30 hubs in 30 days is great...but how much time did you spend making sure your efforts will be viewed ?
Are your 30 Hubs a craps shoot, a gamble ..are you just throwing *it* against the wall and seeing what sticks?
Join us in a 60 day challenge that includes a 30 day promotion phase and a community support effort.
Just looking for a dozen "yesses" to get started.
Anybody in? Could really use a couple pros to help with the promo aspect. but, we will all be pros by the end
The 60 day challenge
Yes I need the promotion angle as well. Already signed on for 30 in 30. I am up for 60! Lead me Sunforged I am yours! When's that baby due?
June 22nd ..partly why I decided to pull this idea out now.
I have two months left before my availability crumbles.
The first phase of the 60 day challenge, is the same as the 30 day challenge, for the most part.
One important distinction is your selection process, you will actually want to pre-plan your 30 hub topics ..a minimum of 6 broad topics max of 10.
More and better info will follow once I have a minimum of a dozen participants. There is a hub (non-commercial) for intro info.
okay, I have a couple of topics already that I haven't had time to get started. Going to check out more info.
Congrats two more months! This is so exciting. I love Babies! My granddaughter just turned two, but I remember from day one. Okay, enough about that (never enough about babies) The world would be a better place if all of the world leaders had to hug a baby every day. Just saying.
Okay. Then I am off to bed, let me know when we have 12.
I think you mean minimum 6 topics, maximum 10? Do you have to spread your Hubs evenly over those topics (i.e. 6 topics = 5 Hubs in each, 10 topics = 3 Hubs in each).
lol, yes! ...one of my contacts is super dry and Im having trouble looking at the screen.
Good catch..and correct reasoning, for the purpose of building backlinks (some micro sites) easily we want to have a few sets of related topics, just as you conjectured.
So yes we want a minimum of 3 hubs per broad topic. But each topic doesnt have to have a set number above 3 .. one could have 6 another only 3.
The 60 day challenge is closed to new participants, but watch for more 60DC's in future
If you're up for a challenge right now, why not try the 30 day challenge instead? More info here: http://learningcenter.hubpages.com/the-hub-challenge/
I like the idea and I would definitely help in the promotion department but unfortunately for me this is a busy time offline and I'm afraid it will be like this till the end of summer. I'd be lucky to get an hour or two a week on HP. Bad timing for me but I wish you and anyone else that joins in this challenge all the luck.
perhaps, we could incorporate your article site as one of the promo tasks..if you in turn could assist those who need help with the process?
Sounds good to me, just let me know when you plan to start and we can place a small tidbit of instruction on your info hub. Maybe even some kind of rss widget I can place on the front page since it has the highest PR of any other page on my site. If you know of anything that would be suitable let me know.
Will work for me:
We will all be using the tag: 60dayChallenge and 60dc
which means hubs will create the rss feed:
these feeds will be used in our hubs similar to hubmob, BUT during the promo phase i will show everyone how to use these rss feeds to promote their work at other sites.
Will that work?
This feed please, but no need to change if you have used variants
i know I have made an error here. in the thread I used 60daychallenge, but in the intro hub I used 60 day challenge, and peaking through some of the contributions I have seen other variations already.
The simplest "60dc" will be our initial focus
Dont be surprised if you get twitter traffic, I jumped through the contributions and shared all to twitter
Thank you Richard!
I think the tag feed would benefit all that are in the challenge. I'll look for a widget to place on my site that will allow me to use that rss feed. HP has or had a widget, I wonder if I could use it. I'll look into it tomorrow. Off to bed.
So we have LiveWithRichard willing to set up some special considerations for our 60Day Challengers.
Thanks Richard!
I know of at least one more high profile hubber with a successful article site.
Anybody want to come out of the woodwork and offer some promotion on their external sites? I will be sure to see that the link love comes back to you during the promo phase.
Yes I am also in sunforged. Definitely I don't want to miss on that one. That's a really nice idea.
I'll do it. I can probably do some promoting on my external blogs as well.
I'm in. I allowed my alter-ego to complete 30 days challenge. so this time it's my turn...
I'm ready to promote as well...
I am in and have already published my first hub before I read this thread. So do I need to do the hub again. And Sunforged thats a great idea. Thanks you so much for the initiative.
..this thread will not be used for new hub links, the pre-existing 30day challenge thread is fine in that capacity already.
Plus, we are going to be doing much more powerful stuff than a tiny forum link and we see our fellow participants new works in our private rss feeds and hublogs.
So that means if we are inserting
we are in. sorry these are not working. I think I am not clear about this. sunforged can you help???
right click
save link as or save target as
Go to your new hub, edit,
look to the side or above and add the "rss" capsule...click edit, now paste the link in.
your done
Sure, Soni...the rss links just take a little time to update, the first hub ever placed using that tag is less than 2 hours old...they will work by morning (well its 3am here..they will work in a few hours)
place the tags 60daychallenge and 60dc on any new content for the challenge,,but only use the :
on your hubs..we will be using the other rss feed in other places later.
actually if you click that feed you will see one hub is included already...enlightened soul already has included a hub on redgage also..just takes abit for the system to catch up with us
Thanks I also had the same doubt. Though again I have a question, is this sixty day challenge open only for the first 12 people who join or is it open for all.
I cant nor do I want to stop anyone from participating, BUT, i plan on really helping to plan out our linking strategies and offer lots of personal assistance.
i wont be able to handle much more than 20 (600 hubs) participants myself, but since we will all be helping each other maybe it wont be as big of a task as I imagine.
Thank you. You are a genius and an helpful soul!!
Suggestion: Can we have separate thread in 30 day challenge forum for this ? SO that those who participate in it can post link there, that is one easy way to keep track of new hubs and promoting them becomes easy as well.
Question: If someone posts 2 hubs a day then challenge will be completed in 15 days, so is that okay for this 60 day challenge ?
the main goal is to get ten unique traffic sources to each of your new 30 hubs within a 60 day timespan.
If you complete the writing section early, than you just get started on the promo aspect.
Ill ask in the morning if hubs will allow us to have a self promo thread...but it really is of no use to us. Im going to TRY and share with you far better ways to keep track and promote your links than inside a hubforum.
What sort of subject range are you looking for J?
Can you use a Bumbletonian who has been really slack lately and needs to get back to writing?
You would be a welcome addition!
The subject matter is strictly personal choice.
We just need to be sure you have some groups of related topics for the promo phase. This is to help the individual participant plan out 30 hubs and to make the interlinking easier during phase 2.
I didnt expect such a quick response, or I would have already tried to flesh out a FAQ...Im off to try...but most likely will have to publish around 7 hours from now.
Its 4am and I have a 9am meeting tomorrow ...ill look over all the questions and write one thorough response.
As of now, phase 1 is just do the 30 in 30 , include our new rss tag, keep a hub challenge journal and be sure that your 30 hubs can be divided into at least 6 but no more than 10 different themes
Cheers J... I'll read your lead hub and tie my shoe laces up so I don't trip myself up on this
Sleep more mate..... believe me after mid June.. you'll wish you did
I'm in - it should be a blast with the added bonus of learning how to promote.
Awesome.... Good Crew so far Mr. J
Hi Susana and Sufi... hope you're well and all
Is there an official start date for this? So everyone progresses together?
I guess we can start from today. Thats what I infer from sunforged's post. I had already published a hub today before Sunforged announced the 60 day challenge and he said that the hub can still be included in the 60 day challenge I just need to put the RSS and the tag.
I posted one hub few hours before subforged' thread so i'm in. Let's just start so that everyone can jump-in without waiting for any announcement.
Absolutely no idea, Darkside - I have already started writing/editing a few half-finished Hubs, but I won't upload anything until everybody else is ready
Darn! I still have 15 days to go before my tax season ends. Still have 30 financials to finish . Hope I can still join even if I start late.
Friends, I have added the rss feed in my two hubs I published this month but I not able to see my hub in the rss list as I used to see in hubmob rss list.
Okay! I am in too! Just published my progress log, and will start on the hubs soon.
Love this idea and will think about participating.
It's going to be a somewhat busy month, but not crazy and I could really use an excuse to do the promo part of this challenge. I think I know what I need to do to bring my hubs to the next level in terms of traffic and income generation, but I hate doing it and would much rather write! So having some outside encouragement and motivation to backlink, etc. would definitely be helpful.
Totally in it, SF! I've just completed some keyword research for one of my broad topics. A little worried my Oregon coast vacation topic is a little "nichey" for this, though...
Ok me too. I need to reread though. I'm ever so slightly tipsy and just a little confused
Published one more in the challenge friends. Included the 60dc tag but still my hubs are not coming up in rss feeds.
Im back from an early morning appointment (at least for me) trying to pick out a pediatrician.
So the dominant question seems to be when do we start?
I put the feelers out to see interest less than 12 hours ago! but since its pretty much the beginning of the month and many are already starting the 30DC why not start now.
I was waiting to see a dozen hubchallenge logs published, at that point I would create Hub that linked to each contributor (not different from the hubmobs capstone), I was hoping to engender a team mentality here. A cabal if you would
The only thing distinct from just doing the 30DC is Im highly recommending pre-planning, doing keyword research FIRST, and creating your hubs in groups. I was planning on publishing my suggestion of how to proceed with that but it certainly isnt necessary to wait for it to begin.
Im not reinventing the wheel here, the final goal is the same as the previous Flagship hub goal, the hubchallenge log is a variation on a capstone hub. The rss concept is the same as the hubmob (except we are going to do some major RSS promotion off site)
As much as possible I will refer to other hub authors tutorials, much of what I will suggest is the same stuff you would read at the 30 day Challenge (not hubchallenge) the Keyword Academy, Pot Pie Girl, Grizzly etc. Im just catering it to the knowledge and level that our hubteam is at. I also will offer personal assistance via the forum thread, 60dc hubs and even personal email if needed.
The concept of writing in groups was recently explained VERY WELL by paul edmondson, so if you havent read it yet, it should be your first stop.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Reasons-to-Writ … ngle-Topic
I added the rss feed on my hub, hope I did it right. I've yet to see it show up on the feed, but I guess it takes a bit?
Should we also post our hubs here?
Soni and all:
If you click on the rss link you should see a full page of included links, both your health hubs ARE included in the feed.
The setting is for "hot" you can replace this with "latest" if you please also. In your hub rss capsule it has settings on how many links you show...just increase it to the max if you want to view it. I picked "hot" as that will fluctuate and everyone has an equal chance at being visible in the limited spaces available on a hub.
But (and this is a big BUT) we will all promote this rss feed off hubs later which is the important part. If your hub is in the feed you will get benefits, dont sweat whether its visible on all the hubs, especially within the first day.
and No, our little 60day challenge isnt hub certified or anything, and we dont have clearance to bomb the forums with our own links...the 30DC thread is the best forum place for that if you must.
The BEST place at this time to post your newly published hubs is in your hubchallenge log.
Sunforged - I apologise for the foggy head but a question: the topic? I go dig my own up or do you some up your sleeve you want us to fish among? I have already got two lots of six hanging round so could use them.
@WS - nope, that's in 22 days. I had green wine at lunch. Drank a little fast is all
the topics are complete personal choice.
Once we have the 12 initial people committed with a hubchallenge log, i will write and publish a hub that points out, how to write with commercial intent...so those who are interested in the "green" may want to hold off on specific urls and keywords and just select broad categories of interest.
As an early eye opener to "commercial intent"
http://www.google.com/search?q=commerci … =firefox-a
Feeling REALLY obtuse here, Sunforged. But, I'm still not seeing my hub in the rss feed...
It can take a few hours to update on hubs end. If you wanted to keep tabs (http://hubpages.com/tag/60dc/latest) will show you the latest.
this is not the rss feed we are using Google seems to quickly index the "hot" page, latest and best dont seem to get the same love. This was pointed out moments ago by peter Hoggan in the keywords and tag thread
I've added the RSS reader to my site at 411article.com. Challengers should make sure they are using the tag "60dayChallenge" Right now the only hub showing is one by Skyfire but they will all show eventually.
The full RSS feed that I am using is this one:
If you want to use something else in its place let me know and I'll change it on my site.
It looks as if most are already using this:
So if that's the one you want to go with, I can easily change it on my RSS reader to read:
Ok sunforgd I've published my 60DC log and the above rss feed. And now I should?
Okay, I just added a new RSS reader (magic rss) to 411article.com and it is selecting the ten latest hubs entered for this challenge using the 60dc tag. This should benefit the active participants in the challenge right now. When you reach the promotional part of this challenge Sunforged will show you all how to make the links permanent.
Richard I would really like to thank you for promoting our hubs on your site. Our hubs are already getting promoted. This is getting exciting hour by hour. Though I have a question, I just checked your site and my recent hub(just published few minutes ago) is not showing up. Does the feed takes time to update?
I have just posted two hubs with the link and short summary in my hublog journal. Sunforged can you please have a look and let me know If I am doing it correctly. Also I have used tracker in my links, if thats ok. Also, let me know if the summary will do or I should change it. Thanks In advance!!
Thanks again Richard!
just in case its not clear, Richard has created a special feed reader on the FRONT page of his site (PR4) specifically for our 60DC links.
As you publish using the "60DC" tag, your hubs will receive links on his page.
@enlightenedsoul - Using the tracker is encouraged, its really not going to be much of an income generator on hubs proper, but its a good habit to get into for our extra hubs promo stage.
Did you see mark Knowles recent thread where he showed how much traffic he received via his trackers!
Tracking and statistics will be important too, the more detailed the better.
In about 20 minutes, ill have another "capstone/hubmob roundup" style hub that shows all the challengers that have started teh first step and created their log.
ill certainly take a personal look.
Thank you Sunforged for helping out. Infact, I got this habit to place tracker in my link when I saw Mark Knowles thread that he received a huge traffic from his trackers(Above 1 lac, I guess).
I will make extra effort to be more detailed with statistics.
I was about to sleep now(It's 1:40am in India now) but would read your capstone hub and then go to bed.
And I am glad that you would look into it personally. Thank You so much.
Ill publish it now In case your still up and were waiting for it.
I will be continuing to add to for a while though
You can take your time Sunforged If you want. I am a die hard believer of the maxim "patience is always fruitful" so publish when you are done. Till then I will work on my other hub or study for tommorow's examination.
Hey guys - you can count me in as well. I have added the RSS feed to a couple of my sites and will add it to a couple more on Monday. All on different IPs.
I will do my log and first hubs on Monday as well. Lots going on this weekend but I am in for sure.
Woooooo then welcome Mr Knowles! And thankyou for the extra help for the 60DC. I'd use my site but it's a PR of nothing lol!
Right, I'm away to bother Amazon. Pity I can't bother Ebay too
Gosh...This is getting so exciting. I am sure I will learn a lot from this 60 day challenge. Thanks for joining in Mark. And thanks for promoting our hubs on your sites.
I'm in. I must be nuts with tax season in full swing, but it will be worth the effort.
Okay, sunforged, I have my hub log up and alive in response to the original question!
This holiday weekend won't be too productive for me, but I eagerly await the release of the "official rules"
Response has been great overnight. With family activities for easter I will be out of contact for most of the day.
I will add the half or dozen or so new hubchallenge logs to the 60 daychallenger hub and publish a hub on commercial intent.
In the meantime:
Commercial Intent:
As an early eye opener to "commercial intent"
http://www.google.com/search?q=commerci … =firefox-a
One of the reasons we are writing in groups:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Reasons-to-Writ … ngle-Topic
As for keyword research
market samuarai offers a 30 day free trial so using this tool will work perfect for the first phase of the challenge
they are currently giving away a free tool "domain samurai" that looks promising
Good Luck enjoy your weekend and holidays if your celebrating!
Thank you Mark Knowles for adding the 60DC to your sites ...promotion is starting off with a bang and we havent even started the promotion phase yet!
Another worthwhile link:
Ryan Hupfer originally made this for the first 30DC its still relevant.
How many people do you have now, sunforged? Happy Easter, by the way.
"WE" have a team of 13 who have created the first step HubChallenge Log.
Have you created yours yet?
There are at least 6 more who have stated that they will be involved.
Its a busy weekend for many so figure by Monday we will have a better understanding of our team.
Ive gotten private emails from many who are interested in helping other hubbers even if they cant participate in the entire challenge.
Thanks Im off to start my Happy easter now! Happy easter to you too!
Using the tag "60dc-logs" in your logs would be greatly appreciated in helping me find them all
Also using the feed http://hubpages.com/tag/60dc-logs/hot/?rss JUST in your logs will be a cool way to be able to quickly see the others contestants progress
Congrats WordScribe for the well deserved win!
Been a busy day... So, we're all supposed to write a log, huh? This is to present our goals for the 60DC? Correct? I seem to have missed this initial step. I just tag it with "60dc-logs", correct?
Wordscribe (and anyone else who's wondering) follow the link at the beginning of the thread. You need to start your log by answering Sunforged's question with your log Hub - then read his Hubs about the Challenge to get the whole story
I'm in, and have my hub log and first hub published. \o/
I've got a list of the other published hub logs on mine. So far I have sunforged, Marisa Wright, Sufidreamer, frogdropping, Susana S, enlightenedsoul, Eweirdo, SiddSingh, oderog, Faybe Bay, JeanMeriam, skyfire. Did I miss anyone?
Welcome ! I found 13 logs published in the 60dc feed. The 12 you listed plus yourself is all Ive seen.
hopefully, many will add the "60dc-logs" tag and we will be able to find and add these logs easier.
I am doing a short opening for my Hub about your challenge first and will then add my log. It's all an additional response to a question about how I build traffic. I don't know if I can keep up with the rest of you, but I'll give it my best shot and I hope my link-up helps the challenge.
Easter weekend seems a good time to try something new and likely effective Cheers!
Hey Patty - welcome! One more for the ride and I'm sure you'll more than keep up. You're as good as it get when it comes to regularly publishing hubs!
I certainly was better in March than in Febraury and plan to keep up the momemtum, my fine froggy friend. Will look forward to all of your new Hubs as well!
You're always better than me Patty, whatever the month! And I think I should wrire a few frog hubs. They're got to be some froggy interest on the wonderful world wide web
And welcome to new 60DC members - all aboard!
Pshaw! I like yours better LOL - and I love trains, especially trains of thought.
I hear the whistle blowing,
Me and frog are going ...
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