In this article, we cover the two definitions for "palette: 1.The range of colors that the painter uses to create a specific piece. 2.The surface on which the artist squeezes and mixes the colors.
Learn to create beautiful and shiny art pieces on textured foil with step-by-step embossing and acrylic painting instructions. Mixed media using acrylic paint and aluminum foil.
What paint mixes make brown? An overview of how to mix brown with acrylic paint using three primary colors or two complementary hues, with examples for dark, reddish, and light brown.
Learn how to use hard, soft, and lost edges to define a subject and create transitions between shapes. Everything a painter needs to know to paint edges in a descriptive way and create good transitions between shapes that guide the eye of the viewer through the picture plane.
Learn simple strategies that can help you get rich by learning to live within your means and taking control of where your money goes. Financial tips with a positive approach that will change the way you think about money and will make good changes happen.
Five examples of how to mix green from Cad Yellow Medium Pure combined with Payne’s Gray, Raw Umber, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, and Manganese Blue Hue.
Learn how to mix neutral colors starting from just two colors with this tutorial. Mixing grays from a color in the orange family and a blue. A short time-lapse video shows four examples of neutral mixes using orange and blue acrylic paint.
Excellent advice for beginner artists. The tips in this guide provide information on the 10 main things you need to learn and practice to improve your painting skills.
Learn the 10 steps to painting trees, starting with the most essential feature of the tree, its contour, and ending with the details. Robie Benve shares her 10 secrets to painting believable trees that present character and dimension.
This article teaches you why it's better to paint on toned canvas and what color should you tone your canvas with.
Do you want to create a beautiful acrylic landscape painting on a toned canvas? I've laid out step-by-step instructions for the painting process and included a time-lapse video of the sketching that you can reference.
How to create a digital color study on Procreate starting from a pencil sketch, then use it to paint an acrylic landscape. With step-by-step instructions and a time-lapse video to help you visualize what you need to do.
Learn the process of completing a still-life oil painting in one session. Watch the video that shows the painting process and delves into how I chose the colors of my limited tetrad palette. Alla prima is a direct painting technique, also known as wet-on-wet.
Create atmospheric effects in your paintings by manipulating color, light, and shadows. Learn how the color and angle of light influence all the colors and values in the scene, affecting shapes, harmony, and balance.
The Munsell system describes color using three dimensions: hue, value, and chroma. Each color we see can be accurately describes using this three-dimensional scale.
If you are used to painting in the studio, the first few paintings you do outdoors are going to be very challenging. However, painting en plein air can be a great experience and teach you a lot. Here are 11 tips that can help you make outdoor painting a little easier and more successful.
Pros and cons of plein air painting. A lot of artists think that painting landscapes on location is the best way to go. Learn about the advantages and challenges of painting outdoors. Would you enjoy it? Plus, tips to help you have an easier and more successful outdoor painting experience.
Learn how making thumbnail sketches and using them as value studies helps you create winning painting compositions. How to sketch the value and tone relationships and how to create an interesting composition by testing out value and tone of your masses. Tips to plan a good painting.
How you arrange darks and lights in the picture creates the structure of a painting. To make a composition successful and interesting for the viewer, plan a strong value structure. Squinting helps seeing simplified shapes, when you squint it’s easier to “see” the value structure.
Learn the nine things artists should know when painting from photos, plus tips to maximize the use of photo references and make great paintings.
Being in control of color temperature is crucial in painting, especially when creating a mood, the illusion of depth, and form. Learn how to manipulate and change the temperature with color mixing.
Did you know that Stolvizza offers beautiful natural paths in the Italian Alps? This area is also great for hiking and mountain biking! Learn more about exploring this region.
10 great technical tips to paint gorgeous skies and clouds. Learn to notice things like atmospheric and linear perspective, how sky colors are less intense in the distance and more intense in the clouds closer to us, and how both sky and clouds have some of the softest edges you can find in nature.
Most beginner painters make the same mistakes, and for some reason, they can be seen by the non-artist. Here is a list of the most common things to avoid, so that artwork is not seen as mediocre. From failing to simplify to being stingy with paint, learn what jumps out to the viewer as amateurish.
Want to paint areas where sky and tree meet, or sky holes, making them look natural and believable? Learn how foliage and thin branches change the color of the sky and much more.
What makes a painting good? Learn what elements to include in your paintings. Focus on technique and technical aspects, personal and emotional involvement, and novelty.
A detailed explanation of the mother color painting technique, a great way to create color harmony. Learn how to pick the mother color and mix paint harmoniously, unifying the color scheme.
Learn how to find the right objects and the best ways to set up a successful still life composition, including how to plan the lighting. Then learn the steps to get ready to sketch, draw, or maybe even paint it.
Many types of brushstrokes can be used for art painting, including crosshatching, hatching, dry brush, flat wash, scumbling, stippling, etc. Learn the different brushstrokes and become a more successful painter.
Eight practical and helpful tips to help you improve your landscape paintings. Great advice for beginner artists, useful reminders for experienced painters.
Artist Robie Benve shares wise tips on how to boost creativity and become more productive as an artist, writer, crafter, etc. Including time management and motivational advice as well.
Here are eight basic oil painting supplies all artists need to get started, plus answers to common beginner questions.
What kind of presents can you get for an artist that paints with acrylics? A list of tools and supplies that would make great gifts for any painter.
Here you'll find a step-by-step tutorial on how to make greeting cards using your own original small paintings. You can create unique greeting cards that double as framable artwork and make fantastic gifts for friends and relatives.
How to find images that can be used as a reference for a painting without risking copyright infringement. Always paint from royalty-free photos. Look for photos with a license that allows derivative work and commercial use of the work, especially if you plan to exhibit or sell your painting.
Learn about the elements and vocabulary of art. Lines and shapes are essential elements of painting. How you use them in art strongly affects the composition and overall feeling of the painting.
Learn how to mix brown using a limited palette of three colors. Any shade of brown can be obtained from some kind of mixture of red, yellow, and blue and the addition of white.
Paintbrushes are a precious tool for artists: it's very important to keep them clean. Learn how to clean acrylic paint from brushes in 10 steps—plus tips to keep them in good working conditions, just like new, for a long time.
How to paint a minimalist abstract landscape with acrylics, step-by-step. Easy acrylic landscape painting—great for beginners.
A tutorial on how to paint an abstract painting using acrylic paint, masking tape, and bubble wrap on canvas.
What an artist needs to plan before starting to paint with acrylics, oils, watercolors, or any other media. How to decide the subject matter, composition, value masses, cropping of the subject, focal point, color, edges, and more.
How to draw simple subjects in Microsoft Paint step-by-step using shape tools and free hand.
How to draw still life objects, step-by-step, from setting up a composition of objects to drawing shapes, lines, and shades. This article includes an example drawing of simple shapes and kitchen objects.
A day in Rome, Italy: so much to see, and so little time. Highlights from my 24-hour stay in Rome, the capital of Italy. Sightseeing Rome in One Day: Walking Tour of Italy's Capital
These easy, tasty, and juicy tomatoes are great for appetizers or a side dish.
In the "Hunger Games" franchise, Katniss Everdeen and her family share deep knowledge of plants' medicinal and nutritional properties. In fact, both Katniss and Rue are named after plants. What are the properties of the katniss and rue plants?
Could light therapy help with your psoriasis? Photo-therapy can be an effective remedy for psoriasis, in many cases.
Suze Orman is one of the most influential, well respected, and successful financial advisers in the World. Orman's bio is most inspiring. Suze had tough beginnings and struggled with debt.
Tips for beginners that want to learn how to draw, with reference to drawing techniques and step-by-step instruction.
How do you stay positive when your life gets super hard? Here are some tips for staying positive and being open to good opportunities coming into your life.
Focusing on positive and happy thoughts create amazing changes in our chemical balance that reduce stress and positively affect our health and well-being.
How do you draw a rose? Use a grid technique to draw realistic (or abstract) roses. This tutorial has step-by-step drawing instructions for beginners, with tips and examples.
How do you find happiness? What characteristics determine if someone lives happily and merrily or sadly? Tips to a happy life. How to avoid being sad and cranky.
A good sense of humor can't heal all ailments, but scientists have proven laughter can do a lot of positive things to you.
A step-by-step overview of the different stages and the decision-making involved in a acrylic landscape painting, with an example featuring a cow in an Alpine pasture.
How do you represent distance and depth in art? Learn aerial perspective and tips on how to render the illusion of recession in painting.
Learn some basic Italian vocabulary and simple sentences like greetings, conversational words, and numbers. Enough Italian to have a basic conversation with Italians.
Help your kids learn about money so they'll grow up understanding bills, savings, and how to handle financial emergencies.
Who brings stockings in Italy? Not Santa. Italian Christmas festivities end on the Epiphany day, when La Befana brings gifts to children. Who is La Befana and what are the origins of her tradition?
A good serving size of this yummy chicken with mushrooms and onions will provide only 233 calories and 6 grams of carbohydrates.
Some of Suze Orman's best quotes about creating a life of material and spiritual abundance.
Growing herbs from seeds is much more economical and rewarding than purchasing herb seedlings. Learn how to start an indoor herb garden.
Learn how to use the color wheel to help you choose color schemes and color mixing strategies.
A vegetarian and vegan version of the tasty classic Italian puttanesca sauce. A yummy pasta recipe with capers, olives, and anchovies (optional) in juicy tomato sauce.
Learn organic fertilizers' advantages over synthetic fertilizers. Compost, Manure, Bone Meal. How to choose the best fertilizer. Roles of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium in fertilizers.
Acrylic paints provide the opportunity to experiment with both watercolor and oil painting techniques. A review of the most popular acrylic painting techniques.
Italian Fashion Brand Missoni, founded in 1953 By Ottavio Missoni, has a magical artistic alchemy always at the top of contemporary fashion design. during 60+ years.
Italian culinary tradition of Northern Italy reflects all the characteristics of this multifaceted part of the country. Recipes reflect the richness in territory, dialects, climate, and history.
An island in the Mediterranean Sea, "Sardegna" offers beautiful beach resorts and striking natural sites. A rich history and archeological sites add even more interest to this beautiful destination.
Learn the 12 things you need to plan before starting a painting. What to paint? With what techniques and styles? What color scheme will you use? A look to how you make the most important decisions before and during the painting process.
Italy has miles and miles of coastlines with different beach options. Lignano Sabbiadoro offers a golden sandy shore and lots of fun opportunities that could please anyone.
5 of the top places to visit when you travel to Northern Italy. What to see in Trieste, Venice, Verona, Lake Garda, and Genoa.
Learn the seven supplies acrylic artists need, plus painting tips, steps with photos, and best techniques to make your idea into a piece of art. Lighting, focal point, planning the painting's layout, toning the canvas, preliminary drawing, how to proceed in the paint application.
Some common mistakes quickly ruin paintbrushes. Learn the five most important things you should not do when cleaning and storing paintbrushes if you want to keep them in good shape for a long time. Great tips for beginner artists.
A cheap recipe that kids will love, so easy that kids can make it themselves (with some help). main ingredients: spaghetti and hot dogs.
Venice is the perfect romantic destination in Italy for both honeymooners and seasoned couples. Prepare to get mesmerized by the magic city on water.
The rule of thirds is a tool that helps artists plan a winning composition. Painters and photographers use it as a guide to compose a picture that looks balanced and interesting.
Tips on how to get children to try new foods, with examples of dishes that my children would eat at enjoy on a regular basis.
What can you do to raise non-picky eaters? 10 tips on how to raise children that are adventurous eaters and love healthy food, from a mom of two good eaters.
Marriage after children can be hard but fortunately most couples survive. How children change your life, big times and how we survived. True story! :)
Tip for building a loving and happy marriage that survives and thrives as the family grows.
Overview of basic color schemes and color theory. A guide to finding harmonious or contrasting color combinations. Description of monochromatic, analogous, complementary, split complementary, triadic, and tetradic color schemes.
Learn how to grow your own herbs. Tips on how to grow herbs in a garden, flower bed, or pots, indoors or outdoors. Herbs provide natural flavors, aromas, and medicinal qualities.
Being built on water is one of Venice's charming characteristics, but also the very thing that is threatening its survival. Venice's environmental challenges may ruin it or even sink it forever. Global warming is posing new threats to the beautiful Italian city.
Saint Mark's Square is one of the most spectacular and famous destinations for millions of tourists every year. Some of the attractions are the Basilica, the Doge's Palace, the Bridge of Sighs, the bell tower, the Clocktower, Museo Correr, Caffè Florian, Caffè Quadri, and Harry's Bar.
What are the best ways to use an unexpected sum of money? Windfalls are hard to come by, and once you've got your hands on a big sum, you should plan carefully how to use it. Tips on how to decide the five most important expenses to tackle first.
Learn about the differences between annual, biennial, and perennial plants, as well as the characteristics of hardy and tender annuals. See examples of plants.
What makes a person happy? There are many ways to find happiness, but what works for one may be totally ineffective for another. How to Live a Happier Life Finding Your Balance
Is Venice child and stroller friendly? Things you need to know when going to Venice with children.
Get a taste of Venice by visiting its less-famous attractions and beauties. Learn the best non-touristy things to do in Venice and how to avoid tourist traps and discover hidden gems.
A guide on how to set and achieve SMART financial goals and track your progress. What's keeping you from getting rich? Make sure the way you plan your finances is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
Art appreciation can improve your quality of life and make you feel good. Admiring artwork stimulates the brain similarly to what happens when you fall in love. It improves our mood and can be used as therapy during healing.
How to choose the best paint brushes for oil and acrylic artists. The right brush size, shape, and material to achieve the desired painterly effects. How to choose brushes by size, shape, and material. Learn the different parts of the brush. How to clean and store brushes.
Once your acrylic painting is complete, apply the best varnishing techniques to protect your artwork and get it ready to hang or be sold. Learn how to brush on or spray the varnish and how to remove it.
How to make a successful personal budget plan. All you need to know to start planning your finances and stop worrying about money.
What to do in the fall to prepare a vegetable garden for winter so you find it ready for planting in the spring. Harvest, protect, dig, and fertilize your garden in the fall.
Light and delicate recipe for a delicious zucchini, ham, and cheese baked quiche. Ready in 45 minutes.
How to Set up a Family Budget. All you need to know to make a family budget and plan your personal finances. Step-by-Step simple and easy budgeting tips.
This rice salad is a delicious dish the all family will love. Since it's served cold, the rice salad makes a great summer dish. I love to have it as starter, and it's very convenient to pack for school or work lunches.
Indoor gardening: watch seeds grow into edible crop, powerfully satisfying and a delight to all senses. Grow your on healthy food. Plus it's a great conversation starter!
It's important to have a personal budget to use as a tool to analyze what happens with your money so you can make the best financial and spending decisions for your situation. Following a budget will benefit your life in remarkable ways by putting you in control of your income and expenses.
How to clean acrylic paint your brushes, your palette, and how to get paint off your clothes and other fabrics. Useful tips for acrylic painters and artists to avoid and resolve acrylic paint stains.
How relying on technology to remember things and find directions shrinks your hippocampus. Importance of exercising spatial memory.
Before you can paint with acrylic or oil on raw canvas, the fabric must be primed. How do you prep a canvas for painting? This step-by-step guide will provide instructions for how to paint on canvas with acrylic gesso.
Get tips on how to save money during a trip to Italy and the least expensive time of year to visit each region.
25 free or low-cost ways to go green - Save money by creatively reducing, reusing, and recycling. Fight your carbon footprint.
Investing some time planning your family budget can save you lots of money. Things you need to do to gain personal financial stability.
Anyplace where wind blows steadily and strong, wind-power systems could be installed. Wind farms and turbines have many advantages, but some disadvantages too...
Cutting down on energy usage saves money and helps the environment.
All about extra virgin olive oil - characteristics and benefits of olive oils. Understanding olive oil labels, how to purchase the best olive oil, health properties, and alternative uses of olive oil.
Make your home a healthier place for you and your family by cleaning with white distilled vinegar.
Tips on how to live happily on a tight budget—based on my personal experience. How to save the most by understanding needs vs. wants.
How does solar energy work? Photovoltaic systems explained in a simple way. An insight on the technical characteristics and efficiency of solar power.
Recipe for a delicious Bolognese meat sauce, delicious on pasta, gnocchi, and lasagna with minced carrots, celery, onions, and garlic.
Value refers to how light or dark color is. Value is an essential element in drawings and paintings. This article explains how value is the key to a successful painting, not color.
Ready to save money and help the environment? Get your brain and heart ready to change habits and you can save money while reducing pollution and resource consumption.
We all need an emergency fund to financially protect ourselves and our family. How much do you need to save for emergencies? What are financial emergencies? Tips to save money.
Tips for women struggling to keep the romance in a relationship. Nurture a healthy and loving relationship and keep the passion alive with daily acts of love .
A guide to acrylic painting techniques for creating texture and other fun, abstract effects. Try sponge painting, splattering, pouring, and more.
A free family game that you can play anytime and anywhere. It’s totally free and you don’t need any supplies. You can play it with family or friends. Children love this game!
This is a delicious pasta recipe that's very easy to prepare. It uses eggs, bacon, and Parmesan cheese as the main ingredients. Yum! Good with spaghetti, linguine, penne, or your favorite noodles.
How to find artistic inspiration. 10 ways to overcome lack of inspiration, and get back at creating art when you find yourself in a funk. Tips and ideas to shake off the creativity burnout.
New to acrylic painting? Here's all the info beginner painters need to know, including tips on what paint and which brushes, canvases, and easels to buy.