by kath_ 13 years ago
So I had this really good friend - a 9 years friendship - but then she met other people and suddenly, when I realized, she wasn't my friend anymore. We just stopped talking to each other. Without a fight, without a final talk, with no reason, apparently.It's been 2 years since I've spoken to her...
by Dora Weithers 12 years ago
What is your impression of a new friend who says, "Let's not discuss our past." ?
by BRENDA ARLEDGE 21 months ago
Val tells us how sometimes people follow others just because we know them...not because of the words they speak or write.We don't always need to understand a deeper meaning because we know what we like...just like a flower blooming takes our fancy even though others might dislike...
by dyesebel10 8 years ago
Let's go...Ex. lovelier, prettier, ever, and so on
by Holle Abee 14 years ago
I was inspired by Soonerthanlater's post, along with one of the other discussions from last night. Let's all vow to do something this month to help someone - one thing. Promise!"I cross my heart and vow by the mighty HP to..."Provide Christmas for a single mother and her two young...
by Abby Rourk 11 years ago
Should you apologize if a friendship is at risk, even when its 100% not your fault?When should you grin and bear it and say sorry to someone that you have a history with of many years of friendship, but that you were the one that was right and they were not, and they yelled that you were the reason...