by John T. 14 years ago
Thank you hubbing communityI just wanted to thank the hubbing community for welcoming me so quickly. I have tried blogging elsewhere and it seemed as though I was talking to air (I was) I have learned so much from all the different article so I just wanted to put this out there, Thank you...
by rjvikas 8 years ago
Hello everyone, I am RJ. I have been a member of hubpages for three years now but it's been an on again, off again relationship so far. I have also been very inconsistent with my hubs. And this is the first time I am posting on the forum. Well, not exactly, because I replied to one forum post...
by Cardia 13 years ago
Hello,I'm a new Hubber, and I'm getting ready to post my first article on here! I have a few questions, and hopefully you can help me with them.- Can people 'steal' or copy your articles and post them to other sites, or as other Hubs? Does this happen frequently? How can I prove that it was MY Hub...
by Carlita 6 years ago
Evening. I'm new; so, I'm not aware if I made any overlook the rules on forum posting. With the article approval, is there a way to find what mistakes and rules that relate to unpublished articles so I know in what area I can improve and edit?The links are very helpful; but, they have too much...
by Rik Ravado 15 years ago
Yes I'm back. I know you probably didn't notice I'd gone. I have a relatively low profile here. No I didn't go because of a falling out on the forums but because of my day job that really slows down my hub activity.I was working in Capetown for a couple of weeks with very limited...
by Theblackorean2010 14 years ago
So, I get on here everyday reading about ways to make your hubs better, how to build your fan list, how to increase traffic, how to make money etc. And, one thing I keep hearing is "It takes time" and I am cool with that but in the mean time I want to make sure I am giving my all to...