Acrylic or Watercolor or Oils?

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  1. Rock$tarant profile image59
    Rock$tarantposted 14 years ago


    1. DonnaCSmith profile image83
      DonnaCSmithposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oils are the most fun to work with. They have a sensualness about them that makes the experience more than just painting a picture. First, I love the smell of oils and turpentine. Oils also have texture - you can blend, smooth, or rough them up. And oils are very forgiving. I vote oils.

    2. Rock$tarant profile image59
      Rock$tarantposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Everyone says oils.. I usually paint with acrylics, I never have tried oils, but some of my favorite artists paint with oils. This is good to know.

  2. h.a.borcich profile image60
    h.a.borcichposted 14 years ago

    I love working in all three smile
       Oils allow more time when my time is chaotic.
       Acrylics can be taken on a day trip. They dry quickly and my masterpiece makes it home unscathed.
       Watercolours demand my full attention as they are rather unforgiving.

  3. AdeleCosgroveBray profile image89
    AdeleCosgroveBrayposted 14 years ago

    The choice of medium depends on the subject matter and what's convenient.  I'm not fond of acrylics, as I find the colours tend to be harsh.  Watercolours are readily portable, which is handy if you're painting outside of the studio, and also naurally lend themselves to landscapes.  My usual medium is oil, however, prefered because I paint slowly and spasmodically, and because of the sheer flexibility of the medium.

  4. Richieb799 profile image75
    Richieb799posted 14 years ago

    Oils were always the way the Masters would prove themselves, it was the mark of a professional..they give that Rich, Well pigmented color which can be adjusted even later after finishing because they take a while to dry!

  5. torimari profile image68
    torimariposted 14 years ago

    I say watercolors, because I love the soft affect they have. If used right it has a certain elegance with gradients, applications, etc. but can also be as vibrant as acrylics. It took me awhile to...well, not master, but become skilled with the medium, and I haven't looked back since. And, once you get the basics, watercolors are actually very forgiving, and easy to clean up. smile Patience~

    There are many other mediums the masters have used other than just...oils, not to say oils aren't a popular, great medium.

  6. Maria Cecilia profile image79
    Maria Ceciliaposted 14 years ago

    I think I would to use all, and try to combine....

    1. profile image57
      stoneyyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You can't put acrylics on top of oils as the oils slower drying will crack the dry acrylics.

      One can use acrylics for all but the final layer.

  7. ggerner profile image61
    ggernerposted 14 years ago

    It depends on the visual effect you're after, and the speed with which you work.

    1. sofs profile image73
      sofsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I don't have the patience to wait between sittings for oils, I love acrylics as they are quick drying and no smell what so ever. I can do it in a day and comes as a handy gift if I have forgotten to buy one. I like oils for the rich color and effect , watercolors is not my strong point!!

  8. waynet profile image70
    waynetposted 14 years ago

    I like to combine all three mediums and when I've pretty much finished with acrylics and oils I like to add glazes with watercolor over the different parts of the painting....more often than not it creates more richer colors that way!

  9. Gypsy48 profile image61
    Gypsy48posted 14 years ago

    I like acrylics because they dry quickly. I have done oils but I have no patience for the long drying time.

    1. profile image57
      stoneyyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Mixing Liquin with the oils shortens the drying time.  Setting the work in an enclosed vehicle in the sun, or in the trunk/boot of a car swiftly drys it, too.

      1. sofs profile image73
        sofsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        What exactly is Liquin, Please explain, would like to try it!

        1. profile image57
          stoneyyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Liquin is a quick-drying medium for oil and alkyd paint. Used as an additive in many forms of artwork, liquin is produced by Winsor & Newton  and has a number of uses. Notably, it is used to speed the drying time in oil painting, though it may also be used as a barrier layer to achieve some effects. Painted over the top of etchings, Indian-ink drawings and other line art, it enables the application of colours by tinting with thin glazes of oil paint. ]

          There's lots of things which can be done with Liquin.  Mixing it into paint in varying amounts thins the paint to whatever level you need

          It's another 'tool' in the 'tool box.'

          Of course, you know what can be done with paint itself.

          Here's the thing.  Once a layer you're happy with is dry you can coat the whole surface with Liquin and let it dry.

          Once that is done and you goof up the paint can be removed down to the Liquin layer.

          Once the painting is done you can give it a Liquin coating.  Once that is dry you can use retouch varnish.

          1. sofs profile image73
            sofsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            wow that sounds awesome , I should check that out!

  10. habee profile image90
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    Of these 3, acrylic. Easy to control, last forever, and easy cleanup. I actually love pen and ink!

  11. Tom Cornett profile image82
    Tom Cornettposted 14 years ago

    I mix caulking with acrylic...paints just like oil.  smile

  12. DebtFreedom profile image76
    DebtFreedomposted 14 years ago

    I like acrylic. Oils smell bad but you can get some great texture with it a lot easier than with acrylics. I like watercolor too but not so much for making "masterpieces" but more for planning. I also like watercolors for making greeting cards. lol

  13. Tom_Radford profile image60
    Tom_Radfordposted 14 years ago

    Depends on how much time you have. Oils are definately the best and you can go back and change stuff all the time. But they take soooo long to dry. one day when I've got more time on my hands I'll paint with oils more

  14. hanging out profile image62
    hanging outposted 14 years ago

    i hear grumbacher makes an oil paint that is water friendly, so i vote that: IF the tone of the paint is as deep as oil can be. Oil is forgiving but if you know what you are doing then that is a mute point. The drying time is a bit of a hassle but with the water friendly oil paint that should be cleared up.

    Oil has always given a deeper hue and a more intense color whereas acrylic always has this pale, whitish look to it.

    Oil for color integrity
    acrylic if your filing your basement lol.

  15. Richard Craig profile image61
    Richard Craigposted 14 years ago

    I think it depends on what kind of finish your looking for.  Watercolour is great for soft, conservative imagery whilst Oil is more vibrant and defined and used by the most famous of artists.  Acrylic is somewhere in between.


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