Professional Gamers are the new rock stars. Here's why everyone wants to become a professional gamer, and how to get started!
How to find items to sell on Ebay for a profit. Make money with resale!
Using the Social Media Giant to promote your online store, blog, or other business venture
Cats are amazing pets. They are sweet, furry and funny. They also have numerous attributes which owners sometimes take for granted. These attributes can be helpful in an end-of-the-world type scenario
Farmer's Markets provide Healthy, farm fresh fruits and vegetables for super low prices
Candy Crush is an addictive game for smartphones and Facebook
Exploring my difficulties with writer's block and finding methods to overcome it
Apparently, one of the top searches on Google is "why does my life suck". Here you will find some reasons why your life might suck, and some tips to make it better.
People now-a-days have nasty habits of making plans and commitments and breaking them without a phone call, and without even so much as a second thought.
I have recently started undergoing electrolysis to manage my unwanted body hair. Electrolysis is the only FDA approved method for permanent hair removal. During treatments, a tiny probe is inserted into the hair follicle under the surface of the...
Unwanted body hair can cause self-esteem issues. Here are 6 great ways to remove unwanted body hair!
I recently acquired two roommates after living alone for about a year and a half. The interesting part is that these two new roomies happen to be males, while I happen to be female. I have lived with men before. In college I lived in a mixed...
Although I do lean to the democratic side, I promised in the comments of my Hubs about Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum that I am equal opportunity, and that when President Obama says something stupid I will write a Hub about it. President Obama...
A quick easy guide to help you plan your trip to Florence
There is so much great music out there that doesn't get radio or media attention. This hub lists 5 of the greatest songs that you haven't heard on the radio.
I love the radio. I love listening to the radio whenever I am in the car. I have about 10 different stations programed into my car radio, and I love flipping through them in my constant quest for a better song. I also love the variety that the...
Many members of congress have expressed support for an amendment to the constitution that would define marriage as being between one man and one woman. This idea came about in response to the various states that are now allowing homosexuals to get...
A brief list of the stupid things that Mitt Romney said leading up to the 2012 election
I have had some serious problems with road rage. I get really angry at other drivers all the time. So, with that in mind, I decided to give advice on how to be a bad driver. I'm hoping that most people will ignore this advice, like they ignore...
This hub lists many of the stupid things that Rick Santorum has said in the course of his campaign (and sometimes before hand) with some of the reasons why these comments are so dumb (and often scary). I must admit though that I am an Independant...
I am an independent woman. I own my own home, my own car, have a job, pay my bills etc. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself in most situations. With that being said, I must say that those things do not mean that when I go out on a date...
Women need to stop treating their boyfriends like children, and men need to step up and take care of themselves.
I am brand new to Hubpages. I just found this community and signed up last night. I used to be all about Blogger, and I’ve dabbled with Wordpress, but as you can see from item #3 below, that was extremely short lived. Even as a Newbie to Hubpages,...