I am logged in and see your hub "Ultimate Site for Professional Writers Online". If you unpublished it, then I would republish it. It's interesting and you have quite a few comments on it. Or am I talkng about the wrong hub?
I thought that the "More By" feature linked to a hub from the same topic as the existing hub, not taken from our "Groups". Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
The Ultimate Site hub is categorized under the topic "Business and Employment".
The "More By" link on this hub goes to your hub
"How I grow and harvest organic Chia seeds" under the topic:
"Home (17,132)»Gardening (5,227)»Organic Gardening (223)"
So that theory is out the window!
However, surely those two hubs are not in the same group?
Mystery upon mystery...
But we better get back onto topic. Please Repeat after me:
"Please remove the EC labels from Related Hubs and give non participants' hubs back the chance to be chosen as Hub of the Day."
"Please remove the EC labels from Related Hubs and give non participants' hubs back the chance to be chosen as Hub of the Day."
Hi Sue. Well that sounded harder than it was meant to be. lol.
Sounds like it is resolved, thanks. The chia hub is fine. It has replaced the hub I unpublished. Thanks for your feedback ... even if it does sound more than a little confusing!
Yep. Back on topic now!
PS. I'm led to believe it should be taken from your own 'group'. It doesn't make sense to take it from a topic the way you explain it ... because what happens if you've not written any other hubs on that same topic?
Oh, and the hub you were looking at wasn't the one I'd unpublished. If it was, you wouldn't have been able to see it. (Hope that helps clear it up for you. lol.)
Here is the original blog post announcing the Editors' Choice program (from Robin). She also posted an announcement on the Forum.
Please note - it says NOTHING about using those hubs to drive traffic away from those not participating in the program. It says HP will promote the hubs on 'social media' sites.
http://blog.hubpages.com/2013/08/08/ann … oice-hubs/
Here's the thread on which Robin posted the announcement. It got quite a few comments, as you'll see. Within a few months, there were threads started that mentioned huge drops in traffic after the EC designation was implemented.
During the past week I decided that I would gradually migrate all my hubs from HP an unto my own websites/blogs whatever. But most of all I wanted a community experience where writers come together to chat, share, interact and post.
I bought a domain name and hosting package and am in the process of setting up my own "writers only" website (more like a social network with microblogging). If anyone is interested in joining this community please send me an email and I will send you a link when the site is complete in a few days. I wont post a link here but the name of the website will be called Think Write Talk.
If you are not interested in joining then just wish me luck!
I sincerely wish you all the best in your endeavor to move forward, Cardisa. I will be sending you an email.
Cardisa, by all means, move your Hubs to your specialist blogs and websites. In the long run, you know they will be more successful. If they are not working for you right now, it's probably just because you are misunderstanding HOW to make money from them (just displaying Adsense and affiliate ads does not work). And/or perhaps you are spreading yourself too thin.
Whatever, creating a writers' site is a dreadful mistake because it will spread you even thinner, for no benefit. Will you be paying writers or sharing ad income? That's a lot of work for you to set up and administer, and you'll see very little return for all that work. If not, do you think writers will join for no return? Other sites and forums which have tried that, have failed.
You're by no means the first person to become disenchanted with the big rev-sharing sites and want to start your own. That's how Wizzley, Zujava, and Persona Paper started out. Why reinvent the wheel - do you really think you can do it better than any of them?
Marisa, I am not creating a content site. It's a social network for writers.
I thought that might be the case, but if you're not offering money, it won't survive.
I say that because I've joined several such sites and forums over the years, especially when rev-sharing sites close down. The writers always promise to keep in touch, and someone sets up a site to do that, and they always fail. If they do survive it's just as a sad little group of old faithfuls. And in the meantime, you've put in a lot of effort maintaining it.
I joined and am looking forward to having a place to talk and share with other writers in a neutral place. Thanks, Cardisa, for doing this. My stamina is not too good since my back surgery, but i will get back and start a conversation topic soon. Goodnight all.
Thanks for joining Phyllis. There is a poetry contest now on there as well. The winner will receive a gift of their choice from Amazon.com valued at $15 of gift certificate of the same value (their choice).
OMGosh ! I love a poetry contest. I will definitely go for that in the morning. Thank you!
Hi Marissa - What is the How to Monetize other than Adsense and Affiliate links?
I am so sorry Cardissa that you are leaving, but I understand your decision. Things have been crazy here lately. I guess it is all about making money, and that makes sense. There are some people on the site who agree with what is happening, so each to his own opinion. I love it here in spite of everything and love the people who are so dear to me. Success to you, my dear, and I will send you an email. Blessings to you.
Brakel2, I still like HP but there comes a time when you just have to let go. Here is my problem. I feel that HP does what it wants without giving a cow's foot about what some members feel or think. No matter how we protest they will never do anything about these issues.
I know in my heart that this issue will not be resolved in our (the persons on this forum) favor. That, then and only when the EC program fails will this problem go away.
I don't like toxic situations and I feel that this is one toxic issue. I really feel sick over this and I feel that HP is not hearing me. I am beating a dead horse here.
Cardisa, I've read through some of this thread, but not in its entirety. It appears to be the same people responding. If this situation is affecting you this much, I would step back, take a break and make a decision at a later date. To continue this thread, and for yourself coming back to it is not making it better for you. I'm sure HP hears you, but looks at this from a quite different perspective, so in that respect, it is like beating a dead horse. Take some time away and reassess.
I did mention that in a reply to Sue somewhere in this thread that I plan to do just as you suggest. I am a bit tired and exhausted people make rash decisions. When I have gotten some rest I'll decide exactly what to do. But as I also mention to Brandon, I have to consider what is best for me psychologically. My own happiness comes before the money I get here.
Drop me a note and I'll give your site a plug on the infamous www .websitewithenoname. com. Daily traffic it gets. Besides, my how-to-save-money-on-food post has been there awhile.
What about your earnings Cardisa, won't you miss them if you leave?
Hello Cardisa. I would love to see a stream-lined version of HP set up (ideally by HP but they seem to be reluctant to do it) that offered all the advantages of HP, without the existing problems. I'm sure many of us would jump ship if there was a viable option.
However the process of splitting earnings between writers wouldn't be easy, and HP are very good at making payments on time each month. Similarly, HP offers us access to 8% earnings on amazon, irrespective of how many sales individual hubbers make.
I'm sure there are many hubbers setting up their own websites (and of course I wish you well with yours) but it seems to make sense to at least leave a presence on HP. You won't want to miss out if they finally do find the 'key' to getting back on track.
You've been here for years Cardisa and are much loved. Plus it would be a shame to lose touch with your thousand-plus followers!
Tossing this in, but I don't agree. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhQ74N8b9Vg
Come on. We are both still fond of HP.
Thinking of starting a thread about relache making money off my back...
God damn referral click. We just don't know.
Could be making money off you as well. And you... And you... And you...
Not going to happen. Probably making money off you as well.
It wouldn't worry me. It's the way the site is set up. It's not as if referrals make that much money anyway. I have heaps who've signed up through me, I have no idea how or why - they probably clicked a link on one of my Hubs. I get a few pennies here and there. So what?
Being a second tier account is not a good place to be...
What if our struggle to persuade HP to remove EC labels from Related Hubs became successful? Would you change your mind and stay, Cardisa, or is your decision to move your hubs and close your account absolutely final?
I don't know Sue. I'm a bit exhausted now, from work, so am holding off on making any rash decisions right away. I'll have to get some rest, think rationally about it and then truthfully answer that.
The only reason to close your account is if you don't have any traffic. If you're still getting readers I don't see the point in making rash decisions. Something you may regret at a later date.
I don't agree Brandon, that the only reason to close my account is traffic.I strongly believe that breaking ties with toxic situations in my life is better for my own peace of mind. I have reached a point where my own mental and psychological happiness is more important than money. This is akin to breaking off a toxic relationship.
I was talking about getting satisfied readers not money. But, didn't know that you felt like that about HP. Will be sad to see you go.
As I mentioned before, I am tired and maybe what I am feeling is a result of that. But I feel that things for me have deteriorated at HP over the years. I now feel that these situations with site (not just the EC situation) have affected me in a negative way so much that it slows me down. The love I had for HP was enormous and that is why each disappointment is as great as that love. You know how I feel? I feel like my heart has been broken. I feel that HP doesn't love me anymore (or something like that). It may sound silly to some people but that's how I feel.
You were new when I joined to, around 5 months in I think. We did keep in contact a lot via forums, each others hubs etc. So I know how much you loved the site, that's why I tried to convince you to stay many times in the past. But, I get what you mean, I used to love HP too but then now I love my own site more. I just keep what people are still reading up.
The point is quality content on a subdomain works really well - if that content is also able to reference other hubs produced by the same person near the top of the right hand column.
That's what we had at Squidoo and after the major hit Squidoo took, introducing sub-domains which worked like this was one of the few things Squidoo did which they got right. I know my content benefited.
Given that HubPages are weakening the benefit of sub-domains by introducing too many adverts and too many references to content NOT produced by the author they may want to think about the downside of what they are doing i.e. the attrition rate they are also introducing into the site (i.e. people leaving and taking their content with them)
The #1 rule of all sites like this is "Do not [expletive deleted] off the people who write good content"
Another way of looking at is "Why use people who produce good content to generate traffic for others when you could just end up annoying the good authors who will then take their content elsewhere?"
Or - if you pull content off a sub-domain to put it on the main domain, try developing a performance indicator for just how long it stays there - before it disappears altogether.
The bottom line is that article sites grew up when there was nowhere else to put content
These days people have a choice of free sites to put their content - and define and design it anyway they like - and that's just what they do every time an article site messes with their content.
Be nice to authors who you want to keep!
Or - if you pull content off a sub-domain to put it on the main domain, try developing a performance indicator for just how long it stays there - before it disappears altogether.
But don't you see? It is so easy for HP management ... It doesn't matter to them if an EC hub loses popularity. All they do once an EC hub starts losing its Google appeal, is simply make it lose its EC status and throw it back into the subdomain to replace it with a new, fresher EC hub in the same topic.
Authors get very disappointed with this practice. How come, they ask, is my hub no longer EC? See http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/129367
But HP doesn't care about authors' feelings. Business comes first.
Our subdomains have become a supply source for "fresh"content on hubpages.com. So unless we opt out of the EC program, our hubs can be "awarded" EC status one day (hurray! ) only to have that EC status removed again a few weeks later (Boohoo! ) because a younger, perhaps stronger hub takes its place.
The EC program was introduced 19 months ago. Is it working?
"for the good of the entire community?"
Can anyone supply Quantcast figures please?
@Sue Adams - I think you misunderstand my point.
I do NOT mean "How long is it before the EC hub loses popularity and disappears from view?" which is what I think you think I mean.
I mean "How long does the content and/or hub stay on HubPages?". My experience of authors and article sites is that if you mess about with an author's content and do things to it that they don't want done (e.g. changing sub-domains to domain which then causes a loss of traffic) then they just remove the content from the site and post it somewhere else completely different. So that promotion of content in a way which the author does not agree with results in the loss of content for the site as a whole (ie both domain and sub-domain)!
If I was HubPages I'd be keeping a very close eye on the quality of the hubs which are being deleted from the site (ie content is being moved elsewhere) and see if there's any correlation with action they may have taken recently......
Oh I see what you mean now. And I agree. P*ss off enough people and they'll leave and take their content with them, you are absolutely right. But how can HP know which "good hubs" have been deleted and moved elsewhere once those hubs are gone? Do they keep lists of last months' hubs? Have they thought about doing this type of analysis? I doubt it.
My guess is they've thought about this issue and might have a few analytics. For example, they could (IMO) run the stats on the number of Hubbers who have been on the site for more than 12 months, who have scores in various ranges (hubs or their Hubber score), who bring in a certain dollar amount and whose inventory of hubs decreased over a specific window of time.
However, with the many thousands of hubs on this site, it would take a massive exodus of good Hubbers who also bring in significant amounts of revenue for them to act on that data. Meanwhile, the crap on the site would stay. I suspect one reason the junk is not addressed the way some of us would like is that junk hubs still bring in a huge amount of money.
This is the most intelligent statement of the last several pages of this thread. How the HubPro editors have been instructed to act points directly at this theory too.
Very good corollary, Relache - if HP can increase the revenue of higher quality hubs, it can afford to jettison more of the junk.
I just elected to opt out of EC this morning for a 60 day experiment to see what happens to my traffic and earnings vs previously. I had numerous EC hubs so I hope this doesn't hurt too badly. In all honesty though, because I get most of my traffic from social media more than search - I really don't know what to expect.
I'm hoping that by having my highest quality stuff back on my subdomain that it will help increase traffic. I was not impressed by traffic levels to my EC hubs since the inception of the program and I feel I gave it adequate time to yield results.
I didn't feel that traffic was anything I couldn't have done otherwise by leaving my hubs on my subdomain. I haven't had a HOTD or new hub selected as EC in almost a year anyway, so - we shall see what happens and I'll report back my findings and whether or not I will choose to opt back in to EC at a later time.
Trying to keep an open mind about the whole thing and determine for myself what works and what doesn't. Fingers crossed.
Good luck, ChristinS and welcome to the club. I've been out since 2013. Lately, with my traffic at its lowest low ever, I'm tempted to experiment and opt back in, just to see what happens. But I don't want to based on principle. I really don't want to drink the kool-aid. I will focus on producing new content for now. Fingers crossed.
I opted into the EC program as soon as I noticed the labeling. I guess it's the knee jerk reaction HubPages had anticipated. Anyway, I fell for it and now regret it - I'm really hoping none of my hubs get picked before I can opt out again.
But one part of my thinking was just like yours - with traffic being at its lowest ever, why not experiment? My traffic hasn't recovered at all since Panda 4.1, in spite of adding content. I believe Google has throttled it.
I hope this doesn't hurt you Christin. I can't speak for others but the same day I opted out, my traffic surged and had kind of returned to some normalcy
I had a similar experience when I opted out. Views went up 25% and have continued to grow. I won't opt back in to EC.
If yesterday is any indicator, I suspect my results may be similar. One day though so could be a fluke will continue to monitor and update. My concern is with the redirects (again), which is part of what kept me from taking the leap previously. Glad that opting out didn't hurt traffic for you ladies.
I think when you opt out of the program, they just remove the redirect that sent it to the HP domain. So you now have no redirects.
Solaras is right.What I discovered is that the original URL was still indexed and ranked very high in Google search. The redirect slows that down, so when the redirect is removed, the page resumes its original position immediately. If the original URL was de-indexed it would probably be a different matter.
I'll be very surprised if it hurts your traffic, Christin ... but please keep us updated.
Thanks ladies. I opted out 4 or 5 days ago now can't quite remember, but my traffic has been improved and my earnings are up slightly. (This could also be due to the fact that I have a lot of pins being shared though, I haven't seen much of a Google difference except to one hub).
Interesting. I'll keep everyone posted how things look a few weeks from now when there will be more measurable results from my little experiment. If this is the trend still in 60 days I'll probably continue to remain opted out.
Think it over before you opt out of the EC program. I am a transfer and many of my articles are on the same topics with EC hubs so my chances are slim no matter what I do. However, I searched on Google and the EC hubs are mostly on the first few pages. Non EC hubs are really lucky to be in the top 10. Before the EC hubs were promoted I hardly saw any hub on the first pages but now most of the EC hubs are there so if you opt out, I don't know how you can get much traffic unless you heavily promote yourself.
It's interesting to note that ever since I started this thread my hubscores, traffic and overall performance here started on a downward spiral. Usually when other hubbers complain about this stuff, that after posting a thread disagreeing with something on HP, they are penalized, I was always the first to say that's crap. But now today. Somehow I find it hard to believe that my hubs which were usually between 100 and 96 are all now below 90. My highest scoring hub is now 92. This s quite strange. My earnings have also been split in half or at least a 40% decrease, even on days where my traffic spiked to its highest.
I thought that perhaps there was some amount of decency left here and that maybe I'll find a way to handle all that' going on, but I really am finding it hard to continue under these circumstances. It's like HP is saying leave, we don't care.
The hubscores have been doing strange things for everyone - so I don't think that is you being specifically targeted. There were other posts on adjustments being made to scoring that were recently implemented. Many of my scores went down too on some of my best performing hubs. They are still getting traffic so I don't care about the score.
Traffic is not always an indicator of earnings either. If CPM is down it doesn't matter if your traffic is up. These fluctuations happen a lot and are often quite unpredictable.
I can understand your concerns, but I would maybe not rush to judgment just yet. See what happens over the next few weeks.
Thanks Christin. I'll watch and see what's happening.
. Scores on HP, views, and earnings go up and down.
Christin is right - I used to always have 8-10 hubs with a 100 score, but haven't seen one for several days now. Following the 100 score hubs was another dozen or so at 99 - I now have just 1.
And earnings are down from what they were just a few months ago even though traffic is slightly higher - the CPM has dropped, causing this.
So, just like all the others that have made the similar complaint of being singled out and picked on, it seems far more likely that it's just the nature of writing on the web. Traffic comes and goes, earnings rise and fall, and HP's continual effort to improve the site and gain for all of us produces changes as well. As far as hub scores, you should know better than most that they don't mean a thing. While it was nice to see that string of 100's and pretend that HP knew what it was doing when it gave those scores to the best hubber on the site (), it was never true and isn't now.
I have experienced the same with hubscores, Cardisa. Even though we are told they don't mean anything, it still makes you wonder. It also takes away from motivation and incentive to produce hubs. I noticed the drastic change in January, around the time of an HP announcement about removing links, ads, etc. I think also since changes with EC, it's gotten worse. I used to have 20+ hubs in the 90s consistently and a couple at 100. Now I have no hubs in the 90s. I used to have a handful in the 60s and 70s. Now most of my 78 hubs are in the 70s. Ever since traffic was taken out of the equation for hubscore (which I thought might be a good thing), everything has gone downhill, at least for me. I want to believe that the adjustments HP has made are just not working out for everybody and that they are not messing with you.
Edit: Most of my hubs are in the 60s, at least for today.
Interesting about the CPM drop still going on; usually the thing has bounced back in the past. During the first week when the drop occurred, I switched over to straight AdSense. I've since happily scampered past the payout threshold there and was trying to decide whether to switch back to the HP program. I guess not.
Is that true Paradigm? Did you really pass the payout? How long did it take you to meet the Adsense payout? I've been considering switching as well.
Me saying how many days it takes me to reach payout every month might be a little more revealing than TOS would like.
As to whether to switch or not, I don't want the responsibility of giving that kind of advice. I will say that where daily HP Program CPM swings can give one heart murmurs, daily AdSense RPM swings can give one outright heart attacks; both good and bad.
I do what I can.
Nice 95 you got there. Mr. 82 quietly slinks away...
Thank you. Mr. 82 is a nice rounded number....quite handsome might I add.
Maybe my one and only hub might have something to do with it. Leastwise my other account is 88.
One hub for 82 is quite an achievement. Adding more hubs may get the score up really fast.
Thanks. The eternal search for topics with viable earnings potential does indeed continue.
I am experiencing the same thing Wilderness describes. I always had several hubs that had a 100 score, and others right behind that. Now they have all dropped by about 10 points, and I'm not sure what to do. Plus I'm getting a lot of black exclamation points about broken links, when nothing is wrong with them. I had a blog I am changing, so I am just taking all links off my hubs little by little. But it is discouraging. I don't know if it's worth the time to put in to try to fix them. A lot of my hubs are old, but they are evergreen, so there's not much new info.
I passed payout too on adsense and switched back to the HP program around 4 days ago as it was paying better even though the CPM is low. It's gone up a bit, but no where close to what it usually is.
Your comments got me reading on Wikipedia. This really helped me understand the CPM highs and lows better. Thanks.
"While the Super Bowl has the highest per-spot ad cost in the United States, it also has the most television viewers annually. Consequently, its CPM may be comparable to a less expensive spot aired during standard programming."
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