You ran afoul of a nutter hiding behind the power of anonymity. Not really your fault.
While I will Admit that I agree with him in that, IMHO, your grammar, spelling and punctuation is alarming, I really don't think it is worth anyone getting their panties in a twist.
You know that your writing style is probably why your hub was denied, so now it up to you. I really cant imagine why anyone would take it upon themselves to police the site by flagging random hubbers.
Just ignore him, and don't feed the trolls. I am sure the site wont strike you down just because of one flag.
"your grammar, spelling and punctuation is alarming"
"now it up to you"
"really cant imagine"
Me either.
Whoa.....Hold on. If you put your work OUT THERE for readers....and then go a step further and ASK for opinions and/or advice.......expect to receive such. Some individuals may be blunt and to the point, some may break their neck to be oh-so "Politically Correct," and tip-toe gently around the simple facts. I did not read what Paradigm wrote, so I am sorry I cannot and will not speak to his comment. However, after 2 and a half years, I KNOW that Paradigm is NO TROLL and although he has somewhat of a twisted sense of humor, he has not ever been cruel or insulting, that I have ever seen.
Many...MANY hubbers flag hubs....for the reasons hubs can and SHOULD be flagged. Seriously, PP....if you cannot be mature enough to accept criticism from fellow hubbers, quite simply....DO NOT ASK FOR OPINIONS.
I can clearly see here that you try to come off like a stubborn punk. You have insulted, jeered and rejected all comments, except those who patted your back and gave you sympathy.....perhaps these phonies can rock you to sleep tonight, after your baba.
Stop your childish nonsene....become much more familiar and capable in terms of our English language. If your desire is to be a writer, you are wished much luck.
You're off to a bad start as a "community member." Tsk tsk.
Oh. You wrote a lot more.
Hmm. There are two sides at least to this argument as it fans out over many pages.
I side with PP who is indeed irritating, er, and abusive, because he was the one who was originally picked on.
If you bother to read the posts up until it turns nasty and then think about it - you may come out with a different opinion. It looks like straightforward bullying to me.
It seems no one, or very few here - despite their aggrieved sense of fair play and the English language - can manage to read a few opening posts. If they did they might question what scene that sets for any visitor or newbie. And whether it was fair.
You have omitted, again, that there was another thread prior to the "This is absurd" thread, and if you read the opening paragraphs of the "This is absurd" thread, you will note that Paradigmsearch asks PP very early on to remember the advice he had previously given to PP. PP's response was "I don't like that Paradigmsearch there's nothing wrong with my English"
Not one person who came to PP's aid in the imagined bullying scenario bothered to question those two posts, or indeed, to ask what advice had been given to PP previously. So, to state that there have only been two threads on the matter is incorrect. PP has now received the attention he so clearly craves, ignored all the advice which has been offered to him and that he asked for, in addition to verbally abusing just about everyone.
He's made his own bed.
No, you're not a phony...and just for the record, I'm not in any cliques.
I don't know, how do you know "Mr. Paradigm" flagged you, unless that hubber told you? Since you know, you could ask that hubber. Did you get a notice telling you why?
Oh, well, there you go. : ) I thought for a minute something else new had been implemented.
You did nothing wrong. You are a very nice young man and I am sorry that you have encountered someone who feels the need to bully you in the forums. You were asking for help and that is not what some people offered you unfortunately. Most hubbers are not like that and I hope you won't let his nasty attitude deter you from writing here and improving. Look at some of the nonsensical threads he starts in the forums and then tell me who needs to be flagged. If you need help with a hub keep posting to my knowledge that is not against the rules.
Ok, I was totally wrong the other day. There should definitely be a restriction on how many threads were allowed to start. lol
Flagging doesn't do anything.
It just puts it into the moderation queue. If the moderators don't like something, it gets taken down or unpublished. If they're fine with it, then nothing happens.
I don't know the situation, but even if you weren't reported, chances are a moderator would eventually find it and take it down anyway.
Hi WryLilt,
Thanks for this information. I am thinking of making sure that my hubs should be perfect somehow so as not to be flagged or unpublished.
I think one of the problems in the forums is that some people think you need to start threads to keep your Hubberscore high or to raise it. This can lead to ... well, shall we say either a very active and useful forum or posts started just for the sake of it. I think it may have been true once upon a time, i.e. that starting threads raised your Hubberscore, but I am not sure this is true now. If anyone knows for sure that it is part of how the score works then I would like to read it, so can you point me to where it says this?
I am thinking that the way Hubberscores works for us and possibly the way it is calculated changed recently to 'raise the bar' to 85. Now, this means it may become more important to maintain our score; if we want our writing here to remain as 'do follow'.
BTW - I 'think' if you flag a forum post it will only be acted upon if the Hubpage's moderator/employee who checks it thinks it breaks the rules. Some of the people I have seen complaining of forum bans in the past had traded 'fiery' insults with each. I also 'think' a forum ban does not lead to an automatic hub publishing ban. Sorry, I use the word 'think' a lot here as what I am trying to say 'it is my understanding that' and things change frequently here and I cannot read everything on the site to keep up with this.
I rarely post or reply to forum threads and still teeter between a 98-100 at all times. I mainly spend most of my time here on HP writing and publishing...sometimes I will comment on a favorite hubbers' hubs.
And I have just now discovered this thread...
Remember way back when I truly tried to help you? Remember me saying that I was deliberately being oblique so that HP wouldn't find out about you? It's all there in my previous activity.
At any rate, I see that your hubs are still live. I guess HP decided to give you a break.
And as for me being called a bully... That is such a totally false accusation that I don't even know how to respond to that. As I stated elsewhere, bullies are bastards. I would never, ever do such a thing.
Oh, well...
You weren't trying to help anything stop kidding urself. Go read what I just posted cause it's the truth. Sick of trollism. If you want to be a troll go do it on youtube.
paradigmsearch, If you did flag these Hubs I can understand why and I applaud you for it, as an author here on Hubpages I like to know if my work is not up to standard and flagging lets me know where I am going wrong it lets me know that I have made mistakes that need to be fixed and keeps the quality of my Hubs high. Flagging is not disrespectful to the author it is more of an aid to improve your writing. well don para, keep up the good work.....jimmy
I really did try to help him. Sometimes good things go bad. Life.
lol jimmythejock doesn't know the story but ok. I'm done going back and forth with you.
Ah, I'm seeing positive signs with you. Let us continue?
and, you snotty little ingrate....If you want to be a "jackass," there's a TV show for that. You are a cocky little, self-inflated, delusional expert of NOTHING.
And to those of you who are encouraging this punk, what's WRONG with you? Read this entire this child's illiterate crap, he calls "writing".....take particular note how he has snapped at several respectable hubbers who RESPONDED TO HIS VERY OWN REQUEST for "Tips to improve."
Please.....Good grief, if you support this sort of toxic behavior, there IS a serious problem here. I am literally appalled.
Ah I see now.
You haven't read THE thread. That is where you need to start.
But hey if you want to start calling names in capitals - let's go for it. I'm up for a barney on here.
What is your take on bullying?
Here is the original thread. It shocked me when I read it.
OK, Mark, I read the link you provided for me. Exactly what is the point you expected me to SEE, that I haven't already seen too much of, on these terribly ridiculous threads. And do NOT tell me "it's the forums." I have participated in many and have found none to be as absurd as these. Over a newbie who has overstepped every normal boundary of communication & appreciation? He needs nothing, but a good lesson in humility. His "excellent knowledge," in his hubs, that don't require grammar, punctuation and spelling....because he's DA KING of knowledge, perhaps? Mark, really??? Or is this more of your superb humor? He should delete his FABULOUS hub on how to get a woman, with his sure-fire, no fail way to pick up girls and have them "cling" to you like glue. I'm not even interested in what kind of hallucinogenics the kid is on. He's insulting and disgraceful...which is his right....but he DARE not put anyone (with a brain) down for cringing at his Vomit hub.
Look, Mark, my outrage is not with you, nor anyone but this Poetic Philosopher and his grand delusion of himself, as well as his (according to him) "awesome hubs." Yes, I'm appalled at the "phonies" who are out and out giving him permission to be ignorant. I did not point out anyone in particular, as a phony. If the shoe does not fit, Mark, you shouldn't wear it. For the record, I believe you are sincere. I may not see this as you do, but that is neither here nor there. I trust you are being honest. I would ask YOU, Mark, to go back over and read his insane taunting toward people who were trying to help him...and his ridiculously over-inflated, opinion of himself. Just do it.
For me, this is really a culmination of the ever-constant issues here. This young newbie does need to move to Bubblews. I do agree with you on that.
Everyone on these particular forums....STARTED BY MR. "WHY IS MY AWESOME HUB NOT FEATURED?" will go on from today and go about their business, in life and on HP. I made my observations as clear and precise as I mean them. Anyone who has a problem with my comments, I suggest they feel free to speak out. It is only fair, since I have huge problems with the things I have read here....especially from hubbers I had previously believed had common sense and strong character. Quite sorry Mark, if we can't agree, but we surely do not. I shall move on to your site and choose something of yours, to make me laugh my A$$ off. I prefer to put this crap, behind me now.
I have just read through a couple of your Hubs PoeticPhilosophy and I have to be honest with you, they are very difficult to read and full of mistakes. I am really surprised that any of them passed quality control on Hubpages. Maybe you should re read your Hubs and edit them before Hubpages unpublishes them all.....jimmy
Thanks Jimmy I'm definitely going to go over them and edit. I read ur profile page a while back, motivation
I read/skimmed a few of your Hubs and I saw mistakes which are made by people who grew up in N.A. and went to English school here also. I would suggest just having a friend, or other person, read over your work for you. It is easy.
Thank you. I noticed that on my Hubs when I switched from 'Edit' to 'Preview' and corrected it, but I when filled out my Profile box I put 'en-' at the end of a line and continued the word on the next line. I did not check the completed profile and see the mistake. I will check for more.
lol none of this is about grammer errors people.. You have common-sense in your minds don't you. You understand my writing yes I don't put "apostrophe's" where needed and write to please people on my writing skill holy man.. Are we in this ridiculous bubble. All I was getting was excellent helpful-happy comments and good ratings until this whole incident occurred which was due to paradigm not liking the fact that no-one would listen to him and he flagged me in a result of it. So this isn't about nit-picking me and saying I have "bad" grammer and I can't spell and I don't know english. Go look at the knowledge in my hubs and keep telling me how I'm this dumb person you's are starting to label me as. Haha wow...
Sadness indeed, all started in a result of ur ego.
Actually, it was yours. Still willing to play, though.
Please remember PoeticPhilosophy that disrespecting another Hub Author in the forums can also lead to you being banned in the forums.....jimmy
P.s just a note bringing this topic up in the forums could be your biggrst mistake to date, it will alert the moderators to your Hubs sooner giving you less time to fix your Hubs before they are un featured.
I've done nothing to disrepect him. I said this was a result of his ego that's not a insult. Clearly if you saw the other post you will see that he "Counted down" as if he was some superior man and we all had to listen to it and used it as a threat to flag me. That's the story Jimmy sorry you didn't know the whole deal.
Sadness, again. I really am on the verge of giving up. What does that mean? Walking away, nothing more.
If you walk away that's your choice, obviously you keep commenting. I never insulted you in anyway and this all started because of what I said above. Like in the other post people realize I was just asking for help and you started this whole ordeal. I've stated multiple times I'm taking in the advice of everyone and now editing my hubs so that point got to me thanks, but you doing that countdown.. is what started everything. Sorry if you mistake my words for insults, I'm not trying to offend you in anyway it's just that getting flagged, hearing people say all this about me, saying I should be unpublished when I shouldn't.. Yeah, I wish you the best though
Haha, I'm starting to like your sense of humor.
I am starting to wonder - are you a person or a robot from a video game? Does anyone else wonder this?
@PP, Don't take this the wrong way, and I'm not talking about the content, but the paragraph which you have just written was the best piece of writing you have submitted thus far. Just go back and take a look at it- Your spelling improved, you added punctuation and it was really quite readable. You delivered your message quite well.
All you need to do, is to go back to your hubs and read them through. You think that people are trying to insult you, they're not. There's always room for improvement, for all of us. You've just proved, that you can improve!
lol this is a joke. I don't think any of you's have even read my hubs. I've been going over them and all I see are a few MINOR mistakes and punctuation errors. But anyways I hope everyone stops commenting cause I'm done with this ridiculousness
Now I understand paradigmsearch's frustration.....jimmy
I've gone through 3 hubs so far, want to point out anything? "How to be in the present moment, free the mind, and TSIP week 1".
copy and paste your Hubs into a word document and run spell check I am sure that you will find the answer.....jimmy
Spell-check is in hubpages, my answer found. Also my point made.
WEEK 1 first paragraph Thought's why an appostrophy? I did look. Hubpages spell check is not working at the moment. The end of that first text capsule makes no sense what so ever and that is why I could not read any further.....jimmy
type in fufysdgdfnjfgb into hubpages spell check and you will see that it finds nothing wrong with that word.
LOL! Like I said minor mistakes and punctuation errors and it makes perfect sense ur making ur mind think otherwise. As I said! I am done with this ridiculousness lol, have a good day.
and your Hubs will get unfeatured for it not mine so good day to you too sir.....jimmy
My Hub was moderated as substandard; what does that mean?
Substandard simply means that the quality of the Hub does not meet HubPages' standards. Below are some common reasons that a Hub may be moderated as substandard:
"Test" or otherwise unfinished Hubs
Very little content
Poorly formatted content
Content that contains grammar or spelling mistakes that make it difficult to read or understand
Links to sites that are parked, or for which the domain is available for sale
Low quality pictures or video including distorted or low quality audio
Broken links or videos.
Unoriginal videos or music slideshows
Sites that require the user to login in order to view content. This can include but is not limited to some content on Facebook and YouTube private videos
Remember that you can always spend some time improving your Hub to meet HubPages standards, and submit it to be evaluated for republication.
You can find more details in the Learning Center.
"Content that contains grammar or spelling mistakes that make it difficult to read or understand"
lol sorry Jimmy it doesn't make it hard to read, I don't know what your deal Is in this you guys were trying to make paradigm look good and I had to expose that. You guys resorted to start saying my hubs are bad quality I go back to read them and this was a joke.. You know that also and I just exposed this fact so are you posting this in a attempt because you know you got out-talked and still want to try and beat me in this pointless convo? Unless your a kid you perfectly understand all my content sorry to break it to ya.
Poetic Philosophy......Shame on you. You have proven yourself a simple, immature, punk piss pot! You come onto our HP site, write your egregiously ILLITERATE crap.....and ASK for help/advice/corrections.....and then you proceed to harass, insult and attempt to bully some of our longest-running Hub Stars, as you taunt with your mistakenly inflated ego???
It is clearly obvious, young man that you have sealed your fate with MOSTof the prolific, highly talented writers at Hubpages.
It is laughable that you speak so smugly and ignorantly to Jimmy. You have not been here long enough or written anything acceptable yet....and have NO right to even shine Jimmy's shoes.
Do you have respect for your mother? grandmother? Doesn't really matter to me, you little insulting twit, but as a GREAT GRAND MOTHER......I'd SLAP your nasty mouth......AFTER I washed it out with soap.
(and those of you who have cow-towed and kissed this BRAT's butt, can be ashamed too.) In 2 and half years, I have not seen such NONSENSE!!!
Thanks for that, remind me not to get on your bad side fpherj48 lol.....jimmy
"Also just to have fun in life and have that feel again of being attractive."
"Grew up together around the same age and stuck with each other through everything."
" So here is the main POF video and they will give you some excellent tips on shaping that up for you ."
When you took Wing Chun you thought that it was the hardest martial art until you heard about Brazilian Jiu-jitsu which is different from others.
You are right.
Amazed HP hasn't done that already.
Actually, you don't have bad grammar at all. When I read your sentences out loud they're fine, everything makes sense and the syntax is natural. Clearly you are a native English speaker, and I don't know why people are unfairly accusing you of being "Engrish" or being a non-native speaker. People who speak English as a second language make totally different types of errors.
Your problem is nothing more than atrocious spelling, lol, to which you freely admit. If you want your articles to pass the QAP featuring process, just run your articles through a spell checker. A lot of people find if very difficult to read articles that are rife with spelling and apostrophe errors. But it's an easy problem to fix.
It's nice that you sort of play by your own "rule's" but HubPages is a privately run enterprise, so they can enforce whatever rules they want. They can moderate, unfeature, unpublish, and delete hubs that don't meet their spelling and grammar requirements. I'm just giving you a heads up, don't shoot the messenger. If you find many of your hubs unfeatured, you can't say people didn't warn you.
You might want to consider starting your own blog instead. That way you can write as you please without concern for moderators and grammar police. Anyway, best of luck to you Ocean Marshall.
Finally, a smart man with common sense. Thank you, haha. I'm glad you don't fall into the baloney game and thank you for your awesome comment
Little boy....the only "Knowledge" in your that we ALL now have the "Knowledge," that yet another crazed, delusional, self-proclaimed expert of much....with a punk attitude and disrespect for others....a.k.a "psychopath".....has once again invaded HP. This is the only knowledge you have presented to us.
no one is labeling you as dumb, we are offering you advice on how to improve your Hubs so that they will get past quality control. Advice that we all need at some point.
Hubpages keep checking Hubs on a loop and they will un feature your work unless you take action now and fix the errors. it is not about the information in your Hubs which is good, it is about the mistakes that you need to fix.
paradigmsearch is a long time and well respected Hubber who offers good words of advice and if he was to let me know about something that I was doing wrong I would accept his advice and change what needed changing.....jimmy
I'm slightly nervous about offering a viewpoint, but here goes.
If you have an important message you want to get across to people, you need to use clear, understandable, easily recognised language. You can't afford to alienate anyone. This is why news readers don't have strong regional accents. They need to be understood by as many people as possible. If you saw someone who sounded like Honey BooBoo presenting a TV programme, you'd probably switch off.
Same goes for the written word. You need to conform to certain ways of delivering your message. The first draft is to get your thoughts onto the page. Then you check and re-check spelling, grammar, punctuation and clarity. Having your own style is one thing, but putting readers off by appearing to not care about them is another. Poor quality writing gets in the way of the message.
I'm not sure I've posted this in the right forum, you have two on going, but they are both about the same point in a way. Wishing you well.
Thank you, I've been taking in everyone's insights and it lead me to editing my hubs I'm starting to do that. Admittedly I like writing freely and I don't follow precise rules that don't really have a value unless you truly care about them. But anyways yes I'm going to start editing my hubs hoping it brings the viewers better quality thanks.
Actually, this is where I need to beg to differ with you Poetic. Language rules do have a reason and a value - and it's to convey a clear message. When you don't follow the language/grammar rules it tarnishes your image as a writer as well. For example, if someone is coming to look at a piece for the first time and they see it full of grammatical or spelling errors or difficult to understand, they will not view you as being knowledgeable or authoritative on your subject. They will in turn find someone else to turn to for advice/knowledge. You devalue yourself when you dismiss language/usage rules.
Things that are beautifully worded and phrased make more of an impact. You have lovely ideas and things to say - you must polish your writing to be successful. I don't like rules a lot either in life - I tend to buck trends, but if you do that with writing, you're only hurting yourself ultimately. Who are you really writing for? your audience or yourself? If you're writing for your audience, you need to value communication skills.
Now I don't agree with how people got to pushing you around, but I also see you rejecting a lot of positive critiques too - and that is going to bring your writing down. Some rules are meant to be broken - others not so much and when it comes to grammar and spelling - not so much . Keep writing and practicing and improving - you'll get there if you get out of your own way and make the changes you need to.
If you ask for help, don't throw the advice you receive back or people will not be so eager to help you.
Beautiful summation of the issue, ChristinS. Done with clarity and class.
Neither of which can or will be understood at ALL, by this vile, self-absorbed, disrespectful little intruding punk!......I am appalled at the defense he is receiving for his rudeness, abruptness and egregiously poorly-written hubs. He is delusional and some of you are encouraging him. To say nothing of how he has replied to a few of our longtime and respected Hubbers!
I will NOT tolerate this. I have 12 grandchildren. If any ONE of them behaved like this child, they'd see Gram Dawg's WRATH in full throttle.! Shameful!
I tried to help, you don't listen, I am not trying to make anyone look good or bad, I pointed out your mistakes and you threw them back in my face.
There are many mistakes in your Hubs and they will need to be fixed.
I gave you a fair and honest opinion of your Hubs with no malice intended, I offered independant advice without bias and I gave you an example of a punctuation mistake and you laughed at me saying it was trivial.
I told you that the end of your first text capsule did not make any sense "I just suddenly started holding up conversations. When this happened I realized a very big key that was hard to accept."
Just what does that actually mean?
Anyway it seems to me that you think that you know better than everyone who has offered you almost identical advice. in your 2 forum threads.
I hope that you can fix your Hubs before they become unfeatured or even unpublished by the Hubpages moderators but I won't hold my breath.
You have been offered advice, whether you take it or not is up to you.
I wish you luck.....jimmy
Thanks for the advice, I don't think I know more then everyone I think I know more about my work then others haha who wouldn't. What that means simply means is to tune in and it will be explained at a later date.. If your not use to things like that. I said your trying to make paradigm look good because you said he did something that was right and started defending him by saying my content wasn't good quality when I finally looked over it and realized this big deal was ridiculous and a man up above realized this too. So you see.. Anyways thanks for trying to give your advice, all the best -PoeticPhilosophy
They haven't become unpublished already? What is taking it so long?
First you all but annihilate the Z from your language. Now you're after the C.
And why is everything quoting? It is maddening. Another brilliant idea from someone.
You have brought shame upon Hubpages. This is no place for you.
Leave or we will drive you out with semi-witty barbed comments and subtle threats.
Ooh, and torches? I've always wanted to be chased with torches.
Torches, pitchforks and a glowing aura of mob mentality. The whole nine yards!
"Torches and...glowing aura of mob mentality..."
Could this affect global warming?
Lol, this is hilarious.
OP, your writing is careless at best and incorrect at worst.
Seriously, your hub on how to get a woman? Hell, if any man dragged me through sprinklers after I said no, I'd punch him in the teeth.
Your articles make it look like you think too much of yourself. Some tips: learn the difference between your and you're. If you already know the difference prove it in your writing and write it correctly to begin with. You are not magically exempt from grammar and writing rules and if you refuse to follow them, then Hubpages is not for you.
Another great reply-- The your/you're is frequent and recognizable.
I know you write poetry and for some of these anomalies you may get away with it in a poem.
For serious articles like how to get a woman/women . I think you are trying to teach men to use woman/women as practice items to increase their own confidence. Women/woman do not like to be used.
I DO believe that you are trying to be helpful, but you need to pay attention to some of the responses. Most of them, including mine, are meant to be kind and helpful. Good luck.
Thanks for your "individual" thoughts lady's. and about the your/you're not sure where I put that but, meeeeeeeeeeeeeh. You know what I mean by it so why complain? I guess Tupac Shakur doesn't know English either cause he doesn't go by grammer rules, haha ok. Wish we could be done with this baloney. Hey! How bout I write it like this, they'er, better? Hahaha. Stop being so serious with life and you can start being happy, all the best to you's.
Why complain? Because it's incorrect. It's lazy, it's unintelligent and it's unprofessional, all of which are things we on Hubpages work so hard to avoid. You bring the overall quality level of the site down when you throw basic writing principles out the window under the guise of "being happy."
Newsflash: You can be perfectly content and still write properly. Don't you want to better yourself and your writing? Don't you want to improve? Don't you want more people to read what you've written and not be turned off by the awful mistakes (I guess "mistake" might not be the right word since you seem to choose to use the incorrect forms of words)?
Also, this is about you and your writing, not a dead rapper, so let's try to stay focused, shall we?
Oooo. Have you not read this forum? Like I've said for atleast! The 10th time, I'm going to take in all the info and edit my hubs to have proper punctuation. Also, with my views, knowledge, and helpfulness, I'm pretty sure I'm doing nothing but bringing this site up. If this was about me I would not have the content I have now, maybe you should read over my hubs.
Then this thread is closed. You asked what you're doing wrong, everyone pointed out all the things you've done wrong. So now you have a lot of correcting and editing to do to get your writing on par with the quality that Hubpages needs and deserves.
Also, I read over some of your Hubs, but I was so nauseated by your objectification of women that I had to stop.
objectification? I love woman! Why do you think I'm trying to help men. I'm sorry if you have the wrong perception of it but this is the 'proven' way of how relationships work, if you go against it all ur doing it causing stress on yourself. No-one is trying to "use" you women, they are simply building their communication skills making them more confident and better in their own lives. Choose, do you want a confident man or insecure? Your choice.
"Proven" huh? I want a guy that doesn't drag me through a sprinkler when I say no. I want a guy who doesn't diss me in his "online opener" when he tries to talk to me. I want a guy who knows when to shut up and go with the flow instead of ordering people around. I want a guy who doesn't read articles that pigeonhole women into neat little categories that insist they all believe and desire the same thing. I want a guy who doesn't mistake belligerence, arrogance and sexism for confidence. End of story.
I think you already like me, anyways. Like you said, end of story.
The amount of nasty things I could say in response here would get me banned instantly.
But sweetheart, I'm not that desperate. Don't delude yourself. I have way more self-respect than that.
You know, in the book I learnt a woman who insults me wants me. But it's ok, your not my type.
You're reading a book about third grade crushes, which, given your writing abilities, would probably be on par with your reading abilities. Generally I insult people because they're stupid and useless. You do the math.
+1, I was surprised at all the people who congratulated the OP on his beautiful thoughts, I did not find "How to attract a woman like no other " beautiful. I really don't feel HP needs any more banal misogyny like : "It is in mans nature to lead a woman and a woman's to be leaded".
Unlike a horse which can be lead to water but.....
It would be ridiculous to compare yourself with Tupac, he was talented and, therefore, imperfections in grammar could be overlooked.
Thank you Christin your awesome. I know it's good for other users and that's why I'm going to edit it touching it up to look nice, thank you.
I reported or if you prefer flagged your Hubs to the moderators, it seems that the only way that you will listen to the advice that you have been offered is when all of your Hubs become unpublished.....jimmy
Thank you for that, I appreciate that Jimmy. As you can see I stated I am going over my hubs and editing them. I'm not going to do it all In 1 day, thank you for that though. Your a true inspiration.
I have read your profile and a Hub you have written about how to attract a woman and my advice is that you should not waste your time editing...just delete the whole lot.
English is clearly not your first language and you seem to have a problem differentiating between what is appropriate in an article and what is appropriate in a text message.
Harsh? Maybe, but here is your profile which is full of...stuff.
Why don't you use a spell checker for starters?
"I'm a man who went through alot of things in my life which was a rollercoaster ride and thankfully it lead me to all this knowledge, suffering pays off in the end . With it I want to use it to help you! So enjoy what I say cause it warms my heart.
Follow me and recieve sincere, helpful advice on improving your life for the better
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Do you have any knowledge or thought's you would love to share? Start writing for hubpages about anything! and earn money while doing it. Copy paste URL below."
Umm.. What exactly is wrong with that profile Ernest. Haha this is amazing how all you people are trying to nick-pick over ridiculousness, keep that up and see how your life turns out (Y).
Another person tries to help and you shoot them down, nit picking keeps your Hubs and your profile up to Hubpages standards.....jimmy
Nah, nothing wrong with that profile and everyone has their "individual" say and that's all there is. Hubpages is the ultimate judge and we'll see what happens. I'm not writing to write for your standards and ur not writing for mine. It's obvious all of you understand my writing and hahaha this Is just a laugh.. calculus-geometry said it too so all of you just want to be a part of this for whatever reason, negative train. Like I said good luck with that. The trolls are getting a dig out of this but if that's your mind set Haha.. I asked you to state out my mistakes all you could list was a punctuation error. Like I said, ridiculous. I don't want to hear you don't understand blah blah. I am correcting those mistakes and only reason I'm replying is cause I'm bored, nothing better to do. Now... Go look at Tupac Shakur's writing and go on saying everything you are about me, OOOOOK. Alrighty, like I said reeediculousness.
People - save your words you might need them and they are wasted here.
I tried to help you's but you's just refused to listen, maybe I should try dragging you through a sprinkler because no seems to be you's favorite word. I still don't get what you are trying to say in this sentence "I just suddenly started holding up conversations. When this happened I realized a very big key that was hard to accept." and you ignored it when I pointed it out earlier favoring the punctuation error that was only one of the many that I found.
Spell check is your friend, you should try using it but remember the Hubpages spell check is not working correctly at the moment try using word or works.
I am currently updating my older Hubs which I freely admit are below not only Hubpages standards but my own standards too.
My writing is not perfect but I have listened to advice from many people during the seven years I have been writing on Hubpages and it has vastly improved my writing skills.
I have had Hubs Flagged, unpublished and unfeatured and It will probably happen again.
You's Hubs are low quality and will have to be fixed if you want them to stay published and everyone in this thread has told you what you's need to know to fix them.
I love being called a troll lol maybe i should have stayed under that rock instead of wasting my time on you's.
try to help and you's get shot down in flames.
Again I hope you will change your Hubs and find a successful niche on Hubpages but as far as I am concerned I am done trying to help you, I have a lot of work to do on my own Hubs to get them to a better standard and cannot afford to waste anymore time on you......jimmy
Anyone want my advice ? Stay off the forums ! Mark them down to childish rants by anonymous know it all's , who really only want to bully other people ! Ask a question , seek advice , but the minute you opine there , you otherwise open yourself up to every know it all on the planet .
Holly.....Thank you for being a Voice of Reason in an otherwise CRAZY place. I cannot believe what I'm reading here....and I am quite SERIOUS. If HP does NOT BAN this jerk, I will make more noise than they've ever heard and then they can BAN me, because I won't give a damn!
This is the very most egregious crap I've seen on this site in 2 and half yrs..... WHO is this delusional, psychotic punk? and we have hubbers SUPPORTING HIM????
OK a proper statement from me.
I am on PP's 'side'. As I saw it he was wound up, insulted and bullied on the other thread.
He is a young one, not brilliant with English. He got angry and fought back. Why shouldnt he?
We grand writers with our wonderful and oh-so-up-ourselves way with words proceeded to gang up on him and harass him. Look at us with our thousands of pages and posts and Hubs.
We are bitter cynical experts in attacking people. And what better place than a public forum?
That's how I see it.
Now you can twist and fidget and divert the issues any which way, and yep, you / we are experts at that too - but if you READ and THINK what is going on in that other thread then you might see why the young guy lost it.
Hey, folks. Here's the real original thread. Had a heck of a time finding it. Though PP has deleted his OP, it is his thread. Most of the rest of the thread still remains. And you will note that I really did try to help the guy while simultaneously remaining oblique so that HP wouldn't discover him.
As a side note, it is going to be a long, long time before I try to help another newbie.
Thank you, PDS. I've been looking for that since the early hours of Sunday morning! Perhaps Mark could now add that to his Bullying HP Cliques Bubble. Just to put the whole thing in context for his readers!
I may do a new one about in-groups and 'respected hubbers' if I can see any angle in it. These are public forums after all.
I hope that you guys will not try to make me change my opinion. I am a fairly rational intelligent person and I have my take on it. I have now read all three threads more than enough times. Please don't tell me about a fourth.
HP probably needs new writers desperately - not my concern.
It may need young people talking to young people - not my issue.
Clearly - no-one ever changed their mind through forum debate so we all are where we are. I am comfortable with my position. I don't expect any of you to change yours.
Not trying to make you change your opinion, just trying to ensure that people have access to all the information, so they can form their own.
You's should know wat's going down!
I think I am now fully informed and have said more than enough of my piece on it. Bubblews is down at the moment so another visit to the forums. Unwise I think.
Funnily enough I am now serene. What was aggrieving me was not just saying in a straightforward way what I thought. Now I have - it's cool. We have different opinions on something - no one died.
You're not allowed to think differently than anyone else on forums. You didn't know that Mark? Shanna had it right... It's mob mentality or bust.
Shanna? Don't tell me there's another bloody thread. I scanned up and she's whittering on about wanting to be dragged through a sprinkler.
Oh don't start that. I have read some of your stuff. Had to loosen my cardigan.
Lol, yes of course, my apologies you small mama.
Is that better?
I have a picture of an episode of "the Brady Bunch" in my head hearing that shrieking voice,.... "Marsha Marsha MARSHA!!!!"
I have to say, while I still don't support Paradigm's bullyish way of handling the flagging in the other thread, after reading the 300 some odd post on the subject, I am having a harder time supporting PP in this matter.
Seriously PP, You have acknowledged that your hubs need to be fine tuned a bit. Please save your dignity and go make those changes. Then, if there there is anything of value in your hubs, people may start to respect you as a writer. All these threads are serving to do is to build discontent against you.
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