I received this email today. Can anyone tell me if it is genuine, or a scam?
If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1dilAfy … RDoVEZpDyw
Are You Interested in the New HubPages Apprenticeship Program?
We are redesigning the HubPages Apprenticeship Program, which is meant to help Hubbers build their online portfolios and sharpen their online content creator skills by getting regular feedback and working closely with a team of fellow Hubbers.
The new Apprenticeship Program will last for three months (though you can continue to use the special access interface and program perks after you have graduated) and will cover four units, addressing everything from content creation to optimization and promotion.
The new Apprenticeship Program will come with the following perks:
1. Membership in an exclusive team of fellow Apprentices with a private forum
2. Ability to converse and trade tips from Apprentices in other teams in a program-wide Apprenticeship Forum
3. Access to the official quality score (given by human quality raters through the Quality Assessment Process) of every Hub you submit to the program (limit 10 per month)
4. Ability for your team to compare its success (Hubs published, average quality rating, comments left, etc.) to those of other teams and compete to be the month’s best Apprenticeship Team
The new Apprenticeship Program will have the following requirements:
1. You must pass a Hub Hopping test (demonstrating an ability to accurately rate a certain number of Hubs) to qualify for the program
2. You must accurately Hop and rate at least 25 Hubs per month to stay in the program
3. You must publish at least four Hubs with a quality rating of seven or above to progress to each new month of the program
Will you apply to join this new version of the program? *
• Yes
• No
Which program perk is the most compelling? *
• Membership in an exclusive team of fellow Apprentices with a private forum
• Ability to converse and trade tips from Apprentices in other teams in a program-wide Apprenticeship Forum
• Access to the official quality score (given by human quality raters through the Quality Assessment Process) of every Hub you submit to the program (limit 10 per month)
• Ability for your team to compare its success (Hubs published, average quality rating, comments left, etc.) to those of other teams and compete to be the month’s best Apprenticeship Team
Which requirement would make you hesitant to apply? *
• The need to pass a Hub Hopping test (demonstrating an ability to accurately rate a certain number of Hubs) to qualify for the program
• The need to accurately Hop and rate at least 25 Hubs per month to stay in the program
• The need to publish at least four Hubs with a quality rating of seven or above to progress to each new month of the program
Will you apply to join this new version of the program? *
• Yes
• No
Your HubPages Username *
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It's a genuine survey I sent out to gauge interest.
Because it is one of two versions, I ask anyone viewing the form who has not received it via email to not submit a response.
Simone Smith
Thank you for the clarification Simone. It was the 'YieldBuild' that made me cautious. The first email I received about the Program, telling me it had been postponed, came straight from Hubpages. I see you have the same sense of ...'humour?' ....as Writer Fox.
Thank you again, I'll get back to the email now.
No, it's definitely the real McKoy. I received the same email yesterday. When I texted Simone about the new and upcoming changes to the apprenticeship program. She reiterated to me that she had sent the email out to everyone, in hopes that Everyone completes the form with their feedback, so the new and approved program can be rolled out soon.
Looks like something you should try out...can't hurt...seems sincere enough...actually it seems like it's a great program considering it's free! As long as you don't have to pay a fee - and you are pretty certain that the email came from hubpages - why not? HubPages wants fresh, unique content just like everyone using the internet. They can't possibly write all the content desired by the audience themselves - so of course they would rather train others to help do it for them. DON'T GIVE OUT PASSWORD - just like the email says. Username is no biggie.
Thanks for answering my question yupperclub. I had just come to the same conclusion as yourself, and was going to answer the email anyway, but the next answers prove that it is legit.
Thank you again
It's legit. I traded emails with Simone about it. (Yield Build is the software program to generate ads that was invented by the HP group.) To make a long story short, I had to prove that I could hop. So, I sent her this video:
But she said that I had to hop like this:
So, I told her that I could do that, too. Then she said I could submit the form. And I did.
Truth. I did specify that method of hopping.
I am wondering why hub hopping would be a requirement...how does that improve our own writing/seo and other skills that it takes to make online publishing successful?
Writer Fox
Thanks for the reply Writer Fox. As for the hopping video - fascinating, but.......Groan! I'm glad it is legit, and with your sense of humour you should be a smash hit. All the best with your apprenticeship.
Thanks again.
J. McN
I would like to be in the Apprenticeship program! I hope I get an email.
Thank you for answering the question, madscientist.
If you want to apply for inclusion in the Apprenticeship Program, log into the Learning Center and you will be shown how to apply. Good Luck.
Thank you again.
J. McN
It says that they aren't accepting new hubbers because it's being reviewed or something.
I'm interested but haven't quite figured out where to look. I'm glad you posted the question, because I wouldn't be searching otherwise.
As far as I know SerraB, when you log on to your own Hubpages Account, you will see a 'help' notice on the top right hand corner. Click on 'help' and it will take you to the 'Learning Center'. In Learning Center you will see 'Apprenticeship Program.'
Good luck
I am interested as well. Hopefully i'll get an email today!
socialmarketing 7
Apparently the email I received was only a survey, socialmarketing. but you can apply for an apprenticeship program in 'Learning Center'.
All the best
AFAIK the apprenticeship program is under revamp, and you can't join now.
The need to rate 25 hubs a month would be enough to put me off. My brain is too fragile for that kind of thing.
It's pretty good at spotting the trolls, though. And there is at least one in this thread.
Okay, after reading the posts, I'm getting the feeling that "troll" is an insult, and I'm pretty sure that Hubpages is not a place for childish insults. This isn't Yahoo
"Troll" is an insult, yes, but also a statement of fact.
A troll posts for the purpose of stirring the pot. They have nothing to contribute to a thread, but will post insults, lies, anything that will anger or irritate someone. Or maybe just give wrong information intentionally.
From Wiki:
"In Internet slang, a troll (pron.: /ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is someone who posts inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."
So yes, Will is right. The forums often have a troll hanging around.
At the risk of being insulted, wouldn't that make Will the troll? I mean, since he is the first person that put something negative and not useful or related to the topic?
No. Some have seen and identified the trolls that keep coming into the forums. It does no harm to alert others that there is one present. Feed the trolls and they will keep coming, ignore them and they'll go away at least for a while.
When I first joined HubPages, one of the things that I found most helpful to me was to read other people's hubs. That helped me see how people used different types of capsules, layouts and writing styles. It also helped me see what was "normal" to online writing, since I was completely new to it as a writer.
I think that hub hopping is a fabulous way to quickly see different standards. I might think my 400 word article is the best article ever until I see that most of the writers write longer articles with more substance, better images, better grammar, etc.
With the HubPages provided scale, it is easier to see with real life samples how quality differs from one hub to another, so we can strive for higher levels.
Reading more does make you a better writer, and who knows, there may be some "how to be a writer" articles that the new apprentices might hop and learn even faster.
I was delighted to receive my letter although it does seem a little different to the others.
Dear Mark.
Don't bother with one of your wind-ups. It's not funny or clever and if you push it too much we'll tell everyone how bad your traffic is.
Love HP.
ps. If you want to improve visit the Learning Center. There is a new section you might find useful - in fact we wrote it for you - on how not to be an asshole.
You could make a fine troll, Mark. But you have serious competition. You might need to up your game. Remember too, that white undies make a rainbow connection with your spiritual spine.
I stole that last line. Because I am not mad enough, or inspired enough, to write it myself.
It is a sort of clue. To the stain that spreads through a noble soul subjected to the drip, drip, drip of disappointment? Perhaps.
Well... a pleasant troll I hope. I don't really understand the rest of the clue but I enjoyed reading it. It will puzzle me for a while.
I despair. I simply won't point out the obvious. Besides, the guy has some genuinely good lines.
One of his pages is a mini-masterpiece. No doubt it flashed through QAP on the basis that the spelling was OK and it is quite long. The meaning eluded the matrix.
Nah, the matrix gets it.
However the matrix doesn't get to rate on content, just substance.
The matrix sometimes grinds its teeth about this.
madscientist12... hubpages is indeed a place for childish insults... though like ecoli that is contained in our intestines, the childish insults are usually confined to the religious forum... have a peek in, but wash your hands when you leave....
That was my thought as well, Sheri Faye. The hub hopping requirement doesn't seem to go with the rest of it. That would be the main component that would hold me back from doing it.
I'd disagree. It should be a good teaching tool, enforcing through reading and scoring all kinds of hubs, what HP considers high quality.
My hubs improved dramatically...in a "This is what HP wants" kind of way. You learn to hop, you learn what an 8-8-8 hub looks like.
Plus twenty five hubs a month is less than an hour of hopping. You could spend 2 minutes a day and get them in. Not really a deal breaker.
Plus, it would hopefully have quality raters going the ridiculously large still-unrated pool.
Some of the hubs you run across are only 2 paragraphs long. You could rate those with the blink of an eye.
I can see that point too wilderness. Thanks for pointing that out.
I don't know. That part of the requirements got a definite and deep negative reaction from me when I read it. For me personally I believe there are better ways to polish my skills and meet hub pages standards. But hey, maybe for most it would be helpful. I'm kind of an oddball!
Once the details of the new program are settled, I'll consider what the requirements are and think about whether it would be good for me to apply to or not.
I wonder if those that went through the old program will be allowed to do the revised one (or would there be a need for that?)
After reading part of this forum I went to do some hub hopping..you know...just to see... and the first one that popped up was about how to make fun of people. Really...someone wrote a hub on how to humliate people...find their weak spot and drill them on that. Punctuation, spelling, organization and all were ok...but how on earth could I ever give something like that any positive rating. It was pure trash, and down right mean, but didn't break any hubber rules (that I know of), and it bugged the hell out of me to even read it.
Here is another thought on why apprentises would be required to hub hop. Hub pages is a for profit business and rating all those hubs must be a huge job that costs them many expensive man hours...so..I am thinking, they would only accept quality writers for the coveted apprentises spots, and could there for use this talent to help them wade through all those hubs..for free. This may sound cynical, but it is also a very smart biz move on their part.
I am fairly new to this hub thing, but I am starting to think all this business about commenting and hub scores and hub hopping and followers might be a bit manipulative. I don't think any of those things gets us any google love, which, from what I have learned so far, is where the money is. Hubber views, accolades and all that, I don't think gets us ranked on google. I have been doing some research and with some help from some other successful hubber (by that I mean the ones who make some money) backlinks is what we need. I am still learning....but...just saying.
Rating hubs like that is hard, but you have to be objective. What may seem offensive to you might be exactly what a Google searcher is looking for. I get offended by certain subjects of hubs but I try to shut that out and just look at the substance. Is a detailed hub with lots of information on how to humiliate someone that a Google searcher would find helpful if he/she was looking for that information? Then it has substance, regardless of the content. (Within TOS)
Having the apprentices hop hubs really isn't going to save that much money. If there are 30 apprentices and they hop 25 hubs per month then that's a whopping savings of 195 dollars a month... assuming that they are all going at 95% accuracy or more. That's a grand total.
Hopping does get Google love. Google loves high quality sites. Hopping removes bad hubs... That's more collective Google love for all of us.
Commenting is an internal thing... but can help move individual hubs up in ranking, as Google "reads" the comments and assesses them as content. Accolades are purely internal and serve as motivators.
Backlinks are great... but on page SEO is pretty damn good too... as is site authority.
Thanks Melissa. As I said I am still learning. What is TOS? Also how do you know how much it costs Hubpages to rate a hub? I am not being confrontational, just really want to know. I also didn't know there was such a thing as collective google love. I thought each hub was a stand alone page. I also didn't know comments were seen as content. Thanks for your help! I have another question..how does hubpages know that the hub hoppers ratings are accurtate since anyone can hop a hub? I
TOS is Terms of Service.
Hubs are rated on mTurk. Base pay is .05 per "hop" and then a bonus per 10 hubs rated. The bonus is shown here:
To read about the mturk work:
And the rating scale is shown here:
HubPages has put in place safeguards to ensure the accurate raters' scores are given more weight. Flighty, manipulative, or hit and run raters don't hold much weight.
QAP seems to be a useful device for a site like this. It seems to key into something Google does to rate a page.
At the same time, it is a peculiar skill with only a tangential relationship to the more important writing skills. It's downright perverse to make it an entry requirement to the apprenticeship program.
Reading something that an entrant wrote might be a better test (or asking them to pick out the troll in a thread like this, lol).
I'm not sure I agree with that...
Hopping hubs doesn't give anyone great skill in writing, but it is a good lesson in what HP expects out of a hub... so while it won't help you become a Pulitzer winner it will help you pass QAP. It's also a really good lesson in what the most common mistakes are. My proof-reading skills have improved 10 fold.
(I don't proof my forum posts so don't even point it out.)
I agree it is a peculiar skill and I'd love to be a fly on the wall when they are trying to teach it.
The idea that any page I published could not pass QAP never occurred to me. That is the bliss of true self-belief (or conceit, or arrogance, lol).
I, of course, wasn't speaking of you.
You are a shining beacon of literary talent and you serve as an inspiration to all those who are lucky enough to read your incredible work. QAPing your amazing pieces of pure artistic joy, while sheer bliss, only serves to show the limitations of the system as the ratings only go to 10. You eclipse that meager definition of perfection easily and I, personally, mourn my pathetically human attempts to assign a vile earthly number to what is so obviously divine.
If only any of that were true...
But if you have ever read any of my pages, Mellissa you will know that I am a dedicated money-grubber. As such, I'm happy enough to work hard on behalf of the reader. If I ever thought my first task was to satisfy QAP, I would pass.
"If I ever thought my first task was to satisfy QAP, I would pass."
Why? While a little of the QAP is unique to HP's idea of quality, the large majority of the concepts there fall right in line with what I think of quality as well. So why not put quality at the top of the list when writing, particularly when you, like me, are a "dedicated money grubber"?
I'd like to join or apply for the apprenticeship program but it's still under program audit --Learning Center. Is the program open for all?
'Manipulative' – I get that. But what is 'flighty' and 'hit and run?' Sometimes just looking through the Hub Hopper, I just can't deal with the Hub and so I just go to another one. I mean to say, I'm just volunteering to rate a few; but, does that make me 'flighty' and 'hit and run?'
Flighty would be rating on content... meaning (for example) rating a pro-choice hub poorly if you are anti-abortion or rating a anti-republican hub highly because you are an Obama fan.
'Hit and run" is mostly an Mturk thing... it's those that just are rating randomly because they want the five cents without actually reading the hub. It doesn't work well... at all. It takes very little to lose the ability to rate hubs.
That's my take on it and may not be at all what SerraB meant.
Nope, you got it the way I meant it
I rated thousands of hubs through mturk last year, so my perspective is as a worker and not a writer. And I learned early on to return HITs for Hubs that I couldn't rate objectively.
I think it is good that people just skip hubs they don't feel comfortable rating, for any reason. Especially when doing it for free
I was a hubber before I was a rater, but yeah after 14 or 15 thousand hubs you start picking some stuff up.
Unfortunately my return rate is a little high because I keep recognizing individual hubbers. I can rate pretty much any subject, just not every writer.
I know what you mean Writer Fox...that nasty one I read last night on how to make fun of people...I don't care a rat's butt if it is legit content cause some nimrod is looking for that on google...it is just wrong and I will not participate on that type of thing...not ever! So I just skipped it. If that makes me flighty or hit and run...so be it.
I don't think it goes against you at all to skip a hub you don't want to rate. I skip those that I know are written by hubbers that I have a bias for/against. I don't think you really need to give a reason
I don't think that not rating a particular hub makes someone subjective, but I do think rating that same hub unfairly because of personal bias is unethical. So it would probably be best just to skip it.
Thanks for the advice Melissa! Your are very likely right.
Sheri Faye: I think the Hub you describe violates the Terms of Use because it is "hateful" and "otherwise offensive."
See #4 here:
Since you still have strong, negative feelings about that Hub, maybe you should go back and report it.
Thnaks writer fox...I could never find it again, but if I ever see another hateful one I will flag it.
That sounds pretty sweet. fourteen to fifteen thousand hubs?
I would like a mentor or to join the Apprentice Program since I am a newbie, but I understand it is under construction. Is there any way to get the same benefits another way until it is up and running?
I don't think there is misslong123. The email I received was a sample of some new ideas for the Apprenticeship Programme. I presume they will have to evaluate the answers before they make any more decisions.
Good Luck
Michele, Read every lesson at the Learning Center and you'll learn a lot of the info. You won't get suggestions for your hubs etc, but you will learn a good share of what you'll learn in the program.
I wonder for those of us who got accepted before the program ended will we need to be reap proved again
I was thinking about attempting to join the Apprenticeship program, but decided not to simply because it appears to be so difficult to get noticed for it in the first place. I haven't been here long, but I've already gotten a number of Accolades in my profile and I thought I might qualify. When I saw how hard it was for fellow hubbers to actually get in, and I estimated my own time requirements if I was accepted, I decided not to go for it... I run my own business and self-employment is tough thanks to today's crappy economy... It's hard enough to work, pay bills, find time to spend with my wife (and her busy schedule), etc, etc. I think the Apprenticeship program better suits people who are either retired (with lots of time on their hands) or people who are wealthy enough and don't have to worry so much about working for a living to make ends meet.
It does indeed take a lot of time. I notice that HP is going to reduce the requirements for what must be done, but it will still be lots of work.
by James Bowden 12 years ago
Has anyone noticed the apprenticeship program tab on hubpages, as well as the associated article about the program. There is an article that speaks all about this program and what it involves. It does sound very similar, but a more intense scenario of the 30 hubs in 30 days challenge. But it does...
by Jack 12 years ago
What's the apprenticeship program like?I've just applied for it, and am now waiting for the approval process that apparently takes 4-6 weeks.
by Grace Marguerite Williams 12 years ago
To those who graduated from the Apprenticeship Program, how did the program help you meet your writing goals and made you a better writer? Also, how is the Apprenticeship Program instrumental regarding your future writing goals whether it is becoming a published author, writing for a featured...
by Geekdom 12 years ago
Has anyone done the HubPages Apprenticeship Program?I was asked to try the apprenticeship program on HubPages. Does anybody have any feedback from their experience? I would appreciate any first hand experiences. Thank you.
by x 12 years ago
Yep, the latest blog post ratted you out. http://blog.hubpages.com/2012/07/apprentice-badges/Just kidding, congrats to all who are accepted. I intend to apply in maybe another month or two; fate willing and the river don't rise...Meanwhile, maybe all you folks with that little "a" might...
by LJ Scott 12 years ago
What is up with the apprenticeship program. Can anyone who has done it express their views on it, please?
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