Poem describing the final lap before the final semester. The end of this race does not mean the end of the academic journey for all.
Reflections of a Teacher
A tribute to writing as a form of solace during those times when I felt alone and forlorn where I got myself to cheer up by venting all my pent up emotions in the written word.
Poem on betrayal in a relationship and how it felt. It was adapted largely from a personal experience back in 2011 and while awful, I try to think of the good memories and deny the rest.
Poem describing the futility of pursuing unsatiable material wants
Detailing in 4 stanzas the typical journey a relationship takes. Starting from the initial intensity to the mid term monotony and finally the decision to continue or not.
Money Tips; how I saved money to support myself and to pay off my degree without using a bank loan, using the methods below to save money and increase my earnings.
A tribute to my dearest grandma who took care of me beyond her means and was not even related to me by blood. It was truly an act of selfless love that I was undeserving.
Based on the observations I made after volunteering extensively with an institute catered to youths with special needs in 2011.
Narrative Poetry describing the plight of an angel fallen from grace, left to bemoan her fate in solitude and despair.
A poem written in a state of depression as someone who had lost everything.
A tale of love spiraling into deceit and falling apart
3 short poems describing different states of minds after failure, betrayal etc.
A poem I wrote after my sports career ended due to major injuries and both major surgeries failed.