I am afraid to put much info until I investigate further and take action. Check your own. The scraped one appears just below mine on page 1 for my keywords. At least it is not above mine. The culprit has Google+ authorship. His date precedes mine, as my update date is later. So now I have to prove mine was first before copy. Maybe I will forget about dates. Is it better to contact blogger or just send form directly to Google? This is first discovery in a while.I haven't been doing much checking.
I keep seeing these types of complaints at Hub Pages and wonder how much it would cost Hub Pages to instate a security system. The only time I copy someone's material is when I'm sending it back to them as a critique. The first time I learned I could do this, however, I was rather shocked. Anyone can copy anyone's material for any reason. So, if Hub Pages really cares, featured hubs should be protected.
I'm sure they would if it was possible, but there is no effective way to prevent it.
Marissa, it is possible, but secure sites use a different technology than Hub Pages uses here. You cannot select and copy such sites. You would have to type out the material word for word. This would greatly reduce the problem about which hubbers have been complaining. I invite you to Google "Marius Fine Art," for example and see if you can copy a picture directly from the website. This is the security Hub Pages would have to use, but it would probably cost hubbers a fee.
That site has disabled right-click, which will discourage casual copying but does not prevent theft. I was able to copy all the text easily. The images are a little harder - you have to know how to do it using a photo-editing program. However if you know how to do it, it's a very simple trick and takes two seconds.
I'm not a hacker, so if I can do it, you can imagine that such measures are no barrier to thieves who are bent on stealing material.
The same technology can be applied to text.
You are correct that it will not prevent theft by those determined to do so; however, a security system would greatly reduce the occurrence.
Most of the copying is automated Marie and is done via a relatively easy process which is commonly referred to as auto-blogging. Even with the right click copy feature disabled, you are still able to view the 'page source' and copy from that.
However, most of the copying we are seeing is being undertaken automatically.
No, it wouldn't. The occasional "theft" of a Hub is nothing to worry about: if it occurs, it's easily fixed by contacting the blogger concerned and explaining the rules to them.
What is a concern is the professional thief - as Marketing Merit says, they are not using copy/paste at all, they are using software which can easily circumvent the systems you mention. Preventing copy/paste makes it harder for ordinary people to share quotes from your work, which can actually be counter-productive.
Actually they can take a picture of the desktop and people have other ways of getting around those sites. There is not one writing site that is safe.
Snopes.com has their site secure and you can't copy and paste anything from them.
I just went to Snopes, picked an article at random and copied and pasted it no problem.
It would not work for me on any of the information that I wanted to copy to keep the information.
The reality is that if your Hub can be read, then it can be copied.
I'm sorry this happened to you. Wow.. Now I'm worried Google should have a better plagiarism check
Report him to Blogger
https://support.google.com/legal/troubl … 14905?rd=2
@Brakel2 , don't worry about having edited a piece of work and a later date showing in your stats. Google will go by the date it was first indexed, not the date of any amendments. With regard to the date on the blog post, it is easy for a blog author to change the date that appears on posts to make them seem older (or newer) - but again, Google will go by the date the article was indexed there - whatever the post date says.
Hope you get the problem sorted soon, looks like Marisa has provided good advice about how and where to report this.
Take a quote or sentence from one of your hubs. Try to pick one that is uniquely in your voice, something another person probably would not express that way. The put it in quotation marks, front and back, and type it in your search bar. Click Search, and it will bring you to the site or spot where your copied content is. I hope you don't find any.
The copiers seem really lazy for the most part. I've had some copy only a few sentences or a paragraph out of a 3,000 word hub. It does hurt to see your own words taken by somebody else. If you can find them this way, email them at their site, and ask if they will take it down, because it was stolen from your work. I've made progress that way. Best wishes!
For DMCA claims, contact the hosting site first, then if they do not respond you can file a claim with Google. The claim with Google will not remove the infringing material form the site on which it is hosted, just from Google search results.
http://hubpages.com/learningcenter/how- … -complaint
In this case, the host IS Google. Google owns blogger/blogspot and the DMCA request must be made using the form Google provides for that purpose.
In this particular case, it's Blogger - so reporting to Google is the right thing to do.
The blogger's name is Muhammad Mizzi. You might check further. I found one other hub copied, and I reported it to the hubber.
I'm sorry you are having all this trouble with plagiarism. These people are shameless!
My article that was on same page as scraper is now on page 1 for my keywords. The scraper's is no longer on that page, even though Google has not removed it yet. This is good news to me. Thanks Jean and all for the great comments about the blogger problem. Maybe the issue will get resolved, for now, anyway.
Great news and really encouraging for the rest of us! Well done.
First contact the blogger and then report the matter to Google.
I'm sorry this happened to you Audrey. I had 3 hubs copied, and was able to find and contact the people who stole them, and eventually they took them down. What really bothered me was that one of the hubs was one of my earliest written, and has always done very well. So that means people have been stealing hubs since early 2011. I don't even have the heart to check anymore. In the other two cases, they took certain paragraphs or a few sentences. It's so much paperwork to file, although it's better than having your hard work taken.
The dates on Blogger can be manipulated. For instance on my blog home page, where i have the intro, each time I post on that page, the intro will be pushed to the bottom, but I can prevent it by continuing to change the date.
I have had things taken off blogger I reported to Google. When I have tried to contact the person it hasn't done much good in most cases but I do try.
Thanks for your support and direction. I will be forever grateful. It gives me an idea about the direction to take. I sure do wish, as someone suggested, we could have a secure site with a high electric fence, at least better security. Lol. When I get all info I guess I will give his name to see if he has copied other hubs.
Same thing happened to me--a hub from my other account was copied to a blogspot blog by someone called adorable17. Entire hub is copied as it is.
You have to fill a form to report the theft, but it's complicated, and involves court and legal actions.
Google penalizes sites for content theft, so she wont rank in search engine results (Google is pretty smart).
The only problem is if I delete my hub and try to post it again, it'll probably be considered as copied content.
This is my hub-- http://amazingthinker.hubpages.com/hub/ … ay-Forever
And this is her's on blogger - http://adorable17.blogspot.in/2013/08/5 … ep-it.html
The form isn't really that complicated and I have never had to get involved in court and legal actions.
Here is how to report to Blogger:
https://support.google.com/legal/troubl … 14905?rd=2
I've had many copies removed from Blogger blogs successfully, and all I did was submit the form.
Google doesn't always penalize sites for content theft, unfortunately - sometimes it's not very good at working out which one is the original. Better not to take the chance.
I recently read an interesting post here: http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthr … my-website
How does alibaba.com do it?
And this code prevents from right clicking on a website
// ==UserScript==
// @name Anti-Disabler
// @namespace http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/greasemonkeyhks/
// @description restore context menus on sites that try to disable them
// @include *
// ==/UserScript==
with (document.wrappedJSObject || document) {
onmouseup = null;
onmousedown = null;
oncontextmenu = null;
var arAllElements = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
for (var i = arAllElements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var elmOne = arAllElements[i];
with (elmOne.wrappedJSObject || elmOne) {
onmouseup = null;
onmousedown = null;
oncontextmenu = null;
This is an interesting post, Nitin. Thank you for sharing. The code is a little overwhelming, but, if necessary, I will probably learn how to apply it. Again, thank you.
Hubpages used to flag up copied hubs in our accounts - I've not seen that occur for a couple of years now. Do they still do it? If so, why isn't the software finding the copies? If not, why not?
You can't stop it - but it'd be nice to be alerted automatically as there's not enough time in the day to check every hub every week "in case" somebody's copied it.
I've heard of people stealing other people's work off the internet. How do you check to see if your work has been stolen?
Well your original publish date is before his so won't that make you the first publisher of the content?
Yes you are right about my publish date being first. I even have other ways to prove it. Thanks for your help.
Marisa and Writer Fox. I am using the forms that Google needs for Blogger. Thanks for helping me.
If you try to get something removed at Blogger, be sure you sign in to Google and you put an http:// in front of the infringing URL if it is not there. Blogger URLs are different. Anyway, the offending person does not have many blogs, so I will check to see if any others of ours are there. Thanks for help.
I found a hub by Rajan Jolly copied as the first one I checked. I put some words from the scraper's blog, and it came up. It is an article on water.
How do you check to see if yours or mine are copied. I thought somehow that when we post on HP that our hubs a copywriten.
They are, but that does not in itself stop people from violating the copyright.
I know someone who had he article copied including the picture and the originator of the article was the one who was banned from HP
Having your content copied from your Hub to another site by someone else without your permission is certainly not grounds to have an account banned.
Even in the cases of obvious and blatant duplication by an author on HubPages it is unlikely to be banned for one duplication offense.
If an author thinks there is a duplication moderation or warning that they believe is inaccurate, then they should contact us here and we can look into it further.
Alison Graham also had a hub duplicated by another hubber and could not get him to take it down.
I am sorry to tell you that I have found this hub copied in its entirety on this page http://healthweightloss123.blogspot.co.uk/2011/12/ I found it because this site has also copied one of my hubs. I have filed a DMCA to get my copied page removed. Another hubbers hub has also been copied and I have informed him.
The message she left on that hub:
I am sorry to tell you that I have found this hub copied in its entirety on this page http://healthweightloss123.blogspot.co.uk/2011/12/ I found it because this site has also copied one of my hubs. I have filed a DMCA to get my copied page removed. Another hubbers hub has also been copied and I have informed him.
that healthweightloss123 blog has been removed and just for clarity, Shyron E Shenko, may I please correct your post, I left a comment on that hubber's hub to inform him that his hub had been copied on that (external) blog page - it was not another hubber who had copied mine - but a blogspot blog owner. I no longer leave comments to let other hubbers know if I find their work copied, I email them direct.
Thank you Alison for setting me straight on this, I misunderstood.
no problem, I just did not want anyone to think that a hubber had been 'misbehaving'!
I filed a DMCA with Google and they just removed one of my Hubs copied by a Blogger.
I filed on 09/07/13 14:17:40 They removed my hub yesterday this site was on blogspot and it was called for cooking lover. They should have taken her down completely but they haven't. She has more recipes but I couldn't tell if any were from Hubpages. It looks like everything she has is copied.
This is outrageous moonlake! I am assuming you got an email about this from Google - you have the facility to reply to this as it may be an honest mistake at their end - after all, the process is done by humans who have to work very quickly.
However, if it was not a mistake at their end, I am very concerned that the problem may have arisen here on hubpages was the hub in question every unfeatured and de-indexed as a result or, was the hub in question a hub on your subdomain that got reclassified as an editor's choice and therefore indexed on hubpages only recently?
Its possible, but the implementation is a pain. And never foolproof. I don't endorse copy right infringement and I will delete this later.
I have a new one, someone has copied my article and added it to the description of several videos on You Tube. They say they will be taking them down within a week (no idea why the delay) I had also filed a DMCA.
And they had the nerve to tell me to follow their videos
These are the people who copied it, maybe you might want to check and see if they copied any of yours:
http://www. youtube .com/user/WildFilmsIndia?feature=watch
Just remove the spaces, I don't want them getting any credit.
The same thing has happened to me. Report it to Google so that there is a record of the plagiarism.
YouTube is owned and hosted by Google.
Go to this link and check the item on the list: YouTube
https://support.google.com/legal/troubl … 14905?rd=2
Follow the instructions from there to file the DMCA request to have them stop hosting the site.
Then, go to this link, sign in to your Webmaster Tools account, and fill out the form to have it removed from search engine results:
When it has been removed, go to the first link again, choose Web Search, and have the cache copy removed.
I would also leave a comment on the account that the text was plagiarized and give a link to your Hub.
Yes, I told them to remove it. That is when they suggested I subscribe to their videos
I have filed a DMCA, I'll do the other step right now
Sorry, uninvited writer, for your problem. I know it can be frustrating and that. wilderness had forty DMCAs at one time.
by Rajan Singh Jolly 11 years ago
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by Alison Graham 12 years ago
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by Penelope Hart 11 years ago
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