When you atteneded college how did you supplement your tuition?

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  1. teaches12345 profile image77
    teaches12345posted 11 years ago

    When you atteneded college how did you supplement your tuition?

    I had to work full-time as an administrative assistant during my college days and attended classes at night.  What are other options used to supplement college tuition and expenses?

  2. Nettlemere profile image76
    Nettlemereposted 11 years ago


    I did almost every job available at the college - cleaning the college minibuses, working as an assistant in the library and being the weekend animal care technician and helping lambing on the college farm.

    1. teaches12345 profile image77
      teaches12345posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, you were busy!  However, what a resume you must have!

  3. profile image0
    KDuBarry03posted 11 years ago

    Right now, I take out loans and, since I commute, I work at wawa to keep pocket money so i don't have to rely on my loan entirely. I know with a Bachelor's degree it can be hard to get grants and scholarships; however, once you go for your masters, you can apply for assistantships, apprenticeships and you have an easier time and many more options to waver your master's tuition.

    1. profile image59
      ElleBeeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very interesting! I had better luck finding undergrad scholarships than I am now with looking for grad scholarships, though this could also be b/c I don't want to go full time. GUess I need to look harder.

    2. teaches12345 profile image77
      teaches12345posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Keith, I have seen your hub posts and know that you are a really dedicated, extremely busy and hard working person.  It will all pay off for you some day. Hang in there.

  4. profile image59
    ElleBeeposted 11 years ago

    I went to school full time and worked part time as a lifeguard and swim instructor.  I also was an RA for 3 semesters, which meant free housing and parking plus additional money off my bill. Also applied for numerous scholarships, took out loans, and worked A LOT in the summer (40-60 hours a week) to allow myself a little wiggle worm during term time.

    1. teaches12345 profile image77
      teaches12345posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You had some really beneficial jobs that paid the bills. All much more interesting than mine!  What was your degree?

  5. profile image0
    huckelburyposted 11 years ago

    I was fortunate enough to attend college on a scholarship, but as we all know, undergrads have other expenses, like burgers and beer, that need to be addressed. This was back in the mid-Sixties, so we didn't have that many opportunities for jobs, but I fell into a job with a local bank--as an English major no less! That plus a little help from generous grandparents saw me through all the "crises" that popped up.

    1. teaches12345 profile image77
      teaches12345posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Huckelbury, that must have been a real learning experience for you as you mixed your college courses with the banking industry knowledge.  A good mix regardless.

  6. teacherjoe52 profile image60
    teacherjoe52posted 11 years ago

    Good morning teaches.

    Many, many many moons ago when I was attending school I worked a full time job to suppliment my expenses. First at a sweat shop then as a security officer at a consulate. S chool was completed with no debt. As well there was volunteer work. Being you it was possable to get by on three hours sleep a day for five days then pretty much sleep the whole days off. It was one of the best times of my life.

    God bless you.

    1. teaches12345 profile image77
      teaches12345posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You certainly had some good jobs during college.  I think when we are young we can pull off those few hours without sleep.  Glad you enjoyed it all.

  7. Paul Kuehn profile image94
    Paul Kuehnposted 11 years ago

    In the 1960s when I was an undergrduate, I worked summer jobs with the Racine County Highway Department and the U.S. Post Office on campus.  As a graduate student in the 1970s, I received G.I. Educational benefits and also got some money by drilling with the U.S. Navy Reserve.

    1. teaches12345 profile image77
      teaches12345posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, what a fascinating list of jobs for a student.  You must have had some really interesting work experiences.

  8. Glimmer Twin Fan profile image95
    Glimmer Twin Fanposted 11 years ago

    Hi teaches!  I worked on the yearbook for a nominal monthly stipend ( it basically bought beverages for a couple of weeks) and then I was a lifeguard at the college pool and managed pools in the summer months.  I also gave swim lessons.  I had a great tan by the end of the summer and was fit through the rest of the year because we would all swim in the pool during breaks.  That was a great time!

    1. teaches12345 profile image77
      teaches12345posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You had a job I wanted badly when I was in college.  You must have a lot of fun!  Thanks, dear friend, for coming by here today.

    2. profile image59
      ElleBeeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      These are such great college jobs! I've done all of them except yearbook smile I still LOVE teaching swimming and wish I could squeeze it in more with my full time job!

  9. SoManyPaths profile image59
    SoManyPathsposted 11 years ago

    part-time jobs and a 3,000 student loan.

    1. teaches12345 profile image77
      teaches12345posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Your plan is the norm for many college students today.  Great way to fund your education, SoManyPaths.  Love your profile pic!

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