What Does This Mean? (Something I wrote)

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  1. Kain 360 profile image90
    Kain 360posted 9 years ago

    I do not quite fathom where these words are coming from. But apparently, they are buried deep within my conscious. This passage I wrote will sound enigmatic and peculiar by default to many.

    How would you interpret what this passage means in your own words? I am eager to know. smile

    If these are indeed potential wings, they are tattered, weak, and have assumed a repugnant form. Gliding into the precipices and being an outside observer is possible, but this is not enlightenment. It is also not a transcending experience of elation or contentment. There is a strong sense of hankering when perceiving what is seen when atop these various precipices. And this hankering feeling only causes tantalized feelings, which create much sorrow and desolation within. Looking down, from atop these precipices, it is hard to fathom how others are not inhibited and simply roam nonchalantly, left to their own devices. Unfortunately, as bold as they may be, many of them are often solicitous to integrity and sincerity. But perhaps in their audacious intentions, it is their means for their own personal enlightenment, although it may not be 100% quintessential. Thinking coherently atop this precipice, may not be quite sufficient, for the others may be going off their own inherent inclinations and impulses without a timorous temperament. Of course, quite often, their impetuous behavior leads to corruption that is spread like the bubonic plague. Standing here on this precipice, an outside observer, it is difficult to discern the components that create the very fabric of existence. The insatiable subconscious is alluding to its own compulsions. It is not possible to merely disregard them. In fact, it is inevitable that they will convey vague enigmatic images in thoughts or dream form. Being at the very mercy of them is quite frightening indeed; because if what they desire is not being met, then they will relentlessly haunt the conscious in perpetuity. . .

    1. AshtonFirefly profile image70
      AshtonFireflyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Just my take on it. Sounds like the desire of an exceptionally self-aware mind to be normal, or to experience life instead of observing it.

      1. Kain 360 profile image90
        Kain 360posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Yes that is part of it. smile Technically, this can mean multiple things, but part of it is vague while the other is less vague.

        The precipice was being used as a metaphor basically. A person (also referring to myself) is being an outside observer of certain events, people etc... Basically there are subconscious desires that are not being full-filled and the subconscious constantly reminds the conscious of this. And being an observer is simply not enough, but inhibitions are an issue.

        And while some of what is seen is "desired," the observer often sees corruption, but some of the corrupt seem to meet their conscious and subconscious desires because of their boldness and audacity.

    2. Jerami profile image58
      Jeramiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'd have to agree with Kathryn ...  However my attention is fixed more upon first sentence ....                                                   "If these are indeed potential wings, they are tattered, weak, and have assumed a repugnant form".   

      If they are potential  why are they tattered and torn.    tattered and torn (To me) implies a better condition  in days past,  as does the phrase "assumed" a repugnant form.

      Are they going to become more tattered and torn?  Will they become more repugnant?  Or do they appear  unfulfilled like a baby birds wings recently released from its shell?  only you can be the judge of this.   I would like to think it is the latter.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image76
        Kathryn L Hillposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        ...or maybe they have been misused and tattered in battles. Healing is always possible.
        - right?

        1. Jerami profile image58
          Jeramiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Kathryn you are right again.  i wasn't speculating on what caused the condition, just pointing out that this is what most attracted my attention.  Interpreting this should be done the same as if it were a dream.  The dreamers feelings concerning details such as this are most important. The dreamer may need a little help with the interpretation, but the final analysis is theirs alone. 
              just asking the OP to consider any importance this issue might be insinuating?
          Regardless; it seems the option to improve the condition (Or Not) at this point still exist.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image76
            Kathryn L Hillposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Jerami. My, you are really good at this sort of thing. (Where did he go?)

            1. Jerami profile image58
              Jeramiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              Maybe he got the answer he was looking for ?   or one he wasn't?

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image76
                Kathryn L Hillposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                - oh well, we tried. You deserve a high five. or a bump or whatever… I saw a funny birthday card at Hallmark… the front was the picture of a sketch of an old lady:  Outside caption: With old age comes wisdom.
                Inside: "So what?"

                1. Jerami profile image58
                  Jeramiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  Thank you ;-) ...    Yep ... "So what" comes to my mind  a lot.
                  I think I have all the right answers;   I just can't always remember the right questions to connect them to. 
                  i used to have dreams similar to the situation suggested in his scenario (yet different )
                  Only in mine I'd be flying high when it seemed I was doing everything right, and being tattered and torn when i was into stuff I shouldn't have been.  Or getting ready to be.
                  It seems our subconscious (or something) warns us when our we are on the wrong path and attempts to direct us on a better path.   
                  We can learn a lot about ourselves from our dreams regardless of the kind they appear to be. 
                  We might even learn a lot if we could really just objectively listen to ourselves.
                  going off again,  back in an hour or so.

              2. Kain 360 profile image90
                Kain 360posted 9 years agoin reply to this

                No I am here, I merely was not on HubPages when you guys replied. Yes, this kind of passage sort of does have to be interpreted like a dream, as it is not 100% direct. I actually have been studying my own dreams and reading books about dreams.

                1. Jerami profile image58
                  Jeramiposted 9 years agoin reply to this


                  1. Kain 360 profile image90
                    Kain 360posted 9 years agoin reply to this

                    I have constantly dreamed of floods and also dreamed of looking for a girl that was in some hospital and I awoke feeling a sensation of  overwhelming  sadness because I could not find her.

                    Some dreams are simply caused by laying in bed a certain way or hearing noises in real life that make things manifest in the dream. These are more logical or rational.

                    Others I believe are more profound and may be either more psychological or psychic in nature.

  2. AshtonFirefly profile image70
    AshtonFireflyposted 9 years ago

    Yay I was half right smile

    1. Kain 360 profile image90
      Kain 360posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      This site is pretty quiet these days. Where's everyone out lol

  3. AshtonFirefly profile image70
    AshtonFireflyposted 9 years ago

    I think they're all debating in the religious forums lol. smile

    1. Kain 360 profile image90
      Kain 360posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      lol. Yes, people do tend to talk about religion quite a lot. I remember posting something christian related and a lot of people started chatting.

      Many tend to fight over it... hmm

  4. AshtonFirefly profile image70
    AshtonFireflyposted 9 years ago

    or rather, the forums discussing religion.

  5. AshtonFirefly profile image70
    AshtonFireflyposted 9 years ago

    I enjoy a good philosophical debate. I try not to "fight." Some people you just can't reason with. Others you can wonder "how the heck would you think like that" but they're the most respectful people on the planet.

  6. Kathryn L Hill profile image76
    Kathryn L Hillposted 9 years ago

    My interpretation:
    You are wanting to be in touch with your own will and your own self. You wander on the precipices, used to watching what is below… You observe what is below with trepidation and loathing yet you have wings to fly above and far away from it.

    Why not soar upward like a red tailed hawk. Show those below which way to go, which path to take, which mountain trail…

    Stimulus can come from your own inner self... where joy ignites the will to do something significant for yourself and others.

    1. Zelkiiro profile image86
      Zelkiiroposted 9 years ago

      Must find a way to sneak a "Double Rainbow" reference in here somehow...

      1. Kain 360 profile image90
        Kain 360posted 9 years agoin reply to this


    2. Kain 360 profile image90
      Kain 360posted 9 years ago

      As for the first sentence, it is rather complicated to explain. But it essentially means one is able to glide with the wings they have, but is not able to fly and experience true enlightenment, joy etc... The lack of confidence and inherent inhibited nature makes the wings weak. The word repugnant is not to be taken literally, it merely means that lack of confidence and inhibitions cause mental and emotional pain, so the wings are looked at as being ugly because they are not efficiently reaching their true potential which is too fly, and not simply glide and be an observer.

    3. Jerami profile image58
      Jeramiposted 9 years ago

      What I'm about to say is but my understanding of my personal experiences.  there are many somewhat universal symbols as seen in dreams which have a somewhat limited number of meanings. Flying often represents the consciousness / awareness / morality rising to a higher level than the one presently held.  The presence of wings would indicate the ability to rise above, whether this ability is used or lying dormant. You mentioned or questioned these as being POTENTIAL wings which, If this were my dream, would imply that I have yet to learn to fly though I have the potential to do.

      Gliding ( but not yet actually flying)    into the precipices and being an outside observer is POSSIBLE, (not yet achieved)

      but this is not enlightenment. It is also not a transcending experience of elation or contentment. There is a strong sense of hankering when perceiving what is seen when atop these various precipices. And this hankering feeling only causes tantalized feelings, which create much sorrow and desolation within.
          This hankering (if it were my dream) I would translate to be the things which are keeping me from soaring like an eagle so high above these things that I would no longer be bound by them.  It is only then that I would truly be an observer.
      Am i  truly an observer while being a participant.
      It sounds from your description of the goings-on by the people below; that though you have a yearning to participate, you have a stronger desire to detach and fly away. 

      While we are thinking about one thing, we are not spending our time and effort thinking about what might be more important things.
        We have free will to spend our brain power on anything we choose. Only you can say if you are spending your abilities and time correctly.
           Again, my reply is only my interpretation of how it would apply to me if I had had a dream such as you described.

      1. Kain 360 profile image90
        Kain 360posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, I did not mean to make you misunderstand. That passage was not from a dream (although it may have been influenced by one), it was merely a passage I wrote.

        As for flying, I recall having a dream where I was flying a plane. Although I was somewhat in control, I was afraid to go really high or really low.

        While I used the word "hankering," I could have just as easily used the word desire which may make it easier for someone to understand. The desires often show up in dreams to remind the conscious mind. But unfortunately, conscious inhibitions are restraining, but the subconsious is implying desires indirectly to the conscious -- which is why it says :  The insatiable subconscious is alluding to its own compulsions.

        I also mention corruption in the passage. And what I was referring to was how some corrupt people, organizations etc. can get their desires filled because they are bold where other non-corrupt people may not fill their deepest desires as they are not bold enough. There's more to it than that, but that's part of it.

        As for dreams, I am currently reading "The interpretation of dreams" by Sigmund Freud.


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