Laptop plays important role in our lives. This article will walk you through on how you can use a laptop that runs Windows 11 Operating System. Even if you are an absolute beginner or a senior, learn how to use a laptop from this article.
The Igbo people is people from south eastern part of Nigeria. The people makes up part of the major tribes in the country. They have unique culture and characteristics. The features of this group is discussed in this article.
Collective bargaining is an important step to practice in organizations. It has been defined by different authors and notable organizations. There are theories and impacts of collective bargaining.
A lot of things have been going on in the Christianity of today. Many teaches by Christians in the recent time are not in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Get rich quick syndrome has destroyed many. It has put many people in pains, and it has many causes.
This article is meant mainly for the youths. It is drafted to help the nations when they are confused. Giving-up as a youth in that your life race will not solve anything.
Poverty is one of the problems Nigeria is currently facing. It has made many lament bitterly in the land. Discussed is the new approach to causes of poverty in the country.
Youthful age is the time in the life of young people filled with so many challenges. Many youths have lost focus because of these challenges which occur in their daily lives. This topic discusses the problems and the solutions.
There are so many information about the youths that have not been documented in the printed or electronic format. Such information is called "basic information." This is a book on youths.
Examination malpractice among students in Nigeria is common and there are possible solutions to reduce it.
In this twenty first century, it is hard for any day to pass without people reaping from the benefits internet has offered to the society. The power of internet cannot be overemphasized.
Skill acquisition is very important in the life of every human that want to excel. In as much as that is important, there are some skills that pay more than others.
Wisdom is very important in the life of every rational human being. If you are wise, the possibility of winning hard times becomes high. Its benefits cut across many areas.
In many countries of the world, plastic companies spice up the activities that go in the countries in one way or the other. Plastic industries in our society today perform a lot of roles.
Writing must involve serious determination in other to succeed in the field. A writer who gives up easily in writing is likely to fail. In this topic, to be explained is how to attain success.
Electric shock is a very bad occurrence and its nature can lead the victim to death. There are many reasons why people get electrocuted.
There are many ways through which tooth decay in both adults and children can be prevented and avoided. Tooth decay is said to occur when acids in the mouth of any person dissolves the outer layers...
Tooth decay is not an inborn problem but has many causes. The causes of tooth decay in both children and adults are many.
The introduction of modems to speed up the rate of browsing the internet has been of help, but the challenge is that these modems find it difficult to connect to the internet for browsing sometimes.
The beauty of any laptop or computer lies in the ability of the owner to properly maintain and manage it. If you are able to manage your computer/laptop, it will last.
The way owners of phones use them determines whether the phones will last long for them or not. Phone maintenance is very important and it positively affects phones.
In some countries of the world, to subscribe for internet data for browsing in computers and phones is usually expensive. Because of this, the need for management arises.
There are practical tips through which batteries of computers or laptops can be prevented from running down quickly.
The joy of using any phone is that its battery lasts long. When mobile phone owners make use of phones whose batteries easily run down, they will not enjoy the phones at all.
Engineering is a very important discipline in the world of today. The importance of this area of specialization by many people is felt all over the world.
Engineering is a family that is made up of some members. In this family, each member has specific function or function(s) performed.
In as much there are many negative effects of technology in our societies today; there are possible ways of fighting the challenges associated with them.
The regulation of factories in Nigeria by specific organization in Federal Republic of Nigeria is a very important idea. There are companies that are interested in only the money they will make.
Street children are found in many cities in Republic of India. There are many causes and effects of these street children in the country. Possible solutions will help reduce their number.
Technology has been playing some important roles in the society since its development. The positive impacts of technology in the society are numerous.
Technology is good but has caused so many negative impacts to the society that is being occupied by man. The negative effects of these technological developments are being felt in our everyday life.
In every quality engineering companies/industries, one of the principal things to be considered before employing the engineers to work in such establishments is the safety of the employees.
It is true that there is no country in this world that does not face one challenge or the other, but that of India is more demanding, and there are possible solutions.
Street hawking by children especially the girls has been a common thing in most parts of developing and undeveloped world. It does not only end on children’s hawking but there are causes and effects.
Football is an important sport that have imparted positively to the lives of people all over the world. Football has history, though many spectators are careless and ignorant about it.
Africa is a continent made up of mainly black race. African countries in totality have ranked high in the level of corruption by many corruption ranking organizations.
Generally, United States of America is known for her good performance when it comes to educational studies. United states have best universities in the world which are known globally to be good.
There are many used or second hand cars that are used all over the world. These used cars have their advantages and disadvantages.
There are number of ways through which students can make money and still be in the track to maintain good standards in their academics.
Nigeria as a country located in the West Africa has suffered many political issues from the time of independence till date. The country has been facing both internal and external political challenges.
Fighting corruption among world leaders, fostering skill programs and scholarships, and properly funding higher education are some of the best ways to combat youth unemployment across the globe.
There is a popular saying “information is power”. Information has very good power and we see its importance in our everyday life. That community A succeeds or is succeeding more than community B ...
There is indecent dressing or indecency in the church and this has reasons, causes and effects. Church according Advanced Learner’s Dictionary is a public building where Christians come together ...
It is clear to every rational human that there are many functions that any Law which is properly exercised performs. The functions of Law are many ...
The practice of Law comprises many theories from notable people who have good knowledge and understanding on Law and politics. These theories are based on the...
A true Law teaches morality to all citizens of the country. Any who indulges in immoral act as against the Law of the nation faces the penalty or penalties that await the immoral act...
Law as rules made by institutions, bodies and persons vested with the power to make such rules which are binding and enforced among the members of a given state or society, has many objectives .
The issue of high unemployment among University graduates of Federal Republic of Nigeria is not a new thing in the country. It is not unheard as both the small and the big in the country are away ...
Law is a versed topic and profession with a lot of features. The word “feature” can be defined as characteristics or aspects of any material or thing. So, this topic is on the characteristics of Law.
Single parenthood in this piece implies either a single mother or father that takes care of children. It is a situation whereby a father or a mother takes care of the children in the family without...
Law is an important and one of the most useful professions studied in the institutions of higher learning. Law has its evolution as it does not start for nothing.
It is true that establishment of industries all over the world has contributed greatly to the development of the world, but on the contrary, industrialization has caused a lot of harm in the world.
Kidnapping is a global problem that affects countries all over the world—from the United States and Mexico to many countries in Africa, Asia, and beyond. Learn more about this global scourge.
The advent of science and technology has brought so many progresses in the life of today and to the entire world. Science and technology is of good importance that cuts across many areas.
It is true that slavery has been banned in the world long time ago, but something of that nature still exists silently in United States. There is high human trafficking in United States.
Corruption is the biggest challenge faced by Nigerians today. Every citizen of Nigeria is aware of the level of the high level of corruption in the country.
Whether students or non-students, there is a way through which Nigerians can receive money from United States by owning account number (s) in the country with ATM card being issued by U.S Company.
Years back, it had been difficult for Ghanaians to receive money from friends and relations unless they go to bank and queue up to cash their money through Western Union.
Skin bleaching or lightening is common among people. There are causes and effects of bleaching. Ingredients and examples of skin bleaching creams are to be given in this write-up.
There are various challenges that secondary school education of Africans is facing for years. These challenges can be reduced if some solutions are applied.
Holy Eucharist is one of the Sacraments of the Church. The Eucharist performs many wonders and miracles. The power of the weapon cannot be underrated in any way
There is high decline in moral standard of United States. There are many areas where the moral decay is experienced. Causes of moral decline in the country are many, and there are solutions to it.
Food poison is very harmful to human. There are many causes of food poisoning, and preventive measures. There are also micro-organisms that causes food poisoning in various places.
There are many faces of corruption in Ethiopia. There are causes and solutions to corruption in the country. Corruption has many consequences.
Over the years, people who have the zeal to feature into internet marketing have been unable to get involved as their countries are not permitted to use PayPal payment system.
Payoneer card has been a good and helpful card used by internet marketers to make and receive payments from other online payment systems. This piece explains how to receive payment from PayPal...
There are lot of students and youths who have written many essays in competitions that did not succeed. This piece suggests how these essays can be monetized to yield money for the writers.
Bubblews have scammed writers. I wonder what it will profit an establishment to make quick money by scamming people and then spoil his reputation throughout his life time.
Promotion can be defined as an increase or advancement in any employee working under an organization to a better job, which includes increase in salary, rate of payment and more prestige.
Hubpages is a very good sites to write because it pays the users once they meetup with the requirements needed. It is not like other site that will forget your efforts.
Self employment is a system of entrepreneurship or living where the business is managed by a person instead of being employed in a company established by another manager.
It is true that in most parts of developed countries, railways system are well organized and still in order for people to utilize. In Nigeria, the reverse is the case.
There are ways things are done in every organization. Any organization that has no procedure, which is way things are carried out, is likely to fail if care is not taken.
Principle in this context is a generally accepted truth or propositions which any rule or rules guiding an organization should adhere with. There are needed principles in organizations.
There are many basic management functions which every manager should practice. Any management that does not carry out these functions is likely to fail in his or her management duties.
So many cases have been reported in various courts of Law because of family crisis. Crisis is defined as problems which may be caused by humans or other natural occurrences.
Organization, which many people interpret differently, is of many types. As there are many types of animals that exist on this earth, so are types of organizations.
In many occasions, I have seen many students complain that they were unable to type the assignments being given to them by their teachers or lecturers. The reason is because they cannot type fast.
Almost all people in the world see United States of America as a good place to spend good life. Due to this, many travel to the country. The immigrants have contributed positive to the country.
Long time ago, female gender is not regarded as 'anything serious' in any way. Christians who must have read a particular passage in the Bible should have come across a part on census in Bethlehem.
Management has some important features that distinguish it from other human activities or functions. The word, feature, has to do with the characteristics or attributes of a thing.
The attack carried out by the terrorists on United States of America has infringed many injuries in many Americans. It is like a thorn in many Americans flesh till today.
The technophiles are the group of persons that see the merits of technological advancement as all pervading. The technophobes are the group that see technological innovations as the cause human issues
What is immigration? Immigration is the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country (Oxford Dictionaries). There are reasons that make foreigners immigrate to U.S.
No country in this world that we live in is completely free from any challenge. No matter how clean people think any country is, there are challenges in that country and United States is no exception.
Being a student is an advantage and offers many upper hands which others do not have. When you mention that that you are an undergraduate to some who are uneducated, it makes them to see you a senior.
Unemployment in the United States is a big problem. The country has been facing this problem for a long time. To be discussed in this article are the causes of unemployment in the country.
Discussed in this article is how to disable Mozilla Firefox from lading images. The guide is simple and easy to understand. If you have been searching on how to do this, here is the solution.
Examination malpractice is the illegal action that students take during their examinations. It can also be defined as cheating by students in their examination halls.
An accident is an unfortunate incidence that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally. Road accident is an unexpected incidence that occurs on roads which may result to sustenance of injury or death.
Unemployment is defined as the state of being without a paid job. It is a major challenge in Nigeria. To be discussed are the problem of unemployment in Nigeria and the possible solutions.
Training can be defined as adapting or moulding of a person to increase his fitness for a specific activity. Development when related to management is the process of advancing in any particular field.
There are many roles performed by the entrepreneurs. These important roles are well explained in this piece of article to guide readers of various kinds
Based on this topic, elements of Management by objective are the components that make management by objective. For every product that exists in the world, there are components that make it.
Skill is very important in the life of any rational citizen. It can take you to places you do not expect you will ever find yourself. Skill acquisition give upper hands to people.
Cleaning and inspection of castings are the processes through which products called castings are made neat and then subjected to examination before they are applied to particular use.
Defects in casting(s) are flaws in castings which either results from carelessness of the casting engineer or through other factors that were not taken into consideration during the casting process.
Strengthening mechanisms are processes of increasing the quality of metals by making the metals stronger so that they can be suitable for particular applications or usefulness.
Poverty has been a problem which human race at large has been fighting to conquer. When a person is poor, people around him takes him as nobody and the people will not consider them.
What are the mechanical and technological properties of metals? Metals are of great importance to human race even before the birth of Christ (BC).
Frequency, Phase, and polarity are three important parameters in both Physics and Geophysics departments. This topic explains them.
Hardness is a property of metal which is the ability of metals to resist indentation. Hardenability is the depth of hardness penetration in metals. Both are mechanical properties of metals.
Nigeria is a country located in African continent and it is known to be the giant of Africa. Nigeria contains 36 states and the Federal capital territory called Abuja.
Investment casting is a casting process which involves the use of pattern made from wax or plastic that has low melting temperature and it is used for producing castings which has intricate shapes.
Corrosion is an important subject in the field of Engineering or areas related to it. Its importance makes some industries to consider it even before production.
Brazing is an important working on a jointed portion of a welded metal to produce mechanically acceptable bond between two surfaces. Soldering is similar to brazing but temperature defines the two.
A core is a moulded shape or object which is used in forming the internal shapes of cylindrical or hollow shapes. Cores have contributed a lot in the production of many metallic hollow castings.
Sand casting is the process of producing castings by the use of molten metal, sand and moulding box. By far sand casting is the most versatile of various methods of casting.
Fiberboard is a core topic in material engineering. Fiberboard has many definitions and each of the definitions is specific to a particular organization. Also, it has different classifications.
Job evaluation is one of the tools that government and organizations use to determinate the salaries that workers will be paid after completion of their functions
Christmas is a worldwide Christians celebration. It is known that all Christians in the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christian on every 25th of December.
Education is an important tool needed by every nation to achieve great and remarkable results. It is a key for unlocking embedded gifts in citizens of every nation. It is needed for all-round growth.
Manufacturing of paper has many processes that accompany it. People find it easy to use paper without knowing the brain behind its production. This article throws little light on uses of paper.
Blast furnace is a heating machine used in smelting of metals. The machine has several zones. Its type is discussed in this write-up. The type of blast furnace that is most popular is the Iron type.
Youth empowerment is the means of encouraging the youths of many nations for them to succeed in life. This is the means through which prosperity of nations can be secured.
The youths are not only the leaders of tomorrow but the leaders of today. Empowering the youths of every nations is of great importance. This article details out these importance.
In the field of Engineering, their are many types of fluids. They are classified as Newtonian and non-Newtonian. The non-Newtonian fluids are classified into other classes.
This book centers on the sources of the Law of Federal Republic of Nigeria. Every nation have source of their Law. The sources include Received English Law, custom, equity and so on.
An offence is defined as an act of breaking a Law, illegal act or a crime. Offences are not equal in all proportions. In Law, offences are categorized based on what is contained in it or its "weight".
There are different classifications of Law. Each class has its explanations and where it is applicable. The individual classifications of Law have their source also.
Safety Precautions can be defined as measures taken in the workshop to avoid accident or harm which one may encounter in the workshop. These are many and are explained in this write-up.
Federal Republic of Nigeria has features of Her Constitutional Law. This article explains these features well. The development of the constitution is also given.
To teach is to give lessons to students in schools, colleges, universities, e. t. c. There are some important tips teachers need to know before going into teaching profession.
Metallography is the study of series of processes undergone to determine the micro-structure of metals or materials. It involves cutting, grinding, polishing, etching and viewing. It is an important area in the study of Metallurgical and Materials engineering.
Molding box or moulding box is a shaped object made of wood, Plastic or metal which is used in casting processes. In this note, I am discussing on the steps for production of metal molding box.
Faith is defined as trust in somebody’s ability or knowledge. There are many similarities between science and faith. In contrary, there are disagreements between the two.
Business planning is deciding and organizing how to control the affairs of a business. The importance and example of business planning is shown on this page. The topic is well explained on this page.
Materials transport is very necessary in animals system. These materials transported are many. There are mechanisms and importance of transportation in animals which are discussed in this text .
These are the main challenges faced by Nigeria today, along with some ideas about how we got here and what we can do to move forward.
The challenges that the education system in Africa faces are much. This piece suggests possible solutions that should be inculcated to bring education sector of Africa to life.
Corruption has caused much harm to communities, organizations, and governments across the world. But it doesn't exist in a vacuum; corruption has its causes and it can also be reduced when effective solutions are applied.
This article is on the guide on what students should do to make it in their academic pursuit. A well explained points on how to be one of the best in your department of study.
This topic is on essay guide, facts, and directions on how to write winning essay. The article is written to guide writers in their writing careers.
Economic Freedom is of good importance to every nation in the world. Many nations are ranked more than the other in the practice of this freedom. There are some factors that promote economic freedom.
Many pop musicians’, famous leaders, footballer and even the pope had been criticized as members of a secret cult named illuminati. What is Illuminati? Is it true that Illuminati exists?