Is it possible to believe in God, but

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  1. tritrain profile image71
    tritrainposted 13 years ago

    not an afterlife?

    I was asked that on a test recently.  I really had to think about it.  I have begun embrace my spiritual aspect of my life, but hadn't considered an afterlife.

    1. Beelzedad profile image59
      Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps, the test was to geared towards your understanding of reality and how it would prohibit an afterlife. smile

      1. tritrain profile image71
        tritrainposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Back to my view that everyone else is a figment of my imagination. -->

        1. Beelzedad profile image59
          Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Sorry, but what does philosophical claptrap have to do with your test of an afterlife? smile

    2. skyfire profile image77
      skyfireposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If you try to visualize universe after looking at pale blue dot (earth) then all the religious stories looks like timepass of deluded groups. (if) Any entity  behind this vast universe by any chance will waste it's time asking for afterlife/rebirth/praise/worship/preaching for religion conversion ? I don't think so. Let deluded highly intellect kristians waste time on that.

  2. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    Hey Tritrain,

    If spirituality is what you're looking for, please do the world a favor and simply direct yourself within, to the love you have for yourself- if you do not love yourself, then please seek that spiritual aspect.

    The human species should only be interested in the spirituality of love. It is only derived from knowing, understanding and acceptance of self.

    When you learn to love yourself, then you'll find it easier to love others as well.

    Seeking spirituality in any other manner is a complete waste of time and will ultimately turn you selfish. So be careful.  smile

    1. tritrain profile image71
      tritrainposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Very interesting point you're making Cagsil. 

      I agree, spirituality should being (and end?) with ones' self.  I feel that I am a good person. 

      Some of that feeling has come into question recently.

      1. Cagsil profile image71
        Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I'll take a simple quote from the TV series "Charmed" with regards to the "Wiccan" rule- "Do what ye will, harm none". wink

        If you can do what you want and not harm anyone in the process, then you are indeed a good person. The love you will grow inside of you about yourself will come from knowing/understanding/accepting of self. wink

        Edit: No god required.

        1. Apostle Jack profile image60
          Apostle Jackposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          It is not possible to believe in God and not what He stands for.

          1. Cagsil profile image71
            Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            What god?

        2. Eaglekiwi profile image74
          Eaglekiwiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Hollywood reigns
          Oh noooooo ,so it isnt so lol

          1. Cagsil profile image71
            Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Hey EK, you cannot even see the basic common sense in the statement. WOW! roll

            "Do what ye will, harm none" is a fairly simple statement that requires no god. But, you keep up what you're doing and you show everyone what and who you are. No problem by me, it's not my problem. I'm not selfish. wink

            1. Eaglekiwi profile image74
              Eaglekiwiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              No Cags ,not everyone is gonna be wowed by the same things you are wowed by!

              C'mon even you get that.

              Dont take it personally.

  3. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    "It is not possible to believe in God and not what He stands for." Yes.

    1. Apostle Jack profile image60
      Apostle Jackposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I am glad that we are on the same page.How can I know you, and not know who you are.

  4. Apostle Jack profile image60
    Apostle Jackposted 13 years ago

    Behold,I show you a mystery...1 Cor 15 v 51-54
    Those that wait...Rev 6 v 9-11
    Jesus said,in My fathers house is many mansions,if it were not so I would told you.
    So take a little time to visit other thoughts concerning your view of the matter.

    1. tritrain profile image71
      tritrainposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for such a thoughtful and thought-provoking answer. smile

    2. Cagsil profile image71
      Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Actually, out of context, as per usual.

  5. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    How can I know you, and not know who you are. ??? Personally love a stranger. Know dozens and dozens. See them all the time but we never talk. Who has got time? Nevertheless they make up the ambiance
    of my meandering. I know them like I know the trees that furnish my environment. I believe in the trees although not sure what they stand for.

    1. Apostle Jack profile image60
      Apostle Jackposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If you don't know the tree,why it is here,who made it,nor how it is regulates itself then one cannot say they know the tree.I can hear and know of you but not know you apart from hear-say.When i talk to you personally,then i will get the whole story.And it all comes out in the wash.
      If you will,read my hubs: … -are-Saved
      And tell me what is reveal to your spirit.

      1. Beelzedad profile image59
        Beelzedadposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        There are mountains of evidence about trees and an understanding of how they evolved. Where ya been? smile

  6. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    "When i talk to you personally,then i will get the whole story. And it all comes out in the wash." Talk to you guys in the flesh all the time. My best friends are Roman Catholic. Good people. However I am something of a pagan mystic and still we are best of friends. "If you don't know the tree,why it is here,who made it,nor how it is regulates itself then one cannot say they know the tree". Maybe if the tree is what I say it is, it is not a tree. If I do not say what the tree is, maybe it can be a tree.

  7. tritrain profile image71
    tritrainposted 13 years ago

    Ok.  Now I'm confused.  What is this try by which you speak?

  8. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

    A predefined god can only be what you have defined it to be. If you are lost in a strange land and god comes by in the form of a butterfly and signals I will show the way out follow me. One might think pretty pretty dumb butterfly and pay no attention. And then a deer and the same result. If one were to want to go someplace other than where one already is, it could be said they are trapped in their own predefinition and not going anywhere.


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