Is 400 hits per day on a Hub a good number?

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  1. donotfear profile image83
    donotfearposted 12 years ago

    Just wondered.................

    1. hazelwood4 profile image66
      hazelwood4posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Donotfear, How long has your Hub been published?  Also, are you receiving the traffic directly from search engines?  The truth is all traffic is a good number

    2. paradigmsearch profile image61
      paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this


    3. Rosie2010 profile image67
      Rosie2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Definitely!  That's awesome.  I'm happy for your. smile

  2. donotfear profile image83
    donotfearposted 12 years ago

    It's been out there a long time, over 2 years, but gets a steady number of hits per day, rarely under 350 these days.  I'm just curious.  Traffic comes mostly from Google search engines.

    1. Robie Benve profile image84
      Robie Benveposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I wish mines had that kind of views. Of course I've been on HP only a few months, so I guess I have hope the traffic will develop, but for now that figure is more monthly than daily.
      Congratulations! : )

      1. carol7777 profile image73
        carol7777posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        robie: After reading this I felt like quitting.  I am not even close.  Hope you are doing great. I do feel, like I said I have written too many hubs with not enough views.  I know some are not great and should be gone..but why not keep them.  I got zero sleepers in almost 100 hubs of which I felt I deserved.

  3. WriteAngled profile image71
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    HubPages Statistics

        Published Hubs: 1,160,721
        Forum Posts: 2,182,091
        Total Users: 2,282,156
        Published Users: 147,958
        Hubs with 10,000+ Hub views in the last month: 331
        Hubs with 1,000+ Hub views in the last month: 7,954
        Hubs with 100+ Hub views in the last month: 69,259
        Hubs with 10+ Hub views in the last month: 325,452


    1. DeborahNeyens profile image95
      DeborahNeyensposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting stats. Thanks for sharing!

    2. donotfear profile image83
      donotfearposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      So if I'm getting 350 to 500 hits daily on it, then I'd be in the 10,000 views section.  I can do the math.  Cool......It's the only one that gets that many a day..

  4. profile image0
    rgmg50posted 12 years ago

    I agree those stats are very interesting. It gives one a good idea.

    1. andyoz profile image85
      andyozposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Where did those stats come from?  I would of thought there be way more Hubs with more trafiic than that.  Only 331 with 10,000+ views in the past month?  That seems like a low figure.

      1. Kangaroo_Jase profile image73
        Kangaroo_Jaseposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I am not sure Andy, as I reckon that 90% of hubbers do not write more than 10 hubs before stopping. It is also 147K people that write hubs out of the 2.2 million member base.

      2. WriteAngled profile image71
        WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        The statistics are those reported by Hubpages itself on this very site at the URL I gave in my posting.

  5. pinappu profile image79
    pinappuposted 12 years ago

    400 hits per day on a hub? So, low?? Very bad.

  6. carol7777 profile image73
    carol7777posted 12 years ago

    What is the topic? Sounds really good to me. I wish I were getting that many!

  7. mattforte profile image83
    mattforteposted 12 years ago

    One hub, 400 hits per day.
    Why people say "zomg this is low" I don't understand. If there were 10,000 pages getting 10,000 hits per day we'd be on a goldmine. The fact is, a large majority of the hubs on this site are low quality - I have a hard time hopping without flagging one of every three hubs.
    I've found that I average somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 a penny per hit. (Nothing scientific about it, just looking at my daily views and how much I make each day tends to be around that number)
    That's a buck a day for one hub, $30 a month. If you write one hub and make those kind of numbers, you've gotten your money's worth.

    1. carol7777 profile image73
      carol7777posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I must be doing something wrong.  I have written way too many hubs with little return.  Maybe it is time to move on.

      1. Cardisa profile image90
        Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Carol, you have only been here 2 months. You need to give your hubs time to age. I think Donotfear said his hub took 2 years to mature. Give your hubs at least nine months before doing anything drastic.

        What the stats don't show is that most of the people with 10,000+ views per month have been here more than 2 years. Some have been here for 5 years.

        1. carol7777 profile image73
          carol7777posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks so much..Reading all of this can make one crazy.  I appreciate your taking time out to encourage me...Okay I will show some patience and right now.  Thanks again.

      2. mattforte profile image83
        mattforteposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You've only been here 2 months, and you've completed over 100 hubs. That's almost 2 hubs a day. THAT is what you are doing wrong. My best hubs took me a long time to research, and then write. Some of them I'd get home from work, and work on them until I went to bed (late).  Quantity is not king, Quality is.
        People who hop on here and publish junk (Carol I haven't read anything of yours so I don't know what you've published) and participate in those stupid "X hubs in X days" challenges are the ones that fill up the bottom row of those stats. Slow down and take some time. Read good hubs, see what they're doing right. Don't copy other garbage off of the internet, be original. Read the learning center, HubPages has some of the best advice I've seen available on how to write well.

        Also, pages take time to mature in google. I wrote one particular hub back in May that got 5 views a week when I published it. 3 months later it suddenly got ~50 views in a day, and started growing from there. Earlier this week that hub reached 200 views, and has consistently stayed above that number all week. Every week it seems to get more than the last (aside from a few slumps).
        I've been here almost a year, and all of a sudden the hubs that were scraping by are getting hits.

        Write good content, publish it, and wait. (But feel free to fine tune once in a while)
        I'm sure the poster's hub didn't get 400 hits a month after she first published.

        1. carol7777 profile image73
          carol7777posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for great response.  I have slowed down a lot.  For some reason as a new person  I just started writing like mad.  I am down to a few a week now. And you are so right.  Thanks for clearing up all this.

          1. Cardisa profile image90
            Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Carol, Mattforte is right. the 30/03 and 60/30 challenge does not give the chance to do proper research. I have published 2 articles per day but those Hubs I worked on for weeks. I published 19 hubs last month bu most of them I have worked on for more than two weeks and some are recipes.

            Slow down a bit, revise your hubs and see if those hubs are really search friendly. But as I said before you might not see any signs just yet, give it a few months.

  8. donotfear profile image83
    donotfearposted 12 years ago

    On the hub I wrote that gets 350 up to close to 500 hits a day; I originally wrote it over 2 years ago.  After following the instructions on using better keywords and using the title tuner, it changed the whole thing completely.   I'm not kidding, it was unreal.  I also go in and tweek different hubs regularly, or change the keywords in the title.  It does make a difference, especially when you use the suggestions that Hubpages gives us.

    Now, that's the only one I have that gets that many hits.  Once I had a hub that one of my FB friends shared and it got 800 hits in a day!!  It freaked me out so bad, I was afraid I'd been spammed or somebody was trying to get me in trouble; but not!   That's the only time it ever happened.  On my others, if I'm lucky, I'll get maybe 29 a day or something, but usually it's the same ones. 

    So I go to the ones that do poorly and tweek them, change pictures, reword the title, look for better key words in the google key word thing.   One thing you can do is type in the subject in google and see what comes up first.  It's another good way to rearrange your title.

    I'm certainly not wealthy from this, can't live off of it, but at least it has paid me a little.  I don't make a living from HP, but it gets me some gas money!


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