Adsense is Dead

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  1. sid_candid profile image57
    sid_candidposted 13 years ago

    With close to 190 hubs I was expecting to make decent money with adsense. But being a newbie to online writing I had not optimized most of my hubs initially. But I would still say that I have about 70-75 hubs which are keyword optimized. I have not got any adsense clicks since 26th November. Even on 26th November I got just one click of a few cents. I agree my page imp are low at about 125/day but no clicks for 5 days I believe that is concerning.

    1. David 470 profile image79
      David 470posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I have about the same number of hubs as you lol. My adsense has been all over the place lately. hmm

      1. sid_candid profile image57
        sid_candidposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Good to know some one else too is in the same boat as me. Hope we get back to track soon lol.

        1. David 470 profile image79
          David 470posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, idk I am getting real disappointed my CTR and PPC are so low. I had decent days early last week, but now everything is going bad. I even had a record day of over 8 dollars with adsense

          Its making me depressed sort of... hmm

    2. gracenotes profile image90
      gracenotesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You are surely not alone.  For some reason that I have not understood, I don't do too well on the last several days of the month with Adsense.  This happened last month as well.

      The Saturday before Thanksgiving, I had my highest Adsense day ever.  The day before Thanksgiving, I made almost as much.  Heck, there were even clicks on 11/25, Thanksgiving Day.  Then, no clicks again for 4 straight days.

      I think November was really wild and I don't understand all of it, but I will say that November showed an increase over October.

      1. Pcunix profile image91
        Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Adwords (which is the advertiser side of Adsense) allows advertisers to set a monthly cap on their ad spending.   That can run out before the month does and cause an end of month drop.

        I've never observed  that myself, but apparently certain kinds of advertisers are more likely to swet limits that can easily be exceeded.

        1. gracenotes profile image90
          gracenotesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Just as I suspected, just as I have heard.  I'm probably targeting those kinds of subjects.

        2. Pcunix profile image91
          Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I should add that I have DONE that - that is, set a monthly cap on Adwords and seen it run out before end of month.

    3. thisisoli profile image70
      thisisoliposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That's pretty low traffic, which probably means it is not high quality. 

      I think it might be beneficial to go over your existing work to try and improve its SEO.

  2. IzzyM profile image86
    IzzyMposted 13 years ago

    How's your viewing figures, Sid? Up/down?

  3. relache profile image72
    relacheposted 13 years ago

    Have you checked to make sure your HubPages account is still connected to your AdSense on the AdSense end of things?  I once had my accounts become "disassociated" for reasons no one could figure out, but essentially until I connected them again, no clicks were registering.

    This was a setting that was in my AdSense account preferences that needed fixing.  I recommend you go take a look on that end to make sure all is as it should be, just in case.

  4. sid_candid profile image57
    sid_candidposted 13 years ago

    @Relache It is still connected to my hubpages account as I am getting page impressions in my adsense.

    @Izzy My Page impressions are more or less static with small rise on some days of 10-15.

  5. Pcunix profile image91
    Pcunixposted 13 years ago

    At that level of traffic, I would not think it unusual at all to get no clicks, especially if much of it is other hubbers.

    It's just far too little. You should check as Relache said, but this might simply be because of  low traffic.

  6. sid_candid profile image57
    sid_candidposted 13 years ago

    I understand that I have low traffic and working to raise it. But combined traffic of 5 days makes it over 500 page impressions with no clicks. That is not good I believe. Yes I do get hubpages traffic but that is like 30-35% rest is search engine traffic.

    1. Pcunix profile image91
      Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Then thats really 150 to 175 impressions - less HP's share..

      Do a 'View Source". Look at the JavaScript. Is your Adsense I'd in there? Look at your Adsense reports - are they recording impressions?

  7. sid_candid profile image57
    sid_candidposted 13 years ago

    Can You let me know how I need to check whether my adsense account is still connected to my hubpages?

    1. relache profile image72
      relacheposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If you are still registering impressions, you are still connected.

      As for why no clicks... all I can say is that shoppers are fickle. My ad activity went down over the holiday weekend, so I'm seeing it come back.  I think people who saw it go up might see it go down now.

      More randomized activity is a hallmark of holiday periods.  If you think this is funky, wait until the week between Christmas and New Years.  You never know what's going to happen then.

  8. Richieb799 profile image74
    Richieb799posted 13 years ago

    Yeah 125 page impressions isn't much, some of those may be you viewing as well lol
    When you say they are optimized, does that mean you have backlinks? could be that your pages aren't ranking due to high competition subjects

  9. sid_candid profile image57
    sid_candidposted 13 years ago

    @Pcunix It is 500 adsense impressions and not Hubpages page impressions and so it stays 500.

    1. Pcunix profile image91
      Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ok, so you are seeing Adsense reports.  As a point of reference, I just looked at some Analytics stats and I can see several  individual pages with 400-500 page views and no clicks at all.

      You MAY have something wrong, but if your Adsense I'd shows up in the page source and your Adesnse and Analytics are working, it may just be traffic.

  10. profile image0
    awesome77posted 13 years ago

    Adsense is funny to say the least! You might want to check adsense best areas to put your ads on a page. In your adsense help raea they have a diagram that shows the areas that generate the most clicks and I noticed some of your hubs have this area picture blocked!

    The best areas for adsense is usually, the top, the middle section to the right and the bottom!

  11. sid_candid profile image57
    sid_candidposted 13 years ago

    @awesome 77 I know some of my hubs don't have ads in the most productive areas and I am working on getting this sorted out. Thanks for the advice.

  12. brandonhart100 profile image76
    brandonhart100posted 13 years ago

    Sid I believe your problem has more to do with keyword optimization and backlinks and less to do with where your ads are. 

    What are your target keywords?  Can you see your page on the first page of google?  If not, then make sure you explore good seo software like market samurai that the most successful hubbers use.

    Many times the keyword tool for adsense is dead wrong... mixing and matching terms that people don't really search for... I recommend you read everything you can about Ryan Kett and Misha if you haven't already.

  13. KCC Big Country profile image85
    KCC Big Countryposted 13 years ago

    Are there advertisers running with Google that are a good match for the keywords people will search for that drives them to your hub?  In other words, are the ads relevant?  It won't matter how many people you drive there if the ads are not closely enough related to the topic they came there for.

  14. allpurposeguru profile image71
    allpurposeguruposted 13 years ago

    I got 10 clicks last month--my highest monthly total ever. Alas, that's a miniscule click-through rate, so the clicks don't amount to much money yet.

    This morning I read a new post by Rebecca E, "I Want Money Quick. . ." Instead of the work I intended, I went to my statistics page, arranged it by score from lowest to highest, and googled the titles. My lowest ranking hubs (less than 60) all have titles with highly competitive key words. They don't show up on the first two pages of Google results. Hardly anyone has read any of them. Most of the ones with scores from 60-69 are in the same boat, although two of them made it to page 1. I'm hoping changing the titles to incorporate long-tail keywords will do the trick.

    Everything with a score of 70 or more is at least on the first page. Most of them are at the top of the organic results. Sometimes my various bookmarks rank just below the Hub. Occasionally I see someone else has cited my hub and the link shows up on the first and/or second page. One of hubs, somehow, fills every spot on the first two pages of Google!

    The hubs with a score of 70+ are 19 out of my 45, but I'll bet all my clicks are from those. I'm hoping that if I can improve titles and backlinks for most of the rest of them, I'll finally start seeing some signs of life with my AdSense.

    I hadn't intended to write a treatise, but I do recommend Rebecca E's hub (and lots of her others, while you're at it) and following up the way I did.

    1. kesinee profile image72
      kesineeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I just received e-mail from Don Crowther who is a master in social media and seo. He make a living online. he introduce a guy who earn 20K on Google Adsense. Sound incredible!!! I will try :-)

  15. profile image0
    TopUniverseposted 13 years ago

    In order to get good number of clicks apartment from placement of ads, the ads shown should be relevant to the content you have. Visitors not supposed to click on your ads in the above scenario.


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