The background: In the thread
‘If You Were To Date A Hubber Who Would It Be?’
Jenny (Inspirepub) rashly volunteered to join my vessel as did Cindy (mistyhorizon2003). Even as I write this, these two fine hubbing women are relaxing in separate parts of the ship as we inch our way through the clear waters of the Caribbean. Cindy is splashing around in an Olympic size pool on the sundeck whilst Jenny is stretched out on a sun lounger with an ice bucket at her side, deep in a book on the psychology of Web 2.0.
What inspired them to join the voyage you may ask? Obviously to spend time with one of the most interesting, exciting and charming men on HubPages (me of course!). The fact that each lady has her own luxury suite with highspeed broadband (so they can carry on hubbing), satellite TV and 24 hour room service was not a factor in their decision. Or that my helicopter is standing by on the flight deck ready to whisk them to the nearest airport where my private jet will take them home should they get bored with a life of unbelievable idleness and luxury.
Women are particularly welcome to join us but I’m not sexist so men are welcome too (as long as you don’t hit on Jenny or Cindy). We are quite liberal here but no drugs as Amy Whitehouse is onboard and I’m hoping she’ll entertain us once she’s dry.
Aw geez, Rik! I hate deep water and am scared of going on a cruise ship. Can't I fly to your port of call, instead?
Yes no problem Shirley but as its a virtual ship you're sure you don't want to risk it? - you'd be very welcome and I promise you won't get wet (except in the pool).
Can I have one of those blow-up ducky lifesavers to put around my waist?
Should you decide to join when I'm not around (I have a day job and have to sleep too) then make yourselves at home. Theres a gym somewhere with a climbing wall, a garden with 3 cats (they belong to Cindy), a cafe, a bar or two (or three) a couple of clubs, a games room and a small theatre/cinema with plenty of musical instuments and loads of movies to watch.
Feel free to move the furniture around and discover more rooms/things to do. One more thing. If you bump into anyone famous don't ask them for their autograph - just treat them like normal human beings!
Hello! I'm greeneyes127 and new to hubpages. I'm still slithering around trying to figure out what I'm doing. This post did catch my eye (inspectressgreeneyes127). Where might this yacht be? Sounds like quite an adventure!
Rik- Even if you didn't offer the other amenities just being close to my hub sister Cindy(Misty) is a reason enough for me to join. Btw I would love to have Pina colada (non alcoholic) along with couple of PG wodehouse books. And did you forget to include the advertising picture
greeneyes - welcome to HubPages and my vessel - make yourself at home. Thankfully countrywoman has provided a picture of the vessel. We are somewhere in the Caribbean but my navigator knows where we are.
countrywoman - welcome onboard! The non-alcoholic Pina Colada is in your hand and you'll find the library by the pool. Loads of PG Wodehouse there as I quite like them too! I think Cindy is by the pool chilling out after her swim.
How refreshing!!! I am on board!!!! Time to decompress.
Where are we sailing to? St. Tropez? The Greek Islands? My bags are packed and I am ready to go.
Well, if you have a library you definitely need a library technician to keep those books shelved and to order all the newest novels...I happen to have a diploma in that field
Just give me a desk in the shade with a jug of gin and tonic...
Hey Rik! Countrywomen is on board it seems. Count me in. We haven't talked for quite some time so just hoping to have a good long talk with her. Some good music and vodka or martini would be good enough for me.
Anjali- It would be a pleasure. I love sun, sand and sea with delightful company
Ah, perfect timing...I'm ready for a relaxing cruise in a warm climate.... Thanks for the invitation! And just to ensure that I'm actually relaxing, I'm going to leave the laptop and cell phone back at home. Sun, sun and more sun, here I come!!!
I'm lost and have no idea where to go
maybe if I navigate by the stars
Welcome all on board. Dame Scribe I gather we are heading north from Monserrat, sailing towards Antigua. My Navigator sorts out the details.
welcome Bethtoo - should you change your mind we can lend you a laptop!
anjalichugh - Countrywomen is on her second Wodehouse novel, stretched out in the garden area. I'll send the drinks to you.
Uninvited W - you are really welcome. I've put your jug of G&T in the library. There is a crate of new books to sort at your leisure
AE - welcome on board. I see from your avatar you already have your swim wear on! - next stop is Antigua.
By the way, I'm feeling a little guilty stealing so many HubPages ladies - any men want to join too?
Sorry about the noise of the helicopter - some more guests and supplies just arriving. I'll go and welcome them.
Thanks Rik. I'm having a time of my life.
Helicopter... you would need a pilot.... allow me to offer my services
A welcome offer - our pilot needs a break. Chill out for a few days and when you're ready visit the flight deck.
I'm sooo excited! What's our route and where will the port of calls be???? I'd like to pack accordingly
I would love a break.. can I come to? I can be packed and ready to go in minutes. I have a large bottle of rum I would be happy to share
You can be the fashion designer... hope we guys get our eye candy from your bikini designs.
WHAAAAT, I'm supposed to work instead of sit around write hubs, read hubs, and drink rum fizzies...
I really need to get away from my kids for awhile!! I love them to death but even mom needs a break from time to time. I am on my knees begging to come aboard????
I am even willing to help in the kitchen if need be--I make a mean pasta salad : )
Its hard work being (virtually)rich!
Welcome Zsuzsy - feel free to write hubs and drink those rum fizzies and leave the bikini making until later!
NYMiskovic - welcome aboard - I'll send some reliable people to look after your kids while you're gone. Enjoy the onboard food but if you'd like to do a pasta salad when you've chilled out then that would be great!
Beth - our route appears to be to Antigua then St Kitts. There may be a tropical storm in the next few days but all being well we'll then head for the Virgin Islands so we are heading due North towards Florida.
After dinner tonight we have some informal music in Rik's Bar while the sun sets. Jamie Cullum on piano, some local musicians with a steel band and Amy Whitehouse may make an appearance (but no guarentees she will sing). If you feel brave enough grab a guitar and join the band!
blondpoet - we've been waiting for you - I can see the party hotting up now you are here! Welcome on board. Help yourself to a big cold drink - you'll find the pool at the sharp end!
Lol I already have this wonderful cocktail and am working on my tan. I must say you are a great host, hope you don't mind I invited the television crew aboard later on they want to film a virtual reality TV show on this.
I have noticed you, how can I not?? ROFL.Especially now you are sunning yourself in your birthday suit. Woo hoo. Can you pass the oil please.
I'd love to, but there seems to be a whole line of people waiting to pass you oil!
(Our hero flexes his bicep as he passes the much-needed oil to Blonde Poet who smiles with approval)
Oh my thankyou is it possible to do my back while you are here seeming Evil Pants is too shy.
Oh, wouldn't that be fun, to meet so many lovely hubbers. I hope you have some of those old slatty wooden chairs and plaid blankets. I'll have a gin and tonic. Will there be ballroom dancing in fancy dress?
time to party then... how long should I book off???
Any famous people coming to serenade us?
Ummm....arm wrestle you for him!
Gin and tonic, ballroom dancing n gowns O do spin me around the dance floor ...wait
are they all busy ogling BP n the other sunbathers
Woah! Wait a minute! Whose gonna Captain the yacht, that lush that was responsible for the Exxon Oil fiasco?
Wow! a lot has happened while I've been otherwise engaged.
Thanks to all those who came over to the pool this morning (at a run) to help blondpoet find her bikini top which got stuck in a vent at the deep end.
Shirley - you can wear a lightweight lifejacket or the ducky thing if you prefer!
Tonight (Dame Scribe's suggestion) we're having a traditional dress up dinner with a band and ballroom dancing afterwards. Meanwhile for those who like things less formal there will be a massive barbie by the pool and a free bar.
Tomorrow afternoon (weather permitting)we should arrive in Antigua - our seaboats will be standing by to ferry you ashore.
Here is one of our seaboat skippers:
This is our next port of call: … p;resnum=1
I invited my neighbor and she really is excited to meet everyone on this cruise, with the sun blazing high in the sky and the breeze is cool against my skin, I will just sit right here in this lounge chair in my bikini, its about time I get to wear my brazilian mini bikini, so now that I am situated I will just put on my favorite jazz music from my iPod and read the latest novel by john grishem, how I love those legal thrillers.
Please do stroll by and say hi, I will stop reading my book for some good oonversation, plus my neighbor judy loves to talk, so definitely come and chat it up with her.
I don't know you, Rik, but I hope I'm welcome anyway. I can be friends with anyone owning a yacht. Band and ballroom dancing tonight, huh? Looking for my chiffon gown now. Wild things happened last time I wore that baby.
wordscribe - welcome onboard - I too am curious about the 'wild things' - I'll look out for the chiffon gown!
Well what a night we had last night! The boring old *arts gathered in the ballroom/dining room (me included) in our dinner jackets, tuxedos and formal gowns with the rest stuffing themselves from the BBQ around the pool. I gather Research Analyst won the 'smallest bikini' contest by a hair's breadth while I kicked off the dancing with a gentle Walze with Dame Scribe in the ballroom. Brave of her as I have 2 left feet but she didn't know that until it was too late. Gradually the two groups began to mix and we found men in tuxedos clasping bikini-clad hotties on the dance floor and women in ballgowns finishing off the BBQ and lounging by the pool.
On the stroke of midnight a rare treat. All the lights on the ship were turned off. There was no moon and as our eyes adjusted to the darkness we were overwhelmed by the weighty light of a million stars in the Milky Way stretched out before us like a great curtain. Those of us who looked over the side saw the phosphorescence of million upon million tiny plankton producing an eerie glow around the ships wake. An awesome sight many of us will never forget. But the magical moment was suddenly interrupted by a large splash and cries of "Hubber Overboard!"
The crew responded quickly, turning on spotlights and locating the unfortunate hubber bobbing in the water. Within minutes the sea boat was dropped in the water and the reveller retrieved - one ball gown that will never look the same again. This reminds me, please limit 'streaking' to the pool area. One or two of our older American guests were disturbed when several naked revellers ran passed their sun loungers. This isn't Europe you know!
Finally, don't forget Antigua is our next stop. We'll probably stay for a day or two so you can either live onboard or move into a cabin on the beach for the duration of our stay.
yes I have my party dress on ready for this evening...Ok so let's party woo hoo. Care to tango!!!!!!!
Dancing last night was a lot of fun. Now could I make a request? There are a few thing on my 'to-do-list-before...'
Can we go deep sea fishing? I would like a pic of me with a huge Marlin, and an enormous Barracuda. I need to go see the bird sanctuary on Barbuda and snorkel on bird island. And Parasailing, we gotta go parasailing....sorry does all this sound boring? That would give me 4 checks off my list though. Who would be interested to come along?
Parasailing n diving I'll join you ZB. Rik, you have a most gentle touch
loved our waltzing and those stars, (sigh) such a beautiful sight and never seen water glow like that before. Never see anything like that around my patch of forests and lakes
For those of you awake, we are now anchored off Antigua. The first sea boat is taking people ashore. Remember you can either visit for a few hours or stay in a beach cabin for a few days (conveniently situated on the edge of the tide line).
There, you can sleep under the stars in a hammock and we have (as requested by Zsuzsy) parasailing, diving, sea fishing plus more music and dancing.
Blondpoet having seen your dress, can I have the first Tango on the beach tonight?
Dame Scribe - I won't forget walzing with you under the stars in a hurry - and you are so kind not mentioning my clumsy feet!
Have a great day!
Well we remain achored off Antigua and everyone has disappeared ashore. Some of you have probably settled down and are running a small bar on the beach by now or have found someone special to settle down with.
The great thing about a virtual cruise if you don't need to rush!
PS: Wordscribe - I agree with BP, it is a lovely dress. By the way, is this the chiffon dress with an interesting past?
I am staying close to the yacht I might get lost again
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