Staging and Preping your home make a huge difference even in a strong market. Use this checklist as a guide to help you get started. This isn't an exhaustive list- so follow up with a Professional.
A positive first impression is critical when selling your house. The impression begins when the buyer steps out of the car- review these tips to be sure and look at your home through a buyer's eyes.
Super easy pumpkin bread makes a great holiday snack. This recipe calls for canned pumpkin but you can use it with cooked and mashed pumpkin. If you have picky kids you may want to leave out the pecans or nuts
Simple fajitas you can make in the crockpot! If you're going to be busy all day and too tired to cook but still want a great tasting home cooked meal for dinner, then put this together in the morning, start it cooking and enjoy some great crockpot fajita's for dinner. If you replace the beef with...
It's a perfect fall desert! This reciple is for making a pumpkin cheesecake in a ready to use graham cracker crust but if you want to make your own crust you can do that too and if you want to make it in a big cake pan just double the receipe. I also have found that if you don't have cloves and...
This is really not a recipe so much as a tip for those that are craving Chocolate covered strawberries but don't want to dig out the fondue set or double boilers just to cover 5 strawberries for an afternoon treat
This is not advice on how to be a great wife, or how to have a perfect marriage or what you can do better and so on. It's just a list of things to remember so that as you grow in this relationship with this other person, you'll choose your battles and avoid heartache. So here's my list of things to...
Need an quick and easy dinner that everyone will love? Chicken Enchiladas are a great choice. You can add to this recipe or change it up to make your own dish. Prep time 5-10 min and 20 min in Oven and it's ready!
Whether you are the applicant or the interviewer the job interview is your opportunity to ensure this is the right fit. As an interviewee you dress up, study the latest buzz words and prepare for the "what are your strengths and weaknesses" question. I've heard a lot of people that think that is...
This cool lemonade cake will solve those cravings for something both sweet and tart. Check it out.
Coke Cake shoud not be confused with Pepsi cake -that is a different recipe and when I find it, I'll post it too. You don't have to use Coca Cola, you can substitute for your favorite soft drink but I reccommend trying it this way first. It's basically a fun variation on the old chocolate cake....
Texas Hash is a great meal you can make for dinner when there's a large group eating and you're wanting something a little different. It smells great while cooking and really warms up their appetites
When negotiating a real estate transaction it is very common that the buyer will ask for the seller to pay the buyer’s closing costs. Recently, I observed an online discussion on the matter that became rather heated when a seller asked if it was an ethical practice to increase the cost of the home...
Cabins in the woods aren't what they used to be, there are options from the bare bones walls with just a loft with a mattress for sleeping and those that are basically luxury homes just off the beaten path. There’s many great locations for these, our family favorite is Broken Bow, Oklahoma. ...
Your straw can be a musical instrument! You can use it as a whistle with it empty or for better results with liquid inside. Try this for a little fun when you are out eating with kids at a kid friendly place.
Whether or not to home school your child is a personal decision that needs a lot of reflection but it can be a great idea for many. There are many that find it successful and there are many that struggle. It’s an agonizing decision to make. Here are my suggested points of consideration.
A 14 step checklist every home buyer should follow for a smooth home buying process. it doesn't matter if you're a first time buyer or an experienced re-locator, the checklist will help guide you through it.
An RV vacation just might be what you need. If you are a steam engine/train fanatic, then an RV trip to a favorite train destination is in order. See the sites at Durango and take the ride to silverton or take a shorter less expensive trip on the cumbres & tolec railway at Chama, NM. It's...
Life is too short to make excuses. Nobody really believes or wants to hear your excuse, rather than spend the energy on a fancy excuse, own up to it, or say you ran out of peanut butter. Then next time, work to not need the excuse!
a commentary on how we don't allow ourselves to receive compliments. this Hub highlights examples of how we dismiss the kind comments of others when we say thank you but then qualify our remark with an excuse. It's meant to encourage those guilty of this practice to try and just say Thank you, to...
a walk through how deaths of others changes us and our perceptions. This Hub reflects on a the writing of John Donne in Mediation 17 and how the passage becomes more meaningful and relevant as we grow older and come to know more about the deaths of others. It's more than an acceptance of death...