Hub texts translated into other languages

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  1. Bard of Ely profile image77
    Bard of Elyposted 10 years ago

    I have just had someone offer to translate a hub of mine into Polish so it can be posted on Polish sites with a link included to the original English version here. Would this be allowed under HubPage rules about duplicate content?

    1. vocalcoach profile image91
      vocalcoachposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I, too would like to know the answer to this question.  My guess is, that it would not be considered duplicate content, but this is just a guess.

      1. profile image63
        ronbarakposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Since determening is a content is duplicate is done (most likely) automatically (e.g., using a search engine automation or robot), I fail to see how could hubpages determine that the Polish text and the English text are the same.
        To convince yourself on machine's translation state-of-the-are, take your hubpage English text, use Google Translate to translate it to Polish, and then translate that back to English. You'll see that you can abandon any hope/fear of a "duplicate."

    2. Phyllis Doyle profile image96
      Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, that is an interesting question, Bard, one which I have never thought about. I am curious as to what HP thinks about this. I am also curious as to how Google will treat the translated article in regards to duplicate content. I am going to keep in touch reading this thread to see what happens.Thanks for bringing up the subject -- I think it is something we all need to know about since we are a world-wide site.

    3. Jayne Lancer profile image84
      Jayne Lancerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I wonder if there is any way of Google or Hubpages or whoever detecting that an article is a translation. If not, anyone could just translate articles from around the Web and put them up as their own. Who would ever know?

      1. Bard of Ely profile image77
        Bard of Elyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I think you have just asked a very valid question there to which I have no answer.

        1. The Examiner-1 profile image60
          The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I would bet that HP thinks so.

  2. HollieT profile image81
    HollieTposted 10 years ago

    That's happened recently. Remember the site which literally cloned HP and translated our hubs into French?

    From memory, if it was a translated version it was not considered duplicate content. However, many of us (myself included) filed a DMCA and the content was taken down by the site. Voluntary I think, pretty sure that they didn't actually have to but they'd also taken many images which belonged to the authors. Perhaps this was the motivator!

  3. Moon Daisy profile image78
    Moon Daisyposted 10 years ago

    I'm sure such a case should be considered duplicate content.  After all, whoever translates it has not provided original content, just stolen it from somebody else, however you look at it.  I'm not sure whether HP technically counts it as plagiarism or can detect it, but I feel like it should.

    1. Bard of Ely profile image77
      Bard of Elyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It is not stolen in my case. A person who is friendly with the people talked about in my hub wants to help them so has politely asked me if they can do this.

  4. Fryday profile image82
    Frydayposted 10 years ago

    How ironic that you have this question. I would also like to know the answer.  I was just thinking how I would like my articles to be translated in other languages.  I think it would greatly increase my reach.  I wish I knew another language other than English.  I really want to learn Portguese!

    1. Jayne Lancer profile image84
      Jayne Lancerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I wouldn't attempt to write for a website in a second language. I think only truly bi- or multi-lingual people manage that successfully. By 'truly', I mean where all languages are used with equal competence. I do envy anyone who can do it.

  5. Bard of Ely profile image77
    Bard of Elyposted 10 years ago

    So no one really knows for sure on this which is a shame because I have to answer the person who is offering to do the translation. The hub in question I would really like to promote so this would be a great help but do not know if I give the go ahead will it then get picked up on by HP as duplicate content!

    1. Phyllis Doyle profile image96
      Phyllis Doyleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The same question was asked 2 years ago and no reply from HP team.
      widerness posted in the the same forum category you did. Maybe if you make it an "Official" thread by posting in the New Suggestions for HubPages Mathew or another staff member may reply much quicker.

      1. Bard of Ely profile image77
        Bard of Elyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you! I have posted this in the Suggestions forum as you have suggested.

  6. DamienAlexander profile image57
    DamienAlexanderposted 10 years ago

    Surely there is a contact address for HP you can email to ask... I'm kind of new here so idk but it would make no sense not to.

  7. Millionaire Tips profile image86
    Millionaire Tipsposted 10 years ago

    I don't know the answer, but that won't stop me from putting my three cents in. 
    First, I think it would be hard for the software to recognize it as duplicate, so you could get away with it.
    Second, I don't know why you think this would bring traffic to your hub.  If the hub is already translated to a language I can read (and presumably prefer), why would I want to click the link to read it again in another language.  Personally, I think it would detract from my hub, since people who do read English may find the other language first and there goes my traffic to my hub.
    Third, if I did allow a translation, how do I know it is properly translated?  Is someone simply going to put it on an online translator or do they have the proper skills, energy and willingness to go through the effort to make sure it is correct?  I would hate for something I said to get translated wrong and cause problems or make my article be of low quality.

    1. WriteAngled profile image82
      WriteAngledposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What MT said.

      I would suggest a short summary of the content in the other language, with a link back to the original article for people who are tempted to read more and able to do so in English.

      1. Bard of Ely profile image77
        Bard of Elyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        This is a good idea but would mean that a Polish translated version would not be posted on Polish sites so those who cannot read English would miss out on it all.

        1. Jayne Lancer profile image84
          Jayne Lancerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I take it that your sole motive is to have the piece read and understood. A backlink is simply an added bonus.

          1. Bard of Ely profile image77
            Bard of Elyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Not my sole motive but I want to help the people I have written about spread the word. The person offering the translation is a friend/supporter of theirs.

            1. Jayne Lancer profile image84
              Jayne Lancerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Frankly, I think that is all it will do.

              If I were you, I would drop the Hubpages team an email to let them know what you plan, since they haven't bothered answering your question here. Let us know what they have to say.

              1. Bard of Ely profile image77
                Bard of Elyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                I am waiting to see if they answer in the Suggestions forum.

                1. Jayne Lancer profile image84
                  Jayne Lancerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  They've already answered.

                  1. Bard of Ely profile image77
                    Bard of Elyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Thank you! I have just seen it.

              2. Marisa Wright profile image84
                Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Jayne, the Community section of the forums isn't monitored by HubPages staff, so it's not a case of not "being bothered".

                1. Jayne Lancer profile image84
                  Jayne Lancerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Well, thank goodness you're 'bothered' enough to tell me, Marisa.


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