Help Needed: All Youtube Videos Did Not Import, Plus 2 Other Questions

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  1. Brite-Ideas profile image74
    Brite-Ideasposted 10 years ago

    (1) Video Problem:

    So far, on the pages I've checked, none of my Youtube Videos imported. I was the country music contributor which means many of my pages are music pages with video referenced and related in the page - Here's a link to a page that was  just imported that I have currently not modified in any way so you can see an as is - the videos do not show. … -good-mood

    Also, I'm noticing that whether it's multiple videos in a module at squidoo, or a single youtube video in a module at squidoo, doesn't matter, the videos have not imported - I have 560 pages, so I haven't checked every single one of them.

    Thank you.

    (2) CallOut Module Problem:

    I have noticed the Callout module/capsule has been stripped of html? I take it no html in callout capsules when we edit  (realizing  they count to the 2 domain rule of course) - note, you can see a callout module example in the link I provided above. Thanks.

    (3) Photos Not Showing Up in a Modified Page

    I modified a page yesterday, and all of a sudden 2 of the photos in photo boxes don't show in the published version. In edit, it shows that I have 3  photos on the page, however only 1 photo shows when published. Also, it no longer has any flags on it for  problems, so not sure what's causing those photos not to show up? Thank you. Here's the link to that page: … _boyfriend

    Thank you,
    Brite-Ideas on Hubpages

    1. Brite-Ideas profile image74
      Brite-Ideasposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Also, I don't know how this will be fixed, but if you have to do a re-import my lenses, then I am presuming I could potentially lose the modifications I'm in the process of doing? -  Would there be a way to exclude any pages I am currently manually modifying from a re-import. Thanks for your help on this.

      EDIT: Please don't re-import lenses without talking to me/us - I'm editing and don't want to lose the pages I've edited. Thank you.

    2. Brite-Ideas profile image74
      Brite-Ideasposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Glad some of you are finding pages that still have videos, so far no luck for me, videos completely missing - I'll see as I go along

    3. Marina Lazarevic profile image80
      Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Brite-Ideas! Thanks you for reporting these issues.

      I'll try to address each:

      1) Missing videos. Please refer to my post in this thread:
      2) Callouts. We intentionally stripped HTML from the Callout module. In general, Squidoo had greater support for editing HTML in various modules compared to HubPages. Most of our capsules do not support HTML editing.
      3) Photos not displaying. It sounds like these photos are need to be unhidden. Writer Fox has a handy screenshot and instructions for how to address the issue here:

      Hope this helps!

  2. BritFlorida profile image70
    BritFloridaposted 10 years ago

    I have the same video problem. Every lens I've checked so far has lost them. (590 lenses / hubs - not all have been looked at yet).

    1. Brite-Ideas profile image74
      Brite-Ideasposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      yikes. I'm editing now, so I don't want them to just do a re-import without talking to me first

    2. BritFlorida profile image70
      BritFloridaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'm editing like crazy too smile

  3. profile image0
    Jason Sositkoposted 10 years ago

    I was just transferred. I noticed this too, and was disheartened, at least some were there in edit mode.

  4. Board-Game-Brooke profile image87
    Board-Game-Brookeposted 10 years ago

    Some of my videos disappeared as well, but not all of them. I also have some pages with a lot of videos, but strangely, those seem to be okay... it's just the pages that had a single video that seem to be affected! Maybe it's a random glitch?

    I also noticed that links were stripped from the callouts, but you can add them back. I think it was a transfer issue. I was able to successfully put my links back into my callout modules.

    1. BritFlorida profile image70
      BritFloridaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'd better report that I'm just editing a transferred article that DOES have its video. Like the missing ones, it's YouTube.

      I read in another thread that there was a problem with videos that had been added to Squidoo lenses via the search facility in the module. I don't think I've ever used that.

  5. makingamark profile image71
    makingamarkposted 10 years ago

    Some of my videos have disappeared but not all.

    Some are not there because they're not there on YouTube - if you get my meaning.  Obviously that's fine - that was an edit that was needed

    However some which are still there on YouTube are also missing.

  6. Richard-H profile image74
    Richard-Hposted 10 years ago

    Quite a few of mine have also disappeared (and what I wouldn't give for a multi-video capsule)...

  7. lisavollrath profile image93
    lisavollrathposted 10 years ago

    Yep. All my videos are gone.

  8. bushaex profile image81
    bushaexposted 10 years ago

    My content from Squidoo was imported late on September 8. So far it looks like no YouTube videos were successful in making it to their ultimate destination on HubPages. I intentionally edited any lenses on Squidoo that had multiple videos in one module, so I know that's not the problem. I include at least one video on each article -- so this is literally a problem with every single new Hub.

  9. iijuan12 profile image74
    iijuan12posted 10 years ago

    Is the lack of YouTube videos transferring something that will be addressed/fixed by HubPages, or do I need to upload every single video that was on my Squidoo pages onto my new HubPages?

    1. DreamsBloom profile image74
      DreamsBloomposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Marina said in another thread, "We have a fix for this in the works and plan to re-import all affected Hubs that have not been edited. Please don't edit your Hubs if you want them to be imported again.  We plan to do a re-import (note: only for Hubs affected by *this* bug specifically) later this week. If you prefer to add videos back manually and be excluded from the re-import, you are free to do that! I'll update this thread when the re-import is done." That  is quoted from here

      So it's up to you.

      I am going to wait and see what happens. Even if it doesn't fix everything I assume it will fix some, so that will make so there is less work for me. If it's a hub that is getting a lot of traffic or for other reasons needs to be fixed sooner rather than later, you might want to manually fix it yourself though.

  10. iijuan12 profile image74
    iijuan12posted 10 years ago

    That's wonderful to hear! Thank you!

  11. norma-holt profile image62
    norma-holtposted 9 years ago

    I have lost heaps of videos and many that are no longer working. It's so frustrating and I am getting tired of re-editing and fixing my lenses. They don't have the same quality now.


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