(Almost) Instantly high traffic

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  1. livelonger profile image91
    livelongerposted 17 years ago

    Paul E. wrote a Hub on Friday about targeting high-traffic "mover" topics to get immediate traffic from the search engines.

    On Friday afternoon, I found that the term "lipstick recall" was moving in that Google Hot Trends report. Remembering that AskSusanPeters had a lot of success getting traffic during the pet-food recall earlier this year, I quickly published a Hub on whatever information I was able to find on the topic. It took me about half an hour, because I wanted the content to be original, too (not just copied-and-pasted from another site).

    I also added a picture I put toghether quickly in Photoshop, and a News Capsule since there were, naturally, a few news items percolating around on the topic.

    Afterwards, I spent 10 minutes posting links on Technorati, Simpy & del.icio.us. I avoided Digg because they are pretty sensitive to having all of your links dugg from the same site, and I've dugg a lot of pages from HubPages already.

    The Hub got traffic from google.com and google.ca in less than 2 hours. I have never seen a page being indexed so quickly. I quickly got #2 ranking on the search term "lipstick recall" and have gotten 2800 PVs in less than 3 days. Since then I've slipped to #6, but it's still getting a very healthy flow of traffic, primarily from Google.

    AdSense per day more than doubled, too. smile

    1. darkside profile image59
      darksideposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Nice work.

      Just getting onto the first page of search results is an achievement and a huge advantage.

    2. BestOfHubpages profile image56
      BestOfHubpagesposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Really Excellent Thanks. And for sharing/remembering the best hubpages I have created just a new hub smile

      1. darkside profile image59
        darksideposted 17 years agoin reply to this

        A hub consisting of one paragraph recommending another hub is not what I'd call a good start.

        1. BestOfHubpages profile image56
          BestOfHubpagesposted 17 years agoin reply to this

          This hub will not be static: it will grow as soon as I discover other great hubpages on SEO. Of course people can suggest to me as I can't read every hubpages published.

          1. SunSeven profile image60
            SunSevenposted 17 years agoin reply to this

            The easiest thing for you to do is place an RSS capsule with related keywords. But then, as darkside has said it will not be a good start either!

  2. Paraglider profile image89
    Paragliderposted 17 years ago

    pity smile


  3. profile image0
    Lisa Bargerposted 17 years ago

    WOW!  Good for you!  I was impressed when my Essiac article got picked up over the weekend but 2 hours?  Bravo!

  4. livelonger profile image91
    livelongerposted 17 years ago

    Thanks, guys. smile

    I found another mover, not as "hot" (in the 50s in Google Trends' list, not in the top 20), and one that I didn't bookmark on del.icio.us, etc.

    We'll see how much the "hotness" of the keyword trend, and the bookmarking, make a difference.

  5. Angela Harris profile image68
    Angela Harrisposted 17 years ago

    Wow, that's inspiring to us all. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Rudra profile image67
    Rudraposted 17 years ago

    thanks for sharing that. i just checked lipstick recall and its number 1 on g.com

  7. kpfingaz profile image66
    kpfingazposted 17 years ago

    Yah, nice work.

    I check out GTrends every night hoping to find something interesting. I did a hub maybe 3 month ago when news broke that the voip company Sunrocket closed down and got hundreds of searchers and good SE placement for it.


  8. ForTheLove profile image71
    ForTheLoveposted 17 years ago

    Amazing, livelonger! Must be quite rewarding to see that flow of traffic, eh? smile

    I'm going to have to experiment with that, so far my hubpages have all been about topics I've planned to do since I joined, but I definitely want to branch out, so the tips here have helped with that second phase.

  9. stubbs profile image66
    stubbsposted 17 years ago

    Ive just had a hub indexed on Google amazingly quickly, UNDER 30 MINUTES. it was my news article on the Pakistan martial law situation. can't believe how quick that is!

  10. retireyoung profile image61
    retireyoungposted 17 years ago

    If you can get some links in with keywords that are not too competitive, it is not too difficult to get ranked quickly by Google.  The problem is it may not last too long.  Either just enjoy the run and make some quick money or keep trying to build links to maintain your position.

  11. reagu profile image66
    reaguposted 17 years ago

    Just checked Google, you're still #1.  Excellent job!

  12. Sangay Glass profile image69
    Sangay Glassposted 17 years ago

    I love that move.

    I haven't used google to find hot topics, but I have found that listening to people while I'm out and about has helped pick some winners.

    I was at getting my hair done when I over heard the salon owner complain about the volume of calls she was getting about Brazilian Straightening and interviewed her on the spot.

    That article was my first biggie at hubpages, but I also took advantage of the hit and used it to create traffic outside of the box.

    1. livelonger profile image91
      livelongerposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      That's smart!

      There's a whole lot of wisdom out there that should be available on the web. People will want to know about brazilian straightening, but they might not know your hairdresser! But if you make a hub on it, then anyone can read about it and learn.

  13. profile image48
    articles411dotcomposted 17 years ago

    I am new to hub and curious as to what you mean by:

    and have gotten 2800 PVs in less than 3 days.

    Also, can someone tell me what the number by the end of your hub title means.


  14. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 17 years ago

    The number at the end of a Hub title is the Hubscore.


  15. GreatTattoosNow profile image57
    GreatTattoosNowposted 17 years ago

    Well I for one am liking this.  I copied just about what you did and watched the Google Trends page and picked up a keyword on it that was getting hot quickly.  There was a recall ona  popular kids product called AquaDots.  So I created a hub on the recall and went to sleep.  Next day I saw 600 visitors to my page and a nice little extra bonus in my Google Adsense account which I can only assume was from this hub.

    600 unique visitors or PV for a hub that was up for 24 hours only pretty Awesome!  I wonder how many times I can repeat that little trick!

    I am also wondering about the staying power for example I am pretty sure Aquadots recall will not live very longer an soon be off of everyone's list.  Anyway fun and mildly profitable experiment.  Thanks for the ideas and suggestions!


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