinner?'  But how would animals without language think?  Would it be in images only?

    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Could be.  When the lions stomach growls he pictures a gazelle.

      Whereupon he grunts loudly and his lionesses promptly go kill a wildebeest. smile

  9. Rocko Polo profile image59
    Rocko Poloposted 12 years ago

    People who have never seen and suddenly recover part of their vision have great difficulty making sense of the visual input at first. If they lost their vision before a certain age they can never regain the ability to see as we see. They remain handicapped because the brain needs those early years of visual stimuli to hardwire itself to make sense of the visual world in reference to the person's depth perception. In fact, they have to be told what they are seeing at first since they can't recognize any of the objects they are looking at. Neither do the objects appear clear. It's comparable to traveling in another domension and learning to orient ourselves there because we have never been there before.  In short, they have to learn to see with understanding. There was a program on Discovery that focused on that.

    1. profile image0
      RookerySpoonerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I would have imagined that it would have been a wonderful experience for someone who had never seen to be given their sight.  Yet, it sounds as though it might actually be a frightening experience to begin with and a very confusing one.  Whilst those of us with sight take it for granted, it would, as you say be like experiencing a strange new dimension, that the brain would not be able to comprehend for quite some time.

  10. Zabbella profile image75
    Zabbellaposted 12 years ago

    1---If a blind person "sees" possible light and shadows then maybe they can see light and shadows in dreams.

    2---If the person BECAME blind.(Such as Ray Charles) then he can still have memories of when he was sighted and those images may come in dreams.

  11. couturepopcafe profile image60
    couturepopcafeposted 12 years ago

    Don't any of us know a blind person we can just ask?


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