can you put any guinea pig outdoors

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  1. profile image48
    Jelly Squidposted 15 years ago

    can you put any guinea pig outdoors

  2. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    I wouldn't recommend it. Not even in an outdoor pen with a lid.

  3. brittany dodds profile image59
    brittany doddsposted 15 years ago

    i wouldnt recomend it . not even if it has a guinea pig pen with a lid on because it can kill them if they are in the cold

  4. Theophanes profile image90
    Theophanesposted 15 years ago

    I'm guessing the nay sayers to outdoor guinea pig enclosures have never been to a guinea pig friendly petting zoo... In any event, guinea pigs can go outside and an outdoor enclosure can be a great place to build a nice big habitat for them but there is a lot to think about before attempting this. First is they'll need an enclosure a lot like you'd give a rabbit that has at the very least a box to get away from direct sunlight, wind, rain, and to hide in if they feel threatened by something. Also it'll need to either be a grated bottom cage like a rabbit hutch, allowing droppings to land on the ground outside the cage, or it needs to be a portable cage that you can move around when they soil it. These work the best for outdoor habitats. Guinea pigs love the grass so I prefer the second option myself but that's really up to you and your piggy. Most guinea pigs aren't big on digging but they're all individuals and ones who do like to dig pose a risk of escape so a grated bottom cage would work better for them. Always keep your eye out for these sorts of things!

    Also there are play pens, and rotating cage tubes (somewhat like hamster balls) you can look into but you have to supervise them with these so they won't get harassed or get into any accidents or roll away.

    Things you have to consider before setting up an outdoor enclosure is the weather, predators, and parasites. All pens should have a top! Otherwise guinea pigs can be free lunch for hawks, other birds of prey, neighborhood cats, wildlife, and maybe even picked up by unsupervised children. I wouldn't recommend keeping your guinea pig outside at night... simply because that's when the clever and determined foxes, fisher cats, and other potentially dangerous things come out to eat. I also would caution you to consider the weather. Guinea pigs are pretty hardy but it's probably not good for them to be out in extreme cold or heat. And guinea pigs can get parasites, of particular interest are mites, ticks, and things like ringworm. There are preventatives and cures for all these but it's best to know them beforehand. Use common sense and you could end up with a great new environment for you and your piggy to play in.

  5. UltraMagnus profile image59
    UltraMagnusposted 15 years ago

    You can put your guinea pigs outdoor if your backyard or frontyard is safe. You must make sure that no cat from your neighbors goes to your yard, or it will snatch one of your guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are such gentle animals and won't fight back when attacked. My guinea pig Kevin died when my neighbor's cat took him and ran away with him. I only took him in our backyard to get some fresh air and enjoy the feeling of walking on grasses and a cat came out from nowhere and hit him. You can put your guinea pigs out though but you need to have a really good cage.

  6. 2uesday profile image66
    2uesdayposted 15 years ago

    A good idea is to keep the guinea in a good size hutch and also have a covered outdoor run which has a hutch as part of the design. They like large cardboard tubes or something to hide in; if something frightens them  like a loud noise. Make sure they are in a safe place in the garden  away from possible predators.

    Then keep the  guinea pig mostly in the hutch i.e if you are not at home to keep an eye on it and at night but on warm days if the grass is dry put it in the outdoor run. Even if they are eating grass they need a supply of hay to keep their teeth healthy and always a supply of water and proper guinea pig food ( not rabbit food).
    Once the weather is damp or cold move the hutch that the guinea lives in into a sheltered place like a cosy shed.

  7. profile image0
    JeanMeriamposted 15 years ago

    sunlight blinded our guinea pig when we tried

  8. profile image52
    iBloggerposted 14 years ago

    Keep them in a cage, especially if you live in a forest like me. We recently had a huge fox eating a dead dog carcass RIGHT in our back yard.

    Also, they sunburn easily. Be careful to keep them in the shade.

    However, they quite enjoy fresh air, and I hear they like eating clover.

  9. profile image54
    jrosarioposted 13 years ago

    Depending on where you live, it is possible to keep your guinea pigs guinea pigs outdoors.  Keep in mind, however, that guinea pigsare extremely sensitive to temperature fluctuations. So you'll have to monitor them constantly. One more caviat.  Do not bring your guinea pig into the garage or a laundry room to shelter her from the environment.  Garages are not more protective than keeping them outside and the temperature in the laundry room is not stable enough to afford your guinea pig comfort.

  10. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
    mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years ago

    You can do so as long as you follow a few basic common sense rules. Guinea-pigs are wonderful pets, and if they are to be kept outside,  the advice in this article will keep them safe and well cared for. read more

  11. lostohanababy profile image57
    lostohanababyposted 10 years ago

    Some are totally 'insiders', but some are okay with a enclosed yard to protect them being attached by neighbor cats and dogs.   If you live in fenced yard atmosphere and weather is nice most of the time or you can buid them a little half=way lodge, shelter place in the yard, they can go too when it rains or to relax when they are tired, they will be okay with that!  They will also help to keep your grass short.    They will graze it for you.  So, put them to work and yard at a time..You'll have more time for other things!

  12. David Branagan profile image76
    David Branaganposted 7 years ago

    Yes it's no problem! Once you have a proper hut, with sufficient shelter from wind, rain and draft, proper bedding and food then they should be fine. They evolved to live outdoors and they do so in the wild. My sister has a load of these little guys and they all live outdoors.


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