I hope someone can help before I have to throw away a hub that took me 6 hours to produce. It is marked "unpublished for duplication" for no reason that I can discern.
Every single word and sentence came from my own head and has never been published online (or anywhere else for that matter). I get form letters from HP and I can't get a response from a human. I don't think anyone can see this hub because it is not published, but here is the title. How to Write: Quotes from Famous Writers on Writing
Maybe the quotes are causing it to be marked duplicate, but I have done at least 6 other hubs based on quotes with no problem. I do not drop the quotes in wholesale. I group them by topic, format them, and write a couple of paragraphs on each topic explaining why the quotes are important. I added pictures and callouts that repeated the quotes, but I have done that before too with no problem.
I am positive that my text is not a duplicate of anything unless there has been some incredible coincidence along the lines of "an infinite number of monkeys..." I don't even know what part of the text is the duplicate--if I did I could try to fix it. I'm so frustrated I am ready to cry. Or quit HP.
I need the views. I could just write something else, but it takes me all day to produce a hub. What do I do?
Thank you Writer Fox. You probably can't find it because it is unpublished.
http://catherinegiordano.hubpages.com/h … on-Writing
What surprised me is that views are showing up. There were 10 this morning, and now there are 16. Do you know why that is?
The link doesn't work. Go to the email HP sent and there should be a link there for you to ask for help on the forum. If you click on that link, we will be able to see your Hub. Here are the instructions: http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/128255#post2700884
Your own visits are showing in the count.
I, too, have written quotation Hubs so I hope I will be able to read yours.
A link to your Hub: http://catherinegiordano.hubpages.com/h … on-Writing
Writer Fox: Is that what you meant? It was at the top of the email.
HP is not showing new posts here in notifications. I have to go to my email account to see if there has been a new post.
I added more text around 1pm and it is still being reviewed.
These are the instructions: "If you have a Hub that is not Featured, all you need to do is click on the link at the bottom of the email you received. Clicking the link will post a brief message to the Improving Your Hub Forum along with a link to the Hub. Unpublished Hubs by Hubbers in Boot Camp will be made viewable by signed-in Hubbers for seven days from the day they post to the Forum, making it much easier for new users to seek help."
I'm not going to guess about what the problem is until I can look at the Hub.
Thanks Writer Fox. There is no link at the bottom of the email.
Then, post that problem in the technical forum and someone will read it tomorrow (if HP staff actually shows up at work after the Super Bowl game).
Also, send an email to the team asking what is wrong with your Hub, because without being able to see it, everyone on this thread is just guessing: team at hubpages dot com
OR -read what Marisa posted in this thread and that I agreed with. This will save you some forum time that could be used on writing or editing time. I do not mean to be rude, but it is very obvious that the issue is quote to text ratio. Did you read what is in the Learning Center that I linked to?
I have no idea what the ratio is because I cannot see the Hub. But, there is more to avoiding 'duplicate content' than that with a quotations Hub. I have two of them, and I know how it should be done. Plus, there are hundreds (at least) on HP.
this is what is at the bottom of the email.
http://hubpages.com/learningcenter/Mode … te-Content
The HubPages Team
I apologize, Fox - I meant to reply to Catherine. She is frustrated, I know, and does need help. She said the ratio is about 50/50, which is way too high. She needs to add a lot more text because if the ratio is 50/50, that means her hub is way too short and is considered at least half is copied content.
There was no link at the bottom of her email that stated "duplicate content" because it is not a technical issue - rather it is a hub quality issue. Therefore, she needs to add a lot more content.
Edit: I just noticed that she said there is a link to the Learning Center. The link at the bottom of her email points her to the same link I gave her. To go to that link and read would help her a lot.
Almost all my hubs have quotes in them and I know, too, how it should be done. I keep the quotes to text ratio very low. So I know what I am talking about.
You are being a very helpful co-hubber to Catherine and I know she appreciates it. Just, please have her check out the LC link and increase her text content.
I've sent emails to the team asking what is wrong. I sent an email asking them to send me that link. No one responds. I can tell you are frustrated with being unable to help. I am 10 times more frustrated. Yes I went to the Learning Center. I checked the one email they sent me, a form letter, ten times looking for the link.
Yeah, but "Tomorrow is another day" – Gone With the Wind
Obviously the HP team is not going to respond to this thread, to my request for a link or to my request for clarification. I think my revised hub is under review, not really sure) but I don't think they are in any rush to do the review either since it has been 6 hours since I revised.
Hi Catherine,
Sorry you're feeling so frustrated. The HP Team does not usually work weekends, so we often will not be able to respond to specific requests like yours until Monday.
As a few Hubbers have mentioned here, it sounds like the quote-to-original-text ratio was simply too low for your Hub to pass the QAP. I'm glad you were able to get some good advice and ultimately get your Hub published.
That is information I was not aware of. I thought that since "the sun never sets of HP", there would be staffed 24/7 because while the U.S. is asleep people are writing in England, India, and Australia. My bad luck to have a problem on the weekend. Maybe this would be a good topic for the newsletter.
I had tried putting the link into copyscape to see if I could find the duplication, but it didn't work because the hub is unpublished.
If you've got several quotes and a short paragraph discussing them it is likely a problem. Try getting your original words to be 80% or more of the total word count and you should be fine.
Thanks wilderness. The ratio of text to quotes might be a little less than on some other hubs, but I have close to 1700 words. but I will try adding in a few more sentences for each topic.
I felt like I said everything I had to say on each topic, so now I am just padding. I guess it's worth a try.
I have 34 quotes. Perhaps there are too many quotes relative to text. I could delete quotes, but I love every one of them. I could pad the text. I hate that I have to play guessing games because I don't know what the problem is. Maybe I'll spend an hour or more fixing the wrong thing. And the time I am wasting trying to edit a perfectly good hub could better be spent writing a new hub. Or maybe reading a book.
I have a Hub with 100 quotes and another one with 50 quotes.
As I said. it is a stab in the dark. I added text about 100 words.. I shortened a couple of the quotes. Let's see what happens.
writer fox: What is the ratio of text to quotes in your hubs with a lot of quotes?
I have no idea, but you can see them on my Profile. Did you find the email from HP?
I found your hub of internet quotes. Your quotes a very long and are probably about 75% of the content. Now, I'm beginning to think that the text quote ratio might not be the problem.
It is definitely the ratio of quotes to text.
Do try putting the quotes in proper quotation marks - I'm not sure if that "tells" the filter they are quotes, but it's well worth trying.
Otherwise, your only option is to cut out some quotes. Why not do it gradually, taking out one at a time? It may take a little time and mean the Hub has to go through the process a few times, but it would be a pity to cut out more than you need.
I will see if my addition of 100 words gets the hub Ok'd. If not, I'll try the quote marks.
Marisa is right. Your quote to text ratio is the problem. I believe the ratio is quite low, some where around 5% quote to text. Check in the Learning Center for help.
http://hubpages.com/learningcenter/publ … d_22732309
Under "The Hub Contains Duplicate Content"
"If your Hub is entirely original but still being moderated for duplicate content, it might be because it contains quotes or phrases that appear many times in similar types of content (e.g. recipes, religious articles) and is also short. To resolve the duplicate issue, add as much additional original content as possible."
I believe that using a callout for each quote would help a lot more than images.When using the callout, make sure to use the quote option.
try not to copy and paste the quote from elsewhere. Retype the quotes from those site to your hub. I also had that problem until i retype them and don't use more than 3 quotes of the same site
I just checked for the umpteenth time and IT PASSED REVIEW AND IT IS NOW PUBLISHED. Thanks everyone for you help and support. BTE way IMHO, it is worth a look. How to Write: Quotes from Famous Writers on Writing. 100 additional words did the trick.
I simply agree my friend that because of using quotes from other authors. These words should be written. Better to print-screen that one to have picture file for any quotes you want to put on a hub. Thanks.
My hub "How to Write" now has a respectable hub score of 78 and it appears to be climbing. All's well that ends well.
By what you say here it's likely to be the quotes that are causing the problem. I had a similar issue some time ago with an Anne Frank article. I used a letter she wrote - the whole letter - and I got the duplicate flag. What I did was to take pertinent extracts from the letter and use them, interspersed with my own text, without diluting the hub as a whole. It worked. Perhaps you could try to 'edit' the quotes and see if that will help. Good luck!!
Thank you Writer Fox. I already thought of that, but I decided that editing will not resolve the problem.
The thing is each quote is only a sentence or two long. There are usually 3 to 6 quotes per topic. I did not cut and paste from another quote site. I extracted the quotes individually.
I did not use quote marks, although I did attribute the quotes to their authors. I used italics. I could try adding quote marks. I didn't use quote marks on my other quote hubs.
I can't rewrite the quotes because then they are no longer quotes.
Hence my frustration.
I should have addressed this to chef-du-jour. thank you for your comment about Anne Frank.
If I were you, I'd only use one quote, or two at the most, and write an article around that. I have a friend who does a blog like that, and it gets nice traffic and comments. People look for quotes all day every day, and if they can find out what someone else gets out of that quote, they are very happy.
I have done six other quote hubs using the same "formula" I used this time. I always write text and then follow it with 3 to 6 quotes.
I'm sorry that you converted all of your quotes to images before you posted the link to your Hub from the email. Without actual quotations on the page, your Hub will have difficulty ranking on Google as a quotes collection. Google can't read text in images.
Writer Fox--you misunderstood me. I posted to tis thread one of the four pictures that I had originally used in the hub. I have changed nothing except to add text and shorten two of the quotes. The picture repeats a quote that is in the hub. I have done that before also with no problem. I did it in my Martin Luther King quotes hub.
"Every single word and sentence came from my own head and has never been published online (or anywhere else for that matter). "
If your hub is about quotes, and you're using quotations that have been published elsewhere, they did not come from your own head. Most quotations are published repeatedly online, and that's probably what's causing the hub to trip the duplication filter.
Try using more original text, and fewer quotes.
I meant every single word came from my own head except for the quotes. Obviously I did not make up the quotes. Every quote is attributed to its authors. I know there are thousands of quote posts on the web. that is how I research. It was never a problem with any of my other quote hubs. I always add text. The other sites rarely do.
I was going to suggest this too :-) If you can make images of the quotes then they won't be seen as duplicate text. Of course if you do that, your total word count will be reduced by that much as well.
That is a very good idea to do it that way.
Could get down-right creative with that.
I repeated some of the quotes as an image. I'll show one here. I did not want to use a hodge podge of images so all the images are parchment paper in different colors with a quote on them.
This would have the added bonus of making your hub extremely pinnable. People love to pin quotation images.
I think that's a great idea!
I do social media for several companies, and I'm always looking for image quotes to post.
Convert quotes into images by using your PRINSTSCREEN key on your keyboard. Then, open an MS Paint. Paste it there and crop the quote part and paste in new MSpaint file. There it goes.
There is an entire category on HP for quotes and sayings. Sorry, it won't let me post the url for quotes and sayings and keeps inserting this url for improving your hub!
Quote hubs are popular. Just make sure you have enough of your own text and see what happens. It's too bad there isn't more specific info in regard to a violation.
I just double checked. I did use the category "quotations and sayings" so the bot or whoever knows it is a quotes hubs. I added about 100 words. Eyeballing it--it seems like it is 50/50 text/quotes.
Did you use quotation marks? I'm sure that makes a difference.
I hope you get it figured out.
I never used quotation marks in any of my other quote hubs and I never had a problem.
You think a person could be told what the problem is instead of having to play 20 questions. This is a wasted day for me. I had planned to write a new hub today instead of trying to guess what the cryptic "duplicate" means. I am totally demotivated. I don't know when, if ever, I will feel like writing for HP again.
Catherine, by bringing this to the forum for discussion, you may be helping more members on HP than you could imagine. I have seen some quotes and sayings hubs and wondered how they are not in violation for duplicate content on HubPages. But, having said that, HP allows it. So! Why did your hub hit the radar is something we would all like to know.
There was never a problem with my quotes hubs before. Maybe HP changed the "rules" and didn't bother to tell anyone. Writer Fox says there should be a link at the bottom of my email that would allow other hubbers to see my hub for 7 days to help me figure out what is wrong. I can only find one email from HP on this issue and there is no link. I wrote and asked for the link. If I get it, (big if) I'll post it in this thread.
If you're quoting someone, why would you not use quotation marks? Isn't that the "purpose" of using "quote" marks? Perhaps that's the reason the moderator sees your hub as duplicate content. Without quotation marks, you are copying someone's words which have already been published even if you italicize the words.
I do hope you get this resolved so we will all know the real issue. BTW, I don't think the staff works on Sundays so that may explain the delay in their response.
I have done six other hubs without quote marks and had not problem. I use italics instead. I think the quote marks are ugly. further ,t he quotes are in a list. It is obvious they are quotes (but maybe not to bots.) Anyway, I added text to improve the ratio of text to quotes because I'm pretty sure that is the problem based on the comments others have made. It's been in review for two days. If it fails the review I will try these other things.
Catherine, for what its worth, I received a big, red DUPLICATE stamp yesterday across my Hub that took me 6 hours to write, too. I first released this article on Wordpress (basic member - practically impossible to find.). I have set several of my articles up on WP first before transferring them over to my Hub. Perhaps this has something to do with these Hub advertisers paying to be on the article. Unsure.
This took me by complete surprise and has never happened previously. Good luck and don't cry.
You are not allowed to publish anything on HubPages which you have previously published elsewhere, including on your blog - so I suggest you stop publishing on Wordpress first as it's against the rules.
Well, I just learned this yesterday - obviously I will have to choose now.
Catherine, for what its worth, I received a big, red DUPLICATE stamp yesterday across my Hub that took me 6 hours to write, too. I first released this article on Wordpress (basic member - practically impossible to find.). I have set several of my articles up on WP first before transferring them over to my Hub. Perhaps this has something to do with these Hub advertisers paying to be on the article. Unsure.
This took me by complete surprise and has never happened previously. Good luck and don't cry.
I may have exaggerated a little about the crying, however, I do feel sad. And also angry. And also resigned to the possibility that it is just not going to work out for me on HP. It's been like an addiction for me.
Converting the quotes to images is the best answer and an opportunity to add a little color and style also..
Here's a thought to try that I didn't see suggested yet in this thread. Try using the new "Callout" capsule for each quote and specify the "quote type" for the capsule.
I have no idea if this will help, but it's worth a try. My theory is that it just might make the bots, which are triggering the duplicate content, ignore the quotes.
This capsule also makes the quotes stand out nicely, and it has a field for you to enter the name of the person you're quoting.
Hope this works as I realize your frustration.
I suggested this earlier but got no response to it.
Sorry Phyllis, I missed that post. I'm waiting to hear from Catherine on the use of the Callout Capsules.
I used pictures and callouts for the quotes, but I used them for graphic design purposes and they repeated the quotes in the text. I am still waiting (and waiting and waiting) for the review to be done and if I don't pass then I will start replacing quotes with images and callouts.
Okay, good luck Catherine. I'm curious too, to see if the Callout capsules with type=quote helps solve the problem.
Thanks Glenn. Still nothing from HP. So we may never know. I might just delete it and then redo it by cutting and pasting into a new hub. Then I'll be able to see immediately if my edits helped.
It's finally out of review and published. So now we all know--be careful to have sufficient text when doing a quotes hub. The 100 extra words got me out of "Hub Hell." However, the problem now is that it has the lowest hub score I have ever had-65. I hope you, my generous supporters, will read it and like it enough to vote it up. I always take things way to personally, and you helped me et through this.
Catherine, I wrote a hub on Mark Twain which included about a dozen of his quotes. It was hit with "duplication", and I found there was already another article on Hub Pages about him that included those same quotes plus many more. I had to delete all but about two and find others that didn't appear on the other hub. Don't know if this is your problem however.
That's a good point, Jodah, and most people aren't aware of this. Quotation Hubs can be tricky to do and there is huge competition on the Web for quotes about all subjects. As you said, you can't just copy and paste someone else's collection of quotes. I've filed DMCA notices against pages which stole sections from my quotation Hubs and had them removed.
I think the ration was too high--not enough text for the number of quotes. It's published now and the hubber score is climbing. I have never just cut and pasted quotes in. I pull the quotes individually, and arrange them by topic. I had no problem with my quotes hub on Martin Luther King or any of the others. I can't come up with a topic no one else has done, so I do a topic I like, and try to do it better.
re quotations, if you quote or refer to content from any other book source or online site you generally use footnotes, not necessarily quotes because you have to support your statements or facts, especially for on line pages like blogs or youtube. I 'm writing an article about the Arias case and it is heavily referenced, although it is my own writing, a unique approach style and my own commentary. I'd really like to post it soon to see what people think. If it is well received I may continue it as a little series about each day of the conviction trial. So I wrote it in a word program and transferred the first section to hub pages. I've referenced it using APA guidelines, which wont work because the location of course automatically links to a url. So, I'm not sure how to reference the many on line transcripts etc that I've used, so that I dont' violating copywrite or the too many links rule. Any ideas? Maybe I can just name the video and who posted it instead of the urls, which means I have to do the footnotes all over again, but I'll do that if it works. Help please? (:
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