As reported in the Forums certain hubbers appear to have "Pet" status and their new hubs get published immediately without the 24-48 hours "pending" delay (orbiting arrows). What's the criteria for this (all had hubber scores above 95). or is it related to what's in the hub - number of capsules etc. There is nothing in the learning centre of blog about this. It makes a huge difference as these 'p' hubbers are getting their hubs indexed immediately. The poor plebs like me have to wait 24-72 hours to get out of orbit, by which time the google bot has seen the NOINDEX tag and does not come back for many days or weeks. Can you please clarify this and who gets this privilege and why?
I thought it was if you had had hubs unpublished for repeated violations that all future hubs were pending.
Nope. Most of us get pending-zoned by default. Even if we have had few or no violations.
See : … -Idle-Hubs
For a 24-hour period after first publishing a Hub or editing an Idle Hub, a Hub’s status will be Pending as our internal algorithm analyzes its content. After this 24-hour period has passed, your Hub will fall into one of the statuses described above. Please note that any edits made to a Pending Hub will reset the 24-hour clock for that Hub.
BUT there are apparently certain "HP pets" that bypass the "go straight to gaol, do not collect $200" pending on death row. Why??
I personally have over 600 hubs so why am I not trusted?
How do you know they bypass the pending status? These folks may be like me and be completely unaware of it...which could be why they say they don't get put into pending status upon publication.
go digging in the 9 replies bit
J, from that thread, and particular post, it suggests that choosing Exclusive bypasses the Pending function. Either that is a bug or a desired effect. Have you tested the Exclusive feature yet?
Nope - I have an Exclusive title I published last night and it's sitting in Idle status.
Agree! my exclusives also go into orbit. Simone said that the time pending varies and for some it may be a few hours depending on what 'data' they have on the page (whatever that means). There is clear evidence that two people with hubber scores of 95 bypassed 'pending' instantly. In both cases their hubs were indexed within hours. Only a small sample. If you look at the new topic displays you will find that a large proportion of articles on the first page for a topic have been done by appentices 'a'. Simone acknowledges this but says there is no favoritism and that they simply produce higher quality articles - but she would not detail the criteria. Perhaps the 'a' articles go straight through as well. I must be a really bad boy because all my articles take 48 hours to get off death row!
I'm pretty sure my hubber score was above 95 when I last published a new hub, and It took over 72 hours to come out of Pending.
But it wasn't an Exclusive.
I donno. I'm really not motivated to put any more sacrificial lambs on the noindex chopping block until this is changed.
I think it is disturbing that a high proportion of the articles on the front page of the new Topics pages are written by 'a' writers.This is further evidence of a 'p' class that gets extra privileges. Good luck to the 'a' s, and HP can do what they like, but I think HP should be transparent with their priority system and show fairness. Why do some hubbers get off 'death row' instantly? If its not hubbers score above 95 what is it? What is the criteria used to determine who gets their articles on the front page of the topics pages, which has no search facility! Simone said elsewhere that she does not know the algo.
PS - the only way to get articles indexed within several days is to submit inclusion request for each hub to G Webmaster Central - boring but necessary!
I take this approach, regardless of Pending or Zzz by resubmitting my sitemap.
Seems to be working rather effectively. Only one out of the lot was not indexed.
But, now, the 3rd highest traffic//commented hub was Zzz. I updated it. Is now Pending.
This is getting a little ridiculous.
Hi James,
Your very smart.
I searched for one of your recent hubs using the title +"hubpages" and this is what was found
next PHP Captcha Generator Script Tutorial - jacharless - HubPages
why the "next" bit?
Is this link found via the Group listings at the bottom of another page? [previous , next ]. Some others have "previous".
Is this a problem for HP??
Have you seen this thread?:
Just to let you know that as an apprentice I am not having articles bypass the pending system regardless of whether they are exclusive and regardless of my hubber score. SimeyC has also confirmed this above.
Many of our writers put the link to their hubs in google them selves as soon as it is submitted. It is part of completing the publishing process.
I just published a Hub and my author score is below 95 at the moment and it went live right off the bat, no pending. Now, I will say this is an old Hub that used to be published and I unpublished it about a year ago and it's just been sitting there all this time. I reworked the entire thing just now, with about 2/3 new content and a new title and tags before republishing.
Whoa, that's completely new to me. I don't think I ever had a single Hub pending--right from when I started, and I certainly couldn't have been a 'pet hubber' then...nobody even knew who I was. Weird. Sorry to hear about your frustrations. Good luck!
It's a new policy for everyone (at least, as far as we know) that has been in effect for only about a month. The next time you publish a hub, you'll probably see it too. Basically, your hub will show up in your profile and your feed, but it won't be released to Google for at least 24 hours.
My new Hubs are not showing up in my own profile. That's why I came to the forum, to see if something has changed n the past week. I like to see a Hub in my profile then I click it and begin pushing the link on Google and other sources. With the post not showing up in my profile I'm not sure about promoting it. Will it appear now, in the next hour... tomorrow... the next day... next week?.... I don't know why this has suddenly changed. It seems to be new this week.
It will be in 'pending' mode - see the swirling arrows on the stats page. It takes 24-48 hours to shift to 'featured' mode when it will appear in you profile.
I didn't see any reply to this.
Starting Monday of this week, all Zzz'd or pending hubs no longer show on profile page, unless the author specifically opts out and chooses to have them shown. (there is a setting for this).
It seems that Google was continuing to index hubs found on the profile page, regardless of the noindex tags, which defeated the whole object of idled hubs.
I can't believe that admin didn't think of this when they invented idle hubs and the new profile layouts... *facepalm*
Well, at least it only took them a couple of months to figure it out.
Earlier admin had said all Hubs would appear on the profile whether they were idle or not. I've been to a few Hub writer profiles where they have several Hubs but only one is actually available to read. That's going to be really discouraging for occasional Hub writers or those who consider coming back to write here. It's aggravating me for my own posts. I'm going to have to take time to create an index of my own Hubs on my own site. Instead of writing new Hub posts I'm going to be spending my time fixing something that wasn't broke.
That is fully under the control of every Hubber. If one wants all his or her hubs to appear, even when they are idle or pending, just select that option in "profile edit."
If you are looking at someone else's profile and you want to see their idle hubs as well, then click "view: All" on their profile.
Mine does say "show all" But they aren't all showing. I checked.
My mistake. I hadn't looked at the edit profile options since I changed my background image. I added all the idle Hubs back in. Thanks for letting me know about that. A shame they are blocked by default. I guess that is better for the site overall.
Think twice about making your idle hubs appear in your profile. It will probably hurt your rankings on all your other hubs. That's why HP defaulted it the way they did.
Sorry I meant show all, not view all.
HP programmed it to default to showing everything but Idle hubs, unless you change the setting in your profile selections. You have to click on it anyway to see idle hubs, even though it already says "show all."
PSSST! want to know a secret - HP forgot to block the 'pending' hubs from showing in the PREVIOUS and NEXT at the bottom of the page - this could explain everything! - sure beats 42! Bye - I'm so over this !
They also show in the search results under Images !!!
I thought the pending and the sleeping thing was silly, but then I decided to just update my hubs, and move a few. Oh well, at least my hubs are getting more traffic now that I updated the ones put to sleep.
In my experience, I've never published a new hub and had it put into a pending status. When I began to update my idled hubs, each went into a pending status for around 24 hours. I wrote my last hub a few weeks ago, and do not recall it being in a pending status after I published.
Perhaps some people said they didn't get "pended", but they just hadn't noticed it yet.
go digging in the 9 replies bit
Two 'p' hubbers has their hubs indexed by google within a couple of hours - they bypassed 'pending' for 24-48 hours. Where do you get this 'p' status?
Do we really know that there are people who aren't put in a pending status? I mean, even from reading the posts on this thread, it sounds like people are unaware of what happens when they publish a new hub. Plus the its only been a short while since hubpages started doing this.
My best guess is people who are saying they don't have the 24 hour idle state really aren't paying attention to the hubs status or their new hub.
Other people's hubs probably don't show up in your feed until after this 24 hour period. So, to you, they may appear instant.
No - I checked by doing a search using the title + 'hubpages' and they were indexed by Google. I just want to know how to get this privilege so can get my new hubs instantly 'featured' and indexed. No more 'pending'
I am in the same boat as everyone else; my hubs aren't indexed until the next day. Just to be cheeky, why don't you put a little "p" in the corner of your avatar. A "p" for pet or for protest, or perhaps something else.
ha ha!
In principle, I don't see why HP would care. A random web surfer who isn't a registered user doesn't care about the letters or lack thereof on an author's profile pic. They are only for internal identification of staff members, apprentices, apprenticeship alums, and "elites."
If they ban you, change your "O" to a "B."
Anyone with a really high score care to add something to this thread? This is majorly weird.
Why are some hubbers getting their hubs featured immediately, and some not?
I have a decent score, and I am having difficulty trying to get Google to look at anything new that I publish. This started long before the idle feature too, so it's probably another issue.
Yes you have lost a ton of traffic and I do sympathise.
My own subdomain tanked in August 2011 and Google has only just started sending traffic to it again in September 2012.
I have hubs published in the past year that have never seen a Google view, that are starting to see some traffic even although they have been idled.
I think when Google withdraws its love from your account, they ignore new hubs you publish as well as anything else you do.
I did everything I could think of to get Google to come back - editing, unpublishing, linking - and nothing worked.
The only thing I did different was about a week before traffic returned, I unpublished nearly all of my health hubs.
On another thread wordscribe also wrote that her traffic came back after she unpublished a bunch of health hubs. … ost2223672
Worth thinking about? (if you have any health hubs, of course)
Hey, thanks for the thought. I've written satire health hubs that don't do well anyway, so I am considering your advice. Cool!
Or try moving them out of the health category if you want to keep them?
That's ironic. I just did that. Something strange is already happening. My Real-time traffic in GA dropped to zero (which doesn't usually happen ever except when the site is down). Now it has climbed back. Maybe because I changed categories it tripped an alarm or something.
Janderson99, I'm glad you brought this up. I wouldn't want you or anyone else to think we're trying to penalize some Hubbers and give undue privilege to others.
To clear things up, I want to share two things:
1. The algorithm that moves Hubs from pending to Featured to Idle can take up to 24 hours to change the status of a Hub- sometimes that means a Hub is reviewed within minutes; sometimes that means a Hub is reviewed only after quite a few hours. The more data we have on a Hub, the easier it is for our algorithm to approve it quickly, so the more we all hop Hubs, the better!!
2. This is all very new stuff- we're still testing different methods of phasing Hubs in and out of Idle status (as well as helping Hubbers figure out how to best revive Hubs), and some of that testing might lead to discrepancies in the manner in which different types of Hubs leave or enter Idle or Pending status. For the time being, please pardon our dust. We're working out the kinks and will have everything far more refined soon.
Hope that helps!!
In reply=>
Some of my new hubs are taking 48 to 72 hours to get out of 'pending'. The critical issue is that the Google bot is likely to visit - sees the NOINDEX tag and takes days or weeks to revisit and index the hub. The only way to get my new hubs indexed is via posting a submit request on webmaster tools. Hubbers and HP both lose traffic and income if a 'featured' page is not indexed for days or weeks. I personally have never had a hub come out of pending in less than 24 hours - mostly its 48+. This is not user friendly!!!
PS - there are many reports of delays to indexing on the forums.
Are you editing the hub while it is pending? I know I did that with a couple which then took days to go featured. It resets the pending clock, although I'm not sure how that ties in with the HP post above.
I wonder, too, if a comment is considered editing? It's never in edit mode, so maybe not, but if it is (and it is a change to the hub, after all) any comment from hub hoppers could delay the process.
No a comment is not considered editing.
If you open the hub in edit mode, then (remembering you're not supposed to edit) immediately back out without doing anything, the clock is not reset.
I added tag to one of mine after it had been pending about 18 hours, and it reset
Thanks, Izzy. That's what I would expect but didn't have any experience to show either way.
Well to quote Simone -
"The algorithm that moves Hubs from pending to Featured to Idle can take up to 24 hours to change the status of a Hub- sometimes that means a Hub is reviewed within minutes; sometimes that means a Hub is reviewed only after quite a few hours. The more data we have on a Hub, the easier it is for our algorithm to approve it quickly, so the more we all hop Hubs, the better!!"
it would seem that there is more than a 'clock' at work here.
It's an 'algorithm' that depends on user input.
Therefore, you publish a hub, then check out the hopper until you find your hub, and rate it up.
That's a good idea, unless there is a control for that.
Change usernames then. Look at the hopper from a different account. LOL
Would I need to use the hopper then, or could I just directly visit the hub and give it some accolades?
I wish I knew Blake! I am only responding to what Simone wrote.
She did say using the new hopper would help us all, but didn't give that much info away.
I hate the hopper, old or new.
Hubs > latest is easier, but there is no way to rate hubs that way.
If newly published hubs don't show on your profile, there should be no Googlebot visit, isn't that right?
Don't know - but why does HP add the NOINDEX tag to a hub while it is Published but Pending - Why not only add the NOINDEX tag to ZZZ. Logic would say that the reason is to block the bot from indexing the page until it has been approved = 'featured'. What is the reason for the sudden huge delays in having featured hubs indexed?
Things get weirder.
I just has an exclusuive hub come out of pending after 48 hours. It does not show on my profile, But when I searched for the title +'hubpages' to see if it was indexed, the SERP lists my profile with the title and summary in the snippet with the time - 14 hours ago. So its in my profile but not displayed by HP ???
I published a hub that Google quickly indexed last week. My prior one took forever.
I had one hub that advised it will be publish after a 24 hr review (well, something like that), but my other new published hubs didn't go through this. I have reached a 100 Hubber Score for 2 days, now it went down to 96. Got me really excited there for 2 consecutive days or was it even there before, but I don't really pay attention to my Hubber Score. Lately, I was praised by a fellow hubber friend about it, and that got me focused and started watching it go up and down. I read about it at the Learning Center page about Hubber Score vs Hub Score.
Oh, just to point it out while I was excited about the 100 HS, I noticed that in one day, my HS changed 3 times fluctuating.
Why would zzz go to pending? I thought it was only new ones. I feel badly for the apprentices. Some day we may be in their shoes. I have seen some of their hubs, and they cover topics thoroughly and have vibrant photos. Their training was vigorous, and some people had to drop out. I am proud of them.
Just to add my two cents, my score is 100 and when I published my latest hub it went right to pending. Guess its the way things are for now.
Did you choose an 'exclusive' title from HP's suggestion list?
tillsontitan, I just checked your latest hub. I see the NOINDEX tag in the HTML, so you are right. But I am surprised to see that because your score is 100. That kills the theory that those over 95 are bypassing pending mode.
I'm not exactly understanding about the "pending" Are we talking about being indexed by google pending or the actualy publishing of the new hub? I have published stuff and have got comments with in an hour from readers. Of course they were other hubbers. Anyways I manually add mine to bing and google. Bing also adds it to yahoo.
Pending is the new yellow turning circle thing you can see to the far right of your hubs on the stats page. It applies to all new hubs, as well as edited idle hubs. Pending hubs are published but carry a noindex tag (which means the Googlebot will ignore them) for the first day or so.
I have published loads of exclusive titles, I'm an apprentice, and I let my titles sit unpublished for days while I research or let my thoughts marinate and none of those exclusives ever bypassed pending. I really don't think there is anything shady going on. It's just the luck of the draw that someone's hub gets checked right after they publish. Plus, the pending sign appears to the writer only in their account settings. How would anyone else know it's out of pending? Pretty much, we're all in the same boat.
You have a 92 hubberscore which is below this imaginary threshold.
I was just checking out Hubs > latest, and you see the hubs that are by-passing the pending status there.
Everyone seems to have a hubberscore in the high 90s, except for sweetiepie who is 94, but may have been 95 when the hubs was actually published.
Very, very few new hubs are going straight through. I have no idea if they are 'exclusives' or not.
I really think Denise is right - it's the luck of the draw. My last hub was indexed - not featured, but indexed - in less than 24 hours. Seems like my hubber score was in the mid to upper 90's then.
The one before that took 3 days to come off "pending" and 2 more to index, and at one point in there I was showing a 100 score. I do recall editing it while in the pending stage, but just once and shortly after publishing it.
As I mentioned above somewhere, I'm an apprentice, I've got a healthy hubber score and none of my hubs, exclusive or otherwise, and regardless of whether I've sat on them, have bypassed pending.
Anyone can check if someone else's hub is pending (or idle) by looking at the HTML and look for the NOINDEX tag. Most browsers provide a way to see the actual HTML.
I have been noticing an interesting pattern -- those with a Hubber score of 95 and over, seems to bypass pending mode when they publish. It's been consistent with me, and others who are over 95 say they skip the pending mode too.
I'm not sure if this is based on anything else at the moment. But it's definitely following this pattern.
No, it's following the pattern for those that are replying to the forum posts. A very small percentage of HP.
Remember, people don't report common, every day happenings; they report when something is unusual. Someone with a high score and finding their hubs pending for 24 hours don't say anything; it's normal to see that. Those with high scores that are pending for a few hours DO report it as something unusual.
I think it is also true that many hubbers who do forum post, will not be admitting that their hubs are not getting the noindex treatment, because there will be an outcry.
That is very true, which is why none of our research in the other thread is very scientific. I totally agree with you. The discovery of the 95 threshold is not a certainty yet.
Your score is 95, the theoretical threshold. Why not plan to write and publish one now and see if you bypass pending mode.
Hopefully I may get the opportunity this evening, just to test the theory.
I will post if I do.
If this is the threshold then I'm excluded from this benefit. I have just dipped below 95 but I was 95+ for many weeks and hit 100 for a day or two - I have published several hubs including an exclusive hub or two - all of which were idled. As Simone said a long time ago in this thread, I don't think there's actually any logic to how or why this is happening - perhaps the algorithm writers at Google lent HP some of their algorithm!
wilderness, I agree with you about the method of reporting not being accurate because of who posts and who doesn't. But you have a score of 100 so I would love to know what your experience is when you publish your next hub. Being that you are over 95 I would like to see that you bypass the pending mode as per my theory.
All I'm focusing on is if you have that swirly arrows, which indicates that your hub is in pending mode.
I don't care to analyze how long it takes to get indexed in Google because that's not under the control of HP anyway. Just trying to avoid confusion here because I see a lot of posts were some people are misunderstanding what we are tying to figure out, here and in the other thread.
LOL - I hadn't noticed my score today - it'll fall in a day or two anyway.
I'm usually over 95, though, and have had just that one hub come out of pending (swirly arrows) in less than 24 hours, and I've probably published a dozen since it started. Some took forever because I didn't realize that editing would affect it, but since then I don't edit minor errors until the arrows are gone. I watch pretty closely because as soon as they are gone I submit it to WMT for indexing; that's how I caught the one that really surprised me when it came off early.
I'll throw just one more thought into the grinder - is it possible that people are looking for either high score hubbers OR for "a" hubbers to read out of the mistaken idea that they will see great hubs to emulate? You and I may know better, but many (particularly newbies) haven't found that out yet.
The reason I ask is that apparently the feedback given in the hub hopper or otherwise can affect the time on pending.
I know that every time my score reaches 100 I suddenly get some new followers, and it seems reasonable to think that reading hubs might be the same.
Yes all that is true. But it is expected that hub hopping will find all sorts of hubs, many of which definitely need to go into pending mode.
Also some people think we are talking about indexing in Google. That is not the issue. Furthermore, HP has no control over Google's bots. All we are examining is if we have the NOINDEX tag in a new hub. I know that you understand that, but I'm repeating it here for clarity.
As for you, I see no reason why someone of your status should be pending. I looked at the HTML on your last Hub. You published it 33 hours ago so I may be too late. But it presently is not pending. Are you sure you had it pending when you first published it?
No, I'm not positive it was ever pending; hit the publish button, close the tab as soon as it's done it's thing and move on to something else. As I recall that was fairly late at night and I found the "featured" symbol the next morning.
My point, though, was will hub hoppers that don't know better just skip over hubs with low scoring hubbers while reading (and rating) those with high scores? And I guess I'm wrong anyway, as neither the hopper nor the feed show scores. I'd never paid any attention because I don't care.
Touche. Although my score fluxuates between 91-96. Why? Who knows? I do notice when I input titles but don't write, the score plummets.
The first title "Laser Glaucoma Treatment" is not indexed. I searched the URL in Google. I did this on my last hub a while ago out of curiosity and the same thing was true while it was pending. When the pending wheel disappeared, the hub showed up on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The pending wheel doesn't prevent hubs from showing up on HubPages, it just prevents it from being indexed externally. The others, from 1/2 day to 1 day old, are indexed. But, hasn't that been your experience? Some get out of pending before 24 hours and some take longer? That's been mine. Those writers' hubs being on the top of the Latest Hubs list probably IS related to their score. But I really don't think that's linked to any pending status plot.
You are right, that one wasn't indexed, but it was featured else it wouldn't have in the feed. It was only a couple of hours old, Google indexing is seldom instantaneous.
I have only written one (exclusive title) hub since this all started, and it was pending for 24 hours.
I have another title grabbed and started, but I really don't have time to sit and write it at the moment.
My hubscore will likely drop below 95 by the time I get round to it so won't be able to test the theory, but we'll see
I really don't think the exclusive titles have anything to do with it - I've written 7 and have not noticed any difference. Haven't looked for it, but haven't noticed anything, either.
Did you get this as an "exclusive"? If so, that is very strange because there is a hub with exactly the same title by another person, which came up for me on page 3 of Google search results.
Interesting. Yes I did get it as an exclusive just yesterday. That bothers me that HP is giving out the same titles to more than one person. I thought that exclusive meant exclusive. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I wonder what HP has to say about that.
Probably nothing because I only see your hub on page 3 with that title and doing a site search of HP your hub is the only one with that title.
Glenn, I'm starting to think you are experiencing a pretty serious "glitch" in the system. Pretty interesting dialog. I think the exclusive option is a little wobbly at the moment and is having a hard time standing without falling.
We are working on systems to get Hubs through the pending period more quickly. As the FAQ says it can take up to 24 hrs.
Hi Paul, Thanks for following this thread. A few of us are curious why we are bypassing pending mode on exclusive hub titles. Is that part of the plan for writing exclusive hubs?
Another thing just surfaced -- At least one exclusive title has been given out to more than one person. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of exclusive titles?
But someone called Denisemai mentioned that as being an unindexed hub, and I was addressing my question to her, having seen Glenn's hub in the search results.
Anyway, aren't these non-indexed sites removed from the site search as well?
I assumed she was talking about her hubs. I have no easy way to check now, because the new forum layout is impossible to navigate and there is no way to see who is responding to whom.
Unless Glenn and Denisemai are one and the same person...
Don't look at search results.That is confusing the issue. All we are trying to figure out is what affects getting the NOINDEX tag - or not - on a new hub.
Denisemai may be confusing the issue. I didn't see all the posts. I'm sure I'm missing half of it. I'm not doing well with the new forum format either.
Not sure if you are kidding about me and Denisemai being the same person. But it concerns me if anyone starts to think I am playing games. Paul can verify this as staff can see the actual IP addresses of all of us. Just trying to find some answers that I am sure everyone here is interested in discovering.
WA, Glenn - I use the forums in "threaded" view and am not having a problem. It takes a while to scroll down and there seems to be a lot of white space, but no problem finding posts as the new format is basically the same as the old in how and where posts are shown.
If you're in "chronological" you might try the threaded...
I never liked the 'threaded' view but in this new forum layout it is a bit easier on the eyes than 'chronological'
Hi, WriteAngled. You can just call me Denise for short since it's my name. I saw your post and wasn't sure who you were addressing. Glenn answered so I assumed it was him. You misunderstood my response. I was replying to IzzyM who posted a link to the latest hubs. That article, "Laser Glaucoma Treatment" by Glenn Stock, was at the top of the list. I used the URL for that hub and searched it in Google and no results popped up. Furthermore, when I google the exact title, it doesn't show up in the first 5 pages. My point was, I don't see that he was awarded "pet status" as some say just because you can find his new article on HubPages. But, now that I realize who the author is, he can answer for himself. He's all over this forum.
Denisemai isn't confusing the issue. I think, like Wilderness said, it helps to look in threaded view rather than chronological as it makes following everything easier. And no--Glenn and I aren't the same person. I just think he may have not realized who you were addressing either. I've never run into him until now. His article on glaucoma is very well done, though. And btw--it's indexed on Google, now.
Hi Denise,
Thanks for clearing that up. This was the first time someone claimed I was two people.
Did you copy and paste my url the first time or did you type it in? I see you spelled my name wrong and that might be why you didn't find it the first time.
I do want to clarify that we are trying to determine what makes some of us get published without the NOINDEX in the HTML. That is all we are investigating. Everyone is going into so much more with unrelated things.
The pattern still remains that everyone over 95 is treated that way. Except for one hubber (can't remember whom) who was 100 but said he was not indexed. That is what is confusing everyone. Getting indexed in Google is not under HP's control and is not part of this investigation. I mentioned that a few times now.
We are simply trying to determine what causes those who get published without the NOINDEX tag in the HTML. That can be seen by the pending status icon (swirley arrows) in the stat report. And anyone can check that on someone else's hub by looking at the HTML.
Copy and paste, Glenn. Always copy and paste. You're indeed on Google, now--like I said above. I'm just a writer, so, where are you finding the HTML? Because when I click the link to page button on the bottom of my latest article, I get an HTML that I can copy and paste but there is no "NOINDEX" there. It does, however, have the little wheel next to it on my account. This general topic is getting a bit like a game of telephone but you have me curious on this point that you have repeated several times. So, can you fill a non computer guru in? I guess, also, I'm kind of confused about this pet hubber thing because you look like your considered one but seem to be hot on the trail of this supposed conspiracy. It doesn't make sense. I guess that's neither here nor there but I'd really appreciate a layman's explanation on the N.I. HTML thing. You seem like you know a lot so....please explain?
PS--are you sure you're not me?
Hi me -- I mean Denise,
I didn't make up the name "pet hubber" - someone else did. However, you are right that I started this investigation when I noticed my hubs did not go into pending mode. It started happening with my first exclusive hub. But since then we all figured out that it has nothing to do with exclusives.
I remember seeing the pending icon on my new hubs prior to that. It always went away after 24 hours or so. But now it's just never there, except after I update an idle hub. But that's a different matter. This subject is not about idle hubs.
I am also pretty certain at this point that it has nothing to so with Hubber score either, since Judi Bee posted just before you that she had the swirly pending status icon even though she has a score of 100.
To answer your question about how to see the HTML, it's not the tracking code that you thought I meant -- I'm referring to opening up the source code of a page (hub) in another window to see the full HTML code of the entire page.
The process is slightly different with every browser…
In Firefox you click on Tools - > Web Developer - > Page Source to open the HTML of the page you are on, then type "Ctrl-F" to find any text and look for NOINDEX. If you don't find it, then the hub is not pending and not idle. You can do that on anyone's hub to see how they are doing.
In IE, you click View - Source to open the HTML. Then do same as above.
Hope that helps.
Thanks, me. I mean Glen. I just searched my hub and it says noindex. But the hub listed at the top of the "latest" feed published 81 minutes ago is indeed indexed. Interesting but still out of our control.
So, I thought people were just assuming but it looks to be accurate. Who knows why. I have this rule about only worrying about things I can control so I'm going to not let myself be bothered by it. I do notice that the person who wasn't indexed has been on HP for over 3 years, so, maybe it's the experienced and proven hubbers that get to bypass it. That works for me.
Honestly, I didn't think you meant the tracking code--I had ZERO idea what you meant so thanks for enlightening me. It's good to learn new things!
Thanks again. I'm pretty sure we look exactly alike. Right? LOL
I read somewhere that the big 'G' may show results in the serps with a 'snippet' stating something about unable to provide info due to the robot.txt thingy . Can't remember which article but was about the latest algo changes.
The robots.txt handles the permissions for xml -aka sitemap, which robots can/not access the site, and other nifty things. I noted day before yesterday, my Web Master Tools returned a 404 not found, on both xml.gz files, pointing to sub.domain hubs and questions. BigG can grab a snippet, if it can read the xml file or rss channel....
I have not seen anything to suggest the Hubber Score or Hub Score itself determines RFI [release for indexing] or not. If fact, the three main elements of this are <priority>, <changefreq> and <lastmod> tags in the xml.gz.
This is triggering or triggered by the Pending//Zzz function. And where the issue for release or hold exists. The engine cannot pickup what it does not know is there. None of these has to do with Hub Scores. You can bypass this, actually, by resubmitting your latest?rss link//sitemap. So the engine sees the link exists and tries to pick it up, snippet or index it. But again, this is limiting based on how many Hubs you publish a day or between resubmits of the sitemap.
How often the content is likely to change {hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never} This could also add factors, even if released, because it is considered either a news article {changing hourly} or evergreen {changing monthly, yearly} else a perma-article that never changes.
0.5 is default. Anything between 0.5 and 1.0 is high -based on the articles relevance to other similar articles on~site, not off site nor by the search engine. So this is internal data structuring/handling based {assuming} on Topics and sub-topics. This then is the final factor determining Zzz, as hubs that rank 0.0 - 0.5 are considered orphan articles, or one that do not reflect the over site content.
James, You are going to confuse everyone. You are talking about the sitemap file. The matter under this thread (see title of this thread) is to determine why some people are treated as privileged by not going into pending mode when we publish a new hub. How many times did I repeat that now.
Pending mode simply means that there is a meta tag with NOINDEX in the HTML. That is all we are trying to figure out.
Thanks Glenn. That is essentially what I was addressing. The <priority> tag is certainly a factor when it comes to "privy articles". This is automatically being generated by the solution//algo. Even if the NOINDEX tag comes off after pending, the hub is not always picked up, snippet or indexed, and can drop into Zzz if pungent//persistent traffic does not happen within the first 72 hours.
We know the algo learns over time, so essentially, this scenario exist:
The algo is taking young hubs and learning the habits of publishing, grammar, verbiage, capsule includes, images, videos, tags topics, traffic, updating etc. It then mirrors these elements with past//future publications and determines priority and relevance. This could certainly make it appear as being privileged
As John mentioned, many he noticed were by Apprentice students, who have access to information, tools, strategies and such for better publishing. This definitely gives them an edge and the algo would push their hubs to top priority.
Bypassing the Pending tripwire would depend on how the algo views the habits of the author. Not an altogether "bad" thing, but no doubt a frustrating situation for those with volumes of hubs and potential below the fold.
Your explanation leads into saying "This could certainly make it appear as being privileged."
You are still confusing everyone. I guess I have to repeat that we are only talking about publishing a new hub and not going into pending mode. Pending mode is when you see the twirly arrows in the stats. In code it is indicated by having a NOINDEX meta tag in the HTML.
I don't know how many times I had to repeat that.
You also mentioned that John said many he noticed were Apprentice. I am not an Apprentice and yet my last four new hubs never went into pending mode.
I think at this point I'm going to bow out of this. My original intent was to help figure out what others need to do in order to get that status. We are not getting anywhere and I find that I need to keep repeating myself. Obviously there is something in the algorithm to get certain Hubbers through quicker. And it probably will remain a secret.
You are right its time to move on. Its a shame no HP staff came by to really clarify things properly, other than to say - some escape death row quicker than others. The effort has been definely worthwhile in clarifying what 'pending' means and how to deal with it. Thanks for your input - you have a lot more patience and resilience than me.
Cheers and Best Wishes,
Thanks John. I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm just not going to keep repeating myself when everything is above here in this thread.
Don't know if this helps or not, but here goes:
Yesterday (now over 24 hours ago) I published a hub - not an exclusive title (What was Trench Foot in World War 1 - dreamy title!)
My hubber score is (and was yesterday) 100.
I am an apprentice.
The hub had the swirly pending status.
It doesn't now.
I'm new to hubpages and all of my articles have to do with "pets". They only took 1-2 days to become published... except for my latest one which I wrote about 2 days ago I think. It's still unpublished. Interesting to know.
Another datum:
My hubber score is 97.
A new hub went right into pending, as expected. We'll see if this one gets deep-sixed by the NOINDEX tag like the last one did (still no Google cache after 3 weeks).
Submitting individual URL's' to G Webmasters central (see as google bot) + a few social links seems to work for me (no failures yet) in getting pages indexed in a day or so - after exit from pending. Its a pain but works for me! You've probably tried that - just a suggestion.
Your last 4 hubs all appear to be indexed - search on title +'hubpages' shows them in the SERPS.
My score is 96 and was 96 to 98 when my last hub was published a few days ago. It went into pending orbit for 24 hours after I published.
For those whose hubs do not go into pending mode after publication, do you still see this message when you publish?
Edit: not sure why that image posted so tiny. The part I circled in red says that your hub may be in pending for up to 24 hours, and there's a link to the learning center that explains what "pending" means.
Interesting. No, I do not get that message when I publish.
One last point if HP staff ever read this post.
The pending hubs are not supposed to appear in the directories, nor in the Profiles etc. BUT they do appear in the PREVIOUS and NEXT areas at the bottom of the page (goups). How naughty! This is probably how the bot finds them, sees the NOINDEX tag and they straight to jail and death row.
PS they also appear in the search results under images !
Whatever the case, this pending status is very frustrating. A majority (probably at least 75%) of my work is timely, and is most relevant within 24 to 48 hours of my writing it. If it's not going to be indexed during the time that most people are most likely to read it, then there's really no point in publishing it here.
At least you can send other people to your links. Last year, another place took out instant publish entirely. I do Survivor TV show recaps, and I pulled them out in the middle of the season and moved them here, because it was useless for me to publish and then wait for a week to get approved, when nobody was really going to be interested in reading them. I can wait until the end of the season in this case, but I think I'll go somewhere else next season. If I have to, I'll post them on my own domain (although I don't have the cool software to make all these nice modules).
I'll have to move my news pages elsewhere too. Who wants to read about the news 48 hours after it happens? At that point it becomes history. I write historical articles as well, and I suppose that they can stay, but I'm not sure if I want to bother.
by Dr. John Anderson 11 years ago
The Googlebot visits new hubs within 30-60 minutes while they are in 'Pending' mode and the NOINDEX tag is in place for 24 Hours. This means that the bot does not index the page, and does not return for days or weeks. New pages do not get indexed for days or weeks. This causes lost traffic and lost...
by Yvonne Spence 11 years ago
I love HubPages, I feel that I have learned so much here and my confidence in writing non-fiction took such a huge leap when I was invited onto the Apprenticeship program last year. I have met some wonderful people here - both staff and other Hubbers. But as may other people have said, the idling...
by Joana e Bruno 11 years ago
Why isn't my last published hub showing up in my profile page?Usually, as soon as I publish an hub it shows up in the hubs section (top) of my profile page, but yesterday I published one and nothing... Anyone experiencing the same?
by Simon Cook 11 years ago
There is a lot of anger and/or frustration relating to the 'pending' system and most of it is down to the fact that it's not clear why there are exceptions - this is justified and there should be open-ness. (Note this only is aimed at new hubs, not hubs that become un-featured later)One way to do...
by Paul Edmondson 11 years ago
Some people have asked why do some Hubs go directly to featured. We are working on ways to get more Hubs featured as quickly as we can and are testing mechanisms for doing it. Right now, there are a small number of Hubbers where our system can process their Hubs immediately based on...
by Sophia Angelique 11 years ago
Please can someone explain to me why, if one decides not to wait 24 hours to put up one's hub, one then has to wait three or four weeks for Google to index. This has absolutely nothing to do with Google, but has everything to do with punitive action from HP.
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