It is simply wrong to make science one’s religion

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  1. profile image51
    paarsurreyposted 12 years ago

    Science is only a part not the whole of life; it is a common tool of knowledge between believers and non-believers for the things physical.

    1. profile image0
      RookerySpoonerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am unaware of any branch of science which has evolved into a relgion.  Perhaps you can give some examples.

      1. profile image51
        paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Some people only believe what the science says; while science does not claim to be perfect; it is still in its infacy and is not designed to explain everything at every point of time and has its limitations.

        1. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          True, science does not explain everything.  On the other hand, religion explains nothing at all and is only designed to come to predetermined conclusions that often have no connection to reality.

          If you want to learn go to science. If you want to believe because it makes you feel good then go to religion.

          1. profile image51
            paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Science and religion both help understanding the life; both are like two legs one uses to walk smoothly.

            1. wilderness profile image94
              wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              No, science helps us understand the world around us.  Religion gives a warm, comforting glow that something big is watching and helping us along with a false hope of eternal life.  Science provides the two legs we need to walk; religion provides the overstuffed chair to rest on when we're tired of walking.

              1. profile image51
                paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Truthful religion does not deny that role to science. It is the non-believers who assign science a role that for which it has been designed.It is simply wrong to make science one’s religion; it is not an alternative of religion; yes it is a part.

              2. profile image51
                paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Science does not explain the purpose; it only explains the characteristics of a thing.

                1. wilderness profile image94
                  wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  As with everything religious, you can only assume that there is a purpose to find.  As no purpose exists, it then becomes religions job to fabricate one and give that nice warm glow as we imagine ourselves as far more important than we actually are.

                  1. profile image51
                    paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Do you mean life is purposeless?

        2. thisisoli profile image71
          thisisoliposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Science may not explain everything, but it admits that which it doesn't know, and it even asks you to question what it does know.  Where as religion invents stories for what it doesn't know, and forbids you to question what it tells you.

          I would rather know htat something is waiting to be figured out, than told a ludicrous story and told to believe it.

          1. Disappearinghead profile image60
            Disappearingheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I spent 25 years in various churches but in all that time I was never forbidden to question what I was told. However if I didn't agree with what I was told; the accepted doctrine, I would have been told I was not a proper Christian, or I had been deceived, or worse.

            The scientific community us not so different; there are baby who are ridiculed if they publish ideas that are quite different from the accepted scientific dogma.

            1. Disappearinghead profile image60
              Disappearingheadposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Please excuse the predictive text cockups of my iTouch. It appears that I have transgressed it's English spelling
              doctrines and thus has humiliated me in the post above.

            2. profile image51
              paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              You may ask any questions that were not answered to you; they might have lacked a grasp on truthful religion. We, all the posters here, may try to help you out.

          2. profile image51
            paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            The truthful religion has no fiction stories; and it does answer valid questions with brilliant and rational arguments.

      2. profile image0
        RookerySpoonerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        The difference is, that science does not believe in something based upon faith alone.  Science puts forward a proposition, and then through experimentation or research, attempts to prove the proposition by empirical evidence.  No scientist worth their salt will demand that their hypothesis be accepted because it was revealed to them by God, or that they are God's messenger.  Scientists are not on the whole dogmatic.  They may have differences in understanding, but if new evidence arises to disprove their hypothesis, then they are willing to accept that evidence, rather than deny it, because it goes against their faith.

        1. profile image51
          paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          That is a right of the science; the truthful religion does not deny that right to science; but science does not put forward proposition on everything in the universe or in the human life.

          Why assign a role to science for things for which it is never meant?It is simply wrong to make science one’s religion or an alternative of the religion; it would be extremely erroneous and harmful for the human beings.

          Everything should be believed on its merit and should be only given the importance it deserves ; not over and above its merit.

      3. ediggity profile image59
        ediggityposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Here you go:

        The Church of Scientology


      4. Mikel G Roberts profile image74
        Mikel G Robertsposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        1. profile image0
          RookerySpoonerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          The Church of Scientology has not even a vague notion of science.  Believing that man came to Earth trillions of years ago from another planet has no basis in science whatsoever.

          1. ediggity profile image59
            ediggityposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            As much notion as abiogenesis. smile

      5. TJenkins602 profile image60
        TJenkins602posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Possibly because religion has evolved into Science.

        1. profile image51
          paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Science is a part of truthful religion; no messenger prophet of the Creator God opposed any science.

        2. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          That would be interesting to see!  Are the theologists now testing the theory that water can be turned into wine?  Or that people can walk on water?  Wait - have they experimented with creating zombies, walking around after being dead for 3 days?  These would be interesting scientific tests and experiments, especially if they worked!

          Don't be ridiculous.

    2. Cagsil profile image71
      Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'll agree that Science is a tool for gain knowledge with regards to reality, however, should you think there's more than reality? Then you are intellectually dishonest with yourself.

      Most(not all) world religions are based on mysticism which is a person being dishonest with themselves and ignoring reality. wink

      1. profile image51
        paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Science is just one tool; and is not perfect in all aspect of life.

        Messenger prophets of the Creator God never denied its usefulness; they accepted it and appreciated it with its limitations.

        1. Cagsil profile image71
          Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Conjecture. Anyone claiming to be a messenger of any god are pure unadulterated liars.

          1. profile image51
            paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Not a conjecture; we have Mirza Ghulam Ahmad- the Promised Messiah, a messenger and prophet of the Creator God; who always appreciated science, its usefulness and its learning.

            1. Cagsil profile image71
              Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              That's nice. Again, anyone claiming to be a messenger from a god is a liar. Plain and simple.

              1. profile image51
                paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                It could be one's mistake; not a fact or reality.

                Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is a truthful person; he is the promised messiah.

                1. Cagsil profile image71
                  Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  How would you know he was truthful if he was based in mysticism and mysticism is dishonest? roll

                  1. profile image51
                    paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    I never said he was mystic; he also did not claim to be a mystic; he was the Promised Messiah- a messenger prophet of the Creator God.

              2. profile image51
                paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this


                1. Cagsil profile image71
                  Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Manipulating what I say isn't going to get you anywhere. I can spot the dishonesty. wink

          2. earnestshub profile image81
            earnestshubposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Plainly stated truth. I concur, liars is the correct description, intentional or otherwise, they are still liars.

    3. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this
  2. Aficionada profile image78
    Aficionadaposted 12 years ago

    paarsurrey, I think you are making some very good points. I want to congratulate you on the manner of your responses, and I encourage you to continue.  It is obvious to see in this thread who is suffering from self-delusions, and it is very sad.  None are so blind as they who will not see.

    1. Cagsil profile image71
      Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      lol lol

      1. profile image51
        paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        It is good to laugh for one when one is finished with all the stocks of serious arguments.

        1. Cagsil profile image71
          Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Too bad you've no ground to stand on. lol What's even funnier is you don't know the difference. lol

    2. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your good words; they definitely are source of encouragement for me

      1. Cagsil profile image71
        Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        And you're a pure source for unadulterated amusement. A walking example of "someone who knows not what they do, because they don't know any better". wink

  3. LucidDreams profile image64
    LucidDreamsposted 12 years ago

    Making anything a religion is a mistake.....Sure it is ok to have opinions and seek the truth, but to assign religion to anything is saying that you believe a particular way of thinking and have complete faith that this way of thinking is totally correct.

    Science is like medicine. Always changing and learning from new information. That is why we call professionals in this field practicing. (I am speaking of doctors)

    We are so limited in our knowledge as a whole, how can one individual belief be completely and totally correct. Man made religion. Religion did not make man!

    Most common religions have their beginnings in the 100bc to 200ad era. Man has been around many thousands of years before this. If God wanted to lay the ground work for us as humans, he/she would not have waited 10,000 years to do it.

    1. Aficionada profile image78
      Aficionadaposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      WHAT???  If you genuinely believe that, you need to take a course in vocabulary - or learn to use the dictionary.  To anyone else who believes that ridiculous statement:  that is not at all why we call professionals in the field "practicing."  If you can't look it up yourself, let me know and I will post a dictionary definition.

      WHAT??? Judaism had its beginnings several thousand years ago.  Hardly in the area of 100BC to 200AD.  And what about Hinduism and other Eastern religions?

      He didn't.

      1. LucidDreams profile image64
        LucidDreamsposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        please inform all of us what "practicing" means. Obviously we all need a dictionary or lessons in vocabulary according to you. What is your point exactly?

        Are you saying that doctors do not practice medicine? Are you saying that scientists do not learn from what they experience through research? You can post definitions all you like but it does not change the facts does it?

        Judaism several thousand years ago? Ok so 1300 bc gives it credence? Not sure if that even holds water but ok......

        "The word itself is non-Sanskrit and is associated with geography rather than beliefs or religions. The Persians, Arabs, and Turks referred the people living by the Indus River as Hindus. The word Hindu was first documented by the Mogul rulers"

        Some believe that Hinduism was started as early as 10,000 years ago which gives power to those who need a faith based orginization from long ago.

        Are you desperate to find meaning to your life? Do you think that humans from 10,00 years ago can explain why you are living the life you live today? If you believe that, then I suggest keep it up.  Obviously those who lived 10,000 years ago is a good basis for how you should shape your life in todays world right? .  No problem...just keep being blind and have FAITH!

        Simple minded people like yourself is why we leave decisons to the government...That alone is scary...better in their hands then letting some self absorbed criminal religious sect take the reigns.  I hate big government as much, if not more then most. I dislike total idiots even more.

        1. LucidDreams profile image64
          LucidDreamsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Guess I really struck a nerve!!!!

          I would love to hear how earlier civilizations and religions make a difference!

          I grew up as a Christian boy. I spent a good part of my life praying and learning about God.

          Do you have a religion you actually believe in, or are you just defending all 0f them?  Of course there have been many ways of thinking since these religions started. Do you have one that you follow and believe to be true?

          Go Ahead. you obviously want to voice your opinion.....Which of the so called beliefs to you follow?

          Whatever it may be, I guess the rest of us must be total idiots not to understand and believe right?

          It is ok to have an opinion as I said earlier. The fact that you would rather argue and try to spread beliefs that you cannot justify or prove, just shows how closed minded you are.

          Wait a second.......God told me just now, that you need to do a little more research and stop reading and believing false profits.

          Get a grip!!!!! Believe what you want if it makes you feel better. Either way, the so called "commandments" were only introduced a few thousand years ago.

          Follow whatever you want...... if you are a follower....I guess we all need a reason to be here.

          Somehow talkking about when certain religions came about makes a dfiference and it should I guess.. If you hve to have something to worship then here it is.

        2. Aficionada profile image78
          Aficionadaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Certainly, I'm happy to. One meaning of practice, the one that is valid in describing the work of doctors, is "the exercise or pursuit of a profession or occupation, esp. law or medicine." 

          There are other meanings, as you quite likely know, including "repeated performance or systematic exercise for the purpose of acquiring skill or proficiency: Practice makes perfect."  It was this latter definition that I believed you were referencing; in reviewing your original post, that is still my belief, but I am willing to be corrected and to admit a mistake if I did make one.

          No, not even remotely desperate. I have found it.  smile

          lol Not even remotely factual.  Thousands of people can verify that. lol  (As a very brief example, I know the difference between rains, reins, and reigns. big_smile)

          Ahhh, you make it so tempting to post a sarcastic bit of sympathy for your self-loathing, but I will pull a Cicero and not mention it.

          Not sure what you are referencing here, but oh-my-goodness, how bizarre this is, considering the emotion of your response.

          Good to have your permission.  Thanks so much.

          I made two strong expressions of surprise and, indeed, dismay at some content that I read as being non-factual - not related to any sort of belief system whatsoever.

          I made one extremely brief (two-word) response to you that one might label as arguing or trying to spread unjustifiable, unprovable beliefs, and then you come back at me with both barrels? and claim that I would rather argue and try to spread my beliefs? and that I am close-minded?  Pot, meet kettle.

          As for my needing to stop believing "false profits" lol ! lol ! lol !  my record shows that I am already sufficiently wary of such claims, as you can easily see in the thread "Is anyone earning more than $100 a week from their writing?"  But if you actually intended to write "false prophets" -- well, I doubt that we could agree on a definition of that term, unless we are talking about Harold Camping.  lol

    2. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Always seeking truth and to be with truth wherever it is , it is the foremost requirement of truthful religion; science is one way of seeking truth in the nature of things physical; there are other means also ; why should one deny them and suffer.

      Science cannot bring about anything which does not exist in the nature already; so nature is the master and science its servant. The Creator God created the nature.

  4. Sally's Trove profile image78
    Sally's Troveposted 12 years ago

    The more one studies science, the more one understands that science doesn't explain everything. Some of the most spiritual and believing people in the world are scientists. They know they don't have the answers.

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wel stated; I agree with you.

      Science has its shortcomings

  5. earnestshub profile image81
    earnestshubposted 12 years ago

    It is simply wrong to believe in religion.

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Any good reason, please.

      1. earnestshub profile image81
        earnestshubposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hundreds of thousands of them actually. One just needs to have an open mind and be able to read, see and take in real information and ignore ancient mythology posing as truth.
        There are at least a dozen documentaries running right now that debunk this junk.
        Did you know that 4 million Americans claim to have been abducted by aliens?

        Some people will believe or distort anything to hold on to their sky fairy beliefs like little children believing in Santa.

        1. profile image51
          paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Just give one; the strogest one you may have in your mind.

          1. earnestshub profile image81
            earnestshubposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Why? So you can come back and say goddunnit?

            You have no proof for your beliefs, none at all.
            Science and learning have made mince out of your beliefs in the sky fairy and his messenger, and if you knew anything worth knowing you would acknowledge that truth.

            1. profile image51
              paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              So you have not one good argument; and yet you talked of thousands; just generalization.

              Just make up your mind and come out of your doubt; if you may.

              1. earnestshub profile image81
                earnestshubposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                You lied about what I said, as usual, and misrepresented me......that is enough for me to ignore your insincere request.
                I stand by what I said.

                1. profile image51
                  paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  So you have no good reason. It is OK with me.

                  1. earnestshub profile image81
                    earnestshubposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    I have good reasons, you just choose to say I don't. That does not make what you say true.

                    I know that you already know the reasons I have given here over the last three years, but you have to be dishonest and pretend all the links and data never existed.

                    That is what I call lying, do you have a better name for it?

  6. earnestshub profile image81
    earnestshubposted 12 years ago

    An interestingly ignorant question.

    Science is proven up by subjecting an hypotheses to the rigours of scientific method.

    Religion is the belief that some totally illogical mythology is "truth"
    Not quite the same thing is it?

    Science has no interest in religion or it's beliefs one way or the other.

  7. purewater26 profile image57
    purewater26posted 12 years ago

    this typical of human. Afraid of something that they can't prove, something that they can't touch or see. And then, they turn their back to what they call science as the answer of everything in their world. But, what they forget, there are  many things science can't answer or won't answer.
    One this that is always sure, there are always people who claim they all know everything because they have learned it in their science.
    Well, maybe someday these people will find out how great their small science when they meet unexplainable things. Good luck with your science....

  8. profile image51
    paarsurreyposted 12 years ago

    It is simply wrong to make science one’s religion; science is only a common tool of knowing things physical or material; beyond it, it has no relevance.

    1. A Troubled Man profile image57
      A Troubled Manposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Why are you so intolerant against others having religion when you yourself demand the right and freedoms to have religion?

      Is that what a true Muslim would do?

  9. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 12 years ago

    Both science and religion have in common the search for answers -- one in the physical realm, the other in the spiritual realm.

    Science has its methods and tools; religion has its methods and tools.

    Science and religion also have in common the abuse of tools and methods when ego becomes involved.

    Scientific method, for instance, warns against bias; but one of the key tools of science contains a potent bias -- skepticism contains "doubt." A better paradigm would be restraint + humility.

    Religion too often becomes dogmatic and its followers too attached to a singular way of thinking. The quest for answers finds itself stalled.

    Science can also find itself stalled. In North American anthropology, for instance, scientists were afraid to dig below the Clovis horizon because of the "Clovis first" dogma. Skepticism had turned to the "dark side" with self-indulgent ridicule. Yes, science can become entirely subjective when egos are involved. Oops! Back to the Dark Ages.

    At their cores, both religion and science are meant for good. When ego gets involved, things sour quickly.

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree to many of the points mentioned by you. It is really a good post; I appreciate it.

    2. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The real representitives of the believers are the messengers prophets of the Creator God; they are open minded people and they don't stall quest of knowledge.

    3. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this
  10. psycheskinner profile image84
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    Even if someone did make a religion out of science it would not be "wrong", it would be their right in a country of freedom of religion.

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am just pointing a flaw in their approach with reasons; I don't force them.

  11. profile image51
    paarsurreyposted 12 years ago

    There is no pre-requirement of having any knowledge to become an atheist, skeptic or a non-believer; any ignorant person qualifies to become a non-believer or an atheist or skeptic; having no legs to stand upon they hide behind the science which is a common tool, of knowing truth in the things physical and material ,of believers and non-believers alike.

    It is therefore simply wrong to make science one's religion; it is no alternative of the religion; it never claimed to be.

    Why eulogize science and expect it doing things it has not been designed for?

  12. psycheskinner profile image84
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    I see you have a firm grasp on freedom of religion based on mutual respect for autonomy [/sarcasm]

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      All humans should be respected by default; till someone does a wrong things.

      1. Greek One profile image63
        Greek Oneposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        You're alive!!!!

        1. profile image51
          paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, my friend, with the mercy of the Creator God. Salam (peace) on you and your family.

          1. Greek One profile image63
            Greek Oneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            all the best to you and yours too.. haven't seen you in a while

      2. psycheskinner profile image84
        psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I don't see you doing this. Unless you count not believing your God as being a "wrong thing" which makes the distinction a bit pointless.

        1. profile image51
          paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I respect others; it is a form of respect to discuss things peacefully and rationally; I do respect you.

          1. psycheskinner profile image84
            psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            And yet you phrase thing such that any and all non-believers are in some way inferior.  To my mind respect comes from an assumption of equal moral worth.  Otherwise it isn't respect, just manners.

            1. profile image51
              paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I make nobody inferior or superior; I mention what is truthful in my opinion; others should accept only if they are convinced heart and soul.

              I am open for their opinions; I don't ridicule or deride anybody.

          2. profile image51
            paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            It is simply wrong to make science one’s religion; let science remain a tool with the limitations it has to serve the humanity; to stretch it to others realms would harm the humanity and would be a dissevice.

  13. profile image51
    paarsurreyposted 12 years ago

    It is therefore simply wrong to make science one's religion; it is no alternative of the religion; it never claimed to be.

    Why eulogize science and expect it doing things it has never been designed for?

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 12 years agoin reply to this
  14. A Troubled Man profile image57
    A Troubled Manposted 12 years ago

    So, how many times are you going to repeat yourself and bring up dead threads while pushing others to the bottom?

  15. profile image51
    paarsurreyposted 12 years ago

    lone77star wrote:

    Both science and religion have in common the search for answers -- one in the physical realm, the other in the spiritual realm. Science has its methods and tools; religion has its methods and tools. Science and religion also have in common the abuse of tools and methods when ego becomes involved.


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