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43 Super Foods That Will Reduce Wrinkles And Prevent Aging (Part Four)

Updated on April 11, 2022
Self | Source

Last Part!

So as I promised, the total 43 foods end right in this article! I'm sure there are many many other foods which can have numerous benefits for our skin and health in general but the most common should be always specified! I hope you like this whole health related topic and I hope you take everything into consideration, relating your usual and daily habits like smoking, stress and things related because these things can cause aging.

If you got here from Google or any other source other than the previous parts then I will gladly put the links to the previous parts right here so follow the links below and enjoy! | Source

1- Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in vitamins: C, B6, B1, E and A (in carotenoids form) Not to forget that it's rich in iron,calcium,protein,zinc and omega 3 fatty acids.The vitamin C helps in producing collagen (the element that your skin uses to prevent wrinkles and keep it youthful).The beta carotene it contains gets converted to vitamin A in the body, this vitamin helps in refreshing your skin cells by replacing the old and dead ones with new cells.

2- Red Peppers

Gets your youth simply back again because of its special nutrients.

Contains vitamins: A, B6, B2,E, K, B1 and most importantly vitamin C, the one that heals you from sickness(cold) and helps in producing collagen.

3- Pears

Pears are one of those which are the highest rich in fiber fruits, which can help in digestion and passing stool easily(check out more info about passing stool in the article below!)Pears contain vitamins: B2,E and C.Vitamin E can prevent cancer,heart disease,diabetes,Alzheimer's disease and it's also very healthy for the skin.Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can be very helpful for reducing sunburns reversing the DNA damaging and refreshing the skin by stimulating the production of collagen.Keep pears always with you and on your table! | Source

4- Almonds

Almonds are rich in vitamins: B1,B2 and E.Eating almonds softens,evens and supplies the skin, it has great potentials in preventing aging.

5- Dark Chocolate

Besides it's benefits in reducing stress,skin cancer risks,heart diseases,inflammations and fulfilling the mind to give it a feeling of happiness and satisfaction, dark chocolate can be also beneficial in reducing wrinkles and preventing the harsh effects caused by the sun's ultra-violet rays only if it is of a good original quality which should contain high amounts of Flavanol.

6- Tuna

Tuna has a high potential in reducing wrinkles,smoothing the skin and making it more firm and healthy, you can always drop some lemon on top of it and enjoy the great health benefits these two can give you together!

Tuna contains:

vitamins (B12, B6, B1, B2, D)

Minerals: magnesium, choline, potassium, protein and selenium.

7- Kiwi

If we compare the amount of vitamin C contained in kiwis and in oranges, we'd find that actually kiwis have much bigger amounts of it and we have already mentioned the great benefits that vitamin C can put on not only your skin but your whole body externally and internally.

Kiwis contain: ( C,A ,K and E, Copper,dietary fiber,potassium,folate and manganese )

Vitamin A can be extremely helpful for reducing wrinkles,smoothing the skin and fading the brown spots.Vitamin E can act as a moisturizer for your skin and neutralize the damaging free radicals (those that cause aging and getting wrinkles) it's known as the protector, it has been also proven to reduce redness and swelling of the skin after getting exposed to the sun if it's used or and consumed before getting sun's exposure.

8- Blueberries

Contain vitamins ( A, C, K, E, B12 and B6 )

Minerals: choline,folate,potassium,zinc,copper,magnesium,iron and calcium.

You can clearly notice that they contain great vitamins and minerals which are known for providing big benefits when consumed. | Source

9- Tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of these fruits that can boost the number of red blood cells thus helping more oxygen to reach our brain and other organs and by that you'd be helping your more function more properly and correctly thus keeping you healthy and boosting the appearance of this cute pinkish look to your cheeks and lips (due to the increase of the amounts of the red blood cells)

Vitamins that tomatoes contain are: A, C, D, K, E, B6, B12 and others pretty similar to germ wheat.
Others include: calcium, folate , potassium, thiamin and manganese.

Tomatoes are acidic and they can cause stomach-burns so make sure not to consume a lot of them.

10- Onions

Onions can reduce fever,swelling,cholesterol,blood pressure and wrinkles.Onion is considered to be one of the world's healthiest foods.

This great vegetable contains vitamins ( A , E , C , B6 ) dietary fiber, manganese, iron , calcium, folic acid and high quality proteins essential for the building up of new and fresh cells.

11- Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes can give you great and super natural treatments for your skin including: clearing and adjusting of the skin and its tone, treatment for cracking and reducing the oiliness of the skin.
Sweet potatoes contain many beneficial vitamins and minerals such as:

vitamins: E, C, A, folate and dietary fibers and potassium,sodium,calcium,carbohydrate and proteins.

Sodium can increase your hunger in most of the times but the good thing is that sweet potatoes are very low in sodium and they also have zero fats.

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