Hubpages Vs Personal Website Earning

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  1. LindaSmith1 profile image61
    LindaSmith1posted 12 years ago

    Curious: Do you have multiple accounts, because your profile shows 68 hubs. I took a lot of mine and moved them. I let what I have left sit til it goes idle then I take remove it. I have over 80 articles, new ones, that are not published here, but elsewhere. Earnings are less than 2 bucks a month. It has always been that way no matter how many hubs I had.

    1. chicagoguy profile image63
      chicagoguyposted 12 years ago

      this is a good topic for debate . Unless your own blog is getting lot of traffic , it will be hard to earn a lot !!

      with only few articles , you won't make much anywhere !

      1. FatFreddysCat profile image61
        FatFreddysCatposted 12 years ago

        Honestly, I stopped givin' a crap about the earning aspect of this site early on. Now I just post stuff to have fun with it. Somewhere down the road I'll eventually earn some sort of payout but I'm not going to kill myself trying to get there.

        1. jing-xy profile image60
          jing-xyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          That's the spirit. If we think only about the money we will get frustrated and stop writing eventually.

          1. A Driveby Quipper profile image59
            A Driveby Quipperposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Or, start writing somewhere that pays.

        2. The Engineer profile image55
          The Engineerposted 12 years agoin reply to this


          1. Marisa Wright profile image83
            Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Sadly, I believe the old days are gone for good.   Google has stated many times that they don't like content farms and they've also made it clear they think all revenue-sharing sites, even reputable ones, are basically content farms.  So I don't see us ever returning to the former situation, where HubPages was one of Google's darlings and all we had to do was write articles, and they would fly.

            Google has said the future is authority sites - sites focussed on a single subject, providing a large body of information on that topic.   You've got the potential to create sites like that, so you'd be mad not to focus your efforts there.

            Pre-Panda, the advice was to find a narrow niche for your blog.  These days, with the "authority site" requirement, you can't be too narrow or you'll run out of material.   It could be worth adding a section on your mobile phone repair blog for your other mobile-related articles.  Think carefully about how you set it up so navigation doesn't become difficult - maybe it's best as a sub-domain, then you just have a single link to it on your main blog.

        3. ologsinquito profile image75
          ologsinquitoposted 12 years ago

          It's truly amazing how many of these revenue-sharing sites are popping up. Marisa, you just mentioned a few I've never heard of.

          1. Marisa Wright profile image83
            Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            You do have to read the terms of service carefully before you start.   There are some which don't let you delete your articles, ever.  Stay away from those!

          2. ologsinquito profile image75
            ologsinquitoposted 12 years ago

            Thanks for the heads up. Good ones to avoid.

          3. todom12 profile image60
            todom12posted 12 years ago

            I'm thinking he same thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          4. flash167 profile image84
            flash167posted 12 years ago

            I think that in the long run your own website or blog has much more earning potential.  Not everyone has the skills to create their own website or blog.

            Having a great website with great content doesn't automatically create great earnings.  You also have to develop the skill necessary to drive traffic to your site.

            Even once you get traffic to your site, you still have to learn how to get your visitors to perform the action you desire whether its clicking on an ad or buying a product.

            HubPages provides a great learning opportunity for those who haven't developed the skills needed to have a successful website or blog.

            The nice thing is you get to earn a little while you are at it.

            1. Marisa Wright profile image83
              Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Very true.   The traffic is the hard bit to crack.  If I analyse my earnings per visitor on my sites, they are far, far, far better than my earnings per visitor on any revenue-sharing site.  If I could get my traffic on my sites to the same levels, I'd be laughing!

              1. The Engineer profile image55
                The Engineerposted 12 years agoin reply to this


                1. Marisa Wright profile image83
                  Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  No, I don't have a problem with their ad placement.   I make my blog income with affiliate links, not Adsense.

                  1. Knightmare Golem profile image82
                    Knightmare Golemposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Seems I should be rethinking things... I haven't really been pushing any affiliate links at all.  Well, I don't have a blog and just using HP for now... but still... finding the right path isn't easy.

              2. Sue B. profile image63
                Sue B.posted 8 years agoin reply to this

                I know this is an old thread but it was interesting to read.  Could you tell me how you monetinize your personal blog-specifically?  I love Hubpages and will always be on here but I've decided I'm ready to have my own site now.  I'd love to share my articles on it but really add something to my little dream niche.  I don't understand what is out there beyond AdSense.  The Hubpages Program I think is really good- it's the most I ever earned-ever.  I'd love something just like that available for my own site.  I probably need to start my own thread but I was hoping to get your opinion!

                1. Marisa Wright profile image83
                  Marisa Wrightposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Which platform are you using to start your own site?   

                  If you are "going the whole hog", buying hosting and using Wordpress software to create your site, then you have a great many options.  Developers have created a host of add-ons (called plugins) for Wordpress.   There are plugins that will enable you to add Amazon and eBay capsules pretty much the same way you do on HubPages. There are plugins that will help you with Adsense, and plugins for systems like Skimlinks.

                  Note that if you use (as opposed to Wordpress software on your own host), you can't use advertising at all - so don't get the two confused.

                  If you are using Blogger, then you will need to learn how to use HTML affiliate links provided by merchants, OR use Skimlinks.  I wrote a Hub on how to monetize your blog and how to use Skimlinks, you'll find them on my profile.

                  1. Sue B. profile image63
                    Sue B.posted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Thanks for the reply! I have my own hosting now with a wordpress theme.  I already have an AdSense account here. I never heard of  Skimlinks but I'll need to start to really understand this and read your hub. Thanks for the info!

                2. ologsinquito profile image75
                  ologsinquitoposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Sue, is not hard to use and much better in the long run than working with a free platform. It depends upon your goals. If your goal is to earn money online, you pretty much need your own Wordpress iste. Good luck in this new venture.

                  1. Rodeon profile image59
                    Rodeonposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    +100. smile

          5. creativegenius profile image72
            creativegeniusposted 12 years ago

            Not sure why you are earning only a few bucks. I checked a handful of your HubPage articles and they are all ranking within the first 10 search engine results (Google) which is extremely hard (and costly) to do on your own.  I'm dumbfounded as you are.

            1. brimancandy profile image76
              brimancandyposted 12 years ago

              If I could create a site that earned me $10.00 a day, I would be a happy camper. But, a question would be, if you have a site that is earning you that money, how are you supporting that site? Are you hooked up with a server? How did you create your own site?

              I know there are some places where you can pay to have your own site, but it's not cheap. I would like to find one that has no restrictions on what you can publish. I once had a pg-13 site, in which I was getting 10,000 views a day. That was with geocities, back then you could pretty much put whatever you wanted on the web. I actually made money selling my own stuff through that site. But, then Geocities was closed up by Yahoo, and I lost everything I had there. Now you have to pay for a website there, and they restrict the crap out of what kind of site you can have, and it can only be a non profit site.

              I would like to know how some of these huge profit sites got to be where they are.

              1. tussin profile image59
                tussinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I own some sites that earn such figures per day and higher.  I purchased my domain names from registrars and bought hosting from a hosting company that lets me associate an unlimited number of domains with my account.  The overall yearly cost is really low.

                If you take care of the coding, design, and CMS (content management system) yourself, you will save a lot of money.  If you don't know how to do any of that and don't want to learn, then you'll have to hire someone.  That's where things can become expensive.

                If you are the owner of the domain name and pay to rent server space, there are no restrictions on what you can put on your site so long as you are within the law.  (no child porn or selling illicit drugs).  It's not like hubpages where you have censors and moderators. You can make your site as commercial as you want.

                1. readytoescape profile image59
                  readytoescapeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  That’s what I do, 3 domains, one hosting service. My Hosting Service allows multiple domains unlimited subdomains, email accounts, web pages and web posts. They also supply free access to hundreds of web templates. I think I pay about $150.00 per year for all.

                  I unpublished all but one hub and Just started moving my articles over about a week or two ago to my own sub domains and have already seen increases in traffic well beyond what I ever saw here.

                  1. tussin profile image59
                    tussinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    A lot of people think it's a really complicated process that's way over their heads, but it once they do it they see it's not as hard as expected.

              2. Marisa Wright profile image83
                Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                If you managed to make money with a site once, you should try again.

                The cheapest way is on Blogger, but don't use the .blogspot URL.  It makes your site sound amateurish. 

                Go and buy yourself a domain name ending in .com, .net or .org - pick a catchy name that describes what you're writing about, NOT your own name please!   Attach it to your Blogger blog.  The domain name will cost you less than $10 a year.

                Bear in mind that if you're using Blogger and Adsense, you may fall foul of Adsense terms of conditions with adult topics, just like here.

                If you can afford a bit more, get your own hosting - it will only cost you about $7 a month at Hostgator if you pay by the month, and a lot less if you can pay in advance.  Sure, there are some technical hurdles to overcome, but once you've got it set up (and Hostgator support is very helpful indeed), maintaining a site built on Wordpress software is no more difficult than maintaining a Blogger blog.  And you have total freedom to do anything you like.

                PM me if you need some help with either.

            2. Xenonlit profile image60
              Xenonlitposted 12 years ago

              I have a webpage but it is to market me book. I did manage to add my tweets to my articles, and to put the link on all my profiles.

              I'm doing well at Blogger, with clients and at another content mill. This place took up a lot of time with disappointing results. I really come here for the black triangles and the forums.

              1. brimancandy profile image76
                brimancandyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I am on Blogger. But don't know if anything has come out of that. I hooked it up with my Adsense account. But, don't think I have earned anything from it.

                1. Marisa Wright profile image83
                  Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  I already answered this post but I just had a look at your Blogger blog and wanted to add something.

                  If you want to make money online these days, you really have to leave your ego at the door.  Nobody browsing the internet gives a toss about you.  Writing a blog about yourself is a solitary exercise doomed to failure, unless you're famous or you've had a very interesting life.

                  A blog about your personal experience can be very successful, if it's centered around a particular aspect of you - say, your sexuality or a health condition or a personality disorder or a career quest - because you can share that experience in ways that will help your readers. But you have to write it in that spirit, not as a personal monologue.   

                  I think you'd have the material to write a blog like that, but I recommend you wipe the slate and start again.  With a blog name that reflects what you're writing about, not your name.

            3. psycheskinner profile image78
              psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

              You can still have a site for free, or less than $10 a year if you want your own domain name. My websites don't make a huge amount but most of it is clear profit.

            4. moronkee profile image69
              moronkeeposted 12 years ago

              I'm just having fun writting articles.I know for sure that one day I will earn some money.

              1. flash167 profile image84
                flash167posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                That's a great way to look at it.  If you earn some money that's just icing on the cake!

            5. profile image57
              daun1919posted 12 years ago

              If you used to earn a lot previously with HP it means you can still earn a lot now.

              May be now days the competition has become tougher than before. You may need to promote your article more extensive than before to get more back links and eventually rank higher  in the search engine to get more visitors to your hub.

            6. kohuether profile image63
              kohuetherposted 12 years ago

              I think that it is best to earn money from your own sites. That's pretty much what I do but I enjoy hubpages because it is a good outlet for me. It gives me a chance to write about things I enjoy writing about. Some of my other projects are a little boring. I am barely making anything at the moment on hubpages - I am hoping that will change - but my other projects are more successful.

            7. HattieMattieMae profile image61
              HattieMattieMaeposted 12 years ago

              I have other blogs and stuff hooked to this one, and don't see it either. smile I think since they've switched things on hubpages it makes it harder. Was doing well until they changed stuff. smile

            8. profile image54
              KIm Jolieposted 12 years ago

              To me hugeness is not giving good benefits to good article as well.

            9. Running Young profile image60
              Running Youngposted 12 years ago

              I am new here and i only have 10 featured hubs so far. earning is $0.27 so far. :-) I honestly thought i am late riding the bandwagon.

            10. HikeGuy profile image68
              HikeGuyposted 12 years ago

              Google's tips for webmasters are a good place to start for learning how to adapt to the changes. Interlinking pages between HP, Blogger and other sites can help traffic to niche content. Updating regularly, and doing relevant, non-spamming promotion helps, too.

              I don't have many hubs, but I get steady Google traffic and make payout from the HP ad program regularly. I haven't published here since the TOS changes. I left the hubs up because they go back four years and add to my online presence. Content gains authority with Google over time. This was just an experiment and I didn't monetize them at all for a couple of years. I write articles for a living, so the money that comes in from this is a bonus.

              I've learned a lot from writers here. I hope everyone has a prosperous 2013!

            11. Kangaroo_Jase profile image72
              Kangaroo_Jaseposted 12 years ago

     is $US 3.75 per month, so that's 45 bucks to registrar a domain name and hosting for a year.

              This is also an unpaid endorsement, so if you click the link and register, I don't get anything.

            12. wqaindia profile image33
              wqaindiaposted 12 years ago

              I enjoy writing my hubs. Though I am having my personal site yet I have found HubPages to be having more user friendly interface. Now I write the articles here and provide a title link on my personal site.  I am doing it as a Hobby. I plan to shift all my articles on my site as a new hub after updating the articles and removing from my site so as not to run the risk of being classified as duplicate or copied content.

            13. Rik Ravado profile image80
              Rik Ravadoposted 12 years ago

              Its sad how mostly negative people are now about HubPages. I've been here over 4 years and its been a real roller coaster of a ride.  Although most of my hubs don't earn much my overall earnings are looking good at present because a small number of high earning/high traffic Hubs.

              I don't write much new material on Hubpages but maintain the hubs I already have.  There is still real money to be made here and, as others have said, its a great place to write and learn. smile

              1. sallybea profile image81
                sallybeaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Thanks for a little positive writing, so important for new writers starting out and correct me if I am wrong but surely a forum such as this is actually doing  something positive, like driving traffic to Hubpages

            14. ilscherzo profile image67
              ilscherzoposted 12 years ago

              I'm new to HubPages, and so this has been most helpful. Thanks.

            15. profile image0
              alwaysamberposted 12 years ago

              Great question. I am still fairly new here, but keep getting denied by AdSense. It's gotten me somewhat disappointed sad

              1. Marisa Wright profile image83
                Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I had a quick look at some of your Hubs.  I suggest you post a couple of them in the "Improving Your Hub" section here:


                to get some feedback on how to improve them. Maybe that will help you with Adsense.


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