I got a gunea pig

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  1. Ms Chievous profile image68
    Ms Chievousposted 14 years ago

    This is the first  guinea pig  I have ever owned.  Any advice?  I have a dog  and cat a and small child.  The Guinea has a cage with a tight lid.  The dog thinks it is a new play friend.  I haven't introduced it to the cat yet becase I know what it will think!

    1. lizmoss71 profile image60
      lizmoss71posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      First of all, you should get your guinea pig a friend. Guinea pigs are sociable creatures and do not like living alone. If you have a girl, then that's easy, just get another girl. If you have a boy, it might be a bit trickier, but hopefully you will be able to find a friend of the same gender for him.

      Both the dog and the cat should be kept away from the guinea pig, they will both be dangerous to it. When you get the guinea pig out to play, make sure the dog and cat are locked out of the room.

      I have written a hub with a bit more advice, feel free to take a look.

      1. profile image50
        Winnigpposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        with my guinea pig--i have had her for 2 months now. yes, i bought her alone, and she is content with it. i know they enjoy the company of other piggies, but as long as you pay attention to them often, there is no need for a second piggie.

  2. wychic profile image84
    wychicposted 14 years ago

    About the only thing I can think of to add to lizmoss' advice is that guinea pigs react differently to viruses and such than humans do, and things like colds can be deadly to them. I don't know how old your kid is, but mine is in preschool and brings home a sniffle or worse about every week smile. Also, if your child is very young I'd suggest very, very close supervision for a while because guinea pigs are short-sighted and curious, so they often test things with their teeth, and many are easily frightened and they bite HARD when they're scared.

  3. Megavitamin profile image70
    Megavitaminposted 14 years ago

    This is just a random piece of advice, don't put newspaper in its cage.  I grew up with guinea pigs, and that was a mistake my sister made.  Guinea pigs love to chew on anything you put in front of them, and the news print is toxic to them.  Good luck with your new pet!

  4. sunforged profile image74
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    Whats his / her name?

    Get it a bigger cage - most people put their animals in insufferably small cages

  5. tobey100 profile image61
    tobey100posted 14 years ago

    Unless you really, really, really know and trust your cat.....introducing the cat to the pig ain't a good idea.  The pig might see friend, the cat will probably see entre'

  6. Ms Chievous profile image68
    Ms Chievousposted 14 years ago

    Thanks for the info everyone.  The Guinea Pig is named Brownie and my son loves it.  I have heeded your warnings about letting my son hold it.  Brownie is way to skiddish for him to hold yet.    I did not know about the colds.  My son is a preschooler so I will have to watch.  I keep the cage up as  my cat is unaware of the new housemate.  My dog still thinks it is a playmate.  I plan on getting a bigger cage an perhaps another Guinea pig as i have read they prefer company.  I just love the sound Brownie makes when he is happy!

  7. DzyMsLizzy profile image84
    DzyMsLizzyposted 14 years ago

    When my kids were in late high-school years, my elder daughter acquired a guinea pig, and shortly after, a second.  They both had very large wire-mesh cages, and each had their own cage...but placed immediately next to the other, so they could visit.
    The first was an Abbysinian...adorable with tufted rosettes in her fur.  The second was a Peruvian...long-haired.  They had to be kept apart unless supervised, as the Abby fancied herself a barber, and gave the other one 'haircuts.'  LOL
    We would let them out in a specially-prepared area, and since 'piggies' cannot be housebroken, we had an old scrap carpet remnant for the floor of their play area.  We blocked off access to places like under the bed...and would build them 'mazes' to run through, using plain wood 'kindergarten building block.'  They loved their playtime!
    We would sit on the floor with them, to supervise, and try to keep 'the barber' away from Cocoa's 'bangs.'  They would run figure-8's around our feet and legs as we sat.

    From upstairs on the second floor, where they lived in daughter's room, they would hear the crinkle of the bag of lettuce being opened, and shout out loud "Wheeeeep!  Wheeeep!" sounds demanding their treat.  Carrots, lettuce, alfalfa cubes...all favorite treats.

    We had them for about 6-½ years--fairly long lives for guinea pigs...but these two girls were loved and spoiled rotten! 
    They are marevelous little animals, and, given the chance, actually quite social, with very distinct personalites.  Enjoy your new pet!!

  8. givingfairy profile image62
    givingfairyposted 13 years ago

    Don't do like many people who only feed their guinea pig from a container. Build trust while taming by allowing your pet to eat from your hands now and then.

  9. 2uesday profile image65
    2uesdayposted 13 years ago

    If it is a male guinea pig and you introduce another male guinea pig there is a good  chance they will fight. Mostly when male guinea pigs get along together it is because they are brothers who have never lived separately.

    Also guinea pigs are short sighted so do n't trust there judgement about places they might fall from; this includes hanging on to them as you put them back into their hutch or cage because held loosely they sort of do a 'take off' leap as they get near to their home base.

    Guinea pigs once settled love being cuddled and the range of sounds they make is fascinating.

  10. AliciaC profile image92
    AliciaCposted 13 years ago

    A few years ago I had two guinea pigs in my classroom at the school where I teach. They would come home for the holidays with me. They were good friends with each other and also liked to be cuddled by humans. I made an enclosed play area for them which they loved to explore when they weren’t in their cage. They adored broccoli, and gave excited chirps whenever they saw me coming with broccoli in my hands. 

    A companion guinea pig, broccoli and playtime outside their cage kept our guinea pigs happy.

  11. lindajot profile image67
    lindajotposted 13 years ago

    I loved my guinea pigs when I was younger.  I made a purse to carry them around in, and would brush those rosettes til they were perfect.  Handle them a lot so they get used to the interaction.  I would probably have another, but they poop so darn much!

  12. caninecrtitics profile image59
    caninecrtiticsposted 13 years ago

    I have 4 guinea pigs now and love them and they get along great with my rabbit.  Like the above info guinea pigs can catch the cold from us.  So it's very important to make sure you feed them vegetables rich in Vitamin C like carrots, oranges or even their are drops you can add to their water for Vitamin C.  Pine and aspen bedding worksbest because carefresh can be to dusty sometimes. So defintly not newspaper like the post above said.  Also their are vitamin c fortified foods thatare great to.

  13. Maria Cecilia profile image83
    Maria Ceciliaposted 13 years ago

    I love the peruvian Guinea Pigs.. you need to comb their hairs too...but yes must be separated from dogs.

  14. caninecrtitics profile image59
    caninecrtiticsposted 13 years ago

    My shepard rotti mix loves my guinea pigs and will actually cuddle with them.  It's funny the do need to be introduced slowly and with supervision.  So not all dogs are mean toward guinea pigs

  15. smile0826 profile image61
    smile0826posted 13 years ago

    I have 6 guinea pigs.  We adopted two girls and one was pregnant with 4 babies.  You can find a lot of good information here:



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