On What Basis/Factors You Pick Up Amazon Products for Your Hub?

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  1. younghopes profile image65
    younghopesposted 9 years ago

    I want to know what prompts you to pick up a particular product for your hub. Is it:
    1. The price of the product
    2. The customer reviews (the more they are the better the product)
    3. You have used it (of course not possible always)
    4. Any other....

    Hey its not a poll, i have just given a few instances but i am not very sure with these.
    If i was supposed to write an article say for example on "white satin wedding shoes"  then i get 2, 376 products. Now how am i going to pick up the one which certainly the buyer would be interested in buying. Please help, i am in a mess right now.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Ideally, I'd pick products I've actually used.  Failing that, I will study the customer reviews and pick the one with the best overall result.

    2. relache profile image68
      relacheposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Why don't you have enough experience and knowledge to be able to say to your readers which white wedding shoes YOU would buy?  Because if you don't...why are you trying to sell them white wedding shoes when you don't know about them?

      1. Millionaire Tips profile image85
        Millionaire Tipsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with this.  You don't want to choose a product based on what others will want. You want to choose based on your actual experience.  What criteria did you use to decide which ones to buy? Which ones did you go with, and were you happy with your decision?

        Imagine someone else trying to decide and seeing those 2,000 choices. Your hub should help them figure out how to sort through all that.

      2. younghopes profile image65
        younghopesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        @Relache, thanks for your response. Regarding the wedding shoes- they were just an example i have given to let my question be clear to all. I dont think any person on this earth could have a knowledge with regard to everything or an experinece in everything. Affiliate marketing is my bread and butter now, i am not relying on adsense and if i want to earn via this i need to write on a variety of subjects- which people want to read and then buy. There are many ways in which others are finding out which product to write about and which to leave- one for example is reading reviews as Marisa said and looking at Best Sellers as Linda and Richard has said.

        So the question here is not what i like or love to write rather WHAT SELLS.

  2. lovebuglena profile image81
    lovebuglenaposted 9 years ago

    Try going with products with a great ratings and reviews but also make sure they are not very expensive. I think this should work.

    1. younghopes profile image65
      younghopesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, this is an important point- ratings and reviews along with COST. I think low cost products are easier to sell than costly one, (may be i am wrong too) What's ur views?

  3. colorfulone profile image76
    colorfuloneposted 9 years ago

    I think the costumer reviews a most important.

  4. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 9 years ago

    First thing I do is hit four stars or better.   Look at most wished list.  I also  look at best sellers list too.  Be sure to read some customer reviews from 5 star to even 1 star.  Products on best seller list can and do have poor customer reviews.   I would also put in your example, popular white satin wedding shoes, most liked white satin wedding shoes, etc and see what I could find.  Vera Wang was one that caught my eye. That is a popular brand by the way.  Plus, are the wedding shoes for a bride, bridesmaid, child, maid of honor, ???  Are the shoes even for wedding or are they an idea for another formal affair.   Pick out a few nice looking ones and see what happens. Watch search queries in Webmaster tools, and Google analytics to see if there are any helpful keywords, search terms being used, such as a specific brand being searched for.

    1. younghopes profile image65
      younghopesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks so much Linda for this information, you have added some new points which i wasnt aware before

  5. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image79
    Marcy Goodfleischposted 9 years ago

    I pick products based on how well they relate to the hub contents.  I try to be specific, so I don't end up getting a jumble of things installed in the capsule.  Some of my products are low-cost (such as a certain pan used for a specific type of recipe) and some are higher cost, such as an electronic device.  As long as they're specifically related to the hub, I am okay - but I should mention I use very few Amazon ad capsules.

    If you're searching for something like, using your example, 'white satin wedding shoes,' the filters at Amazon will not really know how to narrow it. You might get 'satin shoes' or 'white shoes,' or 'wedding something-or-another in satin.'  It will help if you can be more specific or even enter the url for the product.

    If it's something in fashion, check periodically to see if that item is still available or still the most trendy. Shoes come and go quickly - so if that's what you're posting, stay on top of it.

    1. younghopes profile image65
      younghopesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Marcy, you are right Amazon does not give a specific product everytime, sometimes they are simply not related to the search query. That's why it becomes all the more difficult to find out the specific product related to our hub.

  6. Paul Maplesden profile image61
    Paul Maplesdenposted 9 years ago

    I go with the following:

    - How relevant is it to the content of my hub? (I never include anything not directly related)
    - Does the product have a reasonable number of reviews?
    - Is the average rating of the product 3.5 (preferably 4) stars or higher?
    - Is the price of the product $30 or below
    - If the product is a book, is there a Kindle version available? (People like instant gratification)
    - If it is a book, especially a 'How To' book, is it part of a recognized 'brand' (e.g. the 'Dummies' books)

    I find that these help me to pick good products that readers will (hopefully) trust.

    1. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image79
      Marcy Goodfleischposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Paul - I think we are not permitted to put Kindle books in our Amazon ads - which is a shame, but that's the way it goes.  It might be due to the low profit margin they have?

      1. flycatcherrr profile image69
        flycatcherrrposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        When did the no-Kindle rule come in?  Can you give a link to where I can read about it?  Looks like I will have a lot of Hub editing to do... sad

        1. KarenHC profile image76
          KarenHCposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          I would also like to know if there is a no Kindle book rule!

          1. flycatcherrr profile image69
            flycatcherrrposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Perhaps someone from HP staff could clarify this no-Kindle thing? 

            It is a rather significant limitation for anyone who writes about books and wants to link to the Amazon product page. 

            For example, does this mean we can only link to the specific product page for the paperback or hardcover version (for text links), not to a search page that might return results that include the Kindle version?  Or does it apply only to Amazon links that are in the Amazon capsules?

            1. Susana S profile image93
              Susana Sposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              As far as my understanding goes, it's not that advertising kindle books is banned, but that for some technical reason they don't load in the capsule.

  7. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 9 years ago

    Generally I recommend and link to a product based on having actually used it and genuinely recommending it.  Anything else is secondary.  But then I am mainly focused on adsense.

  8. Richard-Bivins profile image70
    Richard-Bivinsposted 9 years ago

    If you want to write product hubs then it is best to first search for the bestsellers on Amazon.  Bestsellers are much easier to sell than writing a hub and then finding a product that will fit the hub.  Of course the key is to find bestsellers that both have high search volume and low competition, as with anything else you would like to sell.  It is even easier if you find bestselling products within a niche that you are passionate about because it will make the writing much easier. 

    Don't write a product review unless you have had personal experience with the product. 
    Write a product comparison.
    Write a wishlist and describe how much easier life would be with a particular product.
    If possible, use before and after pictures and ALWAYS use a call to action.

  9. Paul Maplesden profile image61
    Paul Maplesdenposted 9 years ago

    Marcy, thanks for letting me know - I normally just link to the main product and Kindle is an option, but I will certainly double-check my hubs.

  10. Uzochukwu Mike profile image72
    Uzochukwu Mikeposted 9 years ago

    Pick products that have been bought before by many which have normal price.

  11. sundaramponnusamy profile image91
    sundaramponnusamyposted 9 years ago

    Why is Amazon capsule not working properly for me?

  12. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 9 years ago

    I have never seen anything about not promoting Kindle books. I have seen that free offers are a no no.

  13. relache profile image68
    relacheposted 9 years ago

    Relevancy to the primary focus of the Hub topic. 

    I'd also like to say that I have always been extremely wary of taking Hub-building advice from humans who do not have any Hubs up on this site themselves, because they aren't practicing what they preach, ya know?

  14. Millionaire Tips profile image85
    Millionaire Tipsposted 9 years ago

    In the past, I would choose products with a relatively low price range ($0-$30 range). That was because I know I would be willing to splurge on something in that price range. I would really want/need the item and have done more research to buy something more expensive.  Selling lots of small / cheap things would also help increase the number of items to increase my tiers on Amazon.

    Now, since I am a part of HubPages' Amazon program, I don't have to worry about tiers, and since the price is no longer listed on the hub, that is not as much of a worry either.  Plus, I've heard about people selling things that are much more expensive. Now, I just put things in that have a good value for the benefits they provide and not worry as much about the price. On a sales hub, I put in a range of prices and options so people have a choice, no matter their budget.

    I do try to limit to things I actually use, and on the rare occasion I don't do that (usually when I am offering alternatives to what I bought), I do check the reviews thoroughly to make sure what I am offering is a good product.


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