Help !
I have been rejected by Adsense twice. I dont understand why , I followed all the requirements I thought.
I was able to get some more specific info from Google , they informed me I was rejected because the sites seems to be Under Construction ?
and there for " because our crawlers were unable to read the content or code on your site"
What Code on my Site Are they talking about ? I dont have a Adsense code , Isnt that what I am applying for ? And Why Can the read my Content ?
I cant re-apply thru Hubpages , but can apply again directly thru Adsense .
Who else has experienced the same ?
I think they mean code as in HTML code and not the AdSense affiliate code.
Do you know if you had any Hubs unpublished or submitted for review at the time of your application?
How many published Hubs did you have when you applied?
Thanks , I had 6 Hubs Published - The creator of the Hubs has the same quality of content in the 6 Hubs he created for Me. None were under review
I am currently have 15 more Hubs in creation. I heard I may need at least 15 to 20 Hubs. Although a few people in this Post who have 18 or so Post and still get rejected ,, I will wait until the 20 Hubs I will have are Published and out of Review .
What do you think ?
It sounds like you are having other people write your content. Are you working for an SEO company or paying someone to write your content?
We have no specific number of Hubs to recommend having before re-applying for AdSense. Unfortunately, Google doesn't really issue any sort of guidelines regarding the quantity of content for which they are looking.
Your best course of action to determine exactly why they rejected your application would be to contact AdSense support.
I have been told some hubbers waited for up to ayear before Adsense accepted them, They made it even harder now. I also assume if your articles are of a commercial nature, and good, then you got better chance. So I think its best to write about very popular articles done to win some #traffic' over.
Then they may think-'' oh yes this person getting potential customers here''. What I and many other hubbers think is unfair and hipocriticle of Adsense,is the fact they put adverts on our hubs from day one our first hub is out, without the hubbr getting a dime..
Adsense is not being hypocritical. Ads appearing on your Hubs has nothing to do with Adsense.
Those ads are placed by HubPages. HubPages makes its money by placing ads on our Hubs - that's how it can afford to offer us a free place to write. So they're entitled to place ads on our Hubs whether or not we're able to earn from them.
Its a shame so many people having probs with payments etc from adsense amd hubpages,when hubpages basically is a very well designed site.
You have only 6 hubs, none more than a day old. This will be considered insufficient quality content by adsense. These days 10 is suggested as a minimum and a little age on them always helps. You also seem to be using pictures that are under copyright, I would suggest replacing those with copyright free material.
I have also been rejected by Ad Sense. I heard that you have to be on here for 6 months, before you will get accepted? Not sure if that's true. I have applied several times, but keep getting rejected.
I believe it the amount of Hubs . I currently have 6 hubs , although a friend was approved for just 5 Hubs.
Now I hear anything from 10 Hubs to 20 to 100 Hubs ?
the 6 month rule shouldnt apply if you are in the USA.
Google verifies each submission on a case-by-case basis. There is no definite magic number of hubs to get approved. Generally the higher number of hubs you have and the better quality they are, the more likely you will be approved. Six months ago I was approved only after publishing 10 hubs. They may be more strict nowadays. Try for 10 to 15 good quality hubs before submitting again.
I finally got approved for Adsense - I am waiting for the Last Approval - My Adsense Account says my site is Under Final Review - for about 7 days now. If this wasnt for a Hosted Site such as Hunpages - the final step would be to place the adsense code on my site.
Since we cant do that with Hubpages - Do I know have to update my account in Adsense with the Adsense info and Say - Yes i have an adsense and that will get the code on my Hubs ?
I was rejected by Adsense the first time I applied thru Hubpages , but Approved when I applied again directly thru Adsense
Thanks !!
yay! Me too...FINALLY APPROVED! I am waiting on the test deposit to go into my account. How long did yours take?
The test deposit took 3 days to get to me because it was over the Martin Luther King Holiday - once I completed that - Its been week - saying I am under final review - I am not sure if they are waiting for me to update my account in Hubpages to get the code on
When you look at your Adsense account - it says waiting on verification of deposit and also Still under review ?? You have 2 holds ?
Yes, that's what mine says about the 2 holds. This past Friday is when I got approved, so I'm guessing that the test deposit should go through this week
As soon as you get the small deposit and enter in into your Adsense account , that message goes away instantly, then what remains is the Still Under Review Message - I wonder if we have to change the Account setting in Hubs to say - Yes , I have an Adsense account and then the Code gets on the Hubs ?
When you you ask for a test bank deposit ?
I just looked at your profile and the AdSense account you have associated with your profile is showing as disapproved.
Please follow up with Google for further details.
You can also email us with questions, but be aware the AdSense application review process is completely under the control of Google and we will have only the information they have provided to use, which isn't much more than the status.
I have just done my deposit confirmation, so how long do I wait before everything is final?
I just looked at your profile and the AdSense account you have associated with your profile is showing as disapproved.
Please follow up with Google for further details.
You can also email us with questions, but be aware the AdSense application review process is completely under the control of Google and we will have only the information they have provided to use, which isn't much more than the status.
Can i know how did you identify the problem EditorsTopReviews? AdSense sent me an e-mail and it was just a generic letter that tells me that the application was disapproved. So again, how did you identify the problem?
I would reapply through Adsense. There were some problems today with Hubpages that they were working on. I hope this time it works for you!
Oh my mistake, I see you figured it out. How did you figure out your problem, what was it? I am having an issue myself. Been here a week, 19 hubs (all featured and scored in the 70's) and 800 or so pageviews but been rejected a few times on Adsense.
It took me about 8 times before I was finally accepted. I have 25 hubs , but not exactly sure what it is they are looking for.
Great news! Glad you finally got accepted!
I'm at 22 hubs and 1100 hubviews... still denied. All my hubs are featured too.
Gosh that sounds very odd, you deserve to get better recognition than that by them. Regards
Thank you very much. I've only been here a week but still... I've worked hard rather than posting sub-par content - Hubpages wouldn't have featured and kept them featured otherwise, right?
try to register adsense through get my adsense account from docstoc..
oh, and also use @gmail, some ppl say its can help you somehow
It took me three or four times to get accepted also... I want to say it is on here in FAQ's that you can find more info on what they are looking for in order for you to have an account! Good luck!
Adsense keeps telling me to Put the Tracking Code on my Site ??? Its not Possible with Hubs or is it
Editors: Tells you what to do step by step.
That doesnt seem to be accurate - I was Rejected for Adsense thru Hubpages - then Got Approved for Adsense for my Hubpages - but the Adsense section of my Hubpage just directs me back to Adsense - who tells me to place Code on my Sites ?
Do you have your code yet? I'm wondering how long it will take me to get my code now, since I've done the whole deposit verification.
Hi alwaysamber, Do you have a Publisher ID showing at the top of your page when you log into your AdSense account? If so, that is the code you will want to use.
I think it took mine 1-2 days before mine moved from pending to fully approved.
PS - Once mine was approved, I didn't actually need to enter the publisher ID anywhere in Hubpages. It was pulled in automatically when I followed the steps outlined in the link LindaSmith posted above.
Where exactly would it be? On my hubpages acct. or in adsense?
You should be able to see the Publisher ID in your AdSense Account.
But all you should really need to do is go into your HubPages account Settings under Earnings, then hit "Configure" next to Google Adsense. Where it asks "Do you already have an AdSense Account?" you should hit yes. I believe it will then ask you for your email adress, phone number, and zip code, and then it will automatically pull in your AdSense ID. I can't remember if I was able to do this before I got my final AdSense approval (no longer on hold) or if I had to wait...
Editors TopReviews is right. It won't allow us to do that. I'm hoping that someone can help us
Sorry I couldn't help! If your AdSense account is still in the review period, that may be part of the issue.
Also, when I try to put the last 4 digits of my phone number in, it says "Please enter the last 5 digits of the phone number associated with your Google AdSense account." but that is the phone number
I cant add the Adsense info in my Hubpage Account - I was denied thru my first application for Adsense thru Hubpages , but got my Hubs Approved Directly thru Adsense - under earning if say my application was denied , since Hubpages does not know I was approved Directly thru Adsense
So Are you saying - Where is says do I have a Adsense Account - Now Change it to "Yes " enter my email phone# and Zip ? I actually asked someone at Google- Adwords - who said the spoke to Adsense and that would not Work - I am waiting for another reply from them
Yes, I would change it to "yes" and add your email, phone #, and zip code. This worked for me about a week ago when I set up my new account, but I am not sure if there is something different with your account... If you are working with AdSense directly, they can probably help you better than I.
Was your Adsense orignally Approve thru HubPages or Adsense ?
I am trying to get thru to Adsense - its challenging - But someone at Adwords is talking to them for me
I was initially rejected by AdSense, so I followed a link in their rejection email to apply again later. I would think that once you are approved, either way it is the same process (clicking "yes" to "Do you already have an AdSense account" and following the steps from there). Once you go through those steps, you will see a red "hosted account" label at the top of your AdSense account homepage since Hubpages is a host partner.
Thats exactly it - I was rejected going thru Hubpages - Reapplied thru Adsense directly after building more Hubs - Then I was approved - 2 Holds on my acount 1st I had to update and go thru direct deposit verification - Done - So then I have 1 Hold remaining - And I do Have the Red Hosted Account Label on my account saying its still under review.
So you had the same ? Updated the info on Hubpages and then The Hold Went Away ? Thats when Adsense will also begin to crawl the content more as well .
Does that sound like Your xperience then ?
Yes, sounds the same. Your second hold will go away once your account is fully reviewed (I don't know if this is in connection with updating your HubPages settings).
Once you have configured your AdSense account through your Hubpages earnings settings, don't forget to also make sure that HubPages earnings is enabled.
Do you recall if you updated you Hubpage account after your final approval was gone from your Adsense Account or Updating your Hub Acct with your info for Adsecne lifed the final review on your adsense account ?
Is that when the Under final Review message disappeared or did the final review disappear and then you entered info into your Hub Account ?
How long after did the Final review message disappear from your Adsense Account ?
How did you manage to reapply? Once you've submitted an application with a URL, you can't change that URL.
If you applied using a different email address, then it's a separate application and your original (rejected) application still exists. I suggest emailing HubPages to see if they can remove that information from your account so you can use your new, approved Adsense ID instead.
I was rejected the first time as I applied thru Hubpages - got an email from Google , Added Content , and was Accepted directly thru Adsense - you get 1 shot to apply thru a Hubpage acct.
I am on the right track - Thanks
But I see the Red Hosted Account Now - Before I entered my Adsense info - Just Says still under review - But I didnt fill in and chose Yes - I have an Adsense acct info yet - I just have the Rejected by google - please re-apply thru Google message in the Google set up in my Hubs Account
Please let me know what you find out, because I'm having the same problem.
@Faith A Mullen-everything is now set up and my account has been verified to allow code, however in my adsense page, it still says "HOLD" for further review. Did yours also say this? If so, for how long?
thats the issue - we Dont own the site on Hubpages - since its hosted - I am looking for someone - anyone who can answer that. If someone applies for Adsense and is Accepted thru Hubpages - there is no code to apply as well .
The Hubs that say put Code on Account page are out dated - that cant be done - so hopefully I can find someone who can assit
You do have enough Hubs. Do all your Hubs have the feature logo on them? If they don't, let the process go through first and foremost. Afterwards, try to apply for the AdSense that way. When I waited for all my Hubs to be published, I applied for the AdSense that way and got approved. Also, give yourself another week or two and see if you can get approved finally.
Google is a gigantic corporation and by applying for AdSense you are essentially going to them and asking, "Hey, want to team up and be partners?"
After all, they place their content on your site and you get paid.
People who get approved for AdSense get approved for a number of reasons. 1) The author/company name "Brand" is either really popular, when Google "crawls" them a lot of items and followers or traffic come up or 2) Because they are established with content on the Internet that has gotten a respectable amount of traffic and thus has a respectable amount of followers/readers AS WELL AS a long standing presense on the Internet under the same brand.
Google is not going to "hire" someone that is unstable. If you have only been a member of HubPages for a couple months, you can forget getting approved unless other articles on the internet with your "Brand" speak for themselves. If you do not have a lot of traffic or a lot of Hubs published, they will deny you.
In order for yourself to be approved for AdSense, you're going to have to show Google physical evidence that you are a stable investment and that you have plenty of material talent to bring to the table.
Well - I have friends approved - with less than 10 hubs - others took 4 hubs others 20 - The guys who help design our hubs - all were approved - with the same amount and quantity of content - all who never had Adsense accounts and in less that a week - so I cant dispute what you say - - but will have to disagree with some as well - Thanks for your input !
I agree. There are also people on here who have not been on here for a long period of time and are getting approved.
You may be talking to people off-forums, but my observation is that Adsense seems to have raised the bar in the last two or three months.
Last year, you could get approved with 10 Hubs. This year, it seems like most people are having to wait until they have at least 20 Hubs.
The change is not surprising. When I first joined HubPages, you could get an Adsense account with one Hub. They've been making it more difficult in stages ever since.
I have put in my test deposit verification and am now waiting on what I'm guessing is my final approval. Do you know how long that process takes?
Well I keep getting "
Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. After reviewing your
application, our specialists have found that it does not meet our program
criteria. Therefore, we are unable to accept you into our program." and I have 20 hubs
Neinahpets, I just had a look at your page and I can't see why they would say no other than that you've been on hubpages for two weeks. They may want to see that you have been a member for 1-2 months before applying - just a guess.
I applied really early on and got rejected so now I will create at least 10 hubs before trying again - who knows - it might be another negative response.
Good luck and keep trying
Thanks so much for the insight. I'm going to see how it goes now that I've made some changes.
I just found out my Google Adsense account has been denied for insufficient content, despite the fact I have 24 hubs. Some of my hubs are well over 1,500 words. A couple of my alternative cancer hubs are starting to get outside traffic.
The staff member from the Hub Pages payment department has been very nice, and very supportive. HP will be looking into the matter.
But the fact remains that I can continue to write for HP, but without the possibility of being compensated.
New writers especially need to be made aware of the fact they can spend a lot of time constructing hubs, without the possibility of ever being paid for their work.
In my case, I do have other writing opportunities. But this may not be the case for everyone.
Some people land at HP after being laid off. They need to know, right from the beginning, they may be embarking upon a financial dead end, because they may or they may not get approved for Adsense.
Can I ask, how did you know that you had insufficient content? Did you contact Google or something like that?
"Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. After reviewing your
application, our specialists have found that it does not meet our program
criteria. Therefore, we are unable to accept you into our program. "
Is all I keep getting. If I knew why I didn't meet their criteria, I'd push to meet their standard. It doesn't make sense
I agree completely with you. They should tell us what we went wrong instead of a generic "you have been disapproved" letter. They should tell the applicants what went wrong so that the applicants can change accordingly.
Exactly. I worry that maybe my writing is going to be worthless in terms of monetary gain... which is why I started sharing my insights in the first place.
try register trough indyarocks or docstoc, more alternatives more chance you can get adsense account, they only need 1 article and some easier terms before you can submit it
Maybe I will check that out. Thanks wimbydea!
Unfortunately, once you've submitted an application with one site on it, you can't change the URL. So you're stuck with the HubPages application for now.
I know because several Hubbers applied to Google direct instead of using the step-by-step instructions, and used the wrong URL for HubPages, which meant they kept getting denied. And they were stuck, because they couldn't ask Google to change the URL. The only option is to contact them and ask them to change it, but as Greencha says, no one seems to know how to contact them!
You could try posting some Hubs in the Improve Your Hubs section, but it may just be a case of keep writing. No one knows for sure how many Hubs you need.
A possible resolve here would be ,as many recent/relatively new hubbers to bombard hubpages staff with as many questions as possible,even duplicated ones until they TELL ADSENSE TO SEE SENSE
HubPages has no influence over Adsense whatsoever. It's just another website which uses Adsense to earn revenue. In fact they have so little influence that they're constantly in fear of Adsense taking that ability away from them, if they break even the tiniest of Adsense's rules. And they're right to be fearful - every internet writer knows of people who have lost their Adsense account for seemingly trivial reasons.
Don't think that HubPages' size gives them any power over Adsense. HubPages may be large, but again, there are so many hordes of other websites eager to display ads, Adsense would barely notice if HubPages withdrew its support. Adsense holds all the cards, as it proved recently when it removed all its ads from HubPages' competitor, Wizzley, because it didn't like a few photos on one article.
It would be unproductive - and unfair - for Hubbers to bombard HubPages' staff with complaints about Adsense, when they can do absolutely nothing about it.
Thanks for making things a bit clearer. I'm not a conspiracy theorist,BUT,you mentioned about Adsense being a bit 'touchy' about a photo they didnt like, Well Google/Adsense may well possibly be run by a radical left wing or right wing Organisation/political or RELIGIOUS? Regards
Well from all the many comments and forums etc,I have been reading, there is certainly something very odd going on with Adsense.
Firstly there is illogical inconsistancy by Adsense in the approvals./disapprovals
Secondly,its very strange no one seems to be able to contact them re NO CUSTOMER SERVICE.
Thirdly why doesn't hubpages come clean and open with new hubbers? They know by now there is serious probs with the multi-billion dollar organisation called--Adsense.
If this was a UK based company there would be uproar and our trading standards (Government Inspection body) would be looking at 'em.
Sorry to sound negetive but 2+2 is not equaling 4 here after all the info I have been colllating,regarding the New Saviour of mankind called Adsense.
I don't know but if there is continuing inconsistancies and apparant unfairness being operated by Adsense,then this makes Nosense, So one could easily summarise with these following possible reasons for that POSSIBLY being the case.
1/ Adsense is backed and run by either a political or religiouslly biased organisation.(so therefore your either for 'em or against 'em.
2/ The organisation has become too big for itself therefore becoming incompetant.
3/ Adsense and Hubpages have got legal rangles going on... so watch this space.. as we say in UK
Adsense, eBay, Paypal - they're all the same. They're great when things go right, but awful when things go wrong, because it's almost impossible to contact customer service (or if you do, you get a standard email reply which makes it obvious no one has read your question).
I'm afraid it seems to be standard for the internet. These companies have so many people keen to do business with them, they have no incentive to do better - for every person who gets fed up and goes elsewhere, there are several eager would-be internet entrepreneurs, gasping to take their place.
No conspiracy, but it's a fact that if a company can save money by reducing customer service, and get away with it, it will. I've worked at management level in many large corporations and I've seen it happen (to my disgust) so many times. Just look at call centres - I've seen the figures in board meetings, senior management know darn well that customers will be worse off. At one company, I was even been told to disable quality monitoring so there would be no reports no how bad it was, and therefore the directors wouldn't have to do anything about it.
Good point you make here also. But surely there is some kind of watch dog for crap standards here isnt there?Hubpages managers should pull their finger out and tell Adsense they will strike 'em off their account and get another company on board such as ones mentioned prieviously. ONE OF THE MANY QUESTIONS STILL REMAINS UNANSWERED--WHY DO ADSENSE PUT ADVERTS ON NEW HUBBERS PAGES FROM ALMOST THE FIRST HUB PRODUCED,AND YET SAY THAT THERE IS NOT ENOUGH HUBS YET TO PAY YOU A CENT? iT RAISES VERY SERIOUS SUSPICIONS.
We cross-posted. Above you will see my explanation of why HubPages can't tell Adsense to get their act together - HubPages has no authority over Adsense, any more than you or I do.
I also already explained: Adsense do not put ads on your Hubs. HubPages has an advertising program which places ads of various kinds on your Hubs, so that HubPages can earn revenue to keep the site running. Some of those ads happen to be supplied to HubPages by Adsense.
Gosh,that must have been frustrating,especially as you are obviouslly conscientious about your work.
The same attitude (re- crap customer service)is becoming prominent here in UK .Complaints across the board have rocketed here in UK ,over last few years, especially about dyre customer service from the BIG multinationals..sign of OUR times I suppose...
Did you Ever Get Even Approved past the 1st level - then Go for final Review - and then Got Denied-- or Just Denied for insuffient Content - and thats it ?
I have tried to apply for the AdSense for a long time. Starting from last year from my YouTube account. Finally I got sick of it and quitted making videos... Then, when thought I found an opportunity, Google disapproved the application again. I agree, it's a risk but I'm willing to work harder to improve my chances.
As long as you know it's a risk that's one thing. Many people don't understand that such an investment in their time may not pay off as they had hoped.
That's really disheartening--thanks for sharing it, though. I had heard that one should have at least 10 hubs before applying, so I applied when I had 14 and was also denied. I was hoping it was just because some of my hubs are short (400-500 words, but ironically, those are the ones most popular with google traffic). I suppose I'll wait until I have 20 or 25. Sigh.
why you are imposing register adsense through hubpages? there are several other sites that can help you get adsense account, such doctstoc, indyarocks, and many other sites (google it) and use @ gmail for your email address (indyarock and docstoc only needs 1 article and complete your profile before you can submit it as far i remeber) . Once you adsense account then link your Hubpages account. would have been easier if you have other alternatives than just hoping to get adsense account from Hubpages. and myself get adsense account from Indyarocks and docstoc (with different payee name of course)
adsense only let 1 person to have 1 google adsense account,
so I made a 2 account with a different name and address, 1 of them i use my real name and adress, and other you can use other (it can be your dad, friends, husband, etc) but you still have a access for the cheque, so if sometimes 1 of them get baned, i still other account.
But isn't that illegal? I thought only 1 is supposed to be made from 1 person...
It is... I won't be doing that method. It's some hack trick I saw on another website and it can get you banned from Adsense on both accounts. That's fraudulent to do. I guess I'll just be hoping and praying I get in.
Well then, I hope you the BEST Neinahpets!
as long you not use both and the same time and same website, what i mean with have 2 account doesnt mean i use both at the same time and website.
its illegal if you use same payee name, you can use different payee name likes your wife or husband, as long you have acess fo the cheque, dont use both account at the same time, use only one account as your primary, and use your 2nd account if your primary account got banned. I only use 1 account and i use other account if if one day my account get banned (I hope it does not happen)
Thats interesting,when you say different payee name,do you mean different e-mail adress?
I think it depends where you are. In some countries, you are allowed only one Adsense account per address, so husband and wife can't even have separate accounts, in spite of having a different payee name.
It's not compulsory to apply for Adsense through Hubpages. You can apply through any site.
My Adsense account has been saying pending final review for like two weeks now and I have not seen any test deposit information only a hold.
Mine was finally approved..did the test deposit, now just waiting for the FINAL review. No telling how long it will take. It's all very confusing and frustrating.
I dont believe we will see any final approval until the Adsense info is added to the Hubpage Account - That place the code on our HubAccount and Sync's the Adsense acct - Read the Adsense Approval email - Part 1 - do the test deposit - part 2 - Get the code on the site - since we dont have access to the Sites - placing the info on the hub account will get sync and let Google Scan all our Hubs - Does that make Sense ?
So how does Adsense get added to the Hupage account?
in your Hub - Go to Account - Then Earning - there you add the Adsense in 2 places
Account - Earnings - Then
Hubpage Earning Program Setting - Configure - Ad Program
Choose 2 ) Associate a Google Adsense Account - Choose Yes if you have a Adsense Account - Add the infor from your Adsense Account
Then Again under earnings - External Affiliate Settings
( where now mine says I was disapproved when I applied thru Hubs )
Configure and Again change the Yes i have a Adsense Account - same info here from your Adsense Acct -
That links the Adsense and Hubs so Google can start crawling the Page
Thats exactlt what the other person in this thread did - who experience the same
And the Also Earnings - Set up your Reporting Setting for Google Analytics and The Payment Setting for Paypal
Do Complete any of these steps yet ?
I have tried to do this but where it says to put the last 4 digits of your phone number in, it's giving me a message saying that they don't have that listed or something like that. However, when I go into Ad Sense page, my phone number is there. Not sure if I'm missing something???
phone # should be 5 digits I believe
Today - Under my HubPage Account - Under the
External Affiliate Settings - I know see the Status is Now Active - and I have an affiliate Code on my Hub Account ,
I dont recall this there yesterday - But Still cant add Adsense info to the Earnings Section
Probably is sensible.. but seems mighty confusing...
Ok, so I have finally been able to configure everything on Hubpages, however, when I go into my AdSense account, it says that my account is still on hold and being reviewed. Does anyone know how long this process will take?
Oh and I forgot to mention that I received the e-mail saying tha I'll need to grant hubpages access to the ad code and when I clicked on the link, I got this message "Grant Account Access Failed
Sorry, we could not verify your AdSense account. Please check that the URL in your web browser exactly matches the URL in your confirmation email.
If you have any questions or concerns, please visit the AdSense Help Center." SO FRUSTRATING!
Amber - In Hubpages - where you apply for Adsense thru Hub - Does it say Active ? The error message That I used to have there previously telling me I was Rejected - please Apply Directly thru Adsense - Is now Gone and it says I now have an Active account - still a Hold on the Adsense site - So something is going on - Google is now crawling the sites I can guess
Hi EditorsTopReviews,
I think you were asking me. As of Monday night, it looked as if I was going to be approved and looked as if things were going in the right direction. It looked as if it were activated on my account. I had a number and everything. I assumed it was approved, although I was a little puzzled why I hadn't received an email. Then, on Tuesday afternoon I received an email saying I was going to be denied. Fortunately, I have paid offline writing assignments, as well as other Internet sites that pay regardless of whether you have an Adsense account.
Alwaysamber, it can take a very long time. If it's unduly long I'd contact Hub Pages payments and see what is going on.
EditorsTopReviews, yes you are right. The final approval comes after you see the Adsense code on your Hub Pages account.
Would you happen to know why I'm getting that message?
I apologise alwaysamber,was meant for ologsinquito..regards..
Oh no, sorry! lol-I was actually asking ologsinquito about the whole link thing not working.
oh wait, now I'm getting th access granted noticed! THIS IS SO STRANGE!
@greencha-I'm not understanding what you mean? lol
Hi , just my way of pleasantly acknowledging, the fact that I am glad that it seems this Adsense stuff is sorting for
No, I don't mind at all. Zujava is a very good platform and is very easy to work with. Zujava does have a review process that can drag out, but I think has improved lately. It requires you to publish three "leaves" for review. Until then you are in what's called the "petting zu." It can take a little time to get out of the "zu," and you might have to revise your "leaves," but once you're out of the "zu" you can publish. The community is very supportive and helpful.
We do get a bonus for referrals. For now, until I get very up to speed with Zujava, and I think this will take a few more weeks, I'm going to have you contact LInda Smith. She's also on Hub Pages.
There are other sites as well, such as Squidoo, a very large platform that doesn't require every individual writer to obtain an Adsense account before they have a hope of being paid. There are tiers to payment though. I'm not sure people at the very bottom of the feeding chain get paid much, if at all. Someone more knowledgeable than me can probably comment on Squidoo's payment policy.
Thanks a does it compare to hubapages do you find it better?
It's a little too soon for me to compare, because even though I joined a few weeks back, I haven't been too active because I'm sometimes busy with my offline work. It's smaller and the forum is not as active as HP, but this will probably change because new people are joining. Getting out of the "petting zu" can be extremely frustrating and you have to be very patient. I still like the Hub Page format and community. The ability to be compensated at Zujava is something I like much better, so I'll definitely be publishing there much more. It's also good to diversify, especially online because things can change so quickly.
Zujava will appeal to you if you just want to write, and are not in the business of backlinking or promoting your blogs. Zujava's policy on links has changed and is now extremely strict.
To give you an example, I wrote an article on Zujava about belly dance veils. I included a link to a page on my website which advertises belly dance veils. The article was disallowed due to that link - the reason given was that although it was relevant, it was a 'self-serving" link and didn't 'add value' to the article. Personally, I thought that someone reading about belly dance veils might want to buy one, but maybe that's just me!
So I've just removed the mention of Zujava on my Hub about backlinking because it's no longer useful as part of that "interlinked web of articles" that I talked about. I think it's still a nice place to write, though, and will appeal to some because of their very stringent quality standards.
I was rejected twice. I was told to keep up the writing and apply when I have more content. I was finally accepted recently. Keep on writing and apply again. ( I had 13 articles on Hub and several with Blogger.)
Missy, after you configured everything in Hubpages, how long was it before the "HOLD" was lifted from your adsense account? I have configured everything, but mine is still in review in my ad sense account.
Do now see the Affiliate Code in your HubPage Account ?
log into you Hubpage Acct -
go to
My Account then
Earnings then
External Affiliate Settings
The First Program is Google Adsense
Right next to that I see my Affiliate Code and Status is now Active
let me know what your says at this point
It says active and there is ca-pub-then a long number
Thats the Adsense Code and its now on your site . Do you recall when that was placed there ? And if you look inside there , the message inside that used to say you were rejected m pls re-apply directly thru Adsense should now say - you have an active Adsense acct - correct ?
It was placed today after I configured everything. Yes, it now says active under both places in my account. However, when directly logging into adsense, it says that my account is still on "HOLD" for furthe review. I'm confused.
Gosh---shall we all re-name Adsense-Madsense?
The Hubs are being by Googles crawlers and the site content is being reviewed - If you can look at the Hold on your Adsense account and click - Learn More , you will see it says once the code is on the site, it will be reviewed and will receive and email to whether its been Approved or Not - it says that google will approve quickly - so I am not sure on that length of time
still says that it's in review when I log in to my Adsense account
Hi alwayssamber:
I believe it took up to 2 weeks: One day I noticed the earnings section and I was earning money. Now has my earnings on hold and the community told me to wait until I reach the $10 threshold. However, Hub Pages took a short time and my Hubs views were over 1000. I am still a newbie and noticed these experiences. I hope this helps
My threshold is set at $100. Will that change?
There is a way you can set it for more than $100, but I believe $100 is the minimum.
Hope you dont mind me butting in again,but just a suggestion----who knows this forum answer thread may end up being the longest one ever. That being the case it may get wide publicity -then who knows maybe Adsense management will 'pull their finger out' -(as we say in UK) ,and get these probs sorted. .good luck..
Ha ha. Do some Googling and you'll find oceans of comments along similar lines, which have been going on for years. Google has their own Adsense forums overflowing with such complaints - so they're very well aware of it already.
Thanks for letting me know that. Now I am getting very disheartened. lol
Greencha, you're in the UK and you're able to write well. You should have no trouble getting accepted by Adsense once you've got a portfolio of Hubs, or a blog, to apply with.
$100 is the minimum. However, you shouldn't expect to earn much from Adsense here - its main benefit is that it allows you to sign up for the HP Earnings program, which usually pays better and has a lower threshold ($50). If you're in the HP program, you'll only earn pennies from Adsense.
I've been rejected 9 times. I researched all these google adsense stuff but no customer service. There is google adwords support and they have contact numbers. But for google adsense nothing. I received the same email saying that I'm not approved but they didn't specify the exact reason. I know that in asia you need to wait 6 months but when I researched about this problem. Some of hubbers that has more than 30 to 40 hubs and they living in U.S. they still not getting any approval from adsense.
I am seriously questioning the wisdom of applying to Adsense through Hub Pages. It seems to be easier to apply from another site, and then move your account number here. Too late for me, but maybe not too late for others.
I see a lot of people are having my problem . I was denied too even though I have published 35 hubs and the traffic count is over 3,400. So who knows. It is disappointing though!!!
Wow, that must be harsh! Wonder how many views would it take to get approved?
How long ago did you apply? I see you are just here for 8 weeks now. I think you have some really nice hubs, although they might be a bit on the short side (maybe?). Before you go taking the trouble to lengthen them, try applying again. I'm wondering if Google is wanting you to have been here a bit longer. I think since it has been 8 weeks or roughly 2 months, now would be a good time to reapply unless you just recently did so. I don't know for sure, this is just a theory.
Your hubs are great, with lots of wonderful photos, so if Google doesn't want you, I can't imagine what they're looking for.
If you meant me SmartAndFun, it was a week ago. I will try again and see what happens.
Have you considered removing all photos that you did not personally take? I had to do that before I was finally approved. When I first started I did not understand how to use photos. After I made those changes and had considerable traffic I got approved.
Can you be a little more specific about the photos Abby? What changes to your photos did you make? How do you know that was the reason your application was approved?
I assumed you took all the photos yourself as you were preparing each recipe?
Well, I had just looked up images from google and just put the website as the source. In reading the learning center articles I learned that that is not proper. You should use only your photos or those that are in the public domain. I applied for ad sense about eight times before I was finally approved. It wasn't a content problem because I had we'll over 20 hubs. When I fixed my photos and I was getting a couple hundred views a day, I finally got approved. Was the photos the reason I was denied? I don't know. That's just something I did before I was finally approved.
Thank you for your response Abby, appreciate it .
So, Bake Like a Pro, you ,mean that you need to have your own pictures before getting approved? I used royalty free photos wonder if that will work. I found the photos from flickr. If you go to advanced search and tick the royalty free search box, it'll give you images that are not copyrighted (I think)
I use my own or royalty free, free use images... and the ones that aren't public domain images, are images from sites I linked to show what I am linking to and/or images that say credit required and I give it.
Just in case no-one has mentioned it yet, it is worth being aware that Royalty Free does not mean you can use the images, you still have to buy them, it just means that there will be no ongoing royalties to pay after the initial purchase.
This is probably the best site to source free images from, just remember to correctly attribute the photos you use from there, (the flickr search seems to produce the best results).
Yes, and just because you link back to an image does not necessarily mean you have covered yourself. I am not talking about the creative commons Flickr photos, I'm talking about using a photo from some random blog or a company website. Just because you link back to it doesn't mean they won't come after you if they discover it.
Here is a good article from Marisa Wright that explains how to use Flickr correctly: … -Your-Hubs
The link I place above is particularly good because it only takes you to the free images on whichever of the search options you choose (inc Flickr). Each image also has the relevant license type listed and the meaning of those licenses in terms of the requirements of the image owner. It is actually easier than going to Flickr directly and changing search options etc to make sure you are not shown all the copyrighted images.
That would have been so helpful to me as a newbie. Great idea.
Great insight guys!
I have a few that are like that I will be replacing then. Otherwise if it's not my own or stock I had gotten over the years (being an illustrator I do get libraries of stock), I go here to get images: and this is just a hub for free photos.
Just to be safe with the pictures I replaced all photos that aren't my own personal ones with Flickr Creative Common photos or Public Domain pictures -- I also now have caption for them all with linked source which I did not have. Maybe Adsense will approve now!
Yeah! That's what I did but still haven't got approved yet... Maybe I just need to wait for maybe 2 months before I get approved!
Does Australia have the 6 month wait period that other countries have? America does not.
No, it doesn't - but I'm beginning to suspect something has changed at Adsense (again!). It certainly looks like you need at least 20 Hubs and possibly a bit of longevity, too.
I do wonder something... I am in Canada temporarily. My bank info and address is American, but I am in Canada for the year and have a Canadian IP so would that be hindering me?
My guess is two months and twenty hubs. What does everyone else think?
"images from sites I linked to show what I am linking" - if the image is copyright, using it is illegal whether or not you link to its original location.
Alright. I only have 2 like that that I'm not sure about the use policy of the photo. I will make the corrections. I don't want to break the rules or law. Thank you.
You're welcome! Not sure if its helpful, but its my two cents lol
When I joined three years ago, these strict rules did not exist. Good luck.
When I joined three years ago, these strict rules did not exist. Good luck.
Ok, so I am FINALLY APPROVED, for everything! I just got an e-mail saying that I shoul start seeing ads delivering on my hub pages. If someone could be so kind as to tell me if they come across ads on my pages, I would greatly appreciate it!
Yep!!! There ARE ads on your page! Congratz
Congratulation alwaysamber i have saw some google ads on your hubs.
Can I ask someone to also look at mt Hubs - they should also have the Ads Appearing - Thanks !
I don't see ads on your hubs Editors. Maybe I looked at the old ones.
Looked at the old what ? I was officially Approved and ads should be appearing - Thanks
Congratulations Editors. It will be a matter of time before the ads show on your site
Editors, make sure your computer settings don't have an ad block enabled.
I saw an ad!! Its right on your most recent hub
I wanted to update everyone on my Adsense process. Hub Pages payments was very helpful in getting this all straightened out. Apparently, my account was mistakenly denied, and when the matter was brought to their attention it was approved. So thank you Hub Pages payments.
It's been a learning experience. I would probably caution new writers to err on the side of having moire hubs when applying for Adsense. took me 25 hubs and 7 weeks, before I was approved. Keep trying and good luck!
My problems seemed to be an honest mistake, which was corrected. I owe Hub Pages a great deal of thanks. I'd probably recommend being with Hub Pages a good six weeks before applying for an account.
Google does not specify an exhaustive list of countries that require a minimum term. But the trend appears to be Asian countries, from which I presume there is enough fraud for them to worry.
Hi Neinahpets,
Your hubs look very good. I would probably put up a couple more really good ones like the ones you already have, and then maybe re apply. During this process I'd stay in close contact with the Hub Pages payment department, as they are very helpful.
Or maybe contact Hub Pages payment before doing anything and work with them before you do anything else. Stay optimistic.
Thanks so much, I will see what I can do then!
Definitely going to have to speak to Hub Payments because I've got denied again even though my AuthorScore is now 80, 23 hubs all featured, 1497 hubviews, all hubs scored 70-82 and either all my own original photos or Creative Common photos. Thanks for suggesting to contact them.
I can almost guarantee they'll reply and say there's nothing they can do about it, because there isn't. Adsense do not talk to HubPages.
I think I've asked this before, but I assume you've checked everything you did against the step-by-step instructions given by HubPages, especially that you entered the correct URL?
Yeah, I went through the steps that were listed as far as I know. Used as the URL.
These steps here?
And what's crazy is my google analytics shows:
Visits: 1,020
Unique Visitors: 777
Pageviews: 2,487's not like I'm not generating traffic (that's good for a week and a half)
You can again re-apply for Adsense if your site/hub has original post then you may get approved soon after entering Ad Code on your Site/Hub.
Yeah, last I read from the Learning Center you needed 10 quality hubs with at least 800 words and 2 quality photos. Now, I'm reading people have 20 or more hubs and are still getting rejected. Something seems wrong with that picture. After that many articles it seems one should be getting paid.
You should be OK applying with 20-25 hubs with enough words and nice photos. It's probably also advisable to wait a good six weeks or so, after joining HP, before applying.
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