Was something wrong with my hub?

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  1. kenneth avery profile image80
    kenneth averyposted 11 years ago

    Fellow hub bets, pro and amateur
    On June 20, I published, in my humble opinion, a darn good hub . . ."How  Pubic Hair Helped Lloyd Become a Man." Usually after a day or so, I get comments, but nit this time. I mean, my hub was NOT about or promoting porno or anything bad. Just real life. So I'm left to ask what was wrong with this hub? I'm freaking out. Please help.

    1. profile image0
      Christy Kirwanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi kenneth avery,

      Sorry about this! Looks like some people might not be getting notifications due to a server issue. sad We're looking into it, and it should be fixed soon!

      1. kenneth avery profile image80
        kenneth averyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, sweet Christy . . .from myself and all of "Hubville, U.S.A."

        1. profile image0
          Christy Kirwanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Hi Kenneth,

          I just heard back from the engineering team, and they explained that when Hubbers set notifications to "auto" they are only notified of some new Hubs/Forum posts/questions etc., and not every single one. The items that show up are determined by a pretty complicated algorithm based on a number of factors.

          You can always suggest that your followers change their settings from "auto" to "always" to ensure that they aren't missing important interactions from their friends (like your new Hub). Sorry for the confusion!

          1. kenneth avery profile image80
            kenneth averyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Dear Christy,
            smile thank you for your time, trouble and dedication to your position at HP.
            That means a lot to me.
            Now to find the right forum to suggest this to my followers.
            Any suggestions?
            Thanks again. I.O.U Big time.
            KENNETH smile

            1. profile image0
              Christy Kirwanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              You are most welcome! Posting a new status about it in your Feed might be a good way to let your followers know. smile

            2. Marisa Wright profile image86
              Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Ken, don't worry too much about this. If you want to be successful on HubPages, you need traffic from outside HubPages, not from your followers within it.  You won't start making a reasonable income from your Hubs until about 80% of your traffic is coming from non-members (and all your followers are members). 

              Hubbers make a choice about how they want to be notified of new Hubs.  If someone doesn't want to be bombarded with notifications, they may choose no notifications at all, or "Auto" notifications.  Trying to force them to notice your Hub in other ways is not respecting their choice, and you may actually lose followers if they feel they are being badgered.  So focus your attentions outside HubPages, and not only will you preserve your relationships here, but you will also garner more paying traffic.

              1. kenneth avery profile image80
                kenneth averyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Okay, Msrisa,
                That makes perfect sense. Thank you. I.O.U. Big time.

                1. Marisa Wright profile image86
                  Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Not at all.  That's what HubPages is all about.  Experienced Hubbers gave me lots of help when I first started, now it's my turn!

          2. kenneth avery profile image80
            kenneth averyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Dear Christy,
            smile thank you for your time, trouble and dedication to your position at HP.
            That means a lot to me.
            Now to find the right forum to suggest this to my followers.
            Any suggestions?
            Thanks again. I.O.U Big time.
            KENNETH smile

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      My first thought was that the Hub had been caught by the automated filters.

      Bear in mind that the automated filters can't read context, they just look for naughty words. "Pubic hair" would certainly count as a naughty word.

      I understand that it's not porno, but in your shoes I would be cautious about publishing the story with Adsense ads displayed.  Adsense robots work just like HubPages' filters, and you could be penalised for having naughty words in the Hub.

      1. kenneth avery profile image80
        kenneth averyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Dear Marisa,
        Thank you sincerely for your wonderful advice. I have learned more about hubs from this one hub than any of my prior hubs.
        And you're right, Filters is the key.
        From now on I promise to be more cautious, and on the other side of this see-saw, I DID get a fair amount of comments, even one from HibPages Operations Coordinator who told me she would investigate the '"feeds" from their end.
        Sometimes I think Chicken Little was right smile

        1. Marisa Wright profile image86
          Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          This is one of the frustrating things about Adsense.  Their rules are downright prudish, like something out of the nineteenth century - weird for something that is a product of the internet age!   HubPages designs its filters to protect us from Adsense's prudishness, so they do a good job, even if we find them frustrating sometimes.

          1. kenneth avery profile image80
            kenneth averyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Dear Marisa,
            This has taught me a great lesson.
            From now on I'm only going to use non-controversial words on my headlines, it's much safer.

  2. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 11 years ago

    I've had the same experiences as of late. My very strong suspicion is that my hubs don't make it to my followers' feeds a large part of the time.

    1. writinglover profile image66
      writingloverposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm going to have to agree with you, Para. I received a notification for the new hub, but it never showed up on my feed. I'd have to go through Kenny's profile page to get there.

      1. kenneth avery profile image80
        kenneth averyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Dear writinglover,
        Now that makes sense, but is it HubPages' fault? I'd love to know and I am not ego-driven. It's because my hubs are to make my cherished followers happy.
        Writinglover, you know that.

  3. profile image0
    Sueswanposted 11 years ago

    Kenneth,  I just left a comment.   

    Have a good evening. smile

    1. kenneth avery profile image80
      kenneth averyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, dear Susan!

  4. SmartAndFun profile image98
    SmartAndFunposted 11 years ago

    With a title like that, I am dying to read your hub, Kenneth! LOL!!!

    Kenneth, FYI, I am one of your followers, and as of yet I have not been notified via email that you published the hub. I did get notified by email that you had started this forum thread... so.... interesting. Hmmm.

    As far as the feed goes, I'll have to go check that. I rarely look at the feed, so I rely on emails to alert me when those I follow have published a new hub.

  5. writinglover profile image66
    writingloverposted 11 years ago

    It's possible. It's been pretty glitchy. I receive some notifications of hubs being published and sometimes I don't and I end up going on a hunt. It's really a touch and go sort of thing.

    1. Jean Bakula profile image88
      Jean Bakulaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I follow you too, and didn't get a notification you had a new hub.
      Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Jean

  6. LongTimeMother profile image93
    LongTimeMotherposted 11 years ago

    Hi Kenneth. Your hub was listed in the notifications I received. As much as I would like to check out every new hub by hubbers I follow, I generally choose just one or two from each list and try not to always choose the same author. I confess that particular title, while catchy, was not one that inspired me to click on it.  Even now. given my limited internet resources, I'm resisting.

    I'm sure, however, that it will appeal to lots of other readers. smile  Don't stress. You must have known as you wrote the title that it was a bit of a gamble. lol. All part of the learning process, I guess.

    Maybe your next hub will be one I click on.  smile

  7. kenneth avery profile image80
    kenneth averyposted 11 years ago

    Friday morning
    Dear longtimemother,
    Thank you for the advice, but do me a favor. Do read the hub, for it's not as you have imagined. It's a true story about two real friends of mine in our sophomore year in high school. The names are changed to protect the parties.
    Any-hoop, bless you for being a valued follower and friend.

  8. residentstone profile image59
    residentstoneposted 11 years ago

    Yeah, I just did 3, and nothing. I'm about to throw in the towel, instead of wasting hours of my time.

  9. lovebuglena profile image81
    lovebuglenaposted 11 years ago

    Not everyone that follows you opts to receive notifications from Hub Pages when new hubs are published by those they follow. They may not have know you've published this hub and hence didn't comment on it. Hub Pages doesn't like when you go to your hub and click on the link in your hub to share your own hub with your followers. Ask someone who's read it to do that and you may get new reads and comments for this hub.

    1. kenneth avery profile image80
      kenneth averyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, lovebuglena, for your great advice.
      Have a peaceful evening smile

  10. gerrytan profile image61
    gerrytanposted 11 years ago

    My first hub and it is not published and I received no info on it.  How long does it take to get some info.

    1. writinglover profile image66
      writingloverposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, Gerry!

      Normally when a hub is not published, there should be a link at the very top of your hub. You click on that and it will give you an explanation. If there isn't a link up there (which I suspect you don't have), then it's more than likely because you fall short of quality standards. I don't know if you received an email stating this (you should. If you hadn't then check your spam box). I know because I had the same problem with one of my stories (though I will admit one of my hubs didn't pass because of a spammer--found unrelated links in the comment box). My problem with most of my hubs was clarity. That may not be the case with you. It could be because you didn't hit the minimum number of words, which is 700. It can be a number of things. Hopefully this clears up some of the confusion. smile

    2. Susana S profile image94
      Susana Sposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It may not have gone through the quality assessment process yet.

      Also, do make sure you've actually hit the publish button as there is no hub listed as published in your activity.

      1. kenneth avery profile image80
        kenneth averyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Susan,
        It was published because I've got some comments. Christy at HP told me that she was checking their "feeds" to make sure hubs were filtering into the public.
        Have a peaceful day.

        1. Marisa Wright profile image86
          Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Ken, Susana was replying to Gerry

  11. lemonkerdz profile image93
    lemonkerdzposted 11 years ago

    Yer same here i did one on Chia seeds, different to others on HP and not a comment. Guess the most important thing is whether they are looking at your hub not the amount of comments.
    But yes i know its good to see what others thought of it at least

  12. mbwalz profile image88
    mbwalzposted 11 years ago

    I have several hubs that I think are very good that have no comments at all - sigh! I have reworked a couple using better SEO and one started getting a lot (for me) of hits each day and I found that a Google search using a phrases that were relevant made the hub come out at the top of the search. So, some will get engagement and others might not. Doesn't necessarily reflect on the quality. I admit, that there are some (in my humble opinion) not so great ones that get a lot of comments and traffic. Go figure! I also do as much as I can to share hubs with my followers, follow others (and maybe they'll choose to follow me too) and comment - kind of like Hubpages Kharma!

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Comments and traffic don't go hand in hand.  Most of your comments will come from other Hubbers, and that's only a very small percentage of the traffic to your Hubs. 

      Very few of my visitors from outside HubPages comment on my Hubs.  I don't worry about that, I'm just happy that they've read them!

  13. Elsy Chapmon profile image59
    Elsy Chapmonposted 11 years ago

    I have no comments for all my hubs:$

  14. gerrytan profile image61
    gerrytanposted 11 years ago

    How many words is a good count for a hub.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Anything over 400 words is good, but one prominent Hubber did some experimenting at one time, and discovered that Hubs over 800 words seem to do best.

      If you go for the shorter length, then you really need to write two or three around the same subject and interlink them, which compensates for the shortness.

      The general advice is that on the internet, readers won't read past 1,500 words so that's a good top limit to set.

      1. kenneth avery profile image80
        kenneth averyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I try hard to keep my hubs between 500 and 700 words. Overkill is always lurking.


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