My First $50 a month

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  1. profile image53
    mcxniftycallsposted 11 years ago

    I finished February 2013 with earnings of $55 (Ad Program and eBay Program) with 50 hubs and 14000 views after months I published my 1st article.
    Whereas January earnings were $17 with 35 Hubs, December earnings were $9 with 22 Articles and November Earnings were $4 with 13 Hubs.

    Happy to see a payout month and view and traffic is still improving, today I received highest ever page views (780). So expecting payout every month now onwards, Targeting 15-20 more hubs in March.

    1. Kathryn Stratford profile image88
      Kathryn Stratfordposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats! I would imagine it must be very satisfying.

      1. Jean Bakula profile image87
        Jean Bakulaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Isn't that a great feeling? Keep on going!

      2. profile image53
        mcxniftycallsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Kathryn and Jean! Yes It's very satisfying and encouraging..!!

    2. dwachira profile image78
      dwachiraposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats mcxniftycalls, that is the way to go. I wish you more successful days to come and may you keep those payouts flowing every month.

  2. Simone Smith profile image82
    Simone Smithposted 11 years ago

    Congratulations, mcxniftycalls! It's so satisfying when Hubbers reach that level!

    1. profile image53
      mcxniftycallsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Simone! Absolutely, a hubber feel more satisfied to reach this level and it encourage to write more and move on.

  3. tnvrstar profile image67
    tnvrstarposted 11 years ago

    congrats! Get a profile picture wink

    1. profile image53
      mcxniftycallsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks tnvrstar! Will add profile Info soon..!!

  4. Shadow Jackson profile image64
    Shadow Jacksonposted 11 years ago

    Congratulations! Did you do any advertising to drive traffic to your hubs?

  5. Shadow Jackson profile image64
    Shadow Jacksonposted 11 years ago

    Congratulations! Did you do any advertising to drive traffic to your hubs?

  6. Shadow Jackson profile image64
    Shadow Jacksonposted 11 years ago

    Congratulations! Did you do any advertising to drive traffic to your hubs?

  7. Shadow Jackson profile image64
    Shadow Jacksonposted 11 years ago

    Congratulations! Did you do any advertising to drive traffic to your hubs?

    1. profile image53
      mcxniftycallsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Jackson to encourage!
      And I don't advertise any of my hub by any means as I am busy. Just do some keyword research and On Page SEO and most of my traffic is from Google Search.
      I am getting 400 visits daily from search engines out of 650-800 daily.

  8. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 11 years ago

    Mcxniftycalls, you are an inspiration. It is always good to hear your good news and progress when so many are struggling to keep up the pace on hp. Keep up the good work.

    1. profile image53
      mcxniftycallsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes Janshares, I don't contribute much to hubpages community but always share even little of my success here to encourage others to write quality content.
      Original and quality content will help hubbers to earn some income and Hubpages to gain faith of search engines. And indirectly, good HubPages ranking will help me to get more views and earnings.

  9. younghopes profile image66
    younghopesposted 11 years ago

    congrats for your success, really you inspire new ones like me, at times it looks like it is almost impossible to get traffic or earn here, but then there are people like you who act as a guide,thanks

  10. Hideki-ryuga profile image67
    Hideki-ryugaposted 11 years ago

    Congratulation. I am glad you shared your success story with us. We need a source of inspiration to hang on. Unfortunately, a lot of people are just impatient to earn. In my opinion, they should be reminded that success doesn't come overnight as a lot of effort is put behind.

  11. murphy80 profile image70
    murphy80posted 11 years ago

    Congratulations! The $50/month goal is certainly attainable to anyone writing quality hubs. I'm happy to report that I've hit that $50 mark for the second month in a row (Jan and Feb now). Over the prior 6 months I'd been building steadily from $10, $20, $40, and now $50's. I only have 17 hubs published, but it's taken me more views than you to get to that sweet spot! Keep it up and everyone else, keep writing!

    1. profile image53
      mcxniftycallsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Murphy80! You are getting payout every month with just 17 hubs whereas other are struggling even with 100 Hubs. Great work, Congrats!

      1. murphy80 profile image70
        murphy80posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you! I'm getting such good results because my topic area is very refined and has a rabid fan base online: miniature wargamers in case you were wondering. Also, my articles lend themselves to Ebay links very well because people are reading about plastic toy soldiers... which are sold on ebay every day smile

        Keep writing, everyone, and maybe look for a niche audience to increase views.

  12. Neinahpets profile image79
    Neinahpetsposted 11 years ago

    That's great to read and very encouraging for me since I just got approved for Adsense 2 days ago!  Keep up the great work!

    1. profile image53
      mcxniftycallsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Keep writing and keep publishing and you will achieve this level soon. Best Luck!

      1. Neinahpets profile image79
        Neinahpetsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you very much!

  13. Thelma Alberts profile image93
    Thelma Albertsposted 11 years ago

    Congratulation! Keep up the good work;-)


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