All these rules, Google updates, discussions, new rules, complexity and other problems you will all be well aware of, are, as far as I can see, just proof of what an Orwellian, controlled and monitored Police State or New World Order we are actually in.
It appears that quality of writing, research and informational value is no longer of any importance and creativity a hindrance. Poets have no chance! Now we need commercial hubs that get the most traffic that appeal to a manipulated public and that is all that is important. It is also all about making money now, not about artistic creativity or integrity! How sad!
It all appears to be adding to the 'dumbing down of society' which is not a conspiracy theory but something taken seriously at an academic level as I can confirm from when I was in Cardiff University. Again, how sad!
Your opinions please!
I agree with you Bard. Whether it be Google, print media or film and TV, we are in the age of the formula 'blockbuster', anything with a celebrity and lack of curiosity. It appears that there is a lot of information available these days, but in reality there are just certain chunks of information that constantly get repackaged and regurgitated. Everything else is gradually getting buried.
Apparently - The meek shall inherit the earth! But I think perhaps it was the geek instead!!
I totally agree....BUT, if no one is buying what is sold, then the seller makes nothing for his efforts.
If we want Google to change its values, then we the people must change OUR values.
I have a real problem with all this - because I don't think I see it all clearly enough to truly understand it.
a. I most often blame the persons controlling the mass media for constantly omitting any news of value, slanting the news presented to where eyewitnesses wouldn't realize what they'd saw was being discussed, and vomiting up such filth as "lady ga ga," or "honey boo boo" - as if I ought to be stupid enough to enjoy such things.
b. Is my notion legitimate? Or does the mass media simply give the public what it wants?
If no one bought "lady ga ga" ...then soon enough horse face wouldn't be in my Facebook news while I am sure the dog wags the tail, I'm not sure who is the dog and who is its tail any more.
I think the mass media causes the demand by its use of advertising and repetitive statements etc so, yes, it is a tool for the controllers, which are really the big corporations that keep a consumerist culture going to keep the money rolling in. It is all about money and driven by money.
Take Your Secrets to the grave - but have them posted on your Blog on the following day... so that the bludgers choke on their donuts when they see what you've said about them and try to shut you up... but aren't sure how to if you can still talk from the grave!
Surely the forum police haven't been chasing you again for telling them straight Bard?
Who can say but seeing as I am not making much money here now it isn't that that drives me. I am communicating which is what I do. I am a writer and artist! I am also a philosopher.
Even the Daily Telegraph are getting concerned (or worried about their newspaper sales lol!) … peech.html
I just stumbled across this quote on Pinterest...
"A tiger doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of sheep."
I think you assume that people were clamoring to be "correctly" informed in the first place. Ignorance has always been the norm, and it has always been a small portion of the living population throughout history that A) had access to information, and B) availed themselves of its usefulness.
Today there is much greater access to information for all. If most don't choose to avail themselves of it, or are happily led off into the weeds of absurdity rather that putting in the time to pursue some degree of truth, it's not a whole lot different than it always has been. Nothing changes.
It doesn't matter what I'm happy with. Reality has a way of being unconcerned with my opinion, sadly. Human nature is what it is, and it hasn't changed in at least 5,000 years, and probably a whole lot more.
Hey all, I compleatly agree it's like the world is trying to turn us into money making, shallow, morons and I am not sure what we can actually do about it.
What hope is there if free thinkers and the like are getting their voices muffled?
The people who created the internet where hippies, most of them gave what they invented for free. The man who started the World Wide Web likewise created it for everyone, he could have made a lot of money from it but refused to do so. Unfortunately, there are now many businessmen who want to make lots of money from the internet. How it will go is down to the general public, if they resist people demanding money from them and support geeks who still have their hippy ideals of freedom for everyone, then the internet will remain free. But if people give into the the demands of the money hungry businessmen then the internet will become the exclusive playground of the rich.
It seems to be already going that way. Most sites nowadays are all geared to getting money from you and if they claim to be free it is usually a lie. It is free to join or sign up but if you want to get any benefits from the sites you are expected to become a 'Premium Member' or some such category! Or you can do a lot of work for nothing!
The following can be chalked up to real Orwellian Big Brother stuff:
- Children as spies
- Cameras everywhere
- The 10 minute hate (except with all the talk shows in the afternoon it's more the "6 hour hate".
- Newspeak (I noticed it after they slimmed down Weapons of Mass Destruction to WMD).
- The Memory Hole (If people start thinking Bush was a good president, we'll know for sure).
- The rewriting of history (Kindles, Nook, and other book machines, replacing the printed word - easy to edit and revamp. Paper editions are final.)
- The dumbing down of the populace.
So true, it is Big Brother, and more than a few notice. I have noticed recently here at the hub in these forums; if I make a post to encourage a deep conversation, crickets, But the "dirty laundry," the "he said she said," those forums run on and on....We must create an awareness for education in this country, open-mindedness, making sure the classics do not disappear such as 1984, Animal Farm, Crime and Punishment, which opened my mind and eyes...
I agree with everything you say, Bard. But I also see people as their own worst enemy. Whenever groups try to fight the Big Brother mechanics of society they are usually vilified; if not criminalised. Take the OWS movement for example; hundreds of thousands of people across the globe standing up, not just to Wall Street, but monopolistic outfits everywhere. Instead of their neighbours supporting them, joining them, they believed everything they read in the mainstream media about activists engaging in criminal activities or leaving rubbish in sites they occupied. Not even bothering to think about what motivated such stories.
Kids are having to take on massive loans just to further their education, if they can afford to reach higher education at all that is. I suppose in the end, BB knows, that by airing the latest talent show, and encouraging the younger generation to allow mindless nonsense to wash over them, they'll become apathetic and accepting; no longer making the effort to think critically, or pursue other avenues of education.
We are no longer individuals, just consumers.
I've recently come to the hypothesis that countries are run by corporations first; with governments being a distant, though still obnoxious, second.
"Governments are like a pair of tights, on sale in every store, thin, flimsy and easily damaged, but very replaceable." The Rothschilds.
Socialism is as much a tool of the Rothschilds as state capitalism you know.
Personally I don't agree with all this blame the Rothschilds idea that is being pushed by conspiracy gurus like David Icke and Alex Jones. There are and have been good people in that family as in any family and this blaming them causes real hatred some of which I have seen a lot of evidence for ever since I began to support David de Rothschild. Hatemail directed at him always comes from conspiracy theorists.
They are not the only family, but one of the families responsible for the continued centralisation of power and expansion of police-state like powers across the world. I'm not saying that every member of the Rothschilds is bad, but you have to recognise that.
You seem to be restricting your view based on what you believe veers into 'conspiracy theory' territory. This is simply a catchphrase rather than intellectual vigour. The rational way to approach the information would be to analyse it without prejudice.
I assume you want to know why nearly every country in the west is now a police state? If we're going to attempt to tackle this we need to keep our minds wide open - at least you have to admit that one particular family influencing major policy for the last few hundred years is a little un-democratic.
I have actually written a hub about this and amazingly it has hasn't been idled yet! What I object to is the way that large amounts of people, most of which are conspiracy theorists or truthers, follow as gospel whatever Icke and Jones say and then have the nerve to call other people "sheeple". Icke talks about how the Illuminati use 'Divide and rule' as a tool and then goes on to encourage division himself by demonising entire families of people as Satanic Reptilian shapeshifters. Anyone in any such family, who has demonstrably done a lot of good in the world such as Miriam Rothschild, gets left out of the books and lectures and thus a biased view is presented. This bias and hatred surfaces in disturbing ways. There is a video presented by some guy with a YouTube 'Truth show' in which he rudely harasses Lionel de Rothschild in his garden in the UK. Lionel is an elderly man and was out in his garden attending to his shrubs and with his dogs. What he got was a lot of abuse from this idiotic person. When I started to argue with this guy under the video concerned he blocked me from commenting on his site.
I admit, there are certain numbers of people in the 'truther' movement that get over the top and jump to conclusions, but I think the majority of them have more subtle opinions than might be suggested from Youtube comments. David Icke has said numerous times that not all Rothschilds are part of the control system, or are bad people - it's probably only the most loud and obnoxious followers who hold a universal hatred for them, and are skewing your view.
I wouldn't like to see people's minds' closed due to a few unhelpful people.
If David Icke has done that I am glad to hear it. I have seen him punctuating his speeches with "Zionist Rothschild" after naming someone not even in the family.
As for the haters, when David de Rothschild was still at sea I had one person post on my own wall at Facebook that he "hoped the sharks would take him out." Another guy I blocked and reported was posting death curses on the fansite. He had the nerve to object to me removing them. He got blocked and reported. I also remember David having blatant anti-Semitic insults with language I couldn't repeat here tweeted at his site at one point and he had problems getting the offender blocked.
"Rothschild Zionist" is a convenient shorthand to describe particular types of Zionists that the New World Order Rothschilds finance and control, i.e. Zionists that advance the globalist/police-state agenda. Politicians and other powerful figures like David Cameron are Zionists in the Rothschild mode, which means he is in favour of the Jewish occupation of Israel at whatever cost - most accept that there are many Zionists who wish peace between the Jews and the Muslims in Israel, but the Rothschild Zionists describe powerful figures who use Zionist rhetoric to predicate a militaristic power grab in the middle-east. Rothschild Zionists don't necessarily agree with Zionism or even care about the Jewish people. I don't use the term myself because it requires explaining this stipulation to make sure that people understand it doesn't mean all Rothschilds or all Zionists or Jews, and that wastes time. 'Globalists' is much broader but it avoids all that trouble, so that's the word I use. I hope that makes it clear.
That's really disappointing. These people do no favours to the alternative research community.
Very good way of explaining this without demonising as Icke's method tends to do!
The last few years have been a wake up call but in another direction. Anyone who has been an admin for a site supporting David de Rothschild will have seen lots of the hate-fueled anti-Rothschild messages posted. It is very depressing having to moderate this stuff all the time. I would imagine it must be even worse waking up each day knowing there are a whole load of people out there that hate you and some that believe you are a reptilian: I suppose David is used to it by now cos he makes jokes about it but I know it can bother him because he was fed up at one point with what was happening at his twitter site.
My own conclusion is that the "alternative research community" is no better than the mainstream media it condemns.
I can totally admit ....that you made me rather paranoid with all the David Mayer De Rothschild hubs... didn't make me paranoid or cause me to be paranoid....I was just paranoid!
I can definitely credit you, and only you - for allowing me to see David Mayer De Rothschild as ....just another human being...albeit one with a bit more at his disposal to do what he wishes with
He certainly does promote some ideals that ought to be promoted.
Yes, he is "just another human being" as are all of the other elite family members whatever they have done or not done. There are 'good', 'bad' and good and bad, just like with humans in general. That's how I see it. David is trying to do something about improving world conditions and use his position to be able to.
My theory is that the ruling elite are very, very ordinary people with mediocre minds who don't really know what they are doing. I think people would rather believe we are being ruled by intelligent people who are very evil, than being ruled by and bunch of dummies.
Yes, I am sure a lot of them are, though usually very well educated.
Hollie, That is the problem. I wrote and studied about media consolidation, materialism, and consumerism in this country, and every civilized country (I guess that phrase is an oxymoron). I read a hub, it was a poem comparing us to Ancient Rome, amazing how thousands of years changes nothing of the human condition, maybe we are even more indifferent, reverse evolution...The most artistic media of today are animated films; The Lorax, and WAL-E, these films "say" something. Very few young people today are taught to think! They are however, taught to shop. i read a piece in college, I can not remember the name of the author, but it was entitled"Malled in America,"....The propaganda machine has effectively brainwashed a generation, or more, of children. These children are the future of our country (countries) and it is our responsibility of us all to try to break through.
Thanks for agreeing with me on this, Hollie!
From my own personal experience you get criticized for thinking for yourself. Express any views that are different from the normal and you quickly find yourself an outsider, and certainly not part of the 'in crowd'.
I have never been part of the "in crowd"! However, some people who have cult-like followings. or actual cults, express opinions way outside the box and their followers accept whatever is said as the 'truth"! Take David Icke and his Reptilians nonsense, for example. He recently packed out Wembley Statium.
David Icke is great entertainer, and he sells his fantasies as truth. I have come to realise this, people are more interested in entertainment and drama than anything else.
I think you are right, William, and this is a big problem because we need a lot more people looking at and doing something about the real problems not the fantasies!
Fear not! A humble bit of sorcery in a Bath village heralds the downfall of global capitalism!
Also how long is a police state going to last when everyone can make their own gun?
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